one side.

Ten sides.

Hundreds of faces.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of densely packed mirrors appeared behind Lin Ge. Immediately afterwards, a red figure appeared in the mirror in the center of the sky and walked out of the mirror.

Every time Ou Yongqi took a step, a red mirror would appear under her feet, and she would fly towards the center of the black mist, facing the huge fist protruding from the black mist.

Not to mention his opponents, even Lin Ge was stunned by this scene.

Good guy, is this woman with the word "queen" written all over her body really the same Yong Qi Ou who has always had a paralyzed face and no reaction at all?

Ou Yongqi stood in the air, staring expressionlessly at the giant hands stretched out from the darkness. Shuten Doji raised his fist again and smashed it at Ou Yongqi.

Ou Yongqi raised her hand and saw hundreds of red mirrors behind her flying in front of her, condensing into a wall of mirrors to block the giant punch.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ge saw that Shuten Dozi's hand that hit the mirror wall was slowly retreating. At the same time, the mirror wall where the red mirrors gathered together turned into a complete red mirror, with a red mirror sticking out from it. The huge, pale hand forcefully pushed back Shuten Doji's fist.

Is this really Gigi Ou?

Lin Ge discovered that after resurrecting Ou Yongqi with "Resurrection of the Dead, Flesh and Bones", Ou Yongqi's whole body was filled with weirdness.

Let's just say she is conscious. She has a paralyzed face at all times and has basically no more reactions except for basic actions and battles.

Let’s say she is unconscious…

Does this look like it's unconscious?

The giant hand that stretched out from the mirror was pale and bloodless, but its nails were blood red. It clasped Shuten Doji's fist, and his nails instantly embedded into his flesh!

Lin Ge was very surprised that Ou Yongqi was able to tie with Shuten Tongzi.

Even if she swallows the grievances of big and small ghosts, she is still a red-clothed level ghost, not even a fierce god.

And even if Shuten Doji was seriously injured by Ma Mian and other evil spirits, he was still an evil god-level existence, and naturally he couldn't be dealt with by Hongyi.

While Ou Yongqi was dealing with Shuten Tongzi, Lin Ge tapped the fire sign mark on the back of his right hand with his left index finger and asked, "Do you feel any changes in her body?"

"No. Even after she swallowed those two ghosts, I didn't feel any resentment or changes in evil spirits from her. I think something is wrong with your little female ghost." Huang Shang replied.

Even Huang Shang finds it strange, so it must be really strange.


"Although what you said is true, why does it sound wrong?" Lin Ge said.

Huang Shang continued: "The auras of the two fierce ghosts in the building are very strange. Their resentment and evil aura seem to be integrated into one. I thought that your little female ghost would end up like the two on the plate after swallowing it, but it didn't happen. When I thought about it, not only did I not lose control, but I realized the ghost realm."


"So it's not easy to deal with this little female ghost."

Lin Ge's expression froze: "You don't need to say it twice."

"No, you don't understand what I mean yet." Huang Shang emphasized: "According to your previous description, she had an extra soul after her resurrection. Under normal circumstances, the separation or loss of a person's three souls does not occur at all. It is possible for her to act like this. It is even more impossible that one of the seven souls is left and separated alone."

Lin Ge hadn't thought about this problem before. One soul is the sky, the second soul is the wisdom, the third soul is the energy, the fourth soul is the strength, the fifth soul is the center, the sixth soul is the essence, and the seventh soul is the hero... There is no ability here If you "pick it up" alone, even if you can roll the "qi" and other things into balls, it still looks like Ou Yongqi's situation is very strange.

And since what happened with the master, Lin Ge would inevitably think upward or downward when encountering this kind of situation. After all, the master said "people above are cooperating with you" to explain Ou Yongqi's situation. So the previous one This weird situation seems "reasonable".

While Lin Ge was thinking, Huang Shang continued: "When I cooperated with you to examine her before, I found that the soul in your hand is not compatible with her three souls at all, because you cannot combine another person's soul. One Soul, forcibly fused with her, which is why the 'One Soul' was squeezed out."

"Wait, I don't understand. Before this 'one soul' appeared, it was in the state of 'one soul and one soul'. If it doesn't belong to the same person, why can that soul be integrated into it again?" Lin Ge said in confusion. .

Huang Shang muttered: "This is also the reason for my doubts. If 'one soul and one soul' are originally one body, then when her soul repels 'one soul', it will definitely also repel 'one soul', but it absorbs one soul." Soul, but only excludes the 'one soul', which even I can't figure out. But what I can be sure of is that this 'one soul' is definitely not Yongqi Ou's soul. Because it is completely different from the breath of the soul. "

Good guy.

Lin Ge originally thought that a "professional" explanation like Huang Shang could answer his questions. But now it seems that Huang Shang said it, but he didn't seem to say anything.

Now, in addition to making him feel that there is something wrong with Ou Yongqi's soul, his doubts have also increased.

However, this was obviously not the time to continue "chatting", because at this time, the chat partner Ou Yongqi, who was one person and one immortal, gradually fell into a disadvantage when facing the evil god Shuten Doji.

Of course, it is not accurate to say that Luoyu is downwind, because although Shuten Doji's attack was fierce and could smash Ou Yongqi's mirror wall with one blow, the fragments after the mirror wall shattered quickly condensed and formed a new mirror again. wall.

The speed at which the mirror wall condensed was comparable to Shuten Douji's fist swing, and for a while it became a competition between spears and shields, with no one able to do anything to the other.

Even though Shuten Doji was far more powerful than Ou Yongqi, he couldn't break the mirror wall, so he could only watch helplessly as Ou Yongqi blocked every attack for Lin Ge.

At this moment, Shuten Doji's fist that was swinging into the air suddenly changed its direction and hit the building that he had destroyed most of before.

Just as he was about to hit the ruins, Shuten Douji changed his fist to grabbing and grabbed the rubble of the collapsed building.

"What is this? Unlock the new skill 'Sand Throwing'?" Lin Ge saw Shuten Dozi's actions and couldn't figure out what he meant by this move.

However, just when Lin Ge thought that Shutun Tongzi couldn't beat him and was about to throw stones, he saw Shutun Tongzi grab the handful of "sand" and then slowly "shrink" his hand into the black mist.

"not good!"

"This guy wants to run away, stop him!"

Lin Ge suddenly had an ominous premonition. He felt that Shuten Dozi's move was by no means meaningless. His "grab" must have been to take away something important!

At this time, the travel bag was on her body, Chen Qing was hiding not far away under the protection of a black umbrella, and the key plot character Takano Mai also fell to the side in a coma.

For Lin Ge, Shuten Dozi's arrest seemed to have no impact on him, but to be cautious, he still shouted "stop him".

Ou Yongqi seemed to understand Lin Ge's "instructions", she reached forward with her hands, pointed a finger, and a huge white hand stretched out from the mirror wall, grabbing Shuten Tongzi.

When Shuten-dōji's fist "retracted" into the black mist, Shiro grabbed Shuten-dōji's fist. However, it seemed that he was not strong enough to fight against the opponent and was still unable to stop the fist from being retracted into the black mist.

The moment the white hand touched the black mist, the black mist seemed to be corrosive and began to swallow the white hand. From the back of the hand to the arm, it quickly turned black at a speed visible to the naked eye.



With the sound of the mirror shattering, the mirror wall shattered as if it had been hit hard, and the white hand stretched out from the mirror also turned into black mist and dissipated.

Although there was no expression on Ou Yongqi's face, she could see her hands reaching forward and grabbing fiercely again. The broken glass condensed again, and her hands increased their strength, dragging Shuten Doji's hand out.

boom! boom!

Suddenly, there was a burst of lightning and thunder in the dark sky. The lightning pierced the sky and split the dark space instantly. Shuten Doji seemed to have encountered something terrifying. He loosened his fist and the sand and gravel inside instantly fell to the ground. Then Shuten Doji's arms turned into black smoke, merged with the surrounding black mist, dissipated, and ran away in despair!

As soon as the black fog dissipated, the community where Gao Yewu lived returned to its original appearance. However, most of the collapsed buildings attracted the attention of the surrounding people and immediately caused a commotion.

After Shuten Tongzi "escaped", Ou Yongqi dispersed from the ghost realm. After landing, she walked behind Lin Ge and stood behind him expressionlessly like a professional female bodyguard.

Although Lin Ge had many doubts about Ou Yongqi, now he wanted to know even more what Shuten Tongzi wanted to take away despite Ou Yongqi's attack.

Lin Ge rushed to the ruins, transformed into a large shovel, and rummaged through the rubble.

"Brother, what are you looking for?" After Chen Qing saw that it was safe, she quickly caught up with a black umbrella and asked.

Lin Ge replied while searching: "I originally thought that Shuten Tongzi's target was Ou Yongqi, because she swallowed the mother and daughter ghosts, and this was the big boss behind it looking for trouble. But in the end, his target was this building. The things in it, our things are all on us, and this building... Unless there are other branch worlds, the most valuable thing is Takano Mai's home. Her house... If you want to talk about something special, then it can only be It’s Kayako or Sadako.”

Kayako was "beaten away" just once today, so according to the time, he will not show up until around tomorrow evening. Before Shuten Doji appeared, the TV was affected by the two destroyed cursed video tapes.

Even Lin Ge thought Sadako was about to appear, but Shuten Doji came out to interfere. For a while, Lin Ge was not sure whether it was Sadako's problem.

After Lin Ge and Chen Qing dug through the ruins, they found some black frames and fragments in the center, which looked like televisions, as well as the two ruined cursed video tapes.

"Shuten Doji's target is indeed the video tape...but...what does he want to do with the cursed video tape?" Lin Ge felt very strange.

Chen Qing said: "When I just watched the fight between the female ghost sister and Shuten Doji, Shuten Doji only showed his two hands, but didn't even show his body. Brother, do you think he was injured by the horse face before? You haven’t recovered yet, want to get Sadako’s video tape to ‘make up for it’?”

Lin Ge thought for a while and felt that what Chen Qing said was reasonable. According to my own guess, the powers of Shuten-Douji, Aiyin, and Sadako come from Xiangyao's ghosts, and their power systems are the same. If Shuten-Douji is seriously injured and wants to recover quickly, it would be a good idea to devour those with the same power system. s Choice.


There is another possibility, that is, there is something important on Sadako that makes Shuten Doji show up to take it back even if he is seriously injured.

In this case, it is extremely important to find the master tapes.

Lin Ge took the bag and packed the two destroyed video tapes. For safety's sake, he wrapped them in yellow cloth with Bagua diagrams and charms and stuffed them into the travel bag.

The little girl who originally used the travel bag as her "home" could only move temporarily and live in Lin Ge's pocket. After all, no one knew whether there would be any problems with the two cursed video tapes, and it was impossible for the little girl to stay with them. Not safe.

After that, Lin Ge and Chen Qing took the unconscious Takano Wu, booked a room in the nearest hotel, threw him on a bed, and told a certain naughty kid to restrain himself and not really scare away the key plot characters.

Lin Ge took advantage of the time now to study Ou Yongqi's soul and the extra "one soul" with Huang Shang. At this time, he saw Chen Qing squirming aside, looking extremely uncomfortable.

Lin Ge looked at her and asked, "Do you have lice on your body?"

"You just got lice on your body! Uh...actually...Brother, why don't you teach me some more spells? I don't want to run away and hide when nothing happens." Chen Qing said seriously.

After getting along with each other for the past few days, Lin Ge also gained a comprehensive understanding of Chen Qing, and also taught her some "general spells" of the Three Mountains Talisman.

He found that Chen Qing was not only smart, but also very perceptive. She was a "good seedling" for Taoism. It was no wonder that her mother always wanted her to inherit the mantle. Moreover, Chen Qing seems to be born with "spiritual energy". Her basic mental power is extremely high. Putting aside the mental power added at the end of the last reincarnation, her mental power at this time is as high as 50 points!

This number was completely higher than Lin Ge had dared to imagine before!

The most important thing is that although Chen Qing did not learn spells from Uncle Ying in "Yimei Taoist", he did memorize many techniques and experiences. With the spells taught by Lin Ge, his progress was rapid.

Now it's okay to find one or two resentful souls for Chen Qing to try, but her "three-legged cat kung fu" is also very dangerous when she encounters difficult evil spirits.

But... it's not that Lin Ge doesn't want to teach, but that the relationship between Taoists is pretty good. Going back further, maybe they can be related. Chen Qing is a disciple of Lushan Sect, so it would not be good to poach people so blatantly.

Apart from anything else, if the next time Lin Ge needs to "please ask God", and the third wife comes out and finds out that she is a poacher, a golden light will directly purify him, it will be a mess.

After thinking about it, Lin Ge still asked: "What spell do you want to learn?"

When Chen Qing heard that there was something going on, she quickly stepped forward and said with a flattering smile: "Is there any kind of spell that doesn't require serious study, but is awesome when used, and can even fight alongside you?"

"Yes." Lin Ge said lightly.

"Yes?" When Chen Qing heard this word, she was stunned. She originally just wanted to "play" with Lin Ge, and then asked Lin Ge whether she was practicing Taoism step by step, or whether she was considering borrowing her own mental power. Advantage, practice "spiritual cultivation method" with Lin Ge.

Mental problems are not a problem. As long as you can become stronger, that is the greatest guarantee in the world of reincarnation.

But Chen Qing never expected that Lin Ge would actually tell her that there was a magic that allowed her to fight alongside him without serious practice.

"Really? What is it? Brother, teach me quickly. I won't have to hide next time and I can help you." Chen Qing said excitedly.

Lin Ge looked at Chen Qing seriously and said, "That is to carry forward the fine traditions of our Taoism——"

"Shake people!"

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