"Brother, aren't you a little bit inappropriate for a child?" Facing Lin Ge's flirtatious actions, Chen Qing covered her eyes and couldn't bear to look at it.

Lin Ge continued the work at hand, and cooperated with Huang Shang to conduct a comprehensive inspection of Ou Yongqi inside and outside, and said without raising his head: "If you want to deal with another ghost king, you will know what it means to be inappropriate for children. "

In fact, it would not be a big problem if Ou Yongqi was promoted to the Ghost King because of this, but the problem is that there are already two Ghost Kings in the Five Elements Bagua Tray, and one more... the position is really small.

Lin Ge carefully went up and down, combined with "Yipou", to conduct a detailed inspection on Ou Yongqi, but found nothing unusual.

Lin Ge felt vaguely uneasy. After all, the ghost sisters had caused a lot of trouble before and almost caused the fake death plan to fail because they swallowed the problematic resentment and evil spirit and became twin ghost queens.

If Ou Yongqi also becomes the Ghost King, loses a big help, or loses control, it is still a trivial matter. After all, it can be "temporarily stored" in the Five Elements Bagua Tray.

I'm afraid that this may seem like nothing on the surface, but secretly being targeted by the power behind the big and small ghosts, or attracting the attention of some big guy, it will be worth the loss.

But there's nothing we can do if the inspection doesn't reveal any problems. There are more important things to do right now.

Lin Ge asked Chen Qing to support Takano Wu, whose legs were weak, and the three returned to the office area of ​​the news agency. Along the way, there were corpses everywhere who had been "scared to death" or tortured to death by the kid's games. In the news agency It was even more terrifying. There were chopped human skin and minced meat everywhere, which made Chen Qing and Gao Yewu retching.

Lin Ge was accustomed to it. He rummaged around and quickly found Asakawa Reiko's desk hair. He rummaged through the boxes and found some clues and determined Asakawa Reiko's address.

Although he knew that he would not be able to find anyone when he went to Asakawa Reiko's house at this time, because the appearance of big and small ghosts completely disrupted the plot of "Midnight Ring 2", he could only investigate step by step in this way.

"Let's go." After Lin Ge took a few letters with addresses and some files found in Asakawa Reiko's drawer, he called Chen Qing to leave.

"Where are we going?" Gao Yewu asked.

Lin Ge replied: "Asakawa Reiko's home."

"I've been to her house before, but no one was home," Takano Mai said.

Lin Ge didn't answer, and walked all the way to the elevator. This time, not only Gao Yewu, but also Chen Qing said with lingering fear: "Brother, do we have to take the elevator?"

"It's better for young people to take the stairs more. As an old man, I'll take the elevator down first and wait for you." With that, Lin Ge walked into the elevator.

Chen Qing and Gao Yewu couldn't care less about the horror they encountered in the elevator at this time. Lin Ge was the biggest source of "security" for them, so they hurried in.

Chen Qing held the black umbrella and tightly grasped Lin Ge's travel bag strap. Gao Yewu was too embarrassed to grab Lin Ge, so she could only grab Chen Qing's arm.

The two women looked at the elevator lights uneasily, fearing that another elevator version of frog jumping would happen.



Suddenly, the lights in the elevator flickered.



Chen Qing and Gao Yewu screamed in fright at the same time.

Lin Ge sighed, raised his hand and patted the travel bag: "Girl, don't scare them at this time. If they are not scared, our work will be in vain."

"Hee hee hee--"


Chen Qing:......

Gao Yewu's eyes widened and she said in a trembling voice: "Who else is there? Who is in the elevator?"

"No, you heard wrong." Lin Ge said calmly.

Chen Qing was relieved when she learned that it was the little girl who scared her. Although the little girl and Ou Yongqi are "scary", they are their own ghosts after all.

After leaving the office building, Lin Ge stopped a taxi, took Chen Qing and Gao Yewu with him, and found Reiko Asakawa's home according to the address on the envelope.

Arriving at the door of Reiko Asakawa's house, Mai Takano wanted to knock politely, but Singer Lin raised her head and directly manifested a sledgehammer, hitting the door lock, then calmly opened the door and walked in.

Chen Qing had long been accustomed to Lin Ge's flirtatious tricks. She ignored the petrified Gao Yewu and followed her into the house, where she and Lin Ge started rummaging around.

The room was in a mess, with books and documents scattered all over the floor, smashed cups and bowls everywhere, a pile of dirty clothes on the sofa, and the weirdest thing was that the old black and white TV in the center of the living room was smashed to pieces .

Chen Qing and Takano Mai were preparing to search for clues about Reiko Asakawa from room to room. Lin Ge, who was familiar with the plot, went directly to the bathroom and found a burned videotape in the bathtub.

At this time, Chen Qing and Gao Yewu followed in. When they saw Lin Ge pick up the burnt video tape, put it in front of his nose and smell it. After seeing the video tape, Gao Yewu's spiritual energy reacted and he rushed to the sink. He was retching a while ago.

Lin Ge glanced at Gao Yewu and saw her lying in front of the sink, retching in pain. After a long while, she raised her head and stared at herself in the mirror.

Takano Mai's eyes became hollow, and she felt a strong evil aura that had a strong impact on her. Then, she saw the illusion of Reiko Asakawa crying in the mirror. Asakawa Reiko cried sadly and begged her father for forgiveness, saying that all she did was to save Yoichi.

In the blink of an eye, Asakawa Reiko's phantom disappeared. Takano Mai felt a burst of strength and slid to the ground against the sink. Chen Qing saw this and quickly supported her.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Takano Mai gasped and said: "I...I saw Reiko Asakawa. She was crying and apologizing to her father, saying that she did all this to save Yoichi."

"Yang Yi?" Chen Qing has never watched "The Ring", so naturally she doesn't know the relationship between these plot characters.

But Lin Ge knew that Yoichi was the son of Reiko Asakawa. In "Midnight Ring 1", Reiko Asakawa investigated Sadako's affairs with her ex-husband, Ryuji Takayama, the teacher whom Takano Mai admired, in order to break the curse of the video tape. In the end, Sadako's bones were found, and a way to transfer the curse was found.

That is, a person with a curse can transfer the curse to another person by copying the curse videotape and showing it to other people.

In order to save Asakawa Reiko and his grandson Yoichi, Asakawa Reiko's father chose to watch the video tape copied by Asakawa Reiko, and was eventually taken away by Sadako.

Although he knew the plot well, now that he saw that Gao Yewu was indeed a key figure who could promote the plot, Lin Ge felt that his efforts to take her out of the office building were not in vain.

However, compared to the plot, Lin Ge also discovered another clue...that is, the "familiar" smell of resentment was faintly present on the burned curse video tape.

Except for coconut milk... the "ghosts" Lin Ge encountered when entering the reincarnation world of "The Grudge" all had this familiar smell on their bodies.

It's very possible that the "truth" is exactly what he guessed.

Lin Ge believed that he must find Reiko Asakawa as soon as possible and get the master tape in her hand. Only in this way can he follow the clues and determine whether he is really connected with the ancient evil god.

If there is……


Lin Ge decided to go back to the cursed house to spend the remaining days. No matter how brave he was, he would not go to the ring with the ancient evil god.

While Chen Qing and Takano Wu were "analyzing" the illusion they had just seen, Lin Ge went through the plot in his mind, trying to determine where Takano Wu met Reiko Asakawa.

Unfortunately, Lin Ge could recall the plot, but it was difficult to recall some of the "irrelevant" clues and place names.

There was no way, Lin Ge could only place his "hope" on Gao Yewu and let her guide the development of the plot. So he hoped that Takano Mai would cooperate on the grounds of investigating the death of Takayama Ryuji.

The reason why Takano Mai went to the news agency was to find out the real cause of Takayama Ryuji's death by finding Reiko Asakawa. Since Lin Ge was from the investigation department, she was naturally willing to cooperate.

Lin Ge packed the burned videotape in a bag and put it together with Kayako's cursed diary. At this time, Chen Qing and Takano Mai, who were rummaging through the boxes at Asakawa Reiko's house, found a set of photos in the drawer.

This group of photos was taken by four students who were out having fun. What is strange is that in the last photo of four people, their faces were all twisted into a swirling shape.

Lin Ge stood behind the two of them, glanced at the photo, and saw that these were the first four deceased in "Midnight Ring 1".

One of them is Reiko Asakawa's niece "Tomoko", who is also the "culprit" who secretly "bewitched" Yoichi to peek at the videotape, leading to a series of events that followed.

Of course, it is also said that it was Tomoko's appearance that allowed Reiko Asakawa to find a way to "break" the seven-day curse on the video tape.

In "Midnight Bell 2", Mai Takano found Reiko Asakawa through another Masami who was frightened crazy and imprisoned in a mental hospital after witnessing Tomoko's death.

But the problem is...this news was given to Mai Takano by Okazaki.

Lin Ge sighed and patted his forehead helplessly. Although the character Okazaki was not likeable and indeed deserved to die, it seemed that in order to advance the plot, he should be given a hand, or at least let him push the plot forward before sending it.

Good now, the clue is broken.

Lin Ge turned over Reiko Asakawa's house and found no more useful clues, so he returned to Takano Mai's home with Chen Qing. He could only wait and see whether Takano Mai could advance the plot with her protagonist's halo. .

At Gao Yewu's house, Lin Ge had nothing to do and took out the burned videotape again and put it together with the videotape that the tour guide had given him before but was dried in half by coconut milk.

When the two video tapes were put together, after multiple comparisons and inspections, Lin Ge determined that the faint aura remaining on them was indeed exactly the same.



Suddenly, the TV in the living room of Takano Mai's home turned on by itself, with gray snowflakes flashing on the screen and a harsh electric sound.

When Chen Qing saw this, she was so frightened that she jumped up from the sofa. However, she pointed in the direction of the balcony and shouted to Lin Ge: "Brother, brother, brother, Yang, balcony!"

Hearing the sound of the girl with fried hair tying knots, Lin Ge felt a little funny in his heart for some reason. Under the influence of "danger perception", Chen Qing was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

However, what surprised Lin Ge was that the "danger" came from the balcony instead of the TV that was turned on by itself...could it be that it wasn't Sadako?

Gao Yewu also subconsciously hid beside Lin Ge. Then, they saw a pair of pale hands suddenly appear at the balcony railing, grabbing the railing.


Takano Mai screamed, pointed to the balcony and shouted: "Hand, there is a hand there."

"Thank you, we are not blind." Lin Ge said calmly.

"Hee hee hee--"

“It’s available here too!”

Suddenly, an eerie voice sounded next to Gao Yewu, and then, a pale hand stretched out from Lin Ge's travel bag and gently tapped Gao Yewu's shoulder.


Gao Yewu rolled her eyes and fainted.

Chen Qing:......

Lin Ge grabbed the little girl's hand and put it back into the travel bag, and said angrily: "You naughty kid, I told you to stop playing like this. Your candy is gone today."

"Huh?" The little girl's bitter voice came from the travel bag. Although it sounded miserable, it still made people feel terrified.

Chen Qing pointed to the balcony and said nervously: "Brother, we will talk about teaching the children a lesson later. Do you really not need to worry about that ghost? Climb up!"

The space outside the balcony was pitch black, making Lin Ge feel like he had returned to the teaching building in "Sweet Home". There was an independent, dark space outside the window.

At this time, a pair of pale hands stretched out from the black space, clasping the balcony railing, and seemed to be trying to drag the body hidden in the darkness out.

Lin Ge raised his hand and threw out a Suppressing Talisman, and used Soul Chasing Soul to attack those hands. The Suppressing Talisman accurately stuck to the center of the railing held by both hands, and then a golden light appeared from the talisman!


With a scream, the hands retracted into the darkness.

But then one pair, two pairs... countless hands emerged from the darkness, grabbed the railing, and instantly bent, twisted, and broken the railing.

For a moment, countless hands stretched out from the darkness and pushed the entire building, causing the building where Takano Mai's house was to shake violently.

Lin Ge lifted Gao Yewu onto his shoulders, grabbed Chen Qing and ran out of the house, cursing as he ran, "Bad girl, look at what you did, I still have to carry a sandbag."

"Hee hee hee."

The little girl didn't have the slightest intention of being scolded, but instead thought it was fun.

After Lin Ge and Chen Qing escaped into the yard, they suddenly discovered that the building where Gao Yewu lived had been shrouded in thick black mist.

At this moment, a huge fist suddenly stretched out from the black mist and hit Lin Ge and the others. Lin Ge recognized at a glance that this fist was the Shuten boy who had been rescued by the weird snake head.

Lin Ge reacted very quickly, threw Gao Yewu to the ground, took out the Five Elements Bagua disk, pressed his five fingers into the hole to activate it, and struck the giant fist!

For a moment, a dazzling golden light appeared, as if it was going to illuminate the dark space!

This shot successfully forced the giant punch back, but unfortunately, it blocked one fist, and Shuten Douji had another fist. When this punch came down, half the building was destroyed immediately, and the gravel flew away!

Lin Ge was thrown out, and Gao Yewu was buried in the rubble, and his life or death was uncertain. Chen Qing, on the other hand, was protected by a black umbrella and escaped far away, thus escaping the disaster.

Lin Ge got up from the ground and cast spells continuously to block Shuten Doji's attacks. However, Shuten Doji was an evil god after all, and with his current strength, he was clearly no match.

At this moment, a thick red mist suddenly surged out from behind Lin Ge, and then the red mist spread quickly, forming a counterattack with the black mist.

Then, there are red mirrors all over the sky!

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