Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 207: Great Sage, are you still losing hair recently?

The golden light flew into the sky and directly opened the thick clouds.

The huge python head protruding from the dark clouds in the sky seemed to sense the extraordinary golden light. It "shrunk" back into the dark clouds almost as soon as the golden light shot into the sky.

After the golden light swayed the clouds away, the dark clouds where the giant python was hiding immediately flew into the distance, and flew away from Yokohama City in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, the golden light dissipated in the air, revealing a mighty...monkey wearing golden armor and a purple gold crown with phoenix wings on his head?

In the distance, Hu Bufan and other evil spirits who were fighting Shuten Doji and monsters seemed to feel this powerful pressure and immediately turned into a stream of light and flew over.

Seeing the monkeys with their legs crossed in the air, their heads on their pillows, and playing with their feathers, they all knelt down and shouted respectfully: "Welcome to the Great Sage!"

The brown hair in Chen Qing's jade pendant turned into golden light. The person invited out by her "face-seeking method" was none other than Sun Wukong, the Monkey King who caused great trouble in the Heavenly Palace and disturbed the entire heaven!

Chen Qing looked at the mighty Monkey King in the sky in surprise. She didn't understand why there was a monkey hair in the jade pendant, and she didn't understand why she had the ability to invite the Monkey King out!

In the air, Sun Wukong turned his head, glanced at the Yinsha ghosts kneeling in a row, and asked: "You were the one who called me out?"

"The Great Sage is too flattering to the young ones. How can a young man invite the Great Sage out? My junior brother must have used some method to invite you out, the Great Sage."

Hu Bufan quickly lowered his head. When Sun Wukong was wreaking havoc in the underworld to snatch the book of life and death, he happened to be the guard who was kicked away by the Great Sage. He had personally experienced the "havoc in the underworld" incident that year, so he was worse than other sinisters. Ghost Cha knows more about Sun Wukong’s terror!

But since Lin Ge had a way to invite them all out, and there was no one else here, maybe it was just for the sake of his junior brother that he invited the Great Sage.

"Oh?" The Great Sage raised his eyebrows, and was about to ask Hu Bufan where the junior brother he mentioned was, when he felt an evil aura coming towards him.

Immediately afterwards, a big hand fell from the sky and grabbed the Great Sage directly.

If Lin Ge were here at this time, he would definitely complain that Jiutun Tongzi has no eyesight at all. Your boss has escaped, but you don't want to run away, but you still dare to take action?

However, the reason why Shutun Tongzi attacked the Great Sage was because Hu Bufan and others were so angry that they cooperated with Lin Ge's attack on the Five Elements Bagua Pan. They had previously beaten Shutun Tongzi into a state of embarrassment. The interference of Coconut's "curse" caused him to misjudge the pressure of the Great Sage.

So I just wanted to kill Hu Bufan and his party, but I didn't know that this humble monkey in front of me turned out to be the famous Monkey King!

The Great Sage did not dodge, and allowed the big hand to grab him. Not only did he not feel any pain, he even felt a little itchy.

The Great Sage scratched his cheek, squeezed a head out of the gap between his fists, and looked at Hu Bufan below: "Hey, what is this? Are you still following the tricks of Tathagata Buddha?"

"Uh..." Hu Bufan didn't know how to "introduce" Shuten Dozi, so he could only briefly explain the current situation tactfully, and carefully reminded: "Great Sage, we are in his domain. You must hit it slowly and don't hit it too much."

"Other domain?" The Great Sage heard this and released his spiritual consciousness to investigate. Not only did he find that he was indeed in another domain at this time, but there were also hundreds of monsters in the city below.

"Tsk, tsk, my old grandson has been locked up for so long, and finally I have a chance to go for a walk in his domain! Hey, big man, are you tired from pinching me?"

As soon as the Great Sage finished speaking, there was a loud "bang" sound. Shuten Doji squeezed his fist and exploded it. A golden stick suddenly swelled and burst the fist.

Immediately afterwards, the Great Sage stretched out his hand, grabbed the golden cudgel, and smashed it with his backhand, hitting Shuten Dozi directly on the head.

Shuten Doji couldn't even utter a cry before he was knocked out of his wits by the Great Sage with a stick and would never be reincarnated.

"Yo! It's a monster!" The Great Sage stood in the air with a golden cudgel, pointed to the sky, and said with a smile: "I am here, so don't be afraid!"

The Great Sage turned into a streak of golden light and flew downwards. With one stick, he directly swept over the flood water. Then, with another stroke, the monsters were wiped out wherever he went.

The Great Sage was about to exterminate all the monsters in Yokohama City when he suddenly sensed a familiar aura and turned into a stream of light, flying towards the collapsed mental hospital.

Chen Qing withdrew her gaze after seeing the Great Sage going to deal with Shuten Doji. She squatted by the stone slab and stared at the dark, bottomless crack in the abyss, feeling very worried about Lin Ge's safety.

Suddenly, the ground shook and the waves surged. It was the Great Sage who raised the flood with a stick. Chen Qing was knocked out by a wave and sank into the crack in the ground in the center of the mental hospital. She choked several times.

Chen Qing thought she might have confessed here, but who knew that a golden light suddenly flew in from above, picked her up, and flew back to the shore.

"Cough, cough. Cough, cough, cough." Chen Qing knelt on the ground, choking very uncomfortably. When she raised her head, she met the Great Sage's eyes as he looked at her.

"Hey, little girl, who are you? Why do you smell like an acquaintance of ours?" The Great Sage looked at Chen Qing and asked.

Chen Qing quickly took out the cracked jade pendant and said, "Great Sage, I borrowed the monkey hair in the jade pendant and used the method of inviting gods to invite you here."

"You?" The Great Sage raised his eyebrows, as if he didn't believe it.

Then, he took the cracked jade pendant in Chen Qing's hand, looked at it carefully, and said in a rather disdainful tone: "Oh! It turns out that she is the descendant of the Chen family girl! Hehe, I asked her for help back then. As a small favor, I gave her a piece of monkey hair. Since it’s for you, tell me, what do you want me to do for you?”

Chen Qing hurriedly said: "Great Sage, my brother and I came here to slay demons. Unexpectedly, a big demon released hundreds of ghosts. It is said that the big demon was Xiang Yao, the fierce god of our great celestial dynasty in ancient times. He was killed by Emperor Yu. After beheading one head, he fled to this corner and became a local emperor. It was the cause of this flood. My brother was pulled into the abyss of the flood. Great Sage, please save my brother."

Look, what does it mean to be red when you are close to red and black when you are close to ink? After hanging out with Lin Ge for a long time, Chen Qing's ability to deceive has reached the level of speaking out.

"Xiang Yao? Never heard of it. Your brother is down here, right? Wait, I, Old Sun, will bring him up." The Great Sage was about to go down when Chen Qing reminded him.

"Great Sage, be careful. There is something wrong with this flood. Once it is contaminated, it will absorb spiritual energy. My brother fell into its trap."

"Absorb spiritual energy? Haha, it's okay. My old grandson has a lot of spiritual energy, let him absorb it, let him absorb it!" The Great Sage smiled and turned into a golden light and flew directly into the abyss of the flood.

After Lin Ge was dragged into the crack of the abyss that opened underground, under the influence of Xiang Yao, the flood fell toward the abyss like a waterfall.

The Sakura Kingdom is an island country. After the ground cracked, it continued to fall directly into the deep sea. This is why Xiang Yao, who was beaten by Emperor Yu in the Great Celestial Kingdom, became the strongest monster in the Sakura Kingdom.

Because under the influence of Xiang Yao, Sakura Island is on top of its home base. It can be said that Xiang Yao holds the entire Sakura Island.

The reason why Sakura Island has frequent earthquakes is because this guy often sleeps in the open, and his sleeping posture is not very good. He turns over and snores from time to time, and there are more earthquakes and tsunamis in Sakura Island.

Therefore, when Lin Ge was dragged down the abyss, passed through Sakura Island, and fell directly into the deep sea, he sensed the strong evil energy below.

This evil spirit was exactly the same as the evil spirit hidden in the dark clouds in the sky, but it was thousands of times stronger. It could be said to be the most ferocious monster Lin Ge had ever encountered so far.

However, his spiritual energy was drained by the flood. Even if he swallowed the spirit powder, the recovery speed was far slower than the speed of absorption.

Just when Lin Ge was considering whether to use the "Black Umbrella"'s stand-in ability to escape, suddenly, red mirrors appeared around his body, surrounding him.

Immediately afterwards, the red mirror turned into a square "magic cube", protecting Lin Ge inside and draining the water inside.

As for whether Ou Yongqi was conscious or not, Lin Ge was too lazy to delve into it. It was a good thing after all to have the independent consciousness to save him in this desperate situation.

Ou Yongqi unfolded the ghost realm. After the first layer of the Red Mirror Rubik's Cube protected Lin Ge, the outside of the Rubik's Cube was enveloped by layers of thick black mist of resentment, blocking the seawater controlled by Xiang Yao.

"Thank you." Lin Ge immediately stuffed the elixir he had packed at the bottom of the box into his mouth, seizing the time to restore his spiritual energy.

At the same time, he took out the Five Elements and Bagua cards and tried to change the current situation by "turning things around". However, in Xiang Yao's domain, the consumption of spiritual energy becomes extremely fast, as if there is an invisible vacuum cleaner. Once he uses the spiritual energy, the other party will take the opportunity to suck away part of it.




Suddenly, the sound of mirrors breaking was heard, and Ou Yongqi's Rubik's Cube made of red mirrors was seen. All six mirrors had cracks.

It's a pity that Ou Yongqi doesn't have the awareness to communicate, otherwise Lin Ge would know that the sea water outside the Rubik's Cube has condensed into a huge hand, holding the Rubik's Cube.



The mirror cracked, and immediately after the shattering, a flood poured in. Although Lin Ge could try to block it with a spell, the problem now is that he is in Ou Yongqi's ghost realm, and Ou Yongqi is a "negative attribute", so the spell also has a certain impact on her.

Even after Lin Ge used the talisman, it would directly offset Ou Yongqi's ghost realm, consume the power of the ghost realm, and instead help Xiang Yao in disguise.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and a golden light rushed down from above, directly breaking the water in the deep sea, breaking through Ou Yongqi's ghost realm and entering the Rubik's Cube.

Lin Ge saw Monkey coming and recognized him at a glance. Mainly because of her gorgeous and majestic outfit, which is so recognizable.

"Monkey King, the Monkey King?" Lin Ge said in surprise, but then politely added three words: "Great Sage?"


The Great Sage raised his finger, shook his head, and said seriously: "Yes...the Tathagata Buddha, the Jade Emperor, the Great Sage Guanyin Bodhisattva appointed the special envoy to fetch the Western Sutra from the Water Curtain Cave in Huaguo Mountain, the Monkey King, the Monkey King, the Monkey King, the Monkey King, the Great Sage Sun Wukong... Kong!"

Lin Ge's expression froze, the corners of his eyes twitched, and he echoed, "Okay, Great Sage."

"Is your boy the brother of the girl above?" the Great Sage asked.

As soon as the Great Sage said these words, Lin Ge immediately guessed that the Great Sage must have been invited by Chen Qing using her own "facial invitation method".

However, he originally thought that Chen Qing's reputation would also be effective for the Lushan Sect, and he never dreamed that he would be able to invite the Monkey King, the Monkey King!

Before Lin Ge could answer, the Great Sage suddenly came closer, less than twenty centimeters away from Lin Ge's face, and looked at him carefully: "Hey. Why do you look familiar?"

"Uh..." Lin Ge was thinking about how to get close. Ou Yongqi's resentment and evil spirit were absorbed by Xiang Yao, and there was no power left to maintain the ghost realm. Once the ghost realm dispersed, the Mirror Cube suddenly couldn't bear the water. Pressed, it broke into pieces.

Seeing the water coming in, the Great Sage grabbed Lin Ge's shoulders and turned into a golden light and flew upward: "Let's go!"

In the blink of an eye, Lin Ge was back on the ground.

"Brother!" When Chen Qing saw Lin Ge being rescued by the Great Sage, she immediately stepped forward and asked with concern: "Are you okay? Are you injured?"

Before Lin Ge could speak, he heard the Great Sage reply: "It's okay, it's okay. With my help, I can save you even if you die!"

Lin Ge: ...Although there is nothing wrong with this, it sounds weird.


Suddenly, the Great Sage slapped his forehead, let out an exclamation, pointed at Lin Ge and said, "I, Grandson, have remembered who you are. Hey, do you still remember me, Grandson? We even had a drink with Ksitigarbha!"

Lin Ge:? ? ?

Chen Qing:! ! !

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva? drink wine?

Chen Qing swallowed subconsciously, ah, can I hear this? Ksitigarbha, let’s drink together? Great Sage, are you serious?

Don't spread rumors, and they are rumors about Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!

At this time, I saw the Great Sage's gaze condensed, and he suddenly looked at the dark clouds in the distant sky: "Hey. Where did this third-rate monster come from? It has been hiding in the clouds and peeping at my old grandson before, and it is still staring at me now. Isn't it annoying? Excuse me. Just wait here, I will come back as soon as I go."

Before he finished speaking, the Great Sage turned into a stream of light and flew into the air.


The Great Sage is worthy of being an activist. Lin Ge never had a chance to say anything during the whole process. He was basically "led away" by the other party, and he was "really led away".

Lin Ge looked at Chen Qing and sighed: "Okay, little sister, can you invite a big shot like the Monkey King?"

Chen Qing was also confused. She told Lin Ge about the situation of inviting gods before, and said awkwardly: "Actually, I don't know why I was able to invite the Great Sage, but I heard that the Great Sage said that when he asked the Chen family The girl did a little favor and gave him a monkey hair as a gift. I am a descendant of the Chen family, so I can use the monkey hair to invite him here."

Chen family girl?

Could it be that she was talking about Chen Jinggu, the Holy Mother of Suncheon?

Well, it seems that it is not strange to say this kind of title from the mouth of the Great Sage?

At this time, golden light bloomed in the sky, and then, the Great Sage turned into a golden light and flew back to Lin Ge and Chen Qing.


At the same time, a huge white python head fell from the air to the ground.

Lin Ge originally thought that what was hidden in the dark clouds was the Yamata no Orochi, but he didn't expect that it was just a snake head. The strange thing was that the snake head only had one section, and the fracture was very neat, as if it had been chopped off.

In other words, there is only a severed snake head hidden in the dark clouds.

"So fast!" Chen Qing felt that the Great Sage only had a few words to speak. The monsters that almost wiped out a city before were just gone.

"How can a third-rate monster be my rival?" the Great Sage said disdainfully.

Then, the Great Sage looked at Lin Ge and asked, "Do you remember my old grandson?"

Lin Ge blurted out and asked: "Great Sage, are you still losing hair recently?"

The Great Sage was stunned, retreated in horror, kept a few meters away from Lin Ge, and cursed angrily: "Damn! That's it again! Are you done yet! My old grandson was already beaten by you last time I just plucked my hair!"

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