Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 205 The Night Banquet of Hundred Ghosts? The ghost sisters are killing each other like crazy

On the street outside the mental hospital, as the black cracks that broke through the space appeared one by one, more and more monsters that were only spread in the legend of Sakura Country came out of the cracks and walked on the streets.

A crew across the street who was filming "Amazing Stories" saw the sky suddenly darken, and thought they had encountered a "Tengu Eclipse Moon". They were about to take the opportunity to shoot some footage, when they saw monsters appearing one after another, and they were immediately frightened. Run around the buildings.

Some people saw that there seemed to be someone in the mental hospital and hurriedly ran towards it. Unexpectedly, as soon as they reached the door, they saw an "altar" that could only appear in horror movies placed in the yard.

Immediately afterwards, they saw the man standing behind the altar, taking out a handful of paper money and throwing it into the sky. He then lit the paper money and placed them in front of the memorial tablets on the long table.

Following this man's "practice", terrifying evil spirits emerged from the ground in front of the altar, and these people were immediately frightened and fled back to the street.

For a moment, these people thought that the monsters outside were caused by Lin Ge.


At this moment, a deep male voice came from in front of the altar, and then a stream of green smoke came out of the ground, and a group of evil spirits led by Ma Mian Hu Bufan appeared.

Hu Bufan still held a handful of paper money in his hand and put it in his pocket. At the same time, he shouted righteously to the evil ghost in front of him: "Bold evil ghost, I am here. Don't think that I can't do anything to you if you escape to other areas. Wait." Hurry up and capture them, let me take action, capture them one by one and throw them into the eighteenth level of hell!"

However, all this was colluded by Lin Ge, Ma Mian and others. Since this is the border of Sakura Country, and there is the underworld exclusive to Sakura Country, Hu Bufan and others are restrained even if they want to help Lin Ge.

Therefore, they colluded to put on a show. Once they received Lin Ge's "burn money" signal, they would first release some evil ghosts, and then take action to capture these evil ghosts in the name of catching fugitives.

And these evil spirits are all Ma Mian's "own people", so he naturally knows how to cooperate with them in acting.

As soon as Ma Mian and other evil spirits appeared, those evil spirits who appeared first fled towards the surrounding buildings, creating opportunities for the evil spirits to "search".

After Ma Mian pretended to shout, he turned around and appeared next to Lin Ge in a flash of smoke. He asked, "Junior brother, why did you call us out this time?"

Lin Ge briefly told Ma Mian the current situation, and then continued: "I suspect that as you said, senior brother, Xiang Yao, whose head was beheaded by Emperor Yu, came here and became the evil sea god Baqi who controls the sea. Orochi, and it planned all of this. Although I don’t know why it sent Shuten Doji to constantly hinder our search for the master tape of the cursed video tape, but since it is what the evil god wants, we must not let it get into its hands."

"We, as cultivators, have to fight against good and evil for the rest of our lives. How can we let a mere big insect do whatever he wants? Senior brother, don't you think so?"

Hu Bufan said in a deep voice: "Junior brother, what you said is absolutely true. How can we, as monks, allow a vicious god who was driven out of our domain to do evil? Junior brother, how do you want us to cooperate with you?"

Lin Ge said: "Senior brother, just hold down the drunken boy for me. As for these demons and ghosts, they are just for my ghost generals to practice their skills."

"Okay! Jiutun has given us Yin Chai. Brothers Gui Chai, I would like to trouble you to share the burden of these monsters for our junior brother. Brothers, let's go!" As soon as Hu Bufan finished his words, he and other Yin Chai turned into green smoke and headed towards Flying towards the biggest crack in the sky.

The ghost missions headed by Luo Tian and Luo He summoned their magic weapons, fire sticks and soul cuffs, and rushed towards the Japanese monsters and monsters wandering on the street.




After Hu Bufan and others flew into the air, they fought with the Shutun boy who appeared from the sky. When the Shutun boy pointed towards the mental hospital, the monsters and monsters on the street suddenly came towards the mental hospital.

Some of the monsters ran into the ghosts and were blocked, but more immediately surrounded the mental hospital. The larger ones broke through the wall and poured into the yard.

Lin Ge put away all the name tags on the long table, placed the Five Elements Bagua plate on the long table, put his five fingers into the center and turned -



As two blood-curdling screams sounded, two thick black smoke flew out from the Five Elements Bagua Disk, condensing into two figures in mid-air.

Twin ghost kings!

The ghost sisters were half hunched, with their heads lowered, their hair disheveled, and their hands hanging helplessly in front of their bodies. They looked no different from ordinary evil ghosts.

But if you take a closer look with your heavenly eyes, you will find that there is black resentment like hair floating around their bodies. This black gas is the condensed resentment and evil spirit of the ghost king level. If ordinary people are exposed to it, their souls will be scattered on the spot and they will never be reincarnated.

Even if a person like Lin Ge gets involved, his spiritual power will be greatly affected, and his consciousness will even be affected.

Lin Ge took a step back, protecting Chen Qing behind him, and raised his hand to say hello in a familiar voice: "Hey, girls, long time no see, did you miss me?"



The ghost sisters' eyes were only black, and the resentment and evil energy all over their bodies were like hair, spreading from the body to the surroundings. The ghost king level resentment made people feel a strong sense of oppression.

Chen Qing's "danger perception" exploded, her legs became weak, and she fell to the ground. She was worried that it would affect Lin Ge's performance, and she did not dare to reach out and grab Lin Ge to stabilize her body.

Damn it.

What's wrong with this brother of mine? Why is it that all the things he "brings" on him are these horrible things? If these two great gods had been released earlier, there would be nothing wrong with Sadako and Kayako!

The ghost sisters had obviously been completely dominated by the evil spirit that had been swallowed up before. They had no "old love" for Lin Ge and stared at him with terrifying eyes.

Lin Ge released the ghost sisters, of course, not only to deal with Baigui Yexing, but also to find a way to wake up the ghost sisters.

Moreover, if Kayako feeds on resentment, the appearance of the ghost sisters will definitely attract her attention. According to the current strength of Kayako, it is still unknown who will eat whom.

As for whether the ghost sisters will lose control even more after swallowing the coconut milk...

From Lin Ge's point of view, everything is done now. No matter how bad the situation is, it won't be worse than it is now. After all, the resentment and evil energy that the ghost sisters swallowed at that time was the main god's "special contribution" to him.

No matter how powerful the resentment and evil spirit of Gaoyao is, it can't be more powerful than the "special donation" from the Lord God, right?



The ghost sisters stared at Lin Ge and let out a scream. Obviously, he was not "familiar" with Lin Ge, but he recalled the scenes of fighting side by side before.

Lin Ge originally wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to try to find a way to wake up the ghost sisters, but when he smelled the pungent resentment emanating from them, he knew that it would be impossible through normal means.

Purifying the grievances of the red-clothed fierce ghost-level is enough to damage the lifespan, let alone the ghost king-level, and he is also a twin ghost king.

Even with Lin Ge's current level of cultivation, he felt great pressure when facing the ghost sisters.

The ghost sisters floated in the air and kept approaching Lin Ge. The terrifying pressure seemed to tear Lin Ge to pieces in the next moment.

At this moment, there was a "swish, swish" sound in the air, and red mirrors appeared behind Lin Ge. From a few, they expanded to hundreds in the blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, Ou Yongqi slowly walked out of the red mirror directly behind Lin Ge, stood quietly behind Lin Ge, and looked directly at the ghost sisters.

The two grievances collided, and the tension between the two sides was about to break out. As a fierce ghost in red, Ou Yongqi had no intention of backing down when faced with the twin ghost kings. Even Lin Ge didn't know where she got the confidence.

However, when Ou Yongqi spread out the ghost realm, the ghost sisters did not continue to move forward, but hovered in the air, forming a stalemate with Ou Yongqi.

Ten seconds later, the balance was broken.

However, what broke the balance was not any party present, but the monsters trying to attack the mental hospital. Two huge lanterns broke through the wall and rushed in first.


The ghost sisters suddenly disappeared from Lin Ge's eyes. The next moment, they had appeared next to the two ghost fire lanterns. Then they reached out and pulled the ghost lanterns over, tore them in half, and then stuffed them into their mouths.

The ghost sisters seemed to have tasted the "sweetness", killed the ghost lantern, and flashed again, this time flying directly into the pile of monsters, feasting!

Lin Ge saw the scene outside the mental hospital and said silently: "The Night Banquet of Hundred Ghosts... This name is really good."

After the ghost sisters left, Chen Qing's "danger perception" subsided. She gasped, got up from the ground, and couldn't help but ask: "Brother...are they..."

"my friend."

"It doesn't look like it...I feel like they just wanted to tear you apart."

"In order to help me, they swallowed up a lot of resentment and evil spirit, and lost control. I am looking for a way to wake them up." Lin Ge replied.

Chen Qing asked: "If you release them now, aren't you afraid that they will eat too many monsters and lose control more seriously?"

"There are ghosts and ghosts helping to keep an eye on it, so you don't have to worry about anything going wrong." Lin Ge said, but he didn't say anything else. If we don't find a chance to wake up the ghost sisters now and improve our own strength, if we really face each other later, Xiang Yao, then there is no chance of winning at all.

Lin Ge likes to be prepared in advance for everything he does. After learning about Xiang Yao's situation, he has listed Xiang Yao as an imaginary enemy and prepared for the worst.

Chen Qing stared at the ghost sisters who were killing and eating among the monsters, and couldn't help but ask: "Then, are we going to help?"

Lin Ge immediately walked towards the hospital building: "Shuten-douji asked the monsters to attack the mental hospital. What they want must be inside. While the ghost sisters are blocking the monsters, we will try to find out what Shuten-douji wants as soon as possible."

"Oh." Chen Qing quickly followed.

Lin Ge took out a yellow charm and lit it, conveyed the message to the ghost guards to help "look after" the ghost sisters, and immediately entered the hospital building with Chen Qing.

It only took ten minutes from the time Lin Ge and the two came out of the hospital to the beginning of the Night Parade of Hundred Ghosts. However, in these short ten minutes, earth-shaking changes had taken place in the hospital.

There are corpses everywhere in the lobby. Judging from their death, they look like the ones killed by Sadako in the movie "The Ring".

In other words, Shuten Doji summoned Hyakki to start a killing spree outside the mental hospital, while Sadako went on a killing spree inside the hospital.

"Logically speaking, Sadako and Shuten-douji should be in the same 'camp'. Why does it seem that what Shuten-douji wants now is 'Sadako'?" Lin Ge was puzzled and couldn't figure out Shuten-douji's "motives" at all.

At this time, Chen Qing said weakly: "Brother, Gao Yewu... is missing."

Gao Yewu followed Chen Qing out to find Lin Ge, but after encountering Baigui Yexing, Lin Ge's attention was focused on the communication between Qitan and Yinzai Guizai.

After the ghost sisters appeared, Chen Qing was almost driven crazy by the "danger perception" and had no energy to pay attention to Gao Yewu's movements.

Only then did the two of them realize that the nonexistent Mai Takano was missing!


With a loud noise, a huge head crashed through the hospital building and fell into the building. Then two ghost figures flashed and the ghost sisters jumped directly on the flying head.

The other end was at least nearly ten meters high, and the ghost sisters were no bigger than an ear in front of it, but with a few swipes of their sharp claws, the two women dismembered the flying head and swallowed up its resentment and evil spirit.

"Let's go." Lin Ge pulled Chen Qing up and was about to walk into the corridor, but the ghost sisters suddenly raised their heads and looked at him at the same time.

Lin Ge laughed and retreated: "Is the taste good? There are even better tasting monsters out there. One is worth ten. We, brothers and sisters, are skin and bones without eating."

Chen Qing said tremblingly: "Brother, brother, she, they are coming."

"Hey, at least you are one of our own, give me some face, or I will lock you back. There are enough monsters outside for you, so don't hit our master..."

Lin Ge took out the Five Elements Bagua tray, but before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a scream coming from the corridor, and the voice sounded like Sadako.

At the same time, a familiar smell appeared along with the sound of bubbles.




At the main entrance of the building, as a black smoke condensed, Kayako's twisted body lay on the ground, slowly crawling towards the lobby.

Arriving early is worse than arriving by chance. When Lin Ge saw Kayako, his expression suddenly lit up: "Ha, you two girls, the takeaway I ordered for you has arrived!"

Perhaps it was the strong "curse" on Kayako that attracted the attention of the ghost sisters, who simultaneously shifted their attention from Lin Ge to Kayako.

Kayako also noticed the existence of the ghost sister. He was stunned for a moment, and then he could see it through the gap between her disheveled hair. His eyes widened in horror, as if he was surprised to find a "treasure".


More and more monsters broke through the walls from all sides, or entered the lobby directly through the walls. For a while, the lobby was filled with ghosts and monsters.

Without waiting for Lin Ge to give the command (Gong Huo), of course, the Ghost Sisters were in a state where it was not his turn to command. They immediately turned into a tornado of black smoke and rolled towards the surrounding monsters.

Kayako had obviously set his sights on the ghost sisters and immediately rushed towards them. But she obviously didn't have any skills. A mere fierce god dared to challenge the twin ghost king. She came into contact with the ghost sisters, and when they met, they were grabbed and torn in half.

Kayako turned into black smoke and distanced himself from the ghost sisters, and once again gathered his twisted body on the ground. After being hit hard by a blow, Kayako not only did not retreat, but the excitement in his eyes became even greater.

But the strange thing is that Kayako seems to be aware of the gap between himself and the ghost sisters, and slowly retreats to the entrance, lying there quietly "appreciating" the ghost sisters eating.

The ghost sisters went crazy and killed all the monsters around them one by one. At this rate, the "Hundred Ghosts' Night Banquet" will soon turn into the "Ghosts' Night Banquet".

The ghost sisters were more than enough to deal with Baigui and Kayako, but to be on the safe side, Lin Ge patted his travel bag and left the words "Keep an eye on them" before pulling up Chen Qing and rushing in the direction of the scream. .

After Lin Ge left, a blood-red mirror appeared in the corner.

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