Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 438 Don’t be afraid, there is someone standing behind the Konoha Pirates!

"A miserable failure..."

"That guy named Uchiha Madara..."

"He's even a top swordsman!"

A group of people watched in shock as Uchiha Madara slashed open Douglas Barrett's demon body with a single blow, defeating the former Pirate King's right-hand man on the spot!

If you lose...

Everyone has already been mentally prepared.

However, Douglas Barrett lost so quickly, which still caught people off guard. Even after Uchiha Madara released his complete Susanoo, Douglas Barrett didn't even have a decent counterattack...

"Mr. Barrett..."

The red-haired Shanks took a deep breath, and a sigh flashed in his eyes: "A man who was once evenly matched with Mr. Rayleigh..."

"more than…"

Whitebeard slowly shook his head, and his eyes became heavier: "Barrett's strength is about to catch up with Roger..."


This guy still lost to Uchiha Madara!

This means that Uchiha Madara's power has surpassed Roger, the Pirate King!

More than 20 years ago, when Whitebeard was still young and in his prime, he fought with the Pirate King Roger once, and the final result was a no-win situation...

My current self…

But he already looks old...

Whitebeard watched Uchiha Madara carrying Douglas Barrett's body towards the Golden Ark with a arrogant face. The old man's mood became heavier and heavier...


It's time to arrange your own funeral arrangements.

"let's go."

Whitebeard slowly turned around and waved the ship to set sail, intending to return to the new world and settle down his sons.

"I'll go see you again after I finish attending the Shampoo Land auction."

After the red-haired Shanks looked at Whitebeard and said something, he turned around and jumped onto the Redfors without waiting for Whitebeard to refute.

On top of the golden ark.

Madara Uchiha carried Douglas Barrett and threw it in front of the Red Sand Scorpion and others, as if he was not defeating a big shot, but just going out to sea to catch a fish.

This trip to the Konoha Pirates had a good harvest. First they got Vice Admiral Green Bull, and then they got a strong man like Douglas Barrett, giving them two more suitable experimental subjects.

"They are leaving..."

Senju Hashirama watched as the Moby Dick and Redfors were retracting anchor and setting sail, and looked at the Red Sand Scorpion curiously: "Speaking of which, everything should be fine, right?"


"They can't leave just yet."

The Red Sand Scorpion shook his head, and looked at the Golden Meri, which was sandwiched between the two Yonko pirate ships: "There is still a daredevil who has not finished causing trouble!"

Onboard the Golden Merli.

Monkey D. Luffy was very happy to see his companions, but after he glanced around, his eyes immediately became heavy!


"And Robin hasn't been rescued!"

"Wait! Luffy!"

A group of people were so frightened that they quickly stopped him.

Although everyone wants to rescue Nico Robin from the Tower of Justice, everyone has already seen the terror of the strong at this time, and if they rush over, they will only die!


Luffy's eyes looked into the distance.

During the battle between Uchiha Madara and Douglas Barrett, both the main island and the former island of Judiciary Island were destroyed, leaving only the last island of the Tower of Justice.


Everyone saw Nico Robin surrounded by a group of marines at a glance.

The archaeologist who always maintains intelligence and elegance in the Straw Hat Pirates, her eyes are always on the Straw Hats, and there are still tears on her face...

too close…

You can see where Nicole Robin is at a glance.

Too far…

No matter how close they are, surrounded by a group of marines, the Straw Hat Pirates cannot rescue Nico Robin. Their strength seems too weak...

"Rubber rubber!"

Straw Hat Luffy raised his arm and suddenly grabbed Golden Merry's mast. His body directly used the rubber ability to start accumulating power: "I want to rescue Robin!"

Straw Hat Luffy glanced at his nervous companions, and a flash of fierceness and determination suddenly flashed in his eyes: "Even if it means risking your own life today!"

After saying that, his body jumped up and flew towards the Tower of Justice!

"Hey! Luffy!"

Red-haired Shanks was shocked by Luffy's actions!


The war has been ended by everyone's acquiescence!

Now he is here with Whitebeard. After finally rescuing Straw Hat Luffy and his sworn brothers, and with the appearance of the Konoha Pirates, this war has finally come to an end. Why did this kid run away so recklessly? Gone!


Not everyone present knew anything about the Straw Hat Pirates.

Red-haired Shanks also saw Nicole Robin being heavily surrounded by the navy on the Tower of Justice, and could only ask his companions to prepare for battle again...

Aboard Moby Dick.

Fire Fist Ace looked at Whitebeard awkwardly.

Whitebeard could only chuckle, reached out and stroked Ace's head, and ordered his sons to stop weighing anchor and prepare to fight the navy again...

As for the Navy...

Morale was already very low.

After all, they also saw the scene of the battle between Douglas Barrett and Uchiha Madara. They knew very well that their own combat power was no match for the other party. They could only allow the other party to use the Judiciary Island, which is part of the World Government's territory, as a battlefield and default to this battle. The plan has failed.


The war is over...

Why does that boy Straw Hat Luffy want to fly over again?

"It's Straw Hat!"

A commodore drew his sword menacingly!


Don’t bully others too much!

Smoker was also a little shocked and bit his cigar tightly. What happened to this kid? Two Yonko Pirates appeared one after another before taking him away. Obviously this war should have ended in an anticlimactic manner. Why did he inexplicably end it? Come here!

"That boy!"

Garp also clenched his fists in anger.

This grandson...

Do you know how worried your grandfather is living during this time?


Luffy's voice was particularly loud, and he flew towards Robin without fear of a group of senior naval officers!

"His target is Nico Robin!"

A rear admiral drew his sword and pointed it at Luffy, saying loudly: "Since the Straw Hat boy is here to seek death, let's kill him here!"

"This bastard boy!"

Garp jumped into the air and punched Luffy on the head, sending Luffy flying backwards and hitting him directly on the Redfors of the Red-haired Pirates!

A group of marines were still furious, but the Red Haired Pirates, Straw Hat Pirates and Whitebeard Pirates moved forward one after another. Even the Golden Ark of the Konoha Pirates also joined in the fun, with several pirate ships of different sizes. The ship sailed towards the Tower of Justice...


Everyone's attention fell on Nico Robin again.

The figure of the Red Sand Scorpion floated up from the Golden Ark, and mechanical wings spread out from his back, allowing him to float in the air.

Among the Konoha Pirates, the Red Sand Scorpion has never been known for its strength, but this person always plays the role of a think tank in causing big events in the Konoha Pirates. His identity is within the Konoha Pirates. It was not ordinary, so his behavior obviously made many people fearful.

"Nicole Robin."

"I remember you were an archaeologist."

The Red Sand Scorpion looked directly at Nico Robin who was surrounded by the navy, and asked softly: "In the golden ruins of Nefertari D. Lily who created one of the twenty kings of the world government, at that time You are also present, and you are also one of the witnesses appointed by history. It seems that there is something fishy about your arrest by the World Government..."


Nicole Robin's body trembled and she dared not speak.

She is just a pawn in this war. She doesn't know what she should do or how she should communicate with the Konoha Pirates...

after all…

She's just a small character.

The entire Straw Hat Pirates are just minor players in front of the Konoha Pirates!

When the Whitebeard Pirates and the Red-Haired Pirates heard the Red Sand Scorpion speak, everyone stopped subconsciously, as if they wanted to wait for the other party to finish asking...

"Everyone stop."

The red-haired Shanks stretched out his hand to signal his companions not to act in a hurry. He looked at the Red Sand Scorpion and then at Nico Robin.

at this time…

Why did you mention the ruins of the Twenty Kings?

Red-haired Shanks narrowed his eyes. He also wanted to know something. What other secrets were there in the ruins of one of the twenty kings of Alabasta, so much so that Nico Robin was captured? , even the Konoha Pirates want to have a hand in this kind of thing...

these people…

Will you share what happened there?

"Nicole Robin."

The Red Sand Scorpion raised his palm, and a video phone bug appeared in his hand. He said calmly: "Now the whole world is live broadcasting everything that happens here. Say something a little bit, World Government Why should we arrest you? There are some secrets we don’t know among the ruins of one of the twenty kings of Alabasta..."


Nicole Robin gritted her teeth and seemed to have made up her mind.

"Don't let her say it!"

A CP0 agent staying on Judiciary Island appeared here at some point. He shouted loudly and wanted to rush to Nicole Robin's side!

next moment…

This CP0 agent has lost his head!

The Senju Tobirama of the Konoha Pirates suddenly appeared next to the agent, killed him at a terrifying speed that no one could keep up with, and returned to the ship again!

"The World Government wants to cover up the history of the world again!"

Nicole Robin raised her head and looked at the red sand scorpion suspended in the sky, as if she had figured everything out at this moment, and shouted loudly: "History has been modified beyond recognition by the world government. They want to use the name of the historical text. Revise a new history!”

"The world government wants to erase real history!"

Nicole Robin held her hands nervously and continued to shout loudly: "The World Government wants to use O'Hara's archeology to cover up the true history of the Celestial Dragons usurping the rule of the Goddess of Mao, and to cover up the fact that the Goddess of Mao was sealed. history, covering up the truth that this world will eventually be destroyed!"


Everyone present looked directly at Nico Robin.

"Wait a mininute…"

Red-haired Shanks interrupted Nico Robin and raised his doubts with serious eyes: "I have some questions. Does the Goddess of Mao really exist? Why do the ruins there record that the Goddess of Mao was sealed? At the end of the Grand Line..."

This is also a question that red-haired Shanks has always been curious about...

Because only the former Roger Pirates in this world have actually arrived at Ralph Drew. Unfortunately, Shanks and Clown Bucky are the only members of the Roger Pirates who have not boarded Ralph Drew. Fa Shanks knew some truth by chance...


The existence of the goddess Mao...

It seems to be somewhat inconsistent with the truth I know!

"Don't talk about history here..."

A rear admiral stood up and answered red-haired Shanks' question in a deep voice: "The golden ruins in Alabasta were forged by Crocodile Crocodile Crocodile using the Sasha Fruit. Crocodile's purpose was to seize the power of the world. It will create false history!”


Red-haired Shanks actually suspected that the ruins were fake.

after all…

The history of that ruins simply doesn’t match up with the known truth...

It is a pity that the existence of the goddess Uno and the golden relics of one of the twenty kings are endorsed by the Konoha Pirates. The strength of the Konoha Pirates is so powerful, and there are too many gaps in the past history. It is inevitable that everyone in the world will think that the history recognized by the Konoha Pirates is correct...


Can people in the world not ignore one thing...

The Konoha Pirates and the World Government are life-and-death enemies. The reason why they recognize the history of the Alabasta incident is to discredit the World Government...

"Miss Robin."

Red-haired Shanks suppressed Luffy's impulse to save people, and asked very seriously: "After the destruction of O'Hara, as the only archaeologist among them, you should be the most powerful to know the historical truth. Speaking, in O'Hara's name, is the history of Alabasta true or false?"


Nico Robin's heart was shocked.

This woman's heart instantly became tense!

At this moment, Nicole Robin didn't know who she should believe. She couldn't tell the truth from history. She had always believed that the text of history was correct...

However, the golden ruins of Alabasta remind the world that the historical text is not correct, and the content inside has been modified by the world government...


"I can't tell..."

Nicole Robin lowered her head, not daring to lie in the name of her hometown, because her hometown of O'Hara was the most important in her life, and it was also the meaning of history that she wanted to pursue.


Whitebeard's eyes scanned everyone present and said in a deep voice: "Roger told me that everything in this world is hidden in his ONE PIECE. Whether it is true or false, anyone who wants to know can Go to the end of the Grand Line and find it!"

People present…

There are really many people who know the secret of ONE PIECE...

Whether it's Whitebeard, Red-haired Shanks, or Douglas Barrett lying on the Golden Ark, they all know something about ONE PIECE...


Whitebeard glanced at everyone present and remembered what Roger had mentioned to him. He shook his head and said, "Say no more about the Goddess of Mao. Who is she? I have never heard Roger mention that there is a person in ONE PIECE." Goddess of Mao, don’t be blinded by false things..."


Everyone was shocked.

As we all know, Roger, the Pirate King, must have been to the island at the end of the Grand Line, and he even named it. Did Roger and Whitebeard actually discuss the secrets of ONE PIECE?


Someone looked at Whitebeard in horror and asked: "Whitebeard, the Goddess of Mao...isn't she on the island of Terminus, Rafdru? Isn't it said that Rafdru seals a goddess of Mao who created the world?"

Whitebeard shook his head coldly and said coldly: "If you want to know, go and see for yourself... ONE PIECE is right there!"

"What are you talking about..."

Douglas Barrett struggled in confusion.

Have you been in Impel Down for too long?

Why is everyone talking about the goddess of Mao?

The red-haired Shanks shook his head and said solemnly: "But now, I suspect that there may not be a goddess of Mao, and history may be false..."

"Is there no goddess of Mao?"

“Are Alabasta’s historical sites fake?”

"Baki, the great pirate who was born in the Roger Pirates, once said that he saw the sealed goddess Uno on the Final Island!"

"Bucky didn't land on the Final Island..."

Red-haired Shanks frowned and had to explain again: "I remember Bucky was sick before landing on the island. Neither he nor I landed on the Final Island, but I have learned from Captain Roger and Ray Mr. Li knows something about ONE PIECE from his mouth. Although he cannot tell it, the goddess of Mao has never appeared..."


Everyone hesitated.

The former crew members of the Roger Pirates said this with some degree of credibility...


“Are the ruins of Alabasta fake?”

"Isn't the end of the Great Line the place where the Goddess of Mao is sealed? Is there never a Goddess of Mao on the sea?"

Not just here on Judiciary Island...

The whole world was in an uproar at this moment.

What a joke!

Everyone has always been against the World Government. Isn't it because the World Government told a big lie and even ignored the crisis of possible destruction of the world and sealed the Goddess of Mao in order to seize the power to rule the world?


Everyone is suddenly saying that there is no goddess of Mao...

Has the history of Alabasta's ruins been forged?

During this period, the history that everyone has been passing on orally and even believing in is also false. Was it forged by Crocodile Crocodile?


Saint Satan and Saint Nashoulang among the five old stars breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the process of the Judiciary Island battle plan was not very smooth and could even be called a failure, their other goal seemed to be achieved. Red-haired Shanks was not their enemy and even helped in this incident. Very busy...

The ruins of Alabasta are fake…

Then the world government will regain its righteousness!

At least those franchise countries can listen to the advice and be stable for a while!

Judiciary Island.

Many people present frowned or looked shocked, as if they were unable to accept the impact, unable to accept that someone had revealed a secret history that they had finally believed in recently, and told them that this history was false.

"It seems something very sudden happened..."

The voice of the Red Sand Scorpion was a little regretful. He remembered some words that his past boss often said. His eyes fell on everyone present and paused for a second on Akihara Kagura: "It seems inevitable. I need to add some reasons at the end..."

Everything was planned well...

It's just that if everyone who knows the secret talks too much, things will be ruined...

If this happens, the history they forged will have flaws. What should we do at this time?

"You said..."

"Is there a possibility?"

Orochimaru slowly walked to the side of the ship and said with a smile: "Twenty years ago, when the Roger Pirates finally arrived at the Final Island, the immortal Uno Goddess had escaped from trouble and began to hide her information. Woolen cloth?"


Orochimaru's words made people's brains explode all over the world!

Even some people who have arrived at the final island of Ravdru, such as Pluto Rayleigh, who is watching the images on the Shampoo Islands, are a little suspicious that they went there a little too late...


What is real?

Everyone around the world who was watching the images of Judiciary Island was rubbing their heads, feeling that they couldn’t figure it out...

They should all believe in the Konoha Pirates...

After all, the Konoha Pirates are so powerful, they definitely won’t have enough time to lie to others...


"I may want to tell you something..."

"Several members of the Roger Pirates have actually met the goddess of Mao..."

Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and licked his lips. His eyes swept over everyone present and stayed on Akihara Kagura's face for a second before looking at Shanks with a smile. He whispered a fact: "Even the two interns of the Roger Pirates who did not reach the final island have seen the goddess of Uzumaki..."


Shanks' face tightened.

Shanks originally thought that he had a few words with Robin and exposed the lie of Alabasta's golden ruins. When the Konoha Pirates revealed it, he doubted himself and even doubted whether Captain Roger had conquered greatness. It's too late for the route...

Nothing else…

The opponent is too strong.

People with big fists speak truth and truth.

According to Shanks' knowledge, there should be no reason for the Konoha Pirates to deceive them. After all, the Konoha Pirates can kill them at any time...

"God's sight is invisible to mortals..."

Orochimaru chuckled softly at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were so dangerous that people dared not look directly at him: "Let me tell you a little more, lest in the future something happens in this world that you cannot recognize and cannot accept, which may make your It’s not certain that the world will collapse…”

"What's up?"

Shanks' heart suddenly beat faster.

"The goddess of Mao is not sealed in this world..."

The smile on Orochimaru's lips became thicker and thicker, and his eyes became more and more dangerous: "There was a person who rescued the goddess of Uno from another world, and joined forces with the goddess of Uno to punish this world. That person has the power of Uno. The goddess has an even more terrifying power. He is a man who truly has the ability and thoughts to destroy the world. He can destroy the Red Earth Continent with just one blow..."


Everyone's heart was shocked.

The words from Orochimaru's mouth...

It really doesn’t sound like it’s fake!

Whether it's Orochimaru's slow tone of voice, Orochimaru's confidence and persistence in his words, and his status as a member of the Konoha Pirates, it's impossible to ignore his words!


Red-haired Shanks' eyes lit up, and he seemed to think of something for a moment, and immediately asked: "I want to protect the world..."

"I've mispoken."

Orochimaru did not hide anything, and spoke his identity frankly with a smile: "Whether it is me, our captain, or everyone on the ship, they are all the same. They are just pawns who help that person define the fate of this world... "

Breakthrough today, 6,000 words!

To answer the question that someone said my writing about White Beard was too stupid...

To be honest, the pirates in One Piece really can’t tell whether they are stupid or just upright...

Whitebeard in the original book was the one who faced three admirals, a group of vice admirals, and the King Shichibukai, and directly brought all his family wealth with him to the war...

The people among the pirates have very strange ideas about fighting. Their judgment of victory or defeat is not that they are more domineering. When the combat power is not particularly disparity, the outcome will be uncertain...

No one would think that a person is too strong to defeat. Who would believe that Luffy can defeat Kaido? And I still don’t understand how Kidd and Luo can suddenly defeat Big Mom...

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