As the terrifying sound of bubbles sounded, a familiar figure appeared at the safety exit. Kayako lay on the ground with his limbs twisted.




Kayako quickly crawled towards Lin Ge. Lin Ge immediately took out the Five Elements Bagua Disk and was about to activate it to block Kayako, but he saw her leaping over the heads of the three of them.

"Let me go, are you possessed by a licker?"


"Her target is the devil!"

Lin Ge could tell Gaoyao's motive at a glance. This guy had obviously followed behind to pick up "grievances" and eat them a few times before, and now he was planning to grab them directly.

The last two times, Kayako swallowed the grievances of Yuyin and Sadako, which strengthened Kayako a lot. She has the ability to show whatever she swallows. If she swallows the big and small kimono ghosts, can she still play?

"Classmate Xiaojia, do you want to grab food again?"

Don’t even think about it!

"Ou Yongqi, stop her! Little girl, hedge in the ghost realm!" As Lin Ge spoke, he pricked his finger and pressed it towards the center of the Five Elements Bagua disk.

Turn things around!

Several parties attacked at the same time, but Kayako was very fast. A stream of black smoke erupted around her body, and instantly turned into black insects, like mosquitoes and flies, flapping their wings and covering the entire stairwell.

The big and small kimono ghosts were defeated by Ou Yongqi and the little girl joined forces. When the female ghost unfolded her mirror ghost realm, the little girl also unfolded her ghost realm.

With the loud "bang bang bang" sound, a large number of amusement equipment and mirrors poured out of the stairwell, which was not very spacious. The stairwell was filled to the brim.

Until then, Lin Ge finally discovered that the big and small kimono ghosts were similar to ghost sisters. Lin Ge guessed that the two ghosts should have been mother and daughter before they died.

The "Ghost Domain" mirror world should be the twin abilities of these two people. In other words, their abilities are to control this mirror world.

The female ghost summoned a mirror, and the little ghost shuttled through the mirror, constantly attacking the little girl. Two little ghosts who were almost the same age were fighting. Coupled with the fighting method of getting into one mirror and out of the other mirror, it was quite a two-way battle. The feeling of ghosts playing hide and seek.

"Hehehe, do you want to play a game?"

"Hehehe, do you want to play with my little bear?"

The little girl and the kid faced each other again. The kid used the surrounding mirrors to transform into several clones, surrounding the little girl.

The little girl put the little bear on the ground, and the brown bear immediately became as tall as her. Then, the little girl put her face in her hands, pulled out the head with a "pop" and handed it to the little ghost: "You are like this, let's play. Beat the drum and spread the flowers?"

It seemed that I was used to being intimidated, but when I suddenly encountered an opponent, I felt a little uncomfortable and froze in place. But the moment she was stunned, Ou Yongqi's resentment rushed over and involved his body and clone.

Originally, the four grievances were in conflict with each other and were evenly matched, but now a Kayako who wanted to steal the chicken was added, and the five grievances collided together, causing a violent reaction.

Even Lin Ge had a hard time resisting the erosion of five strands of resentment at the same time, let alone Chen Qing and Gao Yewu. He protected the two women and retreated to the corner of the platform, held the Five Elements Bagua plate upright in front of him, and activated the Turn the World Those resentments were pushed back.

However, his "twisting" had an unexpected effect, actually twisting the five strands of resentment together like twisting a hemp rope.

Although it won't hurt those fierce ghosts, it will have a certain impact on the battle situation.

After Kayako joins the battle, it doesn’t matter which side you are from, just open your mouth and swallow it. Seeing that the resentment swallowed by her is getting more and more, Lin Ge wants to find a way to break it, but sees Ou Yongqi disappearing into the black mist of resentment. , only stretched out one hand, grabbed Lin Ge's "twisted" hemp rope of resentment, and absorbed it into his own resentment.

Lin Ge felt that this scene was like a big fish eating a small fish. There were several grievances that were evenly matched, but now it is Ou Yongqi and Kayako's grievances that are growing the fastest.

When Lin Ge saw this, a bold idea suddenly came to his mind: "Chen Qing, hold your jade pendant and stay here. I'll come back as soon as I can."

Chen Qing originally wanted to say, "I'll go too," but Lin Ge usually took the initiative to take her with him. Now that he said that, there must be something important: "Brother, be careful."

Chen Qing obediently held a jade pendant in one hand and a black umbrella in the other, huddled in the corner with Gao Yewu.

Lin Ge stepped forward with the Five Elements Bagua Plate, stepped on the handrail and jumped into the air. While reciting the "Curse of Purifying Heaven and Earth", he took a photo with the Five Elements Bagua Plate towards the female ghost!

Shoot people first, shoot horses first, and drive away ghosts first!

After the big one was taken care of, only the small one was left. Even if she could run again, after the ghost realm was destroyed, she would have nowhere to hide, at least she wouldn't have to chase her all over the building.


Under the double attack of Lin Ge's eight forbidden spells and spiritual weapons, the female ghost was severely injured and was about to escape back into the mirror. How could Kayako let go of such delicacies, so she immediately pounced on her.

However, as soon as Gaoyao's twisted body took off, she saw a hemp rope-like black mist wrapping around her, trapping her around her waist, and pulling her back.

At the same time, Ou Yongqi's black mist condensed into a huge snake head, opened its bloody mouth, and bit the severely injured female ghost.

Lin Ge immediately guessed Ou Yongqi's intention, rushed forward, used the Soul Sealing Technique to detect her, grabbed Kayako's hind legs, dragged her violently, and threw her to the platform behind.

At the same time, as soon as he raised his hand, Lin Ge appeared with a giant hammer and smashed it towards Kayako!


Kayako rolled over to avoid the blow, and his speed was so fast that even Lin Ge was stunned: "Let me go, are you really reincarnated as a licker?"

Lin Ge quickly picked up the magic formula and recited the Golden Light Mantra.

"The golden light appears quickly and protects the real person!"

In an instant, a golden light suddenly appeared on Lin Ge's body. He shook his head and retreated quickly. He couldn't help but cover his eyes with his hands and let out a painful cry.

Lin Ge smashed it with a hammer and pushed Kayako all the way upstairs.

On the other side, the battle between the little girl and the little ghost evolved into a collision between the merry-go-round and the mirror. However, at this moment, there were only sounds of "click-click" echoing in the stairwell. In the ghost realm where the little ghost unfolded, those mirrors The mirror was completely shattered!


The kid seemed to realize something, and with a wailing cry, he rushed towards the huge snake-headed black mist.




As red lights flashed, the silver rectangular floor-to-ceiling mirrors in the stairwell all turned into blood-red framed mirrors!

Immediately afterwards, Ou Yongqi's figure flashed in every mirror. Just like the little girl swallowed her resentment and evolved into the ghost realm, Ou Yongqi swallowed the female ghost's resentment and evolved into the ghost realm!

After Ou Yongqi turned into a ghost before, she was able to hide her figure in the black mist of resentment and achieve the effect of teleporting and flashing in the mist.

Now after swallowing the resentment of the female ghost, he combined with the female ghost's ability to purify the ghost realm in the mirror world. In the ghost realm, she can not only appear in any mirror, but also appear from it at any time, and it is even difficult to tell which one of her is the real body and which one is the phantom.

The little witch imp still wanted to run away, but when the female ghost died, her ghost realm was seriously affected, and there were not many mirrors left. After escaping, Ou Yongqi directly pulled her out of the mirror.

With a heart-rending scream, after the kid was thrown to the ground, the black mist snake head entrenched in the middle of the red mirror formation suddenly opened its mouth and swallowed the kid in one bite.

The kid wanted to break free from the black mist, but found that the black mist surrounding her was constantly swallowing up her resentment and evil spirit.

Resentment and evil spirit are the basis of the existence of ghosts. Once they are devoured, the remaining souls will have no "protection". The little ghost will eventually end up with the same fate as the female ghost, turning into Ou Yongqi's "power".

After the female ghost and the little ghost were swallowed up, the world in the ghost mirror suddenly made a "click-click" sound, and cracks appeared in the air.

When the ghost realm completely dissipated and the stairwell returned to its original appearance, Chen Qing discovered that there were corpses everywhere on the stairs and on the platform.

The fleeing employees, security guards, cleaners and others were lost in the mirror world, either scared to death by the two ghosts, or forced to play games with the little ghosts, and eventually died in the hallucination.

"Hey. Got it."

At this time, Lin Ge's voice came from the upper level of the stairwell, and then, a figure fell from above and hit the center of the platform with a "bang".


Her originally twisted figure became even weirder now, as if she had been squeezed. Her head was flattened, her left arm hung by her side, and her right leg was as thin as paper.

Then, another figure jumped down from above and slammed it with a hammer!

"How does the ultimate version of the manifested water taste?" The hammer hit Gaoyao directly on the head, knocking back the bubble sound she was about to make.

This is the ultimate version of the manifesting water that Lin Ge made by adding the evil-suppressing talisman water that was previously fused by Li Ang and Chen Zhazhi. It not only transformed the spiritual body of Kayako into a physical body, but also temporarily weakened her Skill.

Under the heavy blow of the embodied heavy hammer, Kayako's body turned into countless black insects that spread out in all directions. Then, each black bug turned into a clone of Kayako.

For a time, Kayako's figure was everywhere up and down the stairwell.

"As expected of a ghost from Sakura Country, multiple shadow clones are a standard skill, right?" Lin Ge had just finished complaining and was thinking about how to get rid of all the Kayako at once, but he saw a Kayako appearing behind each one. A slender hand stretched out from the rectangular mirror with a red frame and grabbed Kayako's neck.




As a burst of black smoke burst out, all of Kayako's clones were crushed by Ou Yongqi, turned into black smoke, gathered together, and condensed into her true body again.

Kayako angrily threw himself at a mirror in front of him and shattered the mirror instantly. However, the mirror in front of him shattered and turned into three black mists, which condensed into three mirrors again.

Three pairs of slender white hands stretched out from the three mirrors, grabbing Kayako's head, hands and feet. As the three mirrors moved to the side, Kayako's body was directly torn into pieces.

Kayako once again wanted to turn into a beast and lure the black insects to flee, but Ou Yongqi's resentment gathered together first and turned into a huge snake head, swallowing it all.

Lin Ge was shocked when he saw the Kayako coconut disappearing into the snake's mouth. Ou Yongqi had devoured the big and small ghosts. He was originally worried that ghost sisters would appear. Unexpectedly, Ou Yongqi not only "digested" the grievances and evil spirits of the two ghosts, but also evolved After entering the ghost realm, he can even swallow coconut palms!

"Why do you feel that even the ghosts around you are not right now?" When Lin Ge was surprised, Ou Yongqi had completely "digested" Kayako's resentment and evil spirit, walked out of a mirror, and stood in front of him expressionlessly.

Lin Ge subconsciously raised his hand and waved it in front of her eyes.

Ou Yongqi's expression was as expressionless as ever, as if she had not done the tacit cooperation with the little girl to devour ghosts and coconuts.

"Brother... is Jia Ye considered... dead?" Chen Qing stepped forward and asked.

Lin Ge shook his head: "Based on the previous situation, it should be another clone. I feel... Kayako and Sadako, they are somewhat different from ordinary ghosts. Theoretically, I think those two were killed by Ou Yongqi The ghosts that are swallowed are the 'normal' ghosts."

After all, Lin Ge is someone who has experienced "Sweet Home". There must be a special reason for such an "unkillable" ghost.

Only by finding a way to break it can we kill the opponent.

The diary and the Curse House may have had the biggest impact on Kayako's death. But before finding Sadako's video master tape, Lin Ge didn't plan to experiment with the diary.

"Let's go back to the sacrificial room and have a look." Lin Ge suddenly thought of something, called Chen Qing and Gao Yewu, and returned to the previous room on the 13th floor.

After entering, the office was unchanged from when they left.

Lin Ge walked to the broken dressing table mirrors and took a closer look. He felt something was wrong when he entered this office before, but now he finally discovered the problem.

When he first entered the office, Lin Ge's keen sense of smell found that the resentment here had a "déjà vu" feeling, but he couldn't remember where he had come into contact with it.

Until Kayako appeared and was violently beaten by him, turning into black insects and scurrying away, Lin Ge smelled that familiar smell again!

Yuyin, Shuten Doji, Sadako, plus the two fierce ghosts here, their resentment is actually similar?

The tourist village, and the devil in this office building... are simply incompatible with each other. How can they be connected?

Could it be that...their powers all come from the same place?

However, even if Zhan Yin, Shuten Doji and these two fierce ghosts were barely connected to the "life extension" of the chairman of the Four Star Group, what happened to Sadako?

If the chairman of the Four Star Group gets Sadako over, it will not just extend his life, but directly reincarnate... Wait!

When he thought of "reincarnation", Lin Ge thought of Sadako's experience, because Sadako was sacrificed to the sea by her mother when she was born, and was later sent back by the sea to evolve into two Sadako...

The Poseidon of Sakura Country is evil...

Drinking wine, Poseidon.

Lin Ge's face hardened, and he finally figured out the key. If the power of these ghosts and ghosts all come from the same place, the sea...

"Fuck! Could it be the Yamata no Orochi 'Xiangyao' who had his head chopped off by Emperor Yu and came to Sakura Country to become an evil god?"

Qimei'er swallowed their resentment and evil spirits, wouldn't something happen if she swallowed them?

No, you must have a full body checkup first!

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