Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 211 Zombie World? Finally a professional counterpart!

After Lin Ge was enveloped by the familiar power, his vision went dark briefly. When his vision recovered again, he had returned to the dark space.

Above the head is the familiar "big light bulb" - the Lord God.

[Settlement: The reincarnation world "The Grudge" has an exploration degree of 81% and an overall rating of "S". Current reincarnation world clearance rate: 0. Additional rewards include reincarnation points x5000 and D-level item redemption coupon x1. 】

[Start detecting the reincarnation status of "No. 89757"——]

[Testing completed. 】

1. Repair physical damage. Price: 0

Except for the three original curses of "corpse", "chocolate" and "soul", Lin Ge did not expect that the ghost sisters would also be scanned by the Lord God.

5. Eliminate the curse of "Twin Ghost Kings". Price: 100,000. (They want to tear you apart.)

If these clues are matched with previous information, wouldn't the identity be revealed?

Lin Ge thought to himself, if everything has been like this and it has not been "exposed", doesn't it prove that the main god is probably just a "machine" that manages reincarnations according to the program?

However, just like before, although the ghost sisters were also scanned out, there was no reduction in lifespan. It seems that this is indeed a special debuff for the "Red Gate".

And when Chen Qing brings Sadako back to space, this debuff should appear. If she can survive, it is estimated that she will encounter her in 1-2 reincarnations at most and participate in the "clearance mode" against Chen Qing.

Lin Ge had gradually figured out the Lord God's "routine" for the upper world, and casually chose to skip the option of clearing the curse and go directly to strengthening.

Since Lin Ge gave up the "cursed videotape" containing the justice value and asked Chen Qing to take away the master tape, he only got the 200 justice value in Kayako's diary in this reincarnation.

Including the previous 500, Lin Ge now has a total of 700 justice points in his hand, which is 700 "original power".

However, the reincarnation point income of "The Grudge" this time is less than half that of "2002", with only 14,592 reincarnation point rewards.

Lin Ge couldn't help but sigh, it was indeed a special copy for "Red Gate", it still had the same familiar taste, and was as stingy as ever.

[Reincarnator "No. 89757" please be prepared. You will be transported to "Lord God Space No. 369" in 10 seconds. 】




When the countdown ended, Lin Ge had just returned to the main god platform when he saw several reincarnations fighting fiercely in the distance. Bullets were flying and explosives were thrown around, mixed with various magics and skills. confusion.



With the sound of two gunshots, bullets flew out of the battlefield and flew towards Lin Ge. With a "whoosh", a cloud of black mist gathered in front of Lin Ge, and then a red mirror appeared out of thin air, blocking the two bullets.

"Spread out!" A Samsara in front shouted to his teammates, and the two people fighting with their opponents in front immediately moved to the left and right to get out of the way.

I saw the Samsara behind him, carrying a rocket launcher on his shoulder, and pulling the trigger at the Samsara opposite.

call out--

The rockets dragged long tongues of flames straight towards the reincarnations. However, these blue gate reincarnations are obviously experienced in the battlefield and have full experience. They each relied on their skills and props to successfully avoid the rockets.

The rocket missed its target and became a "stray bullet" flying towards Lin Ge.

But another red mirror suddenly appeared in front of it, and then a pale, slender hand stretched out from the mirror, grabbed the rocket and dragged it into the mirror.

Then... there is no more.

Only then did those fighting reincarnations discover that there was an "uninvited guest" on the platform. Then, they subconsciously looked towards the "door" behind Lin Ge almost at the same time.

Then, they all stopped and distanced themselves backwards.

"Huh?" Lin Ge also looked back at his "door" and suddenly found that the color of the door changed from "blue" to "purple".

Lin Ge slapped his forehead and then remembered that although "The Grudge" was Chen Qing's "special reincarnation", it was also his promotion mission.

[Promotion mission: As a "veteran" in the world of reincarnation, you are a pioneer and a guide for newcomers. Try to kill a fierce ghost and ensure that at least three reincarnations survive this reincarnation. You will successfully advance to the "Purple Gate Level" reincarnation. While gaining more private space permissions, you will have the opportunity to obtain a ticket to the main space. Chance. 】

In the reincarnation world of "The Grudge", Li Gui Lin Ge killed a lot of people, but he didn't see any other reincarnations in the end. He thought that only Chen Qing survived, but he didn't expect that there was an unexpected surprise?

Now that the mission is completed, it proves that in addition to Chen Qing, there are at least two reincarnations who have survived. However, except for the first and last days, Lin Ge spent the rest of the time wandering around with Chen Qing outside, and did not know what happened in the end. Who successfully escaped from Kayako?

But no matter who it was, he had indirectly helped Lin Ge.

Lin Ge glanced at the reincarnations at the blue and green doors, and said with a smile: "I'm just passing by, don't worry about me, just keep fighting."

Obviously, when a big boss from the Purple Sect suddenly popped up, these reincarnators had no intention of fighting anymore and retreated to their private space one after another.

Who knows if there will be a heated fight in the front, and then the boss of the Purple Sect will take over?

"Aren't you going to fight now? It's really boring?" Seeing all the reincarnations retreating to their private space, Lin Ge couldn't help but joke, turned around and walked towards the private space.

Those reincarnations standing at the door of the private space were speechless for a while. You caught rockets out of thin air, how can we fight you?

"Hey, do you think this person looks familiar?"

"Holy crap! Isn't this the 'Blue Sect boss' who defeated the Purple Sect's reincarnations before? We haven't seen each other for a long time, and he has become a Purple Sect too?"

"Damn it, this promotion is too fast!"

"Ride on a rocket, right?"

"Hey, I sold him four random scrolls last time, and they seemed familiar to me. I don't know if he will buy them again this time, but I happened to collect two more."

"What is he doing collecting random scrolls?"

"Who knows, maybe it's the hobby of the big guys. Some big guys like to play with scrolls. They are probably card-drawing players in the real world."

"I'm a well-known little bully of the European Emperor. If I volunteer to draw cards for the boss, will he let me hug him?"


At this time, some Samsara spectators who were watching the theater recognized Lin Ge. It was the "Blue Door Boss" who had previously pressed Zimen to the ground and rubbed him face to face.

Unexpectedly, after only one or two reincarnations without seeing each other, he has already been promoted from the "Blue Gate" to the "Purple Gate". This speed is no exaggeration to say that he is riding a rocket.

Seeing many reincarnations discussing him, Lin Ge didn't think too much. He returned to his private space and put up a billboard advertising his sale of "random scrolls" and "exchange coupons".

Perhaps it was the discussions among the reincarnators that brought Lin Ge a wave of "popularity". In order to "build relationships" and "catch up with each other", many reincarnators came to trade random item scrolls. In just a few days, Lin Ge bought /A dozen random scrolls were exchanged.

Looking at the pile of random scrolls placed on the coffee table, Lin Ge thought about Chicken Master again.

"Master Chicken, I miss you. How can I live without you?" Lin Ge sighed, and then asked the little girl to open the book and play.

After all, if he lets his little black hands pull out carbon, no matter how many scrolls he has, it won't be enough.

Although the little girl's luck is not as good as Master Ji's, it is at least better than Lin Ge's. With three or four scrolls, she can get a piece of equipment with pretty good attributes.

Soon, after going through more than a dozen scrolls, several pieces of enchanted equipment with very practical effects came out.

Lin Ge picked and picked for a while, leaving behind a peach wood sword with the "soul chasing" effect, some recovery medicine, and a "Taoist robe (yellow, D level, enchantment effect 1'exorcise', enchantment effect 2'suppress evil" ')", and put the remaining equipment for sale in exchange for random scrolls.

In this way, Lin Ge replaced all the magic weapons previously exchanged through the main god space with the "products of the upper world" drawn from random scrolls.

Lin Ge now has a lot of "origins" in his hands, and he doesn't have to be as cautious as he was at the beginning to even dare not purchase talisman paper from the main god space. Therefore, as before, I upgraded the [Inventory] to 200 grids and opened the "Maoshan Grocery Store". All kinds of "miscellaneous items" such as fragrant wax paper candles, ghost money paper, tables, chairs and benches, etc., went to the [Inventory]. Rise.

During the following rest time, in addition to drawing talismans and making magical instruments, Lin Ge spent most of the time using "spiritual cultivation methods" to assist in the cultivation of "mantra", which made the growth rate of spiritual energy reach two to three times that of normal cultivation.

Thirty days passed by in a flash. Lin Ge put on his special talisman travel bag, stood in the living room, and applied to the Lord God for a new "reincarnation."

【A new reincarnation is about to begin! 】

[The world of reincarnation has been matched successfully, and the transmission is about to begin——]




[Target reincarnation world: "Zombie World", difficulty "difficult". 】


Lin Ge didn't expect that after being promoted to the "Purple Sect", it would only be on the Hard difficulty level. As an "own member" of the Lord God Space, the treatment was much better than that of the "Red Sect".

After a brief trance, Lin Ge regained consciousness instantly, and then found himself standing on the edge of a farmland. There was a city wall in the distance, which looked like a town.

"Zombie World? What kind of movie is this?" Lin Ge had many movie memories related to zombies in his memory, but he seemed to have never heard of "Zombie World".

I have heard of "World War Z", but it is a modern zombie movie. Judging from the style of the town in front, the style obviously does not match.

Lin Ge opened the mission panel and decided to take a look at the mission first.

[Current reincarnation world: "Zombie World\

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