Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 206 I am Huaguoshan, the Tathagata Buddha, Jade Emperor, and Guanyin Bodhisattva, the specia

Chapter 206 I am Huaguoshan, the Tathagata Buddha, the Jade Emperor, and the special envoy designated by Guanyin Bodhisattva to retrieve the Western Sutra...

Lin Ge and Chen Qing followed the direction of the scream and went deep into the hospital, and finally saw Gao Yewu slumped on the ground at the door of the ward.

It turns out that when the ghost sisters appeared, Takano Mai's psychic energy was triggered, which made her very uncomfortable and had to escape into the hospital building.

Back in the building, Takano Mai happened to bump into the awakened Masami and ran towards the ward, so she chased him. As soon as she reached the door, she felt her psychic energy being triggered.

Takano Mai endured the psychic discomfort and looked into the ward, and saw Yami lying motionless on the ground, with a horrified look on her face. She was obviously frightened to death.

In front of her, Sadako, wearing a white dress, hunched over, lowered her hands, lowered her head and slowly turned towards the door.


Gao Yewu was so frightened that her legs weakened and she fell to the ground. She knew that the best choice was to run away quickly, otherwise she would end up like Yami.

It's just that under the intense fear, her body was completely out of control and she couldn't even stand up, let alone run away.

Takano Mai put her hands on the ground and forced her body to retreat until she reached the corridor wall, while Sadako was still approaching step by step.

"no, do not want."


At this time, the sound of running in the corridor immediately caught Takano Mai's attention, and she saw a glimmer of light in her despair.

"Help me, help me, master, help me!" Gao Yewu tried her best to crawl towards Lin Ge, but saw Lin Ge stop suddenly and stop.

The reason was simple. Lin Ge had just rushed halfway when he saw half of Sadako's head emerging from the ward. If he rushed up, he would definitely hit the muzzle of the gun, so he quickly pulled Chen Qing to stop.

Sadako twisted her neck to look at Lin Ge. For a moment, Lin Ge and Chen Qing felt a cold breath envelope them, and they froze in place.

This is the first time Lin Ge has faced Sadako face to face without "interference", and it is also the first time that he can clearly feel Sadako's power.

In fact, whether it is Sadako or Kayako, they are not very "aggressive" to Lin Ge, and it is difficult for them to even pose a threat to Lin Ge.

The tricky part is that these two ghosts cannot be "killed".

When Lin Ge first came into contact with Kayako, he thought that all ghosts in the world had this setting, but now it seems that only Kayako and Sadako have this setting, and all other ghosts can be killed.

Therefore, Lin Ge immediately thought of the two "cursed objects", which is why he was eager to find the master tape of the "cursed video tape".

"Hurry as the law dictates!"


Lin Singer lifted it up, took out a evil-suppressing talisman, kneaded it and lit it. When the talisman burned, there was a sound of breaking glass, and then the chill that enveloped him and Chen Qing disappeared.

Just when Lin Ge was about to take out the Five Elements Bagua Disk and force Sadako to retreat, he saw Sadako retreating into the ward first.

Is this... timid?

Obviously this is more unacceptable than telling Lin Ge that Sadako is a hermaphrodite monster. But when Sadako wanted to escape, Lin Ge naturally wouldn't give her a chance and chased after her, dragging the Five Elements Bagua Pan.

As soon as he entered the room, Lin Ge saw Sadako crawling towards the tragic death of Masami, so he held up the Five Elements Bagua disk, turned the center Bagua and took a photo——


Sadako was illuminated by the golden light and let out a miserable howl.

Lin Ge was about to take advantage of the victory and pursue him. Regardless of his real body or fake body, he should be dealt with first. But Chen Qing suddenly rushed into the room, dragged him and ran outside.

"Brother, run!"

As soon as Lin Ge was dragged out of the ward, he heard a loud "boom" and a huge fist smashed through the wall and entered the ward.

Drinking boy!

After the huge fist was retracted, there was only a big hole left in the wall, and there was no trace of Sadako in the house.

"Help her go." Lin Ge asked Chen Qing to take away Gao Yewu who collapsed on the ground, and he rushed towards the big hole blasted out by Shuten Doji.

I saw that Shuten Doji revealed his true body again this time, but unlike last time, his body became several times larger, giving people the illusion that his head was in the sky and his feet were on the ground.

The Yin Cha led by Ma Mian Hu Bufan turned into streams of light and attacked from all sides. On the bright side, Hu Bufan and the other gangsters were suppressing Jiutun Tongzi and beating him. But under such circumstances, Shuten Douji was able to seize the opportunity to attack the hospital. His ability to withstand beatings was obviously incredible.

But Lin Ge noticed that there was a faint black snake shadow in the clouds behind Shutuntongzi. Moreover, the fist that Shuten Doji had just punched into the hospital building was still in a "grip" position, as if he had grabbed something in his hand.

"Senior brother! Attack his left hand!" Upon seeing this, Lin Ge immediately shouted to Hu Bufan and others.

When Hu Bufan and others heard Lin Ge's cry, they immediately gathered together and opened the soul-capturing umbrellas in their hands at the same time. Suddenly the whole sky reverberated with the soul-soothing magic sound.

The umbrella is closed, and the golden light appears!

Shuten Doji's left arm shot out streaks of golden light from the inside, penetrating his body as if it was about to be purified, causing him to howl in pain and then loosen his fist.

At this time, a black smoke fell from his palm and fell into the building below.

"Sure enough, Shuten Doji's target is Sadako!" Lin Ge confirmed this and immediately opened his eyes to locate Sadako.

"Brother, what should we do now?" Chen Qing helped Gao Yewu to come behind Lin Ge.

Lin Ge put the chocolate into Chen Qing's hand and said: "There are ghost sisters here to resist the hundred ghosts, and Ou Yongqi is watching. You and the little girl find a safe place to keep an eye on Gao Yewu. I'll be back soon."

"Then be careful." Chen Qing said with a worried look on her face.

Lin Ge nodded and immediately chased towards where Sadako fell. Shuten Tongzi withstood the attacks from Hu Bufan and other Yin Chai and smashed his fist to the ground again, exactly where Lin Ge rushed to.


Seeing the huge fist blocking the way, Lin Ge raised his hand, and the Five Elements Bagua Disk shot out a golden light, directly towards Shuten Dozi's head.

Shuten Doji immediately raised his other hand to resist, but this allowed Hu Bufan and others to seize the opportunity and launch a fierce attack.

As Lin Ge rushed towards the ruins that had been destroyed by the drunken boy, he heard Huang Shang's voice: "Hey. The guy you are chasing seems to be just a clone. I sensed the location of her real body. She should be in this ruins. , the smell is very strong, please be careful."

My true self?

The master tape of the cursed tape?

Lin Ge suddenly remembered a detail in the movie, that is, when Takano Mai went to the mental hospital to visit Masami, she passed a station and met Reiko Asakawa there.

Judging from this, the place where Reiko Asakawa and her son live is indeed not far from the mental hospital.

"Where exactly?"

Now that Huang Shang has captured the location of the master tape, it is estimated that Shuten Doji can also capture it. Lin Ge believes that he must hurry up and get the master tape before Shuten Doji.

"Go forward and go upstairs on the left."

Huang Shang guided Lin Ge all the way upstairs. As he went higher, even if Huang Shang didn't say anything, Lin Ge could smell Sadako's strong resentment.


At this time, a frightened scream sounded. Lin Ge chased after the sound and saw a woman in the house blocking a little boy behind her.

"Reiko Asakawa?"

Lin Ge chased into the house, raised his hand to throw a talisman, and recited a spell. Sadako was knocked back by Lin Ge again and again, and she suddenly screamed angrily at him.

Resentment and spiritual energy merged, and Lin Ge suddenly felt an invisible force pushing him out of the room.

Lin Ge concentrated his strength on his feet and stabilized his body. At the same time, he held the Five Elements Bagua disc in front of him with his left hand. He raised his right hand, bit his finger, and kneaded the formula forward a little to the void!

Click, click!

The familiar sound of breaking glass sounded again, and Lin Ge's attack successfully defused Sadako's offensive. This also made Sadako angry and rushed directly towards Lin Ge.

As soon as Lin Ge came out with the "Golden Light Curse", his golden body opened, he recited the "Purifying Heaven and Earth Curse", turned around and kicked Sadako in the chest, sending her flying backwards.

"Hey. If you hadn't cheated to death, you would have been beaten to the point of death by me, Taoist Master!" Lin Ge caught up with him in one stride, and the Five Elements Bagua Disk shined directly on Sadako's face, turning it into a black smoke and dissipating it.

After killing Sadako's clone again, Lin Ge quickly came to the woman: "Are you Reiko Asakawa?"

"Yes, yes. You, who are you? Thank you for saving us." Asakawa Reiko protected her son Yoichi behind her and said slightly gratefully.

"Stop talking nonsense, where is the master tape?"

"Master tape?"

Lin Ge said coldly: "If you don't want to die, hurry up and give me the master tape of the 'cursed video tape' you found in the hotel. Only in this way can you prevent your son from dying of the curse."

Reiko Asakawa asked in surprise: "You have a way to save my son?"

"If you drag it on any longer, even the gods won't be able to save your son when Sadako comes back." Lin Ge continued to use Yoichi as a breakthrough, forcing Reiko Asakawa to hand over the master tape.

"Here, here!" Asakawa Reiko hurried to the corner of the living room, picked up a backpack, and took out two video tapes.

"This is the master tape, this... was burned by me..." Before Asakawa Reiko could finish her words, Lin Ge snatched two videotapes from her hands.

In fact, Reiko Asakawa didn't need to say more, Lin Ge had already felt the resentment of the two video tapes in her hands, and the one on the left far exceeded the other one.

"Find a place to hide, don't go to the street." Lin Ge reminded him kindly, rushed out of the house with the video tape, and jumped directly from the balcony downstairs.

At the height of three floors, with his current physical condition, there is naturally no danger. After landing, Huang Shang's voice sounded again: "You'd better go back quickly. I feel the breath of spider spirits, there are a lot of them, and the people in the mental hospital The direction is the most serious.”

"Spider spirit?" Lin Ge thought that there shouldn't be such a thing in the Night Parade of Hundred Demons in the Sakura Kingdom, right?

Huang Shang replied: "It's the female ghost who always liked to lie on the ground."

Lin Ge: ...Gayako will definitely thank you for the new nickname you gave her. If nothing else, she will at least thank you for saying she has long legs?

Complaints are complaints. When Lin Ge heard Huang Shang say that there were a lot of coconut scents coming from the direction of the mental hospital, he had already rushed there as fast as he could.

However, the scenes on the street made Lin Ge dumbfounded. The "Hundred Ghosts Night Walk" created by Shuten Doji was said to be "Hundred Ghosts", but in fact there were dozens or hundreds of monsters in one "type", and Still flowing out of the cracks. Even though the ghosts are trying their best to kill, they can't stop the number of monsters from increasing.

Those citizens who were desperate to escape were surrounded by monsters wherever they went. In less than an hour, most of the city was about to be slaughtered by this night feast of hundreds of ghosts.

Suddenly, two black mist sprang out from the direction of the hospital, sweeping through the monsters on the street like a tornado. The most outrageous thing was that there were several ghosts chasing behind the two black tornadoes, and the leader was Luo He.

When Luo He saw Lin Ge, he quickly shouted to him: "Junior brother, stop your ghost king quickly, we can no longer keep an eye on him."

Ghost King?

Only then did Lin Ge realize that the two tornadoes were ghost sisters. He had been worried that the ghost sisters would be swallowed by Shutuntongzi, so he kept a cautious eye and asked Luo Tianluohe to help keep an eye on them. Who knew that the ghost sisters knew that they could not be offended? Tianke's ghosts would run away when they saw them, and at the same time they would devour monsters all over the place.



Suddenly, a bubble sound unique to Kayako emerged from all directions, and then Kayako figures appeared everywhere, in large numbers, like an "army".

Luo Tian slapped a coconut to death with a fire stick. However, the coconut did not turn into black smoke and disappear after he slapped it to death. Instead, it fell to the ground like a plate of loose sand. If you look carefully, what kind of "sand" is that? , but black beetles!

Seeing this scene, Lin Ge was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Kayako to grow to such an extent. However, what he didn't know was that Kayako had killed other reincarnations a few days ago and transferred the curse of the "cursed house" to Hao Yin. In other words, she is now a mobile "cursed house" .


Jia Ye came out of the hospital, so wouldn't Chen Qing be in danger?

Lin Ge rushed towards the mental hospital. However, as soon as he reached the gate, there was sudden lightning and thunder in the sky, and the shadow of the snake in the dark clouds became clearer and clearer!

Immediately afterwards, strong winds came and heavy rain poured down!

The heavy rain came so fiercely that it seemed like it would submerge the entire city.


A sound of breaking through the air echoed in the sky, and the huge black shadow became increasingly clear. It was a giant monster with eight heads.

Suddenly, a huge white python's head protruded from the dark clouds and sprayed a torrent in the direction of the mental hospital. Lin Ge had no time to react and was directly rushed into the hospital building by the torrent.

"elder brother!"

Lin Ge was rushed in and happened to bump into Chen Qing who was running out with Gao Yewu. Fortunately, the three of them were rushed back again.

The flood instantly filled the entire hospital building. Lin Ge was shocked to find that the flood was not ordinary water. It drained his spiritual energy almost as soon as it submerged him.

Lin Ge was horrified and couldn't help but sigh. Is this the power of the ancient evil god? Just one face-to-face meeting made me lose my ability.




The flood destroyed most of the hospital building in an instant, and then the ground shook violently, and bottomless cracks appeared.

A large amount of water gushes out of the cracks.

In just a minute or two, the entire city of Yokohama was swallowed up by floods!

Lin Ge tried his best to push Chen Qing onto a stone slab. Just when he was about to climb up, a torrent swept behind him and turned into a huge snake's mouth, swallowing him!

Lin Ge was directly pulled into the bottom of the water by the python that turned into a flood. The spiritual energy that had just been recovered after swallowing it was completely sucked away in an instant.

"elder brother!"

Chen Qing stood by the stone slab and was anxious when she saw Lin Ge being pulled into the water. But she had no choice but to hold the jade pendant on her chest and worry.

Suddenly, Chen Qing felt a warmth coming from the jade pendant, and then a white light appeared, and the jade pendant turned into a white cover and enveloped her.

"elder brother!"

Chen Qing gritted her teeth and jumped directly into the water. The white cover immediately separated the water, and she ran downwards.

But Lin Ge was dragged down so fast that Chen Qing couldn't catch up. The deeper he ran into the cracks in the ground, the more serious the "danger perception" warning became.



I saw that the white cover covering Chen Qing had cracks, and it was obvious that it could no longer support the power of the ancient evil god.


There was a crisp sound, but the cover covering Chen Qing did not break. Instead, the jade pendant that Chen Qing held tightly in her hands broke first. Chen Qing was shocked when she discovered that after the jade pendant cracked, a brown... hair floated out from inside.

Chen Qing immediately thought of Lin Ge's previous teachings. "Fairy objects" like jade pendants are the easiest way to establish links with gods and Buddhas. Using this as a medium, you might be able to invite the big bosses behind!

My mother gave me the jade pendant, so maybe I can invite a mistress!

When Chen Qing thought of this, she immediately held the jade pendant in both hands, knelt down devoutly, and recited the God-inviting Mantra seriously according to the method taught by Lin Ge!

"No matter who you are, please give me some face!"


The brown hair in the jade pendant turned into a golden light and flew into the air, followed by a loud laugh that resounded through the sky: "Ha!"

"I am the Tathagata Buddha, the Jade Emperor, the Great Sage Avalokitesvara, the envoy designated by Guanyin Bodhisattva to fetch the Western Sutra, Huaguoshan Water Curtain Cave, the Monkey King, the Monkey King, the Monkey King, the Monkey King, the Monkey King, and the Great Sage Sun Wukong. I am so handsome that I am... a scumbag!!!"

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