Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 200 Hello, I am Jigsaw’s colleague, electric drill

Gao Yewu held her wrist in pain and screamed miserably. The blood couldn't stop flowing. Her face had turned pale. If the bleeding stopped, she might faint.

Lin Ge grabbed Gao Yewu's wrist, took out the hemostatic spray and sprayed it, then stuffed a blood recovery pill into her mouth, and took out a bandage to wrap it around her.

Most of Lin Ge's reincarnation points are used to buy supplements. Not to mention anything else, he can even open a Lord God grocery store for various supplies.

As soon as the potion from the main god space came out, Gao Yewu's injuries immediately recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. She thought it was the spell of the "mage" in front of her, and glanced at Lin Ge gratefully: "Thank you, thank you."

The sound was extremely weak, indicating that the injury was serious.

Gao Yewu stood up and glanced at the other women sitting in front of the mirror. Like her, they were also bewitched by the ghost and peeled apples in front of the mirror, and ended up peeling their own hands. Some of the women had their left hands not only peeled off, but even the flesh was removed, leaving only the skeleton.

Some women held daggers in both hands and stabbed themselves in the throat or heart. Blood flowed all over their bodies and under the mirror.

However, even when they died, these young women still had happy smiles on their faces.

Lin Ge glanced at the center of the office. After the little girl and the little witch ghostland collided, the entire office was filled with black resentment, which greatly affected people's vision.

While observing the little witch's battle, Lin Ge discovered that as she released her resentment, the candles in the lanterns hanging on the ceiling of the room would fluctuate.

Lin Ge glanced at the women in front of the thirteen mirrors, and then looked at the ceiling: "Thirteen people, thirteen lanterns."

Thinking of this, he raised his hand and used Yu Ling Chai Hun to control an exorcism talisman to fly towards a lantern.


After the exorcism charm was attached to the first lantern, Lin Ge immediately kneaded it.


The exorcism talisman exploded with a golden light, directly "melting" the lantern. As the candle inside was extinguished, an explosion suddenly sounded in the office, and the mirror of the first dressing table from the left exploded!

Then, from the broken mirror, a head with long black hair slowly stretched out, followed by a body, a white dress... As if Sadako crawled out of the TV, a figure slowly crawled out of the mirror, carefully At first glance, she looked exactly like the young woman sitting in front of the mirror!

"Good guys, you ghosts who had a good life as children, everyone is like Sadako, right?" Lin Ge looked at the female ghost and said helplessly.

The female ghost in the white dress slowly raised her head, staring at Gao Yewu with terrifying eyes, then stood up from the ground, twisting her neck in an extremely weird posture.

There was a bloody wound on her neck, as if her throat had been cut in half with a knife, exactly like the dead young woman.

Looking at the female ghost walking slowly towards Gao Yewu, Lin Ge waited impatiently: "Sister, at your speed... the zombies on the biochemical crew next door can walk faster than you, okay? Can they be a bit threatening? "

After saying that, Lin Ge stepped forward, shouted "scold", and then kicked the female ghost in the chest. The female ghost turned into an afterimage and hit the wall, flying into the room on the other side.

"That's it?"

"Why don't we come together!"

With a flick of his hand, Lin Singers changed the exorcism technique to Soul Chasing and Soul Controlling. He controlled the mahogany sword to fly towards the ceiling. With a few "swish, swish, swish" strokes, he chopped down all the lanterns to the ground.

The lantern was smashed to the ground, the candles were extinguished one by one, and from the remaining twelve mirrors, like the first female ghost, twelve female ghosts crawled out who looked the same as the young woman in front of the mirror.

Lin Ge clasped his hands together, pulled out a dazzling bolt of lightning, stepped on the chair and flew forward, jumped into the group of female ghosts, and started bombarding them with the Lightning Thunder Fist.

Suddenly, lightning flashed in the office, and the dozens of female ghosts were destroyed by lightning in the blink of an eye. However, Lin Ge was still unsatisfied and looked at the little witch who was "hide and seek" with the little girl in the ghost realm.

The little witch was no match for the little girl. After Lin Ge joined the battle, he immediately broke through her confusion with the help of his double-eyed eyes. This time, he failed to "hide and seek" and was chased and beaten by the little girl and the ghost brown bear.

"play games?"

"What a coincidence. I am Jigsaw's colleague, an electric drill, and I also like to play games! Come on, uncle will play an exciting game with you!" As Lin Ge spoke, he gathered his spiritual energy tools with his hands to reveal a giant hammer, chasing the little boy. The witch started smashing it.

Chen Qing was already used to Lin Ge's "torture of ghosts", but Gao Yewu never thought in her wildest dreams that there was someone in this world who could chase fierce ghosts out of the house.

This master is really a god!

However, Lin Ge, who was having fun chasing ghosts, didn't know about his "little fan girl +1" and was about to kill the little witch with one blow. However, the other party lost the intention to resist the moment he broke through the mystery and caught him. Seizing the opportunity, it turned into black smoke and slipped into the mirror fragments on the ground.

How could Lin Ge let the little witch escape like this? He immediately chased towards the door: "Let's go, follow her."

When Chen Qing and Gao Yewu saw this, they dared not stay where they were and immediately chased Lin Ge out of the office. The little girl floated next to Lin Ge with the Ghost Brown Bear in her arms, pointed at the stairwell and said, "Run there!"

The three of them chased into the stairwell. Lin Ge immediately smelled a strong and pungent resentment. He chased them up several floors and gradually slowed down.

Although Chen Qing and Gao Yewu who were chasing behind were panting from exhaustion, they did not fall behind. After all, falling behind at this time meant close contact with ghosts, so they naturally had to follow closely.

"Brother, you, you, why, why didn't you chase after her?" Chen Qing asked breathlessly when she saw Lin Ge suddenly stop.

Lin Ge looked at the bright red number 13 on the sign on the stairwell, frowned slightly, and asked, "Do you still remember how many floors we went down?"

Chen Qing gasped: "It's at least 10 floors!"

"Look." Lin Ge pointed to the sign.

Chen Qing saw the bloody number "13" and said in surprise: "That's not right, weren't we on the 13th floor before? We chased 10 floors, but we're still on the 13th floor?"

Lin Ge looked back upstairs, and suddenly a small sound caught his attention. It was like the sound of high heels on the ground.




Every blow was like a sharp thorn piercing the hearts of Lin Ge and the others. Chen Qing and Gao Yewu even felt dizzy when they heard the sound.


Lin Ge pulled Chen Qing and decided to go up two floors and try facing the sound directly.

"Master, please. Wait, wait for me." Gao Yewu was almost exhausted from exhaustion. She did not have the physique of a reincarnator, so it was not easy to keep up.

However, Lin Ge only walked faster at the beginning, and then basically used his eyes to look for traces of the little witch.

Lin Ge pulled Chen Qing up the stairs, but this time he did not run, but slowed down and walked up the stairs one step at a time.









The sound of footsteps became more and more obvious, but when Lin Ge carefully felt the distance of the sound, the sound became faint again, as if the sound had always been at a distance from them.

"There should be more than one ghost here." Lin Ge thought of the elongated figure he saw in the corridor when he went downstairs, and the voice coming from the mirror in the office.

At least it was not the voice of the little witch, and it was obviously the sound of high heels, but the little witch was barefoot.


Lin Ge stopped and frowned because he found that he was back to his original position.

"When you go up to the 13th ladder, you will return to the original position? Confusion?" Lin Ge glanced around with his eyes, but did not see any confusion.



Lin Ge suddenly thought of a key question, so he pulled Chen Qing upstairs again. This time, he deliberately slowed down the speed of going upstairs.







The sound of high heels hitting the ground echoed in the stairwell. When Lin Ge came back to his senses, he found that he was back to his original position on the 13th floor.

"13 Ladders."

"Is the problem on the stairs, or... the footsteps?" Lin Ge looked up again and looked upstairs. He still didn't see anyone, and could only hear the footsteps.

Lin Ge had a guess in his mind.

He felt that the ghost realm related to the mirror should not be the ability of the little witch, but another ghost hidden in the dark, or hidden in the mirror.

At the same time, the little witch's ability should have a certain connection with the mirror, or with the ghost hiding in the dark.

"Chen Qing, close your eyes, don't think about anything, don't care about anything, just concentrate on going upstairs... I will protect you." Lin Ge thought of a way.

Lin Ge walked up behind Chen Qing, took out two evil-suppressing charms and put them on Chen Qing's left and right ears respectively. Then he held her shoulders and motioned for Chen Qing to go upstairs.

"Okay." Chen Qing nodded. She now had absolute trust in Lin Ge and would never question or reject Lin Ge's suggestions.

Chen Qing's ears were affixed with evil-suppressing charms, and she couldn't hear any sound. After closing her eyes, she felt like she was in a dark space. If she hadn't felt the heat of the hands on her shoulders, she might not have dared to even take a step forward.




Chen Qing counted the stairs and walked up step by step. Lin Ge, on the other hand, focused his attention on the upper and lower parts of the corridor to prevent evil spirits from appearing.







At this time, Lin Ge heard the sound of high heels becoming more and more obvious, as if he was chasing them. But when he looked up at the top of the corridor, it was empty and there was nothing.

"Brother, do I want to keep walking?" Chen Qing seemed to have walked up 13 stairs and stepped on the stairwell platform. Just as Lin Ge was about to return, he suddenly realized that the surrounding environment had changed drastically.

The bloody number "13" on the sign in the corridor seemed to have melted, and blood flowed down the wall.



Gao Yewu screamed in horror when she saw this. Lin Ge reached out and dragged her to Chen Qing, took out two evil-exorcism charms and blocked her ears.

"If you don't want to die, just be like her, close your eyes, and I will help you walk up."

Gao Yewu had been rescued by Lin Ge several times. Although she was scared at this time, she had no other choice but to believe in Lin Ge. She could only follow Lin Ge's words and close her eyes like Chen Qing.

At this moment, there was a slight sizzling sound, the lights in the corridor flickered a few times, then went out, and the entire corridor was dark.

However, there was no difference between Chen Qing and Gao Yewu who closed their eyes. Chen Qing was still asking Lin Ge if he wanted to continue leaving, but received no response.

"elder brother?"

Lin Ge didn't speak, but patted her shoulder gently, indicating for her to continue.

Lin Ge "supported" the two women, one large and one small, walking upwards. His keen sense of smell allowed him to detect that the "evil ghost" upstairs seemed to be getting closer and closer to them.

However, the dark corridors had a great impact on Lin Ge's vision. He simply closed his eyes and relied on his sense of smell and hearing to catch traces of ghosts.

As for whether they would be attacked by evil spirits in the dark, that would depend on them being able to survive the little girl and Ou Yongqi.

After walking several floors in a row, Chen Qing tentatively stepped forward. Although she was a little confused as to why Lin Ge didn't just take her to the next step, she didn't think much and walked forward slowly.

Chen Qing touched the hanging place with her toes, tried it carefully, stepped on the stairs, and then continued walking up.




Following Lin Ge's instructions, Chen Qing continued to count the steps up. When the count reached "13", Lin Ge suddenly realized that the sound of high heels had come behind him!


Lin Ge felt a clammy hand on his shoulder. However, this frightening scene not only did not frighten Lin Ge, but also made him feel relieved.

"Finally I can give it up!"

While he was speaking, Ou Yongqi and the little girl appeared at the same time, attacking the ghost behind Lin Ge from the left and the right. The ghost obviously didn't expect that this turned out to be a "trap."



Li Gui screamed, and Lin Ge threw a burning charm, which instantly lit up the entire stairwell. Three stairs behind him, an adult woman in a red kimono was standing.

The strange thing is that this woman has no face. Her entire face is a piece of skin without eyes, ears, mouth, and nose. She looks very scary and intrusive.

It is not difficult to kill this evil ghost, but what Lin Ge is curious about is how she avoids the pursuit of the double-pupiled eyes, and at the same time, the little girl and Ou Yongqi, who are both red-clothed evil spirits, cannot lock onto her resentment!




The three grievances collided, and in the end, the little girl's grievance was superior, and the little girl's grievance was "compatible" with Ou Yongqi's grievance. After all, the little girl's ghost realm was formed by "devouring" Ou Yongqi's grievance. Therefore, the "fusion" at this moment instantly crushed the female ghost's resentment.

The three waves of resentment collided and caused a huge impact. Lin Ge protected Chen Qing and dragged Gao Yewu back towards the exit of the stairwell.

With the joint efforts of the little girl and Ou Yongqi, the female ghost was no match at all and was torn into pieces in an instant. Just when Ou Yongqi was about to swallow the female ghost's resentment and evil spirit, with a burst of infiltrating laughter, the little witch appeared staircase.

"Don't hurt my mother!"

The little witch roared and rushed towards the little girl and Ou Yongqi. For a moment, the scene formed a two-on-two situation.

Lin Ge originally thought that the current scene was chaotic enough. Unexpectedly, he heard the sound he least wanted to hear in this situation——




Miss Gaye Ye, here comes to join in the fun.

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