Chapter 212 In the Xianan Mao Gezu lineage...

After confirming that this was the world of "Mr. Zombie", Lin Ge was in a good mood, feeling like he had finally found an organization after wandering for decades.

"Mr. Zombie", "Uncle Zombie", "Mr. Phantom" and "Zombie Supreme" are the zombie tetralogy made by Uncle Ying. If you include the later movies such as "New Mr. Zombie", there are quite a lot of movies in this series. , from this point of view, it makes sense to position it as "Zombie World".

The more movies involved in the world of reincarnation, the more branches there are. Even if there is no zombie king in the movie "Mr. Zombie", it is not difficult to find a zombie king in the vast world.

Maybe the old man of the Ren family who turned into a corpse is a zombie king. After all, according to the combat power system of "Mr. Zombie", zombies are only invulnerable. They can jump high and fast. They can fly and escape from the ground and have super powers. Zombies are much easier to deal with.

Although Uncle Ying plays a Taoist priest from Maoshan in the movie "Mr. Zombie", compared to Mao Xiaofang, who has no selfish motives and is completely self-sacrificing in "Zombie Taoist", he is more "stubborn", "stingy" and "money-loving". " and other more down-to-earth labels also make this character fuller.

Of course, this also increases the difficulty of contacting them. If you want to win over the other party completely just by naming them, like in "Zombie Taoist Master", the possibility is very low.

In this movie, Uncle Ying plays Maoshan Taoist Lin Jiu, whose real name is Lin Fengjiao. He has two apprentices, one is the older-looking scholar, and the other is the handsome Qiu Sheng.

If Uncle Jiu is not easy to contact, these two apprentices would be a good breakthrough. Lin Ge decided to follow him and take a look, try to get in touch first, and then make plans.

As Lin Ge walked, he put chocolate and "po" into the inner layer of the travel bag, and then attached a charm to temporarily block the evil spirit of the little girl and Ou Yongqi. Then he wrapped the travel bag with yellow cloth, which became the most common thing in this era. cloth bag.

Lin Ge followed Uncle Jiu and his two brothers to a restaurant decorated in a rather Western style. The doorman opened the door and made a gesture to invite him in.

Uncle Jiu nodded slightly to express his gratitude to the doorman, while Wen Cai raised his head, enjoying the service.

As soon as he entered the door, a waiter in a neat suit immediately came forward and asked Uncle Jiu politely: "Sir, do you have a reservation?"

Uncle Jiu was stunned for a moment, perhaps because it was his first time entering such a "high-end" place and he seemed quite uncomfortable, so he said awkwardly: "No."

Before the waiter had time to speak, Wen Cai raised his head and asked arrogantly, "Why didn't Ren Fa reserve a seat for us?"

"Oh, Mr. Ren?" The waiter immediately became respectful and made an invitation gesture to the two of them: "Please follow me."

Seeing the waiter walking forward, Uncle Jiu glared at Wencai, as if blaming him for talking too much. At this time, he noticed Lin Ge entering the door.

Lin Ge nodded friendly and walked upstairs.

Uncle Jiu withdrew his gaze and followed the waiter upstairs. When the waiter led the two of them to where Mr. Ren was, Lin Ge found a seat next to them and sat down.

"Hello, Uncle Jiu." Mr. Ren saw Uncle Jiu and stood up to greet him politely. This shows that Uncle Jiu's reputation in Renjia Village is also very high.

"Hello, Mr. Ren. Please sit down, please sit down." After Uncle Jiu sat down, in order to avoid embarrassment, he took the initiative to find a topic: "I heard that Ling Qianjin came back from the provincial capital, why didn't we meet him together?"

Master Ren sighed: "This girl just learned how to put on makeup, and she started teaching people everywhere as soon as she came back... Oh, she doesn't listen to me no matter what. It's okay, don't worry about her, she will come by herself later."

Wencai put one hand on the table, listened to Master Ren's words, rolled his eyes, and muttered: "You look like a bun, and your daughter is not that beautiful either."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a girl in a pink dress walking up the stairs.

"My girl is here." Master Ren said.

Wencai glanced back with disdain, then turned back. Then he was stunned, and then slowly turned back. This time he could no longer look away.

"Dad." The girl came to Master Ren and called sweetly.

Master Ren pointed at Uncle Jiu and said, "Hurry up and call Uncle Jiu."

"Uncle Nine."

Uncle Jiu responded with a slight restraint, and said quickly: "Sit, sit. Oops, it feels like it hasn't been long, but I didn't expect it to be so big."

Wencai stared at the pair of small white bears under the dress with a look of fascination, and said with a silly smile: "They are so big."

The girl was stunned for a moment, and then she saw Wen Cai's eyes staring at her, and her face suddenly turned cold. She was about to have an attack, but the waiter happened to come forward and handed over the menu.

The girl snorted coldly and put the menu on the table. Only then did Wencai realize that he was a little rude, so he quickly looked away and looked down at the menu.

Master Ren held a pipe in his mouth and asked, "What do you want to drink?"

The girl looked at the waiter and said, "Bring me a cup of coffee."

Uncle Jiu opened the menu and found that he couldn't understand the foreign characters on it. He thought of the "Coffee" the girl had just said and muttered a few sentences silently.

Mr. Ren looked at the waiter and said, "Bring me another cup of coffee."

"I want coffee, too." Wencai quickly answered, then looked at Uncle Jiu and asked, "Master, what are you drinking?"

Uncle Jiu looked at the menu carefully, then closed it, handed the menu to the waiter very naturally and said: "I also want a cup of 'Kefei'."

After hearing this, Wen Cai quickly said: "Master, I don't want coffee, I also want Ke Fei, okay?"

Uncle Jiu scolded: "Just call me and forget it."

"Oh." Wencai nodded regretfully.

When the girl heard this, she laughed out loud, but she felt it was impolite and quickly covered her mouth. Master Ren glanced at her and said helplessly: "Tingting."

"Oh." Ren Tingting quickly lowered her head.

Master Ren looked at Uncle Jiu with an apologetic look, smiled awkwardly, and then said: "Uncle Jiu, regarding the matter of lifting up the coffin and reburying my late father, I wonder if you chose an auspicious day?"

When Uncle Jiu talked about his "professional", he immediately became a different person. His tone was full of confidence and unquestionability: "I think you should think about it first. It's better to be quiet than to move."

Mr. Ren said: "I have thought it over carefully. Feng shui experts said that the coffin must be moved and buried twenty years later. This will be good for us."

Before Uncle Jiu could say anything, Wencai said disdainfully: "Hey, I can't believe it based on Feng Shui."

Ren Tingting snorted coldly: "Can you believe what you say?"

"Of course." Wen Cai replied proudly. When he turned around, he met Uncle Jiu's dissatisfied eyes and quickly lowered his head and stopped talking.

Master Ren also looked at Ren Tingting and reprimanded: "Adults, children, don't interrupt. Uncle Jiu, my late father specifically asked this matter before he passed away, so I need you to take the trouble."

Seeing Master Ren's insistence, Uncle Jiu nodded and said, "In that case, let's start the coffin tomorrow at the time of application."

"What should we prepare?" Master Ren asked.

Uncle Jiu said: "Need..."

"Of course it's money." Wencai interrupted.

Uncle Jiu looked at him helplessly: "How many do you want?"

Just as Wen Cai made a sign of "three", he realized that it was not Mr. Ren who was asking the question, but the master. He quickly took back his hand and smiled awkwardly.

Master Ren smiled and said: "It's a small matter, it's a small matter. No problem, Uncle Jiu, then the matter is settled. Please worry about it."

As soon as he finished speaking, a waiter came behind Master Ren, bent down and whispered: "Master Ren, Huang Baiwan is here, waiting for you over there."

Master Ren nodded, looked at Uncle Jiu and said, "Uncle Jiu, I'll go over there and say hello. I'll be back soon. You guys can take care of yourself first."

With that, he said to the waiter: "Go get some egg tarts and greet Uncle Jiu."


After Mr. Ren left, the waiter brought the coffee.

Wen Cai glanced at the two glasses of "water" in front of him, one black and one white. He approached Uncle Jiu and asked in a low voice: "Master, between the two glasses of black and white, which one should you drink first?"

"It depends on how they drink." Uncle Jiu winked.

Although the two people's voices were low, they were still heard by Ren Tingting. Ren Tingting was not satisfied with Wencai's previous actions, and now she started to play tricks on the two of them.

She first picked up the cup of black coffee and took a sip, resisting the bitter taste in her mouth, then silently picked up the milk and took a sip, then picked up the small spoon, scooped a spoonful of sugar into her mouth, and then nodded with satisfaction. head.

Uncle Jiu and Wen Cai looked at each other, and they both saw the light in each other's eyes, as if to say, this is how the drink is made.

Uncle Jiu was about to follow suit when he saw Ren Tingting pick up the small spoon again and continue to scoop sugar into the milk. She took seven spoonfuls in a row before she put down the spoon with satisfaction and took a sip.

However, if you look at Ren Tingting from behind, you can clearly see that she was just pretending and didn't drink coffee at all.

Although it was just a little trick, it easily deceived Uncle Jiu and Wencai. Uncle Jiu immediately picked up the spoon and started adding sugar to the coffee.

Just as he was adding the third spoonful, a faint sentence floated next to him: "Sugar cubes are also sugar. Be careful if you add too much, it will be too sweet. Young people are naughty, so don't get teased."

When Ren Tingting heard this, she turned her head and glared: "How..."

Before the word "mouth" came out of his mouth, Lin Ge's eyes met. He was stunned for a moment, his face turned red, and he immediately looked away, looking back slightly shyly.

"Too sweet? Master, what does he mean when he says it's too sweet?" Wen Cai asked in confusion.

"Shut up and drink your coffee." Uncle Jiu silently placed the coffee with three spoons of sugar in his hand in front of Wencai, and took away his cup of coffee that had not yet been added with sugar. Then, he looked at Lin with a slight gratitude. Song glance.

Lin Ge poured the coffee and milk together, scooped out a spoonful of sugar, picked up the cup, and made a "please" gesture to Uncle Jiu. Those who didn't know it thought he was drinking wine.

Uncle Jiu immediately picked up his cup and greeted Lin Ge in return.

At this time, Master Ren happened to come back. Seeing Wen Cai sitting still, he said, "You have to drink this coffee while it's hot. You're welcome."

Wencai nodded stupidly, took a big sip from the cup that Uncle Jiu had added, and suddenly felt a sweet and cloying feeling in his mouth. He endured the discomfort, swallowed it hard, and then smiled awkwardly.

Seeing this, Mr. Ren said in confusion: "Why do you like to drink pure milk?"

Uncle Jiu picked up the milk and slowly poured it into the coffee, then took a spoonful of sugar and put it in. He said calmly, as if he was already used to it: "He just likes to drink pure milk, so don't worry about him."

Having said that, my gratitude towards Lin Ge grew stronger. If Lin Ge hadn't reminded me, he would have been the one in trouble now.

[Affected by the charm value, the favorability of the plot character "Lin Fengjiao" increases. 】

Ren Tingting saw that Wen Cai was defeated, and her anger suddenly disappeared a lot. She looked at Master Ren and said, "Dad, I want to buy some rouge and gouache."

"Go ahead, I'll come find you later."


After Ren Tingting left, Master Ren and Uncle Jiu talked about the preparations that needed to be made for the coffin and burial tomorrow. After understanding what needed to be prepared, the waiter came to see Master Ren again, and another big boss came.

"Uncle Jiu, let me leave for a while." Mr. Ren said apologetically, and ordered the waiter to treat Uncle Jiu well and bring more snacks.

After Master Ren left, Lin Ge stood up and sat down next to Uncle Jiu.

Uncle Jiu cupped his hands and said, "Thank you so much, young hero, for helping me earlier. Otherwise, I would have been tricked. Alas, I almost couldn't keep my old face."

Lin Ge cupped his hands and smiled and said: "I am from Nanjun Lin Ge, who is from the Nanmaoge ancestral lineage. I have heard about Senior Brother Lin for a long time and came here to visit. I hope that Senior Brother Lin will not blame Junior Brother for being abrupt."

Uncle Jiu was stunned. He obviously did not expect Lin Ge to have such an identity. He asked in surprise: "I have heard for a long time that Zu Ge has three branches and nineteen meridians, and there are capable people from these veins. I don't know which branch of the nineteen meridians my junior brother is from, and which master he has studied under." ?”

As soon as Uncle Jiu said these words, Lin Ge felt like ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping past.

As the saying goes, if you always stand by the river, your shoes won't get wet. Lin Ge has compiled his identity in various reincarnation worlds to the point of casualness, but he didn't know that he would overturn today.

Three channels and nineteen meridians?

So it’s okay for us in Maoshan to have so many branches come out to make trouble?

Lin Ge said with a normal expression: "Although my master has only met Senior Brother Lin a few times, he often sighs in front of us, 'Fengjiao of your generation is talented, intelligent, and learned...'"

"Cough, cough!"

Before Lin Ge finished speaking, he was interrupted by Uncle Jiu with a slight cough: "Oh. Junior brother, I remember that I saw you back then. How old were you then? I haven't seen you for decades. For a while, I didn’t recognize you, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

Lin Ge:......


"Uncle Nine" in the "Mr. Zombie" series is much more interesting than Mao Xiaofang in "Zombie Taoist Master".

Lin Ge revealed the biggest secret in Uncle Jiu's heart, his real name. Now Uncle Jiu couldn't help but not believe it. He even told the lie himself in order to stop Lin Ge from telling more.

"Master, who is Fengjiao?" Wencai asked curiously.

Uncle Jiu glared at him: "Why do children interrupt adults when they talk? Drink your coffee."


Uncle Jiu said again: "This is your Uncle Lin, my name is Uncle Master."

"Uncle Master." Wen Cai called to Lin Ge obediently.

"It's our first time meeting, so I didn't bring any gifts. Just keep this..." Lin Ge nodded, as if he were an elder, and took out a gold-encrusted Bagua mirror from a cloth bag and handed it to Wen Cai.

Wencai happily took it: "Thank you, uncle."

"It's not polite. Did I ask you to pick it up?" Uncle Jiu scolded.

Wencai smiled awkwardly, worried that the master would take the opportunity to ask for things like before, so he quickly stood up and said: "Master, I will go out for a walk too, you drink slowly."

"Go ahead."

After Wen Cai left, Lin Ge and Uncle Jiu started chatting. With his understanding of movies, Lin Ge was so skillful that he chatted from Uncle Jiu to Si Mu, from Si Mu to Qian He, and even spoke "without shame". He talked about how he practiced "Lightning Thunder Fist" in the sect and received guidance from his senior brother.

Uncle Jiu was originally doubtful about Lin Ge's identity, but just to prevent his real name from being exposed, he followed Lin Ge's words.

Unexpectedly, while talking, Lin Ge was actually lured into it.

The two were chatting animatedly when Master Ren came back. When he saw Lin Ge, he curiously asked: "Uncle Jiu, who is this little brother..."

"He is my junior brother Lin Ge. He came to Renjiacun specifically to see me." Uncle Jiu introduced the two to each other: "Junior brother, this is Master Ren."

"Master Lin, nice to meet you."

"Master Ren, I have admired you for a long time."

After Master Ren came back, he continued to talk about "lifting the coffin and burying" his father. After all, this was Lin Ge's "professional", so he interjected a few words appropriately, which also convinced Uncle Jiu of his ability.

After discussing the specific ceremony process, Uncle Jiu planned to go back and prepare things for the ceremony tomorrow. As soon as the three of them got up and walked towards the stairs, a waiter came behind Lin Ge.

"Sorry sir, you haven't paid yet." The waiter said politely.

Lin Ge slapped his forehead, immediately put down the cloth bag, made a gesture of taking money, and said: "Hey, look at me, I was so happy to see my senior brother just now that I forgot to pay."

At this moment, Lin Ge felt as if his classmates were rushing to pay for the bill. He was just taking it, but he could take a ghost in his bag and take the money...

Lin Ge: ...I miss my vvvip supreme black card.

Master Ren held his cigarette in his mouth, glanced at the waiter and said, "Didn't you see that Master Lin is my guest? Are you blind?"

"Sorry, sorry." The waiter quickly apologized and backed away.

Lin Ge looked at Mr. Ren hesitantly: "Why is this so embarrassing..."

"It's okay, it's okay. I have to worry about Uncle Jiu and Master Lin tomorrow about my late father's affairs. Don't take these trivial matters to heart. From now on, Uncle Jiu and Master Lin will come to the store to make purchases. Just tell me your name." Mr. Ren said happily. said.

Lin Ge immediately borrowed the donkey from the slope and thanked him: "Thank you very much, Mr. Ren."

"It's a small thing, it's a small thing."

After the three of them went downstairs, as soon as they left the store and came to the street, they saw Ren Tingting running over angrily, pulling Master Ren's hand and saying angrily: "Dad! I'm leaving first!"

"Uncle Jiu, Master Lin, I'll take my leave first." Seeing this, Mr. Ren quickly said goodbye to Lin Ge and Uncle Jiu, and chased after Ren Tingting.

"Good girl, good girl, what happened!"

"Tingting! Wait!" At this moment, Wencai was seen coming out of the Rouge shop opposite. In the Rouge shop, there was a young man hiding sneakily by the window.

Uncle Jiu reached out and grabbed Wencai's back collar and pulled him back: "What's going on? What did you do to make Miss Ren so angry?"

Wencai didn't know what to say for a moment, so he pointed to the rouge shop across the street, and then pointed to Yihongyuan behind him. After gesticulating for a long time, he circled around Uncle Jiu like an old hen.

Uncle Jiu slapped Wencai on the back of the head angrily and slapped him directly into Yihong Courtyard. When Lin Ge saw this, he felt a little funny in his heart.

Although he knew that it was Uncle Jiu's other apprentice "Qiu Sheng" who was looking after the rouge shop for his aunt, and misunderstood that Ren Tingting was a girl from Yihongyuan, he still pretended to be confused and asked: "Brother, what does Wen Cai mean?" ?”

"Hmph!" Uncle Jiu snorted coldly and looked in the direction of the rouge shop angrily. He happened to meet Qiu Sheng's eyes hiding behind the window: "Still hiding?"

Qiu Sheng walked out of the store and smiled awkwardly: "Master... I was wrong. What a misunderstanding. I, I mistakenly thought Miss Ren was a young lady."

Uncle Jiu scolded: "The other person is the eldest lady of the Ren family, isn't it the youngest..."

Halfway through the words, Uncle Jiu realized that the "young lady" here seemed to refer to the gorgeous "young ladies" in Yihong Courtyard behind him.

"Ahem. You cause trouble for me all day long." Uncle Jiu scolded.

Uncle Jiu was too lazy to pay attention to Qiu Sheng anymore and introduced to Lin Ge: "Junior brother, this troublemaker is also my apprentice, Qiu Sheng. Sigh. I really don't know what evil he did in his previous life. Both apprentices are not at ease."

Lin Ge: ...Don't worry, they will only make you more worried in the future.

Lin Ge took out a gold-encrusted Bagua mirror from his cloth bag and handed it to Qiu Sheng, just like he did to literary talents before: "It's the first time we meet, a little greeting gift."

Qiu Sheng happily took it: "Thank you, Master...Uncle."

Although Lin Ge looked as young as him, he called his uncle without any hesitation, as if Lin Ge was really the uncle he had not seen for many years.

"Why don't you go back and look after the store for your aunt?" Uncle Jiu scolded.

Qiu Sheng nodded quickly and smiled at Lin Ge: "Uncle, I'll leave first."

"Wait." Uncle Jiu stopped Qiu Sheng.

"Master, is there anything else?"

"Tomorrow at Shenshi, we will break ground and move the coffin for the old man. Watch the time and come over early to help." Uncle Jiu said seriously.

Qiu Sheng nodded and said, "Yes, Master."

"Let's go, junior brother, you must be tired from traveling, come back to the hall with me to rest." After that, Uncle Jiu walked behind and grabbed Wencai's ear, pulling him out of the crowd of women.

The three of them returned to Uncle Jiu's house together. As soon as they arrived at the door, Lin Ge felt that there were several, no, I should say hundreds of "ghostly auras" in the house.

Uncle Jiu's home is much larger than in the movie. It is a courtyard composed of two large courtyards at the front and back. Part of the front yard is used to place coffins and serves as a "hospital" to temporarily store the bodies of people who died in Renjia Village. The backyard is where hundreds of memorial tablets are enshrined.

The "ghost spirit" that Lin Ge smelled came from the inner room behind the ancestral hall. There were hundreds of wine jars inside, which contained the ghosts that Uncle Jiu had captured over the years and had yet to dissipate their grievances.

Uncle Jiu led Lin Ge into the room and introduced the situation in the hall.

Although Uncle Jiu did not run a place similar to "Fuxi Hall" like Mao Xiaofang, due to his status as a descendant of Maoshan, the villagers voluntarily merged "Yizhuang" over, and Uncle Jiu helped them take care of their funeral affairs.

To put it simply, it is the Republic of China Funeral Home that operates “one-stop funeral” services.

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