Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 214 Corpse Cave Mystery Formation? I have X-ray on the whole time

Chapter 214 Corpse Cave Mystery Formation? I turned on X-ray the whole time...

The yellow cloth thrown by Lin Ge covered the thick black smoke. The black smoke wanted to break through the obstruction and directly printed a human figure with "baring teeth and claws" on the yellow cloth.



A scream like a ghost sounded under the yellow cloth, frightening the people around to the point of splitting their livers and gallbladders. The few people carrying the coffin were so frightened by the scene in front of them that they fell to the ground.

Lin Ge raised his hand and wiped the earthen bowl filled with chicken blood on the altar. After his hand was stained with chicken blood, he raised his hand and flicked the chicken blood on the yellow cloth, then rushed forward to knead the secrets towards the figure in the yellow cloth. a little!

"Hurry as the law dictates!"


With a heart-rending scream, the black smoke shrank back into the tomb, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye, as if it had never appeared.

Lin Ge stepped forward and picked up the yellow cloth, shook the dirt on it, stood next to the tomb and looked down. The strange thing is that inside is a bottomless hole filled with black mist.

Uncle Jiu came to the tomb and looked down, his brows suddenly furrowed.

Lin Ge sighed: "Brother, this Feng Shui master specifically emphasized that the coffin must be lifted up and buried after twenty years. Sure enough, there is something fishy. In my opinion, it may not be because he does not want to continue harming the Ren family."

Although Uncle Jiu's sense of smell is not as good as Lin Ge's, he is still very sensitive to ghosts and evil spirits. Just standing at the entrance of the tomb, he can clearly feel the dark wind below, filled with strong evil spirits.

Uncle Jiu suddenly thought of something and immediately shouted to Qiu Sheng: "Qiu Sheng, lead someone to open the restaurant."

"Yes, Master." Although Qiu Sheng is usually naughty, he usually doesn't lose his temper at times like this. He will do whatever Master says.

Qiu Sheng asked two servants of the Ren family who were not paralyzed by fear to help. After removing the coffin nails, the three of them worked together to lift the coffin lid. However, just halfway through, they heard a "rustling" sound coming from the woods not far away. Abnormal noise.

Immediately afterwards, a group of crows screamed "quacking" and flew out of the forest, as if indicating that something terrible was about to happen, they flapped their wings and fled into the distance.

When Uncle Jiu saw this, he counted with his fingers, and his expression suddenly changed: "Qiu Sheng, open the restaurant!"

Qiu Sheng and two strong men worked together to lift the lid of the coffin, and a strong black gas suddenly floated out from inside. However, the strange thing was... the coffin was empty!

"Ah! Where is my late father's body?" Upon seeing this, Mr. Ren's expression changed suddenly.

"Wencai." Uncle Jiu stretched out his hand towards Wencai.

Wencai immediately stepped forward, took out a large Luo Geng with a diameter of 30 centimeters from the cloth bag he was carrying and handed it to Uncle Jiu: "Master."

Uncle Jiu held Luo Geng in one hand and calculated with the other. He walked around the coffin and returned to the tomb. He squatted down and picked up some soil from the tomb with his hands, and rubbed it in his hands.

"Senior brother, have you discovered anything?" Lin Ge squatted next to Uncle Jiu and asked.

Uncle Jiu looked at the dark hole and said, "There must be something wrong down here. I suspect... Mr. Feng Shui tampered with it when Mr. Ren was buried. Mr. Ren's body should be down here."

When Mr. Ren, who was standing next to the two of them, heard this, he immediately became anxious: "Uncle Jiu, Master Lin, you think of a way to recover my late father's body. As long as you can find it, money is not a problem."

Uncle Jiu was puzzled: "Mr. Ren, this is not a matter of money. It's just that this cave is very evil and it is very dangerous to go down there."

Lin Ge stood up and patted Uncle Jiu on the shoulder, looked at Master Ren and said, "Money is not the problem, the problem is that I am afraid of not having money. As long as Master Ren can afford the price, I am willing to risk my life to go down and have a look for you."

"Master Lin, as long as you can find my late father's body, the price will be whatever you want." Mr. Ren vowed.

In fact, even if Mr. Ren didn't ask Lin Ge for help, Lin Ge would still go down and take a look. Because Mr. Ren is the final boss of the movie "Mr. Zombie", and now even the corpse has disappeared. If he doesn't find it quickly, Lin Ge is afraid that the Lord God will give him a huge surprise in the end and tell him that Mr. Ren's actual last name is "Jiang", then there is no need to play.

Instead of passively waiting for the Lord God to prepare a surprise, it is better to take the initiative.

"Junior brother, this is too dangerous, you can't do it, you can't do it!" Uncle Jiu didn't expect Lin Ge to go down to the tomb to look for the body, and suddenly felt that it was too risky.

Lin Ge said seriously: "Brother, you also saw the ghostly energy just now. If you just leave it alone, I'm worried that it will affect Renjia Village. 'Good versus evil, fight for life' is the purpose of our sect. Now I know that there is something in this tomb. Problem, I just stood by and watched, and I will have no shame to see the Grandmaster again in the future."

"Alas. What junior brother said is absolutely true. In that case, let me go down with you." Uncle Jiu said.

As soon as these words came out, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai immediately stepped forward: "Master, let's go too."

"You stay up there and guard, while my junior brother and I go down first to take a look." Uncle Jiu refused Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai. After all, it was extremely dangerous down there. The more people who went down, the more targets they would have.

At this moment, the entire mountain began to shake violently, followed by a loud "rumbling" sound, and the entrance of the tomb began to collapse.


Awei was standing next to the tomb. When the ground collapsed, he was the first to fall.

"team leader!"


"Master Wei!"

Everyone was immediately in a panic, but when they saw the ground collapse getting worse and worse, they didn't care about Ah Wei's life or death, so they all ran down the mountain.

"You two, help Master Ren down the mountain quickly!" As soon as Uncle Jiu finished speaking, the ground collapse had already affected them.


Ren Tingting screamed, and fell into the pit as soon as her feet were empty.

"Junior brother, save people quickly!" Uncle Jiu grabbed Master Ren and took him aside, but in just one second, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai also fell into the hole.

Even if Lin Ge wanted to save people, he couldn't save three people with two hands, so he simply jumped down.

When Uncle Jiu saw this, he felt bad and couldn't help shouting: "Junior brother, I asked you to save people, not to go down with them... Oh, forget it, Master Ren, hurry up and go down the mountain with your servants. , I’ll go down too. Don’t worry, as long as I don’t die, I will definitely bring your daughter back.”

"Uncle Jiu, my daughter is begging you. Please, please save her!" After Master Ren said this, Uncle Jiu quickly asked someone to take him down the mountain.

Then, Uncle Jiu jumped into the pit.

After going down, Uncle Jiu estimated that the hole was at least ten meters high, filled with thick black mist, and he couldn't see his fingers. As soon as he landed, he raised his voice and shouted: "Junior brother! Qiusheng! Wencai! Tingting!"

"Master!" Soon, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai responded in the darkness.

"Uncle Ninth! Uncle Ninth! Come and save me, Uncle Ninth! I am Awei, come and save me!" At this time, Awei's voice sounded in the darkness in the same direction as Qiu Shengwencai.

Uncle Jiu shouted: "Don't move, I'll go find you."


"Junior brother! Tingting!" Uncle Jiu moved towards Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai while looking for the voice, and called Lin Ge and Ren Tingting loudly again.

"Uncle Jiu, I'm here. I'm with... and Uncle Lin. I'm fine." In the darkness, Ren Tingting's voice sounded from another direction.

"Oops. Ah. My ankle is sprained." In the darkness, Ren Tingting groaned in pain.

Lin Ge: ...Sister, don’t think that I can’t see you because you’re black. You obviously twisted it slightly on purpose. You’re so close. You want to take advantage of me, right?

Although the evil spirit in the cave is thick, the black fog is filled, and you can't see your fingers, but that is only for other people. As soon as Lin Ge came down, he immediately opened his double-pupil sky eyes, so in his eyes, these thick black fog did not exist at all. What he saw was the map with the fog of war dispelled.

Lin Ge could not only see Ren Tingting's small movements of deliberately twisting her feet, but he could also see Uncle Jiu who was experiencing the blind man's touch in the distance, as well as Wencai, Qiu Sheng and Awei who were hiding by the wall waiting for the master to find them.

"Junior brother, are you okay?" Although Uncle Jiu couldn't see the road and moved forward cautiously, he was still worried about Lin Ge's safety.

Uncle Jiu took out a yellow talisman, held it between his two fingers, and rubbed it gently. The yellow talisman instantly ignited. As the yellow talisman burned, the surrounding black mist dissipated a little.

However, as the yellow talisman was burned out, the black mist gathered again. It can be seen that if the source is not found and the evil spirit is completely dispelled, it is impossible to prevent the black mist from condensing.

Seeing this, Lin Ge replied loudly: "I'm fine, I'll bring Miss Ren over right now."

Ren Tingting leaned shyly next to Lin Ge and whispered: "Uncle Lin, you... just call me, call me Tingting."

Lin Ge:......

Seeing Ren Tingting limping forward and constantly leaning on him, Lin Ge suddenly felt helpless, but in order not to waste time, he simply picked up Ren Tingting, picked her up and walked quickly towards Uncle Jiu.


Lin Ge could see clearly in the cave, but Ren Tingting was no different from a blind man. Lin Ge's movement was so sudden that she was frightened and screamed.

This voice immediately attracted the attention of Qiu Sheng, Wen Cai and A Wei.

"Miss Ren, are you okay?" Wencai asked anxiously.

Qiu Sheng shouted: "Miss Ren, just stand where you are and don't move. When Master comes to find us, we will go find you. Don't worry, I will definitely save you."

Awei shouted: "Cousin, wait for me, I will be here soon!"

In the darkness, Ren Tingting's voice came: "No... I'm fine. I just sprained my foot. It's fine."

Lin Ge quickly came up behind Uncle Jiu. In order to prevent Uncle Jiu from mistaking him for a monster, he shouted in advance: "Brother, we are behind you."

When Uncle Jiu turned around, Lin Ge put Ren Tingting down, took out a burning talisman and lit it. A little burning talisman immediately "burned" away a large area of ​​evil energy around her.

Upon seeing this, Uncle Jiu immediately stepped forward to help Ren Tingting up with him, and asked, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Miss Ren sprained her foot." Lin Ge replied.

The two of them supported Ren Tingting, one on the left and the other on the right, and then moved towards where Qiu Sheng and the others were.

After the six people gathered together, Ah Wei allowed Tingting to reach her feet and immediately volunteered: "Cousin, let me carry you. My cousin is strong and can carry you easily."

"No, no need. I'll just follow Uncle Lin." Ren Tingting avoided Ah Wei's hand and moved closer to Lin Ge.

"Miss Ren, why don't you let me carry you?" Qiu Sheng said.

"Me too!" Wencai quickly answered.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai originally wanted to squeeze through, but were blocked by Uncle Jiu.

"Wencai, give me Luo Geng." Uncle Jiu couldn't see clearly and could only judge his position from Wencai's voice. He reached over and just touched Wencai's face. He pinched his nose to confirm.

"Master, Luo Geng Luo Geng, oh, don't pinch my nose, it hurts." Wencai raised his head, trying to break away from the master's clutches, and quickly took out Luo Geng and stuffed it into Uncle Jiu's hand.

Uncle Jiu took Luo Geng, bit his finger and put it in the center of Luo Geng, pinched the hand and recited the mantra, and then the drop of blood on Luo Geng burst into a dazzling golden light, which instantly dispersed the surrounding condensed blood. of black mist. However, the black mist was only dispersed for a few seconds, and then quickly condensed together at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this, Uncle Jiu frowned and said, "Junior brother, this place is filled with evil spirits. In my opinion, it should be a confusing formation. If you want to break the formation, you must find the source."

Lin Ge turned his head and looked at the wall not far away. There were some weird talisman patterns carved on it, and the entire floor of the cave was densely engraved with the same talisman patterns. The strange talisman patterns on the wall are emitting black smoke, echoing the talismans on the ground, forming a thick black mist that makes it impossible to identify the direction.

Lin Ge was about to point out the location of the spell to Uncle Jiu, but he heard Uncle Jiu say first: "I use the spell to break the barrier. Although it can only last for a few seconds, I can keep moving forward with these seconds. Try a few more times." Once, you can get out smoothly."

Lin Ge was about to say that there was no need to go to such trouble, but he saw that Uncle Jiu had bitten his finger and squeezed the blood to cast a spell. Luo Geng's body erupted with golden light again, dispersing the black mist.

However, Uncle Jiu's operation was as fierce as a tiger, and the actual effect was two seconds and five. In just the blink of an eye, the black mist dispersed by the golden light condensed again.

"Senior brother, let me do it." Lin Ge said, pulling Ren Tingting over him and asking her to stand next to Uncle Jiu to avoid accidents.

Uncle Jiu warned: "Junior brother, be careful. This ghost aura is strong and pungent. I feel that only a fierce ghost at the level of a ferocious god can have such an aura. Maybe there is a ferocious god hidden in this thick fog. In my opinion, , why don’t we retreat to the corner and defend, forming a formation and advancing step by step.”

If Lin Ge had not turned on clairvoyance, then Uncle Nine's method would undoubtedly be the safest and most appropriate. But if Lin Ge turned on his double-pupil sky eyes, there would be no fog of war in his eyes. Not to mention the evil spirit in the entire cave, there was even a resentful spirit. There are no evil spirits.

"Senior brother, there is no need to worry. I am proficient in the secret method of breaking obstacles. This little confusion is not worth mentioning." Lin Ge said.

Uncle Jiu nodded: "Then be careful."

Lin Ge walked directly towards the wall with the strange incantation. Although it was only a dozen meters away, it would have taken a long time for another person to walk, but Lin Ge had no difficulty in using X-ray.

When he came to the wall, Lin Ge first made an "exorcism seal" and leaned against the wall. However, a strong wind blew by, but the spell on the wall did not react at all.

The magic didn't work, so Lin Ge took out a cannon mine and threw it. With a bang, the wall shook and dirt fell down, but it had no effect.

"Junior brother, are you okay?" Uncle Jiu asked loudly when he heard the explosion.

Lin Ge replied "It's okay", took a step forward, came to the wall, raised his hand and knocked on the wall, and said with a smile: "Hey, inside, are you going to come out? If not, I will change my power." It’s a bigger bomb, don’t blame me if it collapses and everyone is buried.”


Suddenly, a sneer came from behind the wall: "I don't believe you dare to blow up this place. If this place collapses, you will all be buried underneath!"

Lin Ge shrugged indifferently: "But I can teleport, can you?"

"Huh?" The person behind the wall obviously didn't understand what teleportation was.

However, the next moment, there was only a "chi" sound, and a black mist appeared behind the man behind the wall, and then condensed into a blood-red mirror.

In the mirror, a slender pale hand stretched out and pinched the man's neck directly!

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