Lin Ge didn't expect the Great Sage's reaction to be so big, and he felt as if he had pulled out many monkey hairs from him before: "Great Sage, to be honest, I have a little problem, and I don't remember what happened before. .Since I am fortunate enough to be an old acquaintance with the Great Sage, I wonder if the Great Sage would like to talk about the past?"

The Great Sage was about to accuse "Lin Ge" of his evil deeds when he saw a ray of light appear in the southwest sky and reach the horizon.

The Great Sage was stunned for a moment when he saw the ray of light, then scratched his cheek and knelt towards the ray of light: "Master!"

After a while, the Great Sage stood up and said respectfully: "Disciple, I understand."

The Great Sage’s master?

Lin Ge and Chen Qing were puzzled when they saw the Great Sage scratching his cheeks, walking up to them and smiling: "Hey. Sorry, sorry. Master told me not to go too far. If there is another war in the God Realm, then That’s not going to be good. However, although I, Old Sun, have to leave, I can help you deal with the big guy down there first.”

As he spoke, the Great Sage put the golden hoop on his shoulders, put his hands on the stick, swayed to the edge of the platform, and danced the golden hoop casually.


"Take a stick from my old grandson!"

The Great Sage suddenly jumped up and hit the ground with the golden hoop in his hand. As the golden hoop fell, it suddenly transformed into a golden light that shot straight into the sky and became a hundred times a thousand times larger!


When the stick went down, the earth shook violently like a big earthquake. The ground cracked and collapsed, and countless monsters were directly swallowed up by the golden light.

Chen Qing couldn't even stand firmly. She hugged one of Lin Ge's hands tightly, and the other black umbrella flew to the side to block her body, and then she could barely stand still.

Lin Ge looked at the buildings and monsters reduced to ashes, as well as the cracked ground and the gushing floods and tsunamis, and suddenly remembered a movie... "The Sinking of Japan".

Lin Ge: ...Great Sage, you said just now that you don’t want to cause a war in the divine world, but if you stick this stick, the Sakura Kingdom will sink. Are you sure you are not causing a war?


Suddenly, a shocking roar came from the bottom of the sea, and a strong tsunami erupted around Sakura Island, as if something huge was about to emerge from the bottom of the sea.

Immediately afterwards, a huge wave hit from the seaside, and when it was about to engulf Yokohama, the Great Sage took a sharp breath and blew into the tsunami.


No one felt the wind at all, and saw that the huge waves dispersed in the opposite direction, and were actually "blown" back into the sea.

With a loud "crash", a huge snake head emerged from the seaside of Yokohama City. The snake's body was several hundred meters wide and its head reached straight to the sky.



Until the eighth snake head rushed out of the sea, the Yamata no Orochi, the ancient fierce god Xiang Yao whose head was beheaded by Emperor Yu, woke up from his deep sleep.

"Who dares to disturb this god from his rest? This god will definitely kill you..."

While Xiang Yao was saying harsh words, he saw a golden light falling from the sky, and a huge golden stick hit his head directly, knocking his head back into the water.

"How dare you..."


The second stick!



The third stick!

The fourth stick!

The fifth stick!

"Wait, wait!" Xiang Yao shook his huge head, trying to avoid the Great Sage's attack, but the opponent's speed and attack were too fast, and there was no way to avoid it.

"Great Sage, have mercy on me, Great Sage, have mercy on me!" Xiang Yao's last head was on the sea, giving people the feeling of "kneeling down".

The Great Sage was about to strike the last blow with the stick. He stopped after hearing this, looked at Xiang Yao's head on the sea and asked, "Huh? I didn't expect that you, a monster in a wild land, would actually recognize me, Old Sun?"

Xiang Yao said quickly: "The great sage's name is like thunder. Our Sakura Country advocates the culture of the Tang Dynasty. Your deeds of conquering demons and slaying demons when you went west have long been spread among the people. In addition, when you went westward, the great sage, I have chased away many monsters and fled to Sakura Island, so I have a clearer understanding of your deeds. I just didn’t recognize your majestic figure, the Great Sage, because my eyesight is clumsy. I hope you will Open the net and save the little one’s life!”

Seeing that Xiang Yao, the ancient fierce god, was begging the Great Sage for mercy like a pet snake, Lin Ge and Chen Qing looked at each other, both seeing a strange look in the other's eyes.

The ancient evil god, that’s it?

Chen Qing asked Lin Ge with a strange expression: "The ancient fierce god who lived at the same time as Emperor Yu... should have made his debut much earlier than the Great Sage, right?"

"Who knows, maybe it's because I've paddled too much. I've been paddling for thousands of years, and there are no opponents here. If my strength doesn't improve, I guess it's just a bluff."

Lin Ge wanted to say, "There are no tigers in the mountains, monkeys are the kings," but he thought it was a bit disrespectful to say such words in front of the Great Sage.

Although he just wanted to express that Xiang Yao might have arrived in the "barbaric land" of Sakura Island. Without his competitors, he would slack off in all aspects of cultivation.

In any case, Xiang Yao's performance was far from Lin Ge's imagination.

The Great Sage pointed his golden cudgel at Xiang Yao and said coldly: "You monster, you have released so many little monsters to cause harm to the world. I, the old grandson, will do justice for heaven today!"

Xiang Yao: ...Great Sage, even if I released these monsters, I'm afraid they won't kill as many people as your stick!

Although he thought so, he would not dare to say this even if he gave Xiang Yao a hundred more courage.

Xiang Yao quickly begged for mercy: "Great Sage, you have misunderstood Xiao. These monsters were not released by Xiao. After Xiao was beheaded by Emperor Yu, he had corrected his evil ways. Relying on the offerings of the islanders, he has been living under the sea all year round. Sleeping, how could you do such a thing?"

The Great Sage raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Are you saying that these things have nothing to do with you? I'll give you another chance. If you lie even one word, don't blame me for being ruthless with my iron rod!"

Xiang Yao said anxiously: "It really has nothing to do with Xiao. Xiao's head that was chopped off by Emperor Yu absorbed Zeshui's evil spirit and turned into a monster alone. After he and Xiao escaped to Sakura Island, they were bent on robbing The little body. But the little thought was one with it, so it didn't kill them all. Unexpectedly, this demon snake head was wooing the little demon on the island, trying to assemble a monster army to fight against the little one. "

"But in the Hundred Monsters War, Xiao Xiao swallowed most of the monsters, and then stopped for a long time. Later, when he learned that Xiao Xiao's daughter had landed on the shore, he wanted to start with Xiao Xiao's daughter and seize Xiao Xiao's power. Although he was finally stopped by the younger one, the younger daughter was cursed and became an undead soul."

After hearing Xiang Yao's "explanation", Lin Ge suddenly became enlightened. The questions in his heart were finally answered. He immediately stepped forward, pointed at the huge snake head lying in the ruins in the distance and asked: "What do you mean... all of this... Was it caused by that demonic snake head?"

"That's right." Although Xiang Yao didn't want to pay attention to the tiny human being in front of him, seeing that he was with the Great Sage, he didn't dare to take risks.

Lin Ge asked again: "Your daughter...shouldn't she be called Sadako?"

"Hey, Miao...Human, do you know the daughter of this god?" Xiang Yao asked.

Lin Ge took out the master tape of the cursed video tape from his travel bag: "Your daughter was killed by the demon snake head, turned into a ghost, and was attached to this video tape. However, I am very curious as to why your daughter The daughter' could actually be a human being?"

Xiang Yao sighed: "I didn't expect that even you knew about it...but it's a long story."

"Then let's make a long story short." Lin Ge said.

Xiang Yao:......

"Since my daughter was born, I have always wanted to go to the island to see the human world. One day, I found a woman sacrificing her newborn daughter to me through the entrance to the Underworld. In fact, I have never He expressed his preference for human sacrifice to humans, but I don’t know where they heard it from.”

"I originally planned to ignore it as before, but who knew that the daughter of this god was attached to the baby girl, controlling the waves to float back to the entrance of the Hades Sea. The woman thought it was a gift from the sea god, so she took her daughter back to raise her. Alas, This is just a normal upbringing, who knew that woman was still a witch."

"After the divine power of the daughter of this god gradually emerged, the witch's family thought that she had also inherited the blood of the witch. However, she was framed by the demon snake head and died miserably in a dry well. The daughter of this god was unwilling to accept it, so she turned into a curse and possessed her. On videotape, seeking a chance to be reborn.”


Lin Ge silently gave a thumbs up and made the word "6" in a thousand words. He really wanted to say to Xiang Yao: I give you the pen and you write it.

Lin Ge felt that it was outrageous enough to explain "Midnight Ring" as a "science fiction film", but he didn't expect that it would also be mixed with the love and hatred of ancient evil gods.

In the end, it turned out to be an ethical film?

This special meow is outrageous!

Lin Ge asked: "You are the most powerful god in the Sakura Kingdom, but you can't even make your daughter reborn or reincarnate?"

Xiang Yao sighed: "It's a shame to say that I seem to have infinite glory, but in fact I am just a 'gatekeeper' at the entrance of the River Styx. It involves the six paths of reincarnation, so naturally I can't get involved."

"Damn, you're going to disgrace the fierce god of my domain." Lin Ge couldn't help but complain.

Xiang Yao: ...If the Great Sage is not here, you can try saying something again.

Lin Ge and the Great Sage looked at each other and saw the same question in each other's eyes... What should I do?

"Then... let's forget about killing him?" the Great Sage asked tentatively.

Xiang Yao hurriedly said: "Great Sage, please forgive me. I have been on Sakura Island for thousands of years and have never done anything harmful to nature. The demon snake head relies on the same origin as the little one to draw the little power to do evil. The little one also wants to Try your best to stop it. Now that it has died under the power of the Great Sage, Sakura Island will be at peace."

"Besides, it is a small blessing to be able to die under the iron rod of the Great Sage, but as the guard of the entrance to the Underworld, if I die, there will be no one to guard the entrance to the Underworld, and the souls of the dead in the underworld can do whatever they want. When you travel to the human world, the human world will be in chaos!"

"You decide whether to kill or not." The Great Sage walked aside with the golden cudgel and threw the hot potato directly onto Lin Singer.

Lin Ge stepped forward and asked Xiang Yao about Kayako, especially why Kayako could not be killed. This was what he was most concerned about.

Xiang Yao explained that the "curse" on Kayako is a kind of evil energy unique to Sakura Island, and as long as this evil energy does not dissipate, the ghost condensed by the evil energy cannot be killed. In other words, "evil energy" is the true nature of ghosts, and ghosts are just clones derived from this evil energy.

This also corresponds to the setting of "Grudge". Every person who dies in the Grudge will turn into a new Grudge, making the original Grudge become more powerful.

"Is there any solution?" Lin Ge asked.

Xiang Yao thought for a while and replied: "It is not difficult to completely eliminate the 'evil energy'. The daughter of this god has inherited the power of the underworld and is the incarnation of the black sea. She has the power to channelize the evil energy. You only need to take her away from the evil energy." At its source, she can assimilate the 'evil energy'."

Hearing this, Lin Ge finally understood why Kayako and Sadako started fighting as soon as they met. Fire and water were incompatible. After a long time, these two people were naturally at odds with each other!

Lin Ge asked many more detailed questions about the power of Sadako and Kayako, and finally decided to leave a head for Xiangyao after discussing with the Great Sage.

The reason is very simple. First, as Xiang Yao said, after it was driven to Sakura Island, it did not do anything harmful to nature. This can be confirmed by the fact that there is no evil energy wrapped around it; second, after Xiang Yao died, the underworld The entrance to the sea is unattended, and problems are prone to occur in the human world; thirdly... due to the Great Sage's reputation, leaving Xiang Yao behind, Lin Ge is equivalent to having an extra helper on Sakura Island, who can solve a lot of troubles for him.

After Xiang Yao thanked the Great Sage for not killing him, he immediately "escaped" back into the deep sea carrying his seven knocked unconscious heads.

After Xiang Yao left, Lin Ge took the cursed video tape master and fell into deep thought. With the help of Sadako's power, he could deal with Kayako. Although he could really make a "Sadako vs. Kayako",... Sadako was no better. Coconut is easy to deal with. If Sadako assimilates Kayako and becomes more difficult to deal with, wouldn't it mean killing demons and creating demons? What's the difference?

The Great Sage seemed to notice Lin Ge's worry. He reached out and took the video tape, made a few "噌噌噌"" gestures, placed a few restrictions, and then threw it back to Lin Ge: "Okay, okay, it's done. If this If the monsters inside attack you, they will be counterattacked by the ban imposed by me."

"Thank you, Great Sage." Upon hearing this, Lin Ge suddenly beamed with joy and thanked him respectfully.

"Hey. Now that the matter has been resolved, these little monsters... I am too lazy to do anything. You can play slowly. I want to go back!" The great sage said, preparing to fly into the sky.

"The Great Sage, stay here." Lin Ge quickly called out to the Great Sage.

"Anything else?"

Lin Ge looked at the Great Sage's forehead seriously and said: "The Great Sage is wise, mighty and handsome, but there are three monkey hairs branching on your left forehead, which affects your image somewhat..."

The Great Sage was shocked: "Is there such a thing?"

Lin Ge winked at Chen Qing, who quickly stepped forward: "That's right, Great Sage, look at these three..."

Chen Qing pointed at the Great Sage's forehead, and then plucked out three monkey hairs: "Look, they are all curled up. Oh, the Great Sage is so handsome that he has lost all his hair."

"Uh..." The Great Sage always felt that something was wrong, but for a moment he didn't know what was wrong: "Then... thank you, is it okay? It's okay, my old grandson is gone!"

Lin Ge and Chen Qing bowed respectfully: "Best farewell to the Great Sage."

The Great Sage turned into a golden light and disappeared into the sky.

Lin Ge and Chen Qing smiled at each other, looked at the three monkey hairs in Chen Qing's hand, and began to discuss how to "separate the hairs."

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