Uncle Jiu led Lin Ge to a guest room and said, "I haven't had time to clean up the other guest rooms. This was cleaned up a few days ago for my other junior brother to live in. As a result, he left in a hurry and everything in the room was gone. It's a new one, no one has used it. If you need anything else, just ask Wen Cai to take care of it."

"Thank you, senior brother." Lin Ge said.

Uncle Jiu said with a smile: "Although our Maoshan sect has many different branches and branches, the source of the river extending from the sea, no matter how many branches it has, comes from the same place. Since we are members of our own family, there is no need to be polite, and one more person is welcome. Just have an extra pair of chopsticks, treat this place as your own home, and live in peace of mind."

"Yes, senior brother." Lin Ge thanked Uncle Jiu and went back to the house to rest. The sixty days would be another matter whether he could find a branch or not, which would at least give him "sufficient" time to practice.

After all, with Lin Ge's "Wine Sacrifice Feather Guest" realm, and now he only relies on the thirty days of rest time in the main god space to practice, the possibility of breakthrough is very small.

And this is still combined with the practice of "Spiritual Cultivation Method". If there is no "Spiritual Cultivation Method" to speed up, it is really not an exaggeration to describe it as slow.

After practicing until evening, Wencai made dinner and invited Lin Ge out for dinner. In a daze, Lin Ge had the illusion of returning to Fuxi Hall.

"Sigh. I don't know how senior brother and the two careless disciples are doing now." Lin Ge sighed and followed to the main hall.

Uncle Jiu had been waiting for a long time. He stood up and greeted Lin Ge warmly to sit down.

The three of them had dinner, and Lin Ge and Uncle Jiu talked about the Heart Sutra and secret techniques. The topic gradually changed from cultivation to the coffin removal and burial of the Ren family tomorrow.

Uncle Jiu sighed: "The most taboo thing about the burial of ancestors is to move the coffin. This kind of thing is worse than silence. If it is not handled well, it may lead to bad luck. What's more, I always feel that Mr. Ren had many troubles during his lifetime. There is something fishy about the coffin being moved and buried twenty years later."

Lin Ge originally wanted to persuade Uncle Jiu not to think too much, but he heard Wencai say vaguely while eating: "Master, why are you so worried? Anyway, we just collect money and do things. Besides, with your ability, Master, don't say When the coffin is lifted and buried, even if a zombie is dug out, it won’t be a problem.”

Lin Ge: ...Literary talent, I didn’t expect you to have the talent of crow’s mouth?

Uncle Jiu gave Wencai a backhand and scolded him: "Wencai, how do I teach you on weekdays? In our profession, you have to do your best. If you are not careful, you will ruin other generations, or even several generations!"

"Master, I was wrong." Wencai lowered his head to eat.

Lin Ge shook his head and sighed. This literary talent is the one who plays the role of comedy in the movie. He is a talented person who is not good at anything and is the first to admit his mistakes.

Of the two apprentices of Uncle Jiu, Qiu Sheng could barely read. Although his skills and brains were pretty good, he unfortunately had a trouble-making personality and got into a lot of trouble.

No matter what, it is better than literary talent.

"Brother, don't worry too much. Since it's a foregone conclusion that the coffin will be lifted up and buried tomorrow, why not take a good rest today and recharge your batteries," Lin Ge comforted.

Uncle Jiu nodded and simply stopped thinking about it. Master Ren was determined to bury his father anyway, so he could only try his best to get things done.

After dinner, Lin Ge discussed some cultivation issues with Uncle Jiu and then returned to the house to continue practicing. Early the next morning, he heard the sound of moving things outside.

When Lin Ge came out of the house, he saw Wen Cai Qiu Sheng and a few workers in white vests carrying out the packed fragrant wax paper candles, long table and other props for setting up the altar in the yard.

"Senior brother, is there anything I can do to help?" Lin Ge walked towards Uncle Jiu and asked.

Uncle Jiu waved his hand: "No, just keep them busy with these small things. It's still early, junior brother, don't you want to sleep for a while? Did it disturb you?"

"Yesterday, I was enlightened by my senior brother's advice. I got up early today to have morning classes and practice the Heart Sutra." Lin Ge's tone was full of respect and admiration, and there was a wave of commercial flattery.

Uncle Jiu waved his hand: "We were communicating with each other, so why did we say 'instructions'? Junior brother is talented and intelligent, and it is your luck that my meager knowledge can help you."

"Haha, senior brother is too modest. Senior brother's reputation is very popular among my disciples. As the saying goes, as long as senior brother is around, monsters and ghosts will no longer be scary." Lin Ge said with a smile.

"Master!" At this time, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng walked into the courtyard together. The latter greeted Lin Ge with a smile: "Master, you're up so early."

Wencai also respectfully shouted: "Uncle."

Uncle Jiu asked: "How are the preparations going?"

Qiu Sheng replied: "It's all done. I'll ask the workers of the Ren family to move the things over first. After noon, we can set off in time."

Uncle Jiu nodded and gave a few more instructions before returning to the hall with Lin Ge.

Master Ren paid great attention to the matter of lifting the coffin and moving it for burial. As soon as noon arrived, he immediately sent someone to pick up Uncle Jiu in a sedan chair.

Uncle Jiu thought it would be better to prepare early, so he packed up and set off. Arriving at the top of the hill where the ancestral graves of the Ren family are located, Mr. Ren, his daughter Ren Tingting, and all the servants have been waiting for a long time.

"Uncle Ninth. Master Lin." Seeing Uncle Ninth and others arriving, Master Ren immediately came forward with Ren Tingting to greet them.

"Uncle Ninth." Ren Tingting shouted obediently, ignoring Wencai and Qiu Sheng behind Uncle Ninth.

Yesterday, she was mistook by Qiu Sheng for the young lady of Yihong Courtyard, and she was offended by Wen Cai before that. She didn't have any good feelings towards these two people, and she didn't even bother to look at them.

Master Ren said, "Tingting, why are you so rude? This is Uncle Jiu's junior brother, please call me Uncle Lin."

Lin Ge:? ? ?


Are you polite?

Not right either.

It seems "very polite" to others.

Ren Tingting saw Uncle Jiu before and said hello obediently as a junior. Then she saw the two apprentices behind Uncle Jiu. She immediately turned aside in anger and did not notice that there was another person behind them.

At this time, I looked up and found that it was the young man I had met at the Western restaurant yesterday... But, he was Uncle Jiu's junior brother?


"What are you doing standing still? Call someone." Master Ren urged.

Just when Lin Ge wanted to say "No need to force it", after all, he didn't want to be this "uncle", he saw Ren Tingting smiled sweetly and called out: "Uncle Lin."

"Uh." Others shouted, but Lin Ge could only respond.

At this time, a short fat man wearing glasses jumped out from behind Mr. Ren, stood in front of Ren Tingting, and greeted everyone with a smile: "I am Tingting's cousin, Ah Wei, the security captain of Renjia Village. Thank you for meeting me." "

Wencai saw that Ren Tingting didn't even look at him, so he could only look up eagerly, but he heard Uncle Jiu say: "Wencai, Qiu Sheng, why are you still standing there?"

"Yes, Master." Qiu Sheng pulled Wencai, and Wencai could only follow him with a look of regret. He set up the long table, covered it with red cloth, placed fragrant wax paper candles, and served fruits and roasted pigs.

After Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai got up at the altar, Uncle Jiu put on a yellow Taoist robe and a black Taoist crown. He stood in front of the altar, counted his fingers, and said, "Wen Cai, give me a toast, Qiu Sheng, please bring me the ritual tools."

"Yes! Master." Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai responded at the same time.

Then, Wencai took out three silver square-footed cups from the basket on the side and placed them on the altar. He also took out a silver wine jug, muttered something in his mouth, and poured wine into the wine cups.

Qiu Sheng walked to another backpack and bowed respectfully. Then he opened the backpack and dragged a small weapon rack with both hands. On it was a thirty or forty centimeter long sword with a dark body and a red hilt. rope dagger.

Qiu Sheng carefully "invited" the dagger to the center of the altar. After placing it, Wen Cai took the silver wine pot and poured wine from the tip of the sword to the hilt.

After finishing, the two of them bowed to the dagger together, and then stepped aside.

Uncle Jiu looked at the sky and counted with his fingers. He felt that the time was almost up. He lit three sticks of incense, inserted them into the tripod of the altar, and said solemnly: "Everyone must worship sincerely and respectfully."

Uncle Jiu stepped aside, and Master Ren and the Ren family followed closely behind, offering incense one after another, and then bowed respectfully.

After completing the worship ceremony, Uncle Jiu walked around the tomb of the old man of the Ren family. The Ren family is the richest man in the village. The tomb covers an area of ​​more than ten square meters. It is made of fine stones and the carvings on it are lifelike. At first glance, you can tell that a lot of money was spent on it.

Uncle Jiu walked around and found Lin Ge standing behind the tombstone, seemingly studying something, so he stepped forward and asked, "Junior brother, is there anything wrong?"

Lin Ge's sense of smell was much more sensitive than Uncle Jiu's. When he first came to the tombstone, he smelled a faint evil aura. When he got closer to the tombstone, he discovered that the evil aura was wafting out of the tomb.

Before Lin Ge could tell Uncle Jiu that he had noticed that Mr. Ren might have transformed into a corpse, he saw Mr. Ren and Captain Awei coming over.

Master Ren said in a rather proud tone: "Uncle Jiu, Mr. Feng Shui said back then that this piece of land was difficult to find and that it was a rare good hole."

Uncle Jiu also saw that this was indeed a good point, so he nodded and followed Master Ren's words: "Yes, this point is called Dragonfly Pointing Water Point. It is three feet and four feet long, and only four feet can be used. It is one foot and three feet wide, and only three feet can be used. Therefore, the coffin cannot be buried flat, and it must be buried legally."

Master Ren gave Uncle Jiu a thumbs up and said, "Uncle Jiu, you are exactly what that Feng Shui master said back then, which is amazing."

Lin Ge took out the Bagua Feng Shui compass and walked around the tomb, sighing: "It's a pity that in order to show off your family background, you made the tombstone so big. It not only blocked the 'water hole', but also covered the acupuncture points. The range of the acupuncture formation is wrapped in, and the dragonfly touches the water and leaves immediately. Now that it is locked inside, I am afraid that the dragonfly has died long ago."

Uncle Jiu also sighed after hearing this: "Junior brother is right. A dragonfly touching a water hole needs to be buried vertically. The original meaning of vertical burial is to lift a dragonfly to touch the water, and then the water will leave. And now you are cultivating a big The tomb covers this place, turning the river into a pond, and the pond into a ditch, and covering the dragonflies in it. The gain outweighs the loss, and the gain outweighs the loss."

Mr. Ren hesitated and said, "But the Feng Shui master back then told us that we can bury them vertically. The size of the tombstone and the decoration should be as ornate as possible. He also said that if the ancestors were buried vertically, the descendants would be great."

Lin Ge said: "That's what I said, but the premise is that you bury it right. When a dragonfly touches the water, the tomb should be covered with snowflakes, so that the dragonfly can touch the water. Now it is completely covered by the tomb, and the head of the coffin cannot touch it. Water, how can there be such a thing as 'a dragonfly touches the water'?"

Uncle Jiu asked: "Since Mr. Feng Shui said that if you follow what he said, future generations will be great, but now, does it work?"

Hearing this, Mr. Ren looked helpless and embarrassed. He shook his head and sighed: "In the past twenty years, our Ren family's business has been getting worse and worse, and the number of people has also been getting... Sigh. I don't know why."

Uncle Jiu said seriously: "I think this Feng Shui master has a grudge against your Ren family."

"Have a grudge?"

"Did the old man have any trouble with him before he was alive?" Uncle Jiu asked.

Master Ren thought for a while and replied: "This land originally belonged to the Feng Shui master. My father knew it was a good spot, so he bought it for a large sum of money."

Uncle Jiu raised his eyebrows: "Is it just inducement? Is there any coercion?"

Master Ren smiled awkwardly, and Uncle Jiu said lightly: "I think it must be coercion. Otherwise, he wouldn't have harmed you, and he would have asked you to cover the entire Dragonfly Point Water Cave with cement."

Master Ren was stunned and asked nervously: "So the decline of our Ren family over the years is all related to the feng shui of this tomb?"

Lin Ge put away Bagua Luo Geng and said: "Mr. Feng Shui told you so many benefits of this point back then, but now you have arranged the array in reverse and thought about it in the opposite direction."

Uncle Jiu nodded and said: "He still has some conscience. If he lets you lift up the coffin and bury him twenty years later, it will hurt you for half your life, but not your whole life. He will hurt you for one generation, but not eighteen generations."

Master Ren asked anxiously: "What should we do now?"

Uncle Jiu sighed: "We can only lift the coffin first to see the situation."

Master Ren quickly nodded and shouted to Awei: "Awei, quickly lead someone to open the tomb and lift up the coffin."

Ah Wei immediately winked at his men, and two strong men in white short-sleeved shirts stepped forward, took away the tributes in front of the tombstone, and stepped forward at the same time, preparing to kick them away.

Suddenly feeling a tightness on his shoulders, he saw Lin Ge raise his hands to grab the two people's shoulders, and pull them off the tomb.

"Kicking the tombstone with your feet, you can't imagine it. It's disrespectful to our ancestors. Don't you want to see the sun tomorrow?" Lin Ge snorted coldly.

The two strong men were stunned for a moment. They were all ready to kick him, but they were pulled back by a thin young man.

Those thin arms and legs can actually pull two at once?

Awei also stepped forward and scolded: "Do you have pig brains? This is my grandfather's tomb. If you use your feet, I will chop off your feet. Believe it or not? Go get the hammer."

The two strong men quickly nodded and went to get the tools. They worked together to knock down the tombstone with hammers, and then used tools such as shovels and hammers to open the tomb.

After breaking open the tomb, two strong men and several workers worked together to move the hanger and pulled out the coffin that Mr. Ren had buried vertically in the tomb.

When Uncle Jiu saw the coffin being pulled up, he turned around and said to everyone: "Today is the day when Old Master Ren will see the light of day again. All those who are thirty-six, twenty-two, thirty-five, or forty-eight and born in the Year of the Rooster or Ox will turn around..." "

However, before Uncle Jiu could say the word "avoid", he heard Lin Ge shout "no" in a low voice, stepped forward, took out a yellow cloth with a diagram of Bagua and put it towards the corpse cave.

Almost at the same time that Lin Ge flew out of the yellow cloth, a strong black air flew out of the tomb!

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