Wencai went out and opened the door, but outside was a man wearing the clothes of a servant of the Ren family. As soon as the door opened, he hurriedly ran to Uncle Jiu: "Uncle Jiu, it's not good. Something big has happened."

"What happened?" Uncle Jiu frowned slightly. Right now, Old Master Ren's body was still in Yizhuang, and the curse had been suppressed for the time being, so nothing should happen.

Could it be that Mr. Feng Shui has a back-up plan?

The servant swallowed, took a breath, and then said: "Ren, Miss Ren, Miss Ren felt unwell after returning from the cemetery. After dinner, Master Ren asked the doctor to see him. Who knew that he had just drank a dose of medicine?" , he passed out immediately and his body became cold. Uncle Jiu, Master Ren, please go and see if Miss Ren is possessed!"

When Uncle Jiu heard this, he immediately said to Qiu Shengwencai: "You two stay in Yizhuang and look at the body of Mr. Ren. If there are any changes in the body, come to me immediately. Junior brother, let's go to Ren's house and have a look."


Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng hurried forward and said in unison: "Master, let's go too."

Uncle Jiu glared at them: "Go? Can you help? Keep an eye on Old Master Ren's body. If something goes wrong, just wait to be punished!"

"Oh." Wencai replied frustrated.

Wencai and Qiu Sheng stayed in Yizhuang to guard the body of Mr. Ren. Although Mr. Ren showed signs of turning into a corpse, this time under Lin Ge's "supervision", the entire coffin was filled with ink, which should not appear in the movie. The situation when Mr. Ren jumped out of the coffin floor.

However, for safety reasons, Lin Ge still gave Wencai and Qiu Sheng an exorcism and evil-suppressing talisman to avoid accidents.

Later, Lin Ge and Uncle Jiu followed the servants out of the yard.

Uncle Jiu looked at the servant and asked, "How do we get there?"

The servant held up the 28-inch bicycle with a back seat beside the wall, and looked at Uncle Jiu and Lin Ge awkwardly: "I only thought of taking Uncle Jiu there, but I didn't expect Master Lin... this..."

Lin Ge looked at Qiu Sheng's bicycle by the wall and said, "It's okay, I'll ride Qiu Sheng's bike."

"This bike is not easy to ride, junior brother, please be careful. Why don't you let me ride the bike and you ride in the car?" Uncle Jiu asked.

Lin Ge decisively rejected Uncle Jiu's kindness, and Uncle Jiu sat on the back seat of his servant's bicycle, holding on to the seat with both hands. That picture... is really eye-catching.

Lin Ge could still ride a bicycle. He thought it wouldn't be a big deal to ride the legendary 28-meter pole, but he forgot that he had to go through a large forest to get to the town.

Not only was it dark in the forest, but there were also bumpy muddy roads. It was really difficult to ride on the 28-meter bar, but the servant was obviously used to riding. After a while, Lin Ge couldn't even see the taillights of the car.

"This is the grove of Renjia Village, not Qiu Ming Mountain... Why are you riding a bicycle?"

"Oh. When are you going to let me create a Green Goblin skateboard in the world of "Spider-Man"? Why would I have to suffer like this?" Lin Ge complained casually.

"If I had known, I would have taken the lawyer's Batmobile with him."

It was quiet in the dark forest. Occasionally a gust of wind blew through, and the forest echoed with the sound of rustling leaves. In a daze, it felt like someone was laughing.

Anyone who is timid in this situation would probably be so frightened that his legs would become weak. But it is a pity that Lin Ge can be afraid of everything, but he cannot be "fearful of ghosts".

Swish swish swish.

Swish swish swish.

There was no change in the wind in the forest, but the sound of the leaves rubbing against each other seemed to get louder.

Immediately afterwards, the whole forest was filled with white fog, and the fog became thicker and thicker.

Swish swish swish.

Behind, there was a slight sound of stepping on the grass in the thick fog, as if something was coming out of the foggy woods.

Lin Ge stopped the car and looked into the fog: "Will this female ghost give up on Qiu Sheng and turn around to stare at me? Oh, sister, you will get beaten."

Swish swish swish.

The noise in the woods grew louder and louder. Lin Ge vaguely even heard a vague and ethereal singing sound coming from the fog, which was like the sound of gongs and drums accompanied by a group of children singing in low voices.

Seeing this scene, Lin Ge's mind began to automatically fill in the background of the scene in "Mr. Zombie" where Qiu Sheng bumps into the female ghost.

her eyes her eyes

Like stars shining

See, see, see, see, see


her eyes her eyes

Like stars shining

See, see, see, see, I feel even more panicked

I don’t want to see the bright moon in the sky

I don’t want to see the bright moon in the sky

"Tsk tsk, the DNA is moving."

At this time, two bearers wearing the same clothes and makeup as the paper bearers who were burned to the dead took the lead to walk out of the fog. They were carrying the sedan pole, tilting their heads, with horrible makeup, and they looked like they were smiling but not smiling. "Joyful Smile" can be scary as much as it is scary.

After the bearers appeared, the gloomy red sedan was carried out, accompanied by a "band" beating gongs and drums, all of which were paper figures burned to the dead.

Lin Ge simply got out of the car, supported the car, and watched their performance.

Anyway, it doesn’t cost any money, just take a few glances.

The bearer brought the sedan out of the fog and slowly stopped. The red curtain of the big red sedan was slowly lifted from the inside. The female ghost shyly revealed half of her face and looked at Lin Ge not far away.

How do you say that?

The most attractive thing is to refuse and welcome again, and I still feel pity and heart-wrenching.

Unexpectedly, Lin Ge waved his hand: "That's wrong, that's wrong. In ancient times, when a woman got married, she couldn't lift the door curtain by herself. You're not rigorous enough. Go back and start over."

Lin Ge's words stunned the female ghost, and she choked back the words as soon as they came to her mouth.

But the door curtain had already been lifted, so the female ghost simply gave up. She even lifted the door curtain, holding a red silk scarf in her left hand and a folding fan in her right hand, and flew out of the sedan chair. Fly towards Lin Ge.

"It's a bit better than the one in the movie. But it's still a beauty look. If you turn on the Heavenly Eye and remove the beauty look, you'll be scared to death by that half of your face."

When you look at the female ghost's true face through your Heavenly Eye, you can see that most of her face is rotten, and her eyes are still hanging on the rotten flesh. It's as disgusting as it gets.

When he thought of how many times Qiu Sheng had slept with this female ghost, Lin Ge wanted to give Qiu Sheng a thumbs up. His bravery far surpassed that of a certain scholar named Ning.

When the female ghost heard Lin Ge's "praise", her face lit up, thinking that Lin Ge had taken a fancy to her. Unexpectedly, a terrifying aura suddenly hit her. Even she, a female ghost, found this aura terrifying. This shows how terrifying it is!


A blood-red tornado rolled out of Lin Ge's yellow cloth bag and condensed into a blood-red mirror right in front of the female ghost's flight path. Then Ou Yongqi stretched out her hand from the mirror and slapped the female ghost. With a ghostly face, he slapped the opponent directly from the air to the ground.

Lin Ge spread his hands and said, "Look, I said you want to be beaten."

The familiar red figure flew out of the mirror, came to the female ghost's side in the blink of an eye, and stepped on her throat to prevent her from getting up.

The female ghost wanted to turn into black smoke and escape, but unexpectedly she was trapped by Ou Yongqi's evil spirit.

Then, there was a fat beating.

"Don't beat her to death and ask her about the fog ghost." Lin Ge said.

The female ghost was lifted up by Ou Yongqi and thrown to Lin Ge's feet. Lin Ge squatted down, looked at her with a smile and asked: "Ghost sister, there is a Feng Shui master who practices evil magic hiding in the grave of the old man of the Ren family. This You know what happened, right?”

The female ghost nodded.

"Have you seen the fog ghosts he refined with evil energy?" Lin Ge asked.

The female ghost quickly shook her head: "My lord, those fog ghosts were not created by Mr. Feng Shui, but arrived on the graves in recent years. Those villagers who disappeared before were eaten by the fog ghosts. Mr. Feng Shui saw that the fog ghosts were powerful, Then I used the evil spirit to lure them over and subdue them."

Lin Ge said: "That's it. I said you'd better change your title, otherwise you'll have to get beaten up."

The female ghost said anxiously: "Sir, you are carrying so many ghosts with you, and you don't want me to be the only one. Take me with you. I will serve you with all my heart..."

Before the female ghost finished speaking, a strong murderous intention erupted from Ou Yongqi's body. The black evil spirit condensed directly behind her into a huge black mist snake head. It opened its mouth and spat out snake letters at the female ghost. If she said another word, Words will be swallowed by the snake head!

"If you want to get married, the best choice is to turn your grievances and reincarnate. Even if you find a man now, he can't stand your Yin Qi. That is to say, you haven't harmed anyone yet, and you haven't been contaminated with evil spirits. Otherwise, you are not It's so simple to receive a beating, but it will leave your soul behind." Lin Ge said.

The female ghost glanced at Lin Ge unwillingly, and then looked at Ou Yongqi aside, as if she had been crushed in both appearance and combat power. She sighed, flew back to the sedan chair, and turned into white smoke with a group of paper figures and melted into the ground. middle.

"The Fog Ghost has only appeared in recent years... So it makes sense why Mr. Feng Shui is dead but there is still the breath of the Fog Ghost on the graveyard."


Lin Ge looked at Ou Yongqi, who was standing aside with an expressionless face, and asked with a slightly teasing tone: "Speaking of which, are you really unconscious due to the lack of soul, or are you just pretending to be me?"

Ou Yongqi stared at Lin Ge expressionlessly without any reaction.

Lin Ge rubbed his hands and hummed: "You are forcing me to use a special move. I still don't believe it. I can't try it out today. Look at my 'always on target...'"

Lin Ge's eyes suddenly focused, and he keenly caught a familiar scent, which was the scent of the fog ghost he smelled on the grave mountain.

"Am I being targeted?" Lin Ge always felt as if the fog ghost was targeting him, deliberately "exposing" his whereabouts, as if he wanted to lead him by the nose.

"I want to see what surprise you have prepared for me." Lin Ge got on his bicycle and chased after the ghostly location.

Ren's old house.

As soon as Uncle Jiu entered the room, Mr. Ren came over anxiously: "Uncle Jiu, please help take a look at Tingting. She has been feeling wrong since she came back. After dinner, she fell unconscious just after taking medicine."

"Wait." Uncle Jiu took out Luo Geng first, pinched Luo Geng a little, and walked around the spacious and gorgeous hall with Luo Geng in his arms.

"There is no trace of evil spirits." Uncle Jiu groaned, then looked at Master Ren and asked, "Where is the medicine prescribed by the doctor? Show it to me."

Master Ren quickly ordered the maid to bring up the medicine jar. Uncle Jiu reached out and looked through the medicines in the medicine jar. They were all ordinary medicines for replenishing energy and health, and their medicinal properties were very low.

There is no problem with the medicine.

"Master Ren, take me to see Miss Ren." Uncle Jiu said.

Master Ren took Uncle Jiu to Ren Tingting's room. Next to the luxurious bed, four maids were taking care of the unconscious Ren Tingting.

Uncle Jiu stepped forward and put his hand on Ren Tingting's pulse and listened for a while, then gently lifted her eyelids and checked, but found that there was nothing wrong.

Uncle Jiu stood up, kneaded his hand and recited a mantra towards the center of Ren Tingting's eyebrows, and saw a thin line of black smoke flying out of Ren Tingting's nose.

"Evil energy!" Uncle Jiu was startled and immediately reached out to grab the black energy.

Grabbing the black energy into your hand, you immediately squeeze the secret and cast a spell to suppress the evil energy that wants to escape. Then you take out a yellow talisman from the cloth bag hanging at the waist, take the yellow talisman and slap it on your palm, trapping the evil energy in the yellow talisman. in the symbol.

Seeing this, Mr. Ren stepped forward and asked urgently: "Uncle Jiu, how is Tingting?"

Uncle Jiu said in a deep voice: "It is indeed evil. I am afraid that after falling into the tomb, when we were dealing with Mr. Feng Shui, we were contaminated with the evil spirit in the tomb."

"What should we do?" Mr. Ren only had one daughter, and he suddenly looked anxious.

Uncle Jiu thought for a while and said: "Master Ren, I need a piece of yellow cloth, two roosters, ten pounds of glutinous rice... and an adult big black dog, the more ferocious the better. Please find these things as soon as possible come over."

Master Ren quickly ordered the servants: "What are you doing here? Didn't you hear what Uncle Jiu said? Go and prepare things."

Uncle Jiu then said to the four maids beside the bed: "You four, help Miss Ren to the living room."

The four maids all turned to look at Master Ren. Master Ren immediately said: "Do as Uncle Jiu said."

When Uncle Jiu came to the living room, several servants had already brought ready-made items such as yellow cloth, glutinous rice, and roosters at home. The rest needed to be bought in the town.

Uncle Jiu first took the piece of yellow cloth, stood in the center of the living room, shook his hands, and spread the yellow cloth on the ground with a "whoosh".

Then, he picked up the dustpan filled with glutinous rice on the side, reached in and rummaged through it to make sure it was pure glutinous rice, without adding other rice seeds, and then sprinkled it on the ground.

After spreading the glutinous rice evenly on the ground, Uncle Jiu asked the maid to help Ren Tingting lie down on the yellow cloth, and then asked the servants to help kill the rooster and bleed it.

Uncle Jiu squatted in front of the yellow cloth with a bowl filled with chicken blood, took out a brush from the cloth bag, dipped it in the chicken blood, and drew a circle around Ren Tingting, forming a "human shape" and enclosing her inside.

Uncle Jiu put down the bowl and looked back at Master Ren: "Master Ren, have you found the black dog?"

Master Ren quickly urged the housekeeper to take a look, and everyone waited for a while before seeing several servants come in carrying a cage containing an adult black dog.

The big black dog was barking all the way. Judging from the momentum, it was a bully among dogs. It really satisfied Uncle Jiu's requirement of "the more fierce, the better."

The servant placed the cage in front of Uncle Jiu and asked Uncle Jiu if he wanted help killing the dog. Uncle Jiu waved his hand, took out a yellow talisman from the bag, folded it up, and cast a spell to point the yellow talisman toward the big black dog. With one flick, the yellow talisman hit the big black dog in the forehead, immediately making it quiet.

The surrounding servants looked at Uncle Jiu in surprise, obviously not understanding the principle of this magical operation.

Uncle Jiu squatted in front of the cage, raised his hand and pulled out the big black dog's foot, took out a small knife from the cloth bag, wiped it on the black dog's foot, took some of the chicken blood in a bowl, and then took out a yellow talisman and lit it , put it into a bowl, and stir together the talisman ash, chicken blood, and dog blood.

Then, Uncle Jiu came to Ren Tingting with a bowl and squatted down. He dipped the brush in the Fu Hui blood in the bowl and drew a spell on Ren Tingting's forehead.


Ren Tingting suddenly opened her eyes and pinched Uncle Jiu with a ferocious expression.

Uncle Jiu raised his hand to block and buckle, and the brush in his hand was like a horizontal lock, directly "shrinking" Ren Tingting's two hands together.

"Tingting!" Master Ren shouted anxiously when he saw this.

Uncle Jiu clasped Ren Tingting's struggling hands with one hand, squeezed the secret with the other hand, pointed his fingertips toward the bowl, and then toward Ren Tingting's person!


It was obviously a drop of blood, but Ren Tingting's reaction was as if Uncle Jiu had put a drop of hot oil on her face, causing her to scream in pain.

Master Ren felt heartbroken, but he couldn't do anything to help, and he didn't dare to step forward to cause trouble to Uncle Jiu, so he could only worry on the sidelines.


Ren Tingting opened her mouth wide and screamed in pain. Suddenly, a thick black mist flew out of her mouth and turned into a human-shaped ghost in the air, then immediately flew towards the door.

"Get out of the way!" Uncle Jiu shouted as he put Ren Tingting down.

He knew very well that he must not let this fog ghost escape, otherwise innocent people would be implicated.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he stood up and took two steps to chase after him, a familiar figure appeared at the door, followed by a loud "pop"!

Lin Ge stood at the door, holding a fly swatter bigger than the door. As soon as the fog ghost flew to the door, he was swatted to the ground by his fly swatter.

It is more appropriate to say it is a fly swatter than a spatula, because it was specially made to swat fog ghosts, so there are no holes on it, and an exorcism charm is affixed to it.

Lin Ge removed the fly swatter and immediately used Ma's Soul Sealing Technique to catch the fog ghost and seal it in a yellow talisman. Then he walked into the house.

"Good evening everyone, have you eaten?" Lin Ge greeted warmly.

Uncle Jiu stepped forward and asked with concern: "Junior brother, why did you arrive so late? I was worried that something happened to you on the way."

Lin Ge explained: "Oh, I bumped into a female ghost in the woods, and then smelled the scent of a fog ghost, but I couldn't find it after searching for a long time... By the way, where did you catch this fog ghost, senior brother?"

Uncle Jiu told Lin Ge about the previous situation in detail, and Lin Ge suddenly said: "No wonder after solving the Feng Shui Mr., I still feel a faint aura of fog ghosts around me. It turns out that I borrowed Miss Ren's body a long time ago." He hid. Senior brother, you have the ability to pull it out as soon as you take action."

"My little trick to ward off evil spirits is nothing compared to your superb method of transforming animals, junior brother." Although Uncle Jiu was modest in his words, the smile on his face almost overflowed after being praised by Lin Ge. .

Lin Ge once again became a salesman: "If nothing else, the manifestation technique of this 'Spiritual Cultivation Method' is really convenient. Senior brother, do you want to learn it?"

"Well, next time, definitely next time." Uncle Jiu admitted that this spell is indeed convenient and powerful, but if he has the same brain circuit as his junior brother, he can't stand it with his old face.

At this time, Ren Tingting, who had fallen on the yellow cloth, slowly woke up. As soon as she opened her eyes, she suddenly felt a pain in her middle.

"Tingting!" Mr. Ren immediately stepped forward and helped Ren Tingting up: "How do you feel now? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"Dad, it hurts so much here." Ren Tingting pointed at Renzhong and said.

Master Ren said: "You were possessed by an evil spirit. Thanks to Uncle Jiu for driving away the evil spirit from your body. Thank you Uncle Jiu."

Ren Tingting turned her head and saw Lin Ge standing aside. She said with surprise, "Uncle Lin, are you here too? Did you save me? Thank you!"

Uncle Jiu choked on his face. He was about to answer "You're welcome, of course", but he was choked back. There was only a "big question mark" left in his mind...

"I'm not as capable as my senior brother, let alone the secret technique of exorcising evil spirits. It was my senior brother who saved you." Lin Ge had no interest in grabbing credit.

Ren Tingting quickly looked at Uncle Jiu: "Thank you, Uncle Jiu."

"You're welcome, that's right. To exorcise evil spirits and suppress evil spirits, we practice Taoism..." Uncle Jiu was about to say a few words, but he saw that Ren Tingting had already withdrawn her gaze and looked at Lin Ge.

"Uncle Lin, have you had dinner? I'll let the kitchen cook whatever you want to eat." Ren Tingting stood up, came to Lin Ge, and asked with a smile.

Master Ren quickly ordered his servants: "Take those two chickens into the kitchen and prepare some midnight snacks. I want to thank Uncle Jiu and Master Lin."

"Come on, you two, please take a seat." Master Ren asked Lin Ge and Uncle Jiu to sit down.

Ren Tingting ran directly to Lin Ge and sat down, trying to find a topic with Lin Ge. However, she obviously underestimated the power of Lin Ge's "Topic Terminator", and Lin Ge choked on every sentence and couldn't finish it.

But Ren Tingting obviously didn't want to give up just like that, and she fought and lost again and again. When Mr. Ren saw that Ren Tingting had been pestering Lin Ge, he was helpless and had no choice but to let her go.

Soon, the midnight snack was ready, and everyone was eating and making house-cooking meals. When asked about Lin Ge's age, Mr. Ren was stunned when he heard Lin Ge's answer. He didn't expect that he was a few years younger than he thought.

Uncle Jiu said: "My junior brother is extremely talented. Despite his young age, he is actually the best among our generation. His future is limitless..."

Uncle Jiu played harder and harder, as if what he was playing was not Lin Ge, but himself.

Lin Ge also learned about "Uncle Nine"'s biggest hobby - "loving face". Every time Uncle Jiu boasted about himself, he would immediately change the topic to Uncle Jiu and throw a rainbow fart at him. The compliments made by Uncle Jiu became more and more outrageous, to the point where Lin Ge was the most favorable candidate for the leadership. .

For a time, having a good late-night snack turned into a business rivalry among the Maoshan brothers.

At this time, Master Ren didn't know what was wrong, so he suddenly said: "Master Lin, you are young, are you married?"

Before Lin Ge had time to answer, suddenly, the temperature in the hall suddenly dropped by more than ten degrees. Ren Tingting was so cold that she hugged her arms and kept rubbing them.

"Dad, why is it so cold suddenly?" Ren Tingting asked in confusion.

Master Ren also had a strange look on his face: "Has the situation changed? It won't happen so soon... Butler, ask someone to bring some stoves over."

Uncle Jiu frowned slightly and looked at the yellow cloth bag behind Lin Ge, but then he looked away and said nothing. He picked up the things on the table with his chopsticks and started eating.

The topic of Lin Ge's "marriage" ended because of the sudden drop in temperature in the room.

After dinner, Uncle Jiu and Lin Ge declined Master Ren's invitation to stay overnight, borrowed two 28-inch bicycles, and rode back to Yizhuang.

Riding on the deserted road, Lin Ge already knew that Uncle Nine had discovered Ou Yongqi's existence when he was at Ren's house.

However, he didn't intend to hide it anymore, so he said straight to the point: "Senior brother, you and I don't need to meet anyone. If you have anything to ask me, just say it."

Uncle Jiu thought for a while, and finally asked: "Junior brother, when I first met you, I found that you had a faint evil aura. At first, I thought you were contaminated with evil aura because of slaying demons, but later I found out , the evil spirit on your body is more powerful than ordinary ghosts and gods. And... that evil spirit seems to be used by you."

After a pause, Uncle Jiu said earnestly: "Junior brother, I don't want to get involved in your personal affairs, but being with ghosts will eventually have an impact on your body over time. And the evil ghost on your body is very powerful, very powerful. You might die accidentally."

"Junior brother, don't blame me for being nosy. I don't want you to suffer physical damage in the future and cause irreparable losses. I think it's better to send her to death as soon as possible!"

"Alas." Lin Ge sighed, his face melancholy and solemn, and he sadly told his story: "Brother, it's a long story."

"Qiqi was originally my junior sister. We were childhood sweethearts and childhood sweethearts. Later, I traveled with my master to ward off demons and protect the Tao. Unexpectedly, when I was exorcising evil spirits in a remote mountain village, I encountered a thousand-year-old ghost king. My junior sister was seriously injured in trying to save me and almost lost my mind. I did my best. I tried my best to save only her soul. Although my junior sister's soul was damaged and she lost her sense of autonomy, she still retained a heart that loved me deeply and always stayed by my side and protected me."

"Alas. Master and the thousand-year-old ghost king died together, and I traveled around in order to find a way to remove the evil spirit from junior sister and send her to the afterlife."

Uncle Jiu was shocked when he heard this. He didn't expect that there was such a story behind it. He was extremely moved for a moment: "Junior brother, I misunderstood you. Since my younger brother and sister are controlled by evil spirits, Brother Wei just happened to have some meager tricks to exorcise evil spirits and suppress evil spirits." , in this case, why not go back and let me take a look at it for my younger siblings to see if I can resolve her evil aura."

Lin Ge said with emotion: "Thank you very much, senior brother. You are so kind and kind. I will never forget it."

Back in Yizhuang, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai heard the movement at the door and immediately came out of the house to greet them.

"Master, Uncle! Are you okay? How is it? Has the matter been resolved? Wencai and I have been guarding the coffin, and there has been no problem." Qiu Sheng told Uncle Jiu what happened after they left without waiting for him to ask.

Wencai asked anxiously: "Master, where is Tingting? How is Tingting?"

"Go inside first." Uncle Jiu entered the inner hall and briefly talked about what happened in the Ren family. After hearing that Ren Tingting was fine, Wen Cai was relieved.

Then, Uncle Jiu looked at Lin Ge and said, "Junior brother, please invite your sister out and let me take a look at her. If I can resolve her evil aura, I will do my best for you."

"Brother and sister?" Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai looked at each other in confusion, obviously not understanding what the master was talking about.

Uncle Jiu rewarded the two of them with a backhand, and scolded: "No matter how big or small, she is your uncle's wife, you should call her aunt."

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai had aggrieved expressions on their faces. They didn't even notice this person. They wanted to call them "Master Aunt" but there was no place to call them.

"Then it's Senior Brother Lao." Lin Ge said, directly unwrapped the yellow cloth wrapping the travel bag, took out "Po" and held it in his hand.

In fact, Lin Ge also planned to ask Uncle Jiu to check this "soul" for him. After all, considering Ou Yongqi's situation, this was really weird.

I saw a burst of red mist flying out of Lin Ge's "Po", condensing into Ou Yongqi's beautiful figure beside Lin Ge.


Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai jumped back in fright. They were originally wondering where this mysterious "Master's Aunt" was hiding, but they never thought that the Master's Aunt was not a human at all!

"Ah! Oh!" Qiu Sheng suddenly shouted in surprise, followed by a look of realization on his face. Now he finally understood why his uncle said he saw a female ghost and ran away on the grave hill.

If all female ghosts were as beautiful as Master Aunt, then he would definitely not run away.

"Master's aunt?" Wencai's eyes widened. He had never seen such a beautiful woman in his whole life, especially the red cheongsam that instantly outlined her perfect figure.

Compared with her, Ren Tingting suddenly looked like a hairless girl. This is no wonder why her uncle never looked at Ren Tingting's initiative from the beginning to the end.

With such a lovely wife at home, who needs little daisies on the roadside?

Seeing this, Uncle Jiu directly used the magic formula to cast a spell, muttered a few spells in a low voice, then stepped forward, used the magic formula to point at Ou Yongqi's forehead, and a golden light shot out from his fingertips and flew towards Ou Yongqi's forehead.

Unexpectedly, a black mist suddenly condensed on Ou Yongqi's forehead, blocking the golden light.

Uncle Jiu was stunned. He didn't expect that his magic to detect the concentration of evil energy could not even get close to the opponent. He was surprised and said: "I'm afraid this has surpassed the evil energy of the red-clothed ghost and reached the realm of a fierce god. Junior brother, younger brother and sister, could it be? Swallowed the evil spirit of other ghosts?"

Uncle Jiu was indeed an "expert" and could see the problem at a glance. Lin Ge then "polished" the previous incident of Ou Yongqi swallowing the evil spirit, and packaged it as if Ou Yongqi took the risk of swallowing the evil spirit to save him.

"That's it." Uncle Jiu nodded after hearing this, and continued to use spells to test Ou Yongqi's soul. He even used Bagua Mirror, Luo Geng and other props to try to find out the problem of Ou Yongqi's soul.

After lighting the incense, Uncle Jiu asked, "Junior brother, can you show me your sister's soul?"

Lin Ge immediately handed over "Po".

Uncle Jiu took the "Po". Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai also saw a human's "Po" for the first time. They immediately came up to him with curious expressions. Seeing the small round red ball in Uncle Jiu's hand that was the size of a thumb, Qiu Sheng couldn't help but He asked: "Master, is this the 'so' of a person? There are seven souls in human beings, so which one of Auntie Master's soul is this?"

Uncle Jiu ignored Qiu Sheng, but carefully looked at the "red soul" in his hand. The more he looked at it, the more frightened he became, and the more he looked at it, the tighter his frown became.

"Junior brother, there is something wrong with my sister's soul." Uncle Jiu said in a deep voice.

Lin Ge also knew that there was something wrong with Ou Yongqi's "po", but the problem was that he couldn't see where the problem was, so he humbly asked Uncle Jiu for advice.

Uncle Jiu kneaded the secret and cast a spell towards the "red soul", then looked at Lin Ge and asked: "Junior brother, tell me honestly, have you ever tried to use evil magic to resurrect your siblings before?"

When Lin Ge heard this, he was suddenly shocked.

He never expected that Uncle Jiu, who was known as the thickest thigh in the "zombie movie", had such a keen eye that he could spot the key problem at a glance.

But if you want to figure out where Ou Yongqi's problem lies, it's obvious that you can't hide such a key issue.

As a result, Lin Ge entered the scene in one second, turned on the sensational mode, and sadly expressed his unforgettable "love" for Ou Yongqi.

"Confused, confused."

Uncle Jiu sighed: "Junior brother, your relationship with your younger siblings is as strong as gold, but you are a cultivator. You should know the consequences of using evil magic indiscriminately! Confused, confused!"

Lin Ge said sadly: "Brother, I know I was wrong. Please help me think of a way to save my junior sister. I will stick to my heart and dedicate the rest of my life to upholding justice and subduing demons!"

Uncle Jiu held the "Red Soul" and said with a serious face: "Junior brother, do you know why after you used evil magic to resurrect your younger sister, her three souls are still there, but she is unconscious?"

"Why?" This was the question Lin Ge wanted to know the most, and he immediately asked.

Uncle Jiu sighed: "If my guess is correct, you should have tried to use evil magic to resurrect your sister-in-law shortly after they passed away. In fact, there was a senior brother in our sect who used a similar method. But junior brother Did you know that 'resurrection' actually means using evil methods to summon the soul, and then sealing the soul of the deceased into the corpse? If the six roots are sufficient, there is indeed a certain chance of awakening the person."

"... Changing one's fate against the will of heaven is not tolerated by heaven. Therefore, even if it is really successful, the resurrected person will not live for long, and the soul and the body are incompatible, causing the body to 'turn into a corpse' quickly. However, the problem with the younger siblings arises In...junior brother, the soul you recruited is the soul of your younger sister, but it is not entirely her soul."

"Huh?" Not only Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were confused by this, but Lin Ge was also confused.

Lin Ge asked: "Brother, what is the meaning of this?"

Uncle Jiu explained: "According to ancient records, the souls of us cultivators are usually called 'spiritual consciousness'. When cultivating reaches a certain height, we can use the main spiritual consciousness to transform into clones and put the clones into three thousand small worlds to replace us. Overcoming tribulations. Just like our ancestor, it is very likely that what we worship on weekdays is just a ray of spiritual consciousness left by the ancestor in this small world, and his main spiritual consciousness is out of our reach. "

Lin Ge was stunned. Although he had long known that the gods and Buddhas in the sky would invest a ray of spiritual consciousness into each world, he never dreamed that he could hear "from Uncle Jiu's mouth" about the main spiritual consciousness and clones. statement.

At this moment, Lin Ge suddenly realized what the master meant when he said, "Now our people in the upper world are cooperating with you, and your spiritual consciousness or projection enters the incarnation of a 'plot character'."


Lin Ge sighed deeply in his heart...Master, Grandmaster, what exactly do you want me to do? If you do this, I will be under great pressure.


Lin Ge suddenly came back to his senses. According to Uncle Jiu's explanation, Ou Yongqi...

Seeing Lin Ge's surprised expression, Uncle Jiu knew that he understood what he meant, so he continued: "So, junior brother, when you resurrected your younger siblings, there was something wrong with the evil spell. Although you brought back the souls of your younger siblings, it didn't work. But it is the split souls of my siblings from other worlds, or...the main consciousness."

"The main soul merged and something went wrong, causing the younger siblings to lose their consciousness. But... the clones in each world have their own seven souls. With this move of yours, you not only brought the souls over, but also attracted...' Souls merge with souls, souls collide with souls, and then they are all stuffed into one body... This results in extra souls appearing in the end!"

As he spoke, Uncle Jiu twisted the "red soul" between his fingers and said: "Junior brother, look carefully, this soul seems to be more than just one soul. It is more like a fusion formed by one soul crushing and absorbing the original soul. The most important thing is The strange thing is that the red smoke that envelops the soul is actually the remnant soul."

"In other words, you have summoned the split souls or main souls of your siblings from other worlds. A person only has three souls. All these messy souls are competing for dominance. Losing consciousness is already considered a minor issue, but not turning into a crazy ghost is already a serious matter. The best ending. Alas. Evil will remain evil."

After Uncle Jiu's explanation, Lin Ge suddenly became enlightened, and the doubts in his heart were finally solved. No wonder he always felt that Ou Yongqi was conscious, but not completely conscious.

After working on "Resurrecting the Dead, Flesh and Bones" for a long time, something went wrong. The soul was revived, and souls from other worlds were summoned, even Ou Yongqi's consciousness.

The souls merged with each other, and the extra souls turned into red mist and wrapped around the souls. The souls collided with each other, and the soul that broke through was swallowed by one of the souls.

He was resurrected with good intentions, but the result was that he made life worse than death for others, which is a vivid interpretation of "good intentions do bad things".


Lin Ge suddenly realized a more critical issue. According to Uncle Jiu, it was recorded in ancient books that only ascetics have spiritual consciousness.

Not only are you a cultivator, you must also cultivate to a certain level!

Although he falsely claimed that Ou Yongqi was his "junior sister", she was not a cultivator at all!

"I couldn't have... accidentally killed a big boss who came down to help me, right?" Lin Ge thought with a strange look on his face.

But the matter has come to this, and it is useless to continue to struggle. The key is to find a way to save it.

"Senior brother, is there any way to save it?" Lin Ge asked.

Uncle Jiu thought for a while and replied: "It's very difficult. It's very difficult. I can only look through ancient books to see if there is any way to save it. Junior brother, please remember not to use evil magic indiscriminately in the future."

"Senior brother's teachings must be kept in mind." Lin Ge vowed.

At this time, Uncle Jiu glanced at Lin Ge's travel bag again: "Junior brother, actually I wanted to ask before. The ghost energy I sensed seems to be more than just my younger siblings..."

When Lin Ge heard this, he immediately said awkwardly: "Ha, senior brother, I was just about to explain this to you... I have been killing demons and demons all the way, but not all demons and monsters will cause harm to the world. I also thought Lead them back to the right path and benefit society.”

"So?" Uncle Jiu raised his eyebrows with a strange expression.

Lin Ge smiled awkwardly and said, "So I accidentally collected a little too much. Come on, girl, come out and meet your uncle and brothers."

"Hee hee hee--"

Following a burst of familiar laughter, a plume of black smoke flew out of the travel bag.


"elder brother."

"Want to play with my bear?"

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