Seeing Lin Ge get into the cupboard, Chen Qing subconsciously turned around and looked at Toshio Saeki who was getting up from the rubble not far away. His whole body felt bad.

"Brother, brother, brother. You just went in like this? What should I do with the naughty child?" Chen Qing held the cupboard door, bent down and looked inside, and asked anxiously.

"You can't even deal with a naughty kid. Don't tell me you know me when you go out." Lin Ge's voice came from the cupboard. The cupboard was like a bottomless pit, making his voice echo inside for a long time.

Chen Qing was about to cry, Toshio Saeki was no ordinary naughty boy!

Chen Qing hugged the black umbrella tightly and squatted down. She looked at Toshio Saeki who was squatting on the ground in front of her, staring at her with dark circles under his eyes. She smiled awkwardly and said, "Kid, do you want some candy?"

As she spoke, she took out a bag of candy.

Obviously, not every kid is interested in candy. Toshio Saeki just glanced at the candy in Chen Qing's hand, then slowly stood up and walked towards her.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't come here, come here and I'll beat you up." Chen Qing waved the black umbrella in her hand and shouted nervously.

Seeing Toshio Saeki approaching step by step, she was frightened and could not sit still and wait for death. Chen Qing quickly raised her hand to bite her fingers and pinched the magic formula.

"Ugh. It hurts."

"Heaven, heaven and earth, infinite..."

As soon as Chen Qing uttered the word "ji", she wiped the blood from her fingertips on the black umbrella. As soon as the black umbrella was stained with her blood, burning white gas appeared "sizzling", and suddenly it "popped" from the black umbrella. Chen Qing flew out of her hand, flew to her head and knocked it, and then flew around her as if she was "angry".

Only then did Chen Qing realize that the black umbrella was essentially a "monster" that was incompatible with her blood and the universe. She quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I've always regarded you as a spiritual weapon!"

Black Umbrella froze and suddenly stopped, as if his identity had been lifted by Chen Qing's "spiritual weapon", and he flew to her and opened it.

At the same time, he opened and closed it and waved towards Toshio Saeki, giving him a feeling of "Come here."

Chen Qing knew that Lin Ge had good intentions when he left her alone to deal with Toshio Saeki, and also meant to test her "learning results" during this period.


"Brother, give me a weapon!" Chen Qing cried and shouted into the cupboard.


With a soft sound, a golden copper coin sword flew out from the underground passage under the cabinet and was inserted directly into the door panel. After shaking, the golden light gradually dimmed.

Chen Qing quickly pulled out the copper coin sword and smeared the blood on the sword: "The heaven and earth are infinite, the universe borrows the law!"

The copper coin sword once again glowed with golden light. Although it was not as dazzling as before, it was also filled with a layer of golden spiritual energy. Chen Qing raised the sword and was about to slash at Toshio Saeki in front of him, but Toshio Saeki disappeared.

Suddenly, Chen Qing felt a biting chill coming from her feet, as if she had stepped into ice. When I lowered my head and took a look, my hair stood up in shock!

I saw Toshio Saeki holding her left foot, raising his head slightly, with a charming smile on his pale face.

The cold laughter echoed in Chen Qing's ears. She subconsciously wanted to take her legs out, but found that she was frozen and unable to move at all!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Chen Qing screamed and slashed wildly with her sword, directly cutting off half of Toshio Saeki's head. Black smoke came out of the severed head, making it look even more terrifying.


With a piercing scream, Toshio Saeki hugged Chen Qing's foot tightly and twisted it suddenly. Chen Qing lost her balance. When she fell, she directly inserted the copper coin sword into Toshio Saeki's head. Stab a pair of wear!


Toshio Saeki was stabbed in the head and was completely enraged. He bared his teeth and claws and rushed towards Chen Qing.

At this moment, a faint black smoke floated out from behind Chen Qing, and then condensed into a pale little hand, and slapped Toshio Saeki away.

"Hee hee hee--"

Hearing the familiar laughter ringing behind him, Chen Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

It was true that Lin Ge wanted to train her, but Chen Qing's level of skills, which she had just started for less than two weeks, made it difficult for her to deal with a ghost of Toshio Saeki's level.

Therefore, after Lin Ge entered the cupboard, he specifically asked the little girl to keep an eye on her to prevent her from getting swamped by the exercise.

Fortunately, although Chen Qing seemed a little flustered, she did not drop her chain at the critical moment. At this time, the little girl helped her to slap Toshio Saeki away, breaking the curse that had frozen her feet. She immediately got up and grabbed the dropped The copper coin sword on the side rushed towards Toshio Saeki.


Chen Qing looked like a ghost was trying to kill her. She screamed even more exaggeratedly than Toshio Saeki. She held a sword in one hand and kneaded in the other, slashing at Toshio Saeki!


Suddenly, several bubbles sounded behind Chen Qing, and then several black insects transformed into coconut trees and surrounded Chen Qing.

But before these coconut palms could take the next step, they saw a few thick black long hair curling up from the side, directly sweeping away the coconut palms and swallowing them.


Chen Qing looked at Sadako, who was in the center of the "fashion" not far away, and smiled awkwardly: "Ah, thank you."

Chen Qing rolled up her sleeves and looked at Toshio Saeki who was on the ground with his hands and feet cut off. His body was connected only by resentment. He snorted coldly: "Baby boy, your mother can't protect you now. How dare you scare me?" I!"

With a few swipes of swords, Toshio Saeki wanted to turn into black smoke and escape into the ruins. He saw a black shadow flying towards him. As the black umbrella opened and closed, a strong suction force appeared, directly turning Toshio Saeki into the ruins. A stream of black smoke was inhaled.

The black umbrella opened and closed with satisfaction, as if burping, and then flew back to Chen Qing's hand.

"Haha! I won!" Chen Qing jumped up and down happily. She hugged Uncle Ying's thigh in "One Eyebrow Taoist" and hugged Lin Ge's thigh in "The Grudge", just like a koala tactic, and this This was the first time in her two reincarnations that she had defeated an enemy on her own (?). How could she not be excited when she tasted the fruits of victory for the first time!

However, Chen Qing also knew that the little girl was protecting her from behind, so she had the confidence to confront Toshio Saeki, but this also made her determined to practice hard.

After dealing with Toshio Saeki, Chen Qing looked at Sadako, er, or Shikamaru, who was fighting with Uzumaki Naruto.

"Isn't this just shadow imitation fighting multiple shadow clones? As expected of a ghost from Sakura Country, every fight is like a ninjutsu fight." Chen Qing couldn't help complaining.

At this time, all the ruins, or the entire neighborhood that was shaken by Zhang Kai's Dionysus, were covered with coconut palms. However, although there were many coconut palms, Sadako, who was in the center of the ruins, had really long hair spread out on the ground. It's like the shadow imitation technique has been deployed, constantly expanding outwards.

Although Kayako's black bugs are measured in tens of thousands, Sadako also has a lot of hair. Coupled with the invisible barrier formed by her spiritual energy, offense and defense are integrated.

Moreover, every time Sadako's hair completely covers and swallows a coconut, Sadako's power will increase a little bit more. Just as Xiang Yao said, as the "daughter of the sea", Sadako has mastered the power of the Dead Sea in the underworld. It is completely the nemesis of "The Grudge".

The number of Kayako is getting smaller and smaller, but Sadako is getting stronger and stronger. Gradually, Kayako also realizes that it can no longer be consumed like this.

Suddenly, all the gay coconuts turned towards Chen Qing at the same time, staring at her with cold eyes in their hair.

"Hey. Hey. I'm just here to watch the show." Chen Qing backed away nervously, grabbed the travel bag she was carrying on her back, and held her tightly in her arms.

"Lele, help me."

She could barely try a coconut, but with so many coconuts, how could Chen Qing have the courage to not be frightened and collapse to the ground? She had already grown a lot.

Kayako ignored Sadako's attack and rushed towards Chen Qing regardless of casualties. Only then did Chen Qing realize that the master tape of the video tape was still in the bag, and Kayako was obviously brought by Chong's mother.

Chen Qing didn't dare to let Kayako take the master tape away. Once Kayako swallowed the mother tape and gained Sadako's abilities, she would really be unbeatable.

Chen Qing backed away while holding her travel bag. Regardless of whether it was useful or not, she raised her voice and recited the "Curse of Heaven and Earth" that Lin Ge taught him.

However, the spell she recited seemed to be useless and failed to prevent Kayako from approaching.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the cupboard not far away, and a huge speaker emerged from the ground, causing the rubble to fly with dust.


"Fierce! Dirty! Dissipate! Dissipate! Dao! Qi! Constant! Preserve!"

The loudspeaker version of the "Pure Heaven and Earth Mantra" reverberated throughout the neighborhood, deafening. Chen Qing couldn't help but plug her ears, and when she looked at the coconut trees around her, she also received a violent shock.

Not only Kayako, but also Sadako was completely irritated by the loudspeaker version of the "Pure Heaven and Earth Curse", controlling all the hair, forming a black "hair tide" and rolling towards the loudspeaker!

However, a figure rushed out of the ground along with the loudspeaker, rushed to Chen Qing, picked up the master tape inside, cast a restraint, and took Sadako back.

"Brother." Seeing Lin Ge appear, Chen Qing suddenly felt happy.

But she was also confused. Sadako was an important means of dealing with Kayako. Now that she was taken back, what would Kayako do?

"Let's go!" Lin Ge shouted.

As soon as he finished speaking, a thick red mist erupted from his body, and then a series of flat red mirrors appeared around him, extending into the air like stairs.

Lin Ge picked up Chen Qing, stepped on the red mirror and ran towards the air. The red mirrors appeared at his feet one after another, allowing him to "leap" over the siege of the Gay Coco army and leave the ruins.

However, just as he ran into the air, there was a sudden loud noise below, as if something was detonated underground, and the power was not low, directly blowing the ruins into the sky.


After the explosion, a stream of red flames spurted out from the ground. Immediately afterwards, the coconut palms in the entire neighborhood screamed in pain, and their bodies ignited with red flames.

Lin Ge was also affected by the impact of the explosion and was thrown directly away. Fortunately, when he was about to hit the ground, an airbag appeared to catch him and Chen Qing.

"Ah." Chen Qing was bounced to the ground by the air bag and almost fainted. When Lin Ge helped her up, her eyes were still dark.

"Brother, what's going on?"

Lin Ge replied: "I set up an exorcism array underground, then placed Kayako's diary at the source of the cursed house, and then used fire sticks to ignite the fire of hell and burn the diary."

Chen Qing rubbed her sore back and couldn't help but say, "Ah, is this a diary? I don't know. I thought you ordered a gas tank."

"Oh, I'm afraid that the source cannot be cleaned up. When I burned the diary with hellfire, I planted a few high-explosive time bombs..." Lin Ge said calmly.

Chen Qing:......

Lin Ge opened his eyes and looked at the ruins filled with firelight. He suddenly frowned and said to Chen Qing, "Let's go."

"Gaya Coco is not dead yet?" Chen Qing followed up and asked.

Regarding the fact that Kayako was not dead, Lin Ge did not expect that even after the diary and source were destroyed, she could still be alive. Her vitality was too tenacious.

Surprised, Lin Ge expected such a result.

After all, the reincarnation world of "The Grudge" is a special product created by the Lord God for Chen Qing, the "Red Gate". Based on his past experience, he knows that it will not be solved so easily.

Arriving at the ruins burning with raging flames, Lin Ge took the travel bag from Chen Qing's arms and carried it on his back. He took out the master tape from the bag, unlocked the restraints, and released Sadako.


Sadako was furious, her hair flying in the wind like Medusa's snake hair, and rolled towards Lin Ge.

Chen Qing screamed in fright, but Lin Ge calmly pressed the secret, used the restraint again, and locked Sadako back.

"Uh." Chen Qing was stunned, not expecting such a result.

Before she could express her feelings, she saw Lin Ge holding the magic formula again, unlocking the restraints of the master belt, and releasing Sadako.


Sadako became even more angry, her hair exploded, and she rushed towards Lin Ge with her teeth and claws bared.

Chen Qing was very calm this time, because she had already guessed what Lin Ge would do next... Unsurprisingly, Lin Ge used restraint to lock Sadako back.

Lin Ge shook the master tape, raised his right hand, bent his index finger and lightly tapped the shell of the master tape, and said lightly: "Let's discuss it, you help me deal with the coconut, and I will let you go free... What do you think? I'm nicknamed 'The Honest Young Master' by everyone, and I never lie to anyone."

After saying that, Lin Ge released the restraint and released Sadako with both hands. But Sadako obviously didn't listen to Lin Ge's words and planned to attack Lin Ge again, so she was imprisoned again.

In this way, Lin Ge kept turning on, off, on, off... until the red fire in the ruins was extinguished and they were still in a stalemate.

Lin Ge was not in a hurry. Anyway, he had destroyed Kayako's base camp. According to the "rules" he had observed these days, he would not be able to resurrect until tomorrow.

In this way, Lin Ge and Sadako were exhausted until dawn. Chen Qing even dozed off. He didn't know how many times he had released Sadako. Lin Ge had even formed muscle memory and was subconsciously preparing to use the restraint. Sadako went back, only to see that Sadako had stopped moving this time and stood motionless not far away.

Staring at Sadako, who was standing motionless with her head down and her hair disheveled, Lin Ge couldn't help but said: "Uh, it smells like that. Girl, do you know you are the scariest when you stand still? , the most oppressive feeling. What about, consider my suggestion and help me solve the source of the curse..."

Before Lin Ge finished speaking, Sadako, as if she didn't want to see him, turned around and walked towards the ruins. When she came to the huge pothole, she controlled her hair to go deep into the hole.




Suddenly, there were pitiful wailings from the ground, and then Lin Ge clearly felt that the disgusting "cursed" aura unique to Kayako was slowly fading until it disappeared.

Therefore, this spin-off of "The Grudge" and "The Ring"... "Sadako vs. Kayako" finally ends with Sadako's victory.

Since it was not Lin Ge and Chen Qing who dealt with Kayako, and Sadako was not their "ghost", the reward was not counted on them.

After Sadako dealt with Kayako, she turned around and stared at Lin Ge with terrifying eyes, as if to say that you should fulfill your promise now, destroy the master tape, and let her go free.

Lin Ge naturally saw what Sadako meant. He held the master tape and patted his palms gently. He said with a smile: "It's not urgent anyway, why don't we chat for a while?"

Sadako howled angrily, and the black hair behind her flew up like a poisonous snake and spread out instantly!

"Just a few words!" Lin Ge said seriously.

Sadako controlled her hair to surround Lin Ge and Chen Qing, but she made no next move. She seemed to really intend to listen to Lin Ge's "two sentences".

Lin Ge said with a smile: "As far as I know, you became what you are today because you were unlucky to have a pair of cheating parents. And you did all this because you wanted to be reincarnated."

"Now, there is a great opportunity in front of you..."

Lin Ge said, pulling Chen Qing beside him to him, and introduced with a serious face: "Do you know who this is? A closed-door disciple of the god who specializes in childbirth in our country, follow her, and you will not only get the VIP It’s a ticket to reincarnation, and you can also get immortality and accumulate blessings for the next life..."

Lin Ge chatted a lot, explaining to Sadako the power of the "Mother of Shuntian", and also packaged up Chen Qing's identity.

Chen Qing's face turned red when she heard that... Is this really me, and not some female channel novel with Shuangwen's script?

In fact, Lin Ge didn't want to do anything unnecessary, but he saved people to the end and sent Buddha to the west. With Chen Qing's abilities and the unreasonable difficulty of "The Grudge", the chances of her surviving the next reincarnation are extremely slim. He couldn't help much, he could only get some "help" for her as much as possible.

Judging from the "Midnight Ring" trilogy, Sadako's tragic life and Kuro Sadako's "reluctance" indeed gave her the idea of ​​reincarnation.

Of course, chatting alone is not enough, you have to give both kindness and power.

After all, with the "restriction" of the Great Sage, Sadako could not hurt Lin Ge and Chen Qing. This was also the reason why Lin Ge had the confidence to "have a few words."

It wasn't until the thirteenth day, the last moment of the main mission, that Lin Ge and Sadako "reluctantly" reached an agreement, with Chen Qing holding the master tape, and Sadako following her as a curse.

Although Chen Qing will lose one year of his life every month like he did before, losing his life is better than dying directly.

"Brother." As she was about to return, Chen Qing stood in front of Lin Ge with a bunch of talismans, talisman cloths and magic weapons in her arms, feeling quite reluctant to part with them.

Although they only got along with each other for just two weeks, she had already established a profound revolutionary friendship with Lin Ge through "bao, tui, kan, and xi" several times.

Lin Ge patted Chen Qing's shoulder and comforted: "Don't worry, since they have all been thrown into the main god's space, just make peace with them as they come, practice well, and use your 'danger perception' to survive. Maybe, We will meet again soon.”

"Ah?" Chen Qing looked at Lin Ge with confusion.

Lin Ge didn't tell Chen Qing the "truth" about the Red Sect. Knowing too much might not be a good thing for her. After all, with Chen Qing's current ability, she couldn't replicate the "Golden Cicada Escapes" fake death.

Lin Ge has done everything he can, and the rest is up to Chen Qing. If she can survive until the moment when she is "hunted" by the Lord God, then as he said, the two of them will meet again soon.

After all, according to last experience, Lin Ge must be on the list of those who want to kill Chen Qing.

Lin Ge gave a few more instructions, telling Chen Qing that she must practice well and pay attention to some things in the Lord God's space. Then the two of them applied to the Lord God to return.


Alas, this volume is finally finished. Since the blocking incident, the contents of the two copies of "School Ghost Story" and "Hanako" have been cut off. It can be said that it has completely collapsed. I don't know how to fill in the foreshadowing laid in the previous chapters. I have to scratch my head every day to update it. Broken, forced to squeeze out the plot... Finally, the hidden thread was connected, giving this volume a not-so-good ending. I will definitely learn from this lesson to avoid such problems in future copies, causing me to be in a hurry. Next, I will write the copy that I am good at. I will write the things I am good at and the number of updates will gradually recover. Otherwise, if I am so crowded every day, I will be unhappy writing and everyone will be even more unhappy reading... The next copy is currently tentatively scheduled. It should be the comprehensive world of "Zombie Quadrilogy", "Mr. Zombie", "Uncle Zombie", "Mr. Zombie" and "Zombie Supreme". The next one is "I Have a Date with a Zombie", which is a continuation of "Zombie Taoist", which is also called "Zombie Appointment". The outlines of these two copies have been written long ago and have been refined in the past two days, adding up to six chapters. More than 10,000 words, the plot...I am personally quite satisfied with it, and I hope everyone will like it too...Finally, thank you for your continued support! Kneel down and thank you!

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