Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 437 Whitebeard and Shanks sensed terror inexplicably!

Judiciary Island.

A group of pirates and navy were retreating.

These people all want to make space and provide an open battlefield for the battle between Uchiha Madara and Douglas Barrett. The people present do not dare to compete with them!

"All back!"

"Retreat to the direction of the Tower of Justice!"

Akihara Kagura raised her arms and loudly ordered all the navy to retreat to the Tower of Justice immediately to avoid unnecessary losses.

"Let's evacuate to the ship too!"

The red-haired Shanks also raised his arm, calling for his companions to leave together. He looked at Luffy and others again: "Go rescue Luffy's little guys!"


This time there was no one to stop him.

Because of the appearance of the Konoha Pirates, it doesn't matter whether it's Straw Hat Luffy or anyone else, not even the Red-Haired Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates.

Before the red-haired pirates could make any move, the figure of the Golden Merli swam over from the sea. The Straw Hat Pirates didn't care about the mess and rushed forward in a swarm, grabbing Luffy and others!

This little pirate…

Naturally, it won't attract other people's attention.

Only Smoker and his adjutant Dasqi intervened to stop him, but their actions were more like letting go of water, and Dasqi even threw Sauron's knife on the ground!

"Hey, hey, you woman!"

Zoro was so frightened that he immediately rushed over and held his knife in his arms!

"Roronoa Zoro."

Dusky lowered her head and looked down at Zoro. The swordswoman's eyes were particularly sharp: "I always thought you were a heinous pirate, but when you were in Alabasta, you were willing to kill Crocodile for the sake of the civilians of Alabasta. The Baroque Works Company declared war because my previous vision was too limited. I will return all your swords to you. I hope that in the future you will not let down your Wadao Yimonji on the sea!"


Zoro snorted contemptuously, he didn't care what others thought of him! He has only one goal, to become the world's greatest swordsman!

"Straw Hat Boy..."

"I'll catch you next time I see you."

Smoker looked at Luffy's figure, puffing smoke from the cigar in his mouth, and muttered: "Don't let me see you doing evil things on the sea next time!"

"Slightly, slightly, slightly~"

Straw Hat Luffy made a face at Smoker, and hurriedly left here with Ace and others carrying Marco on his back. He didn't care about so much!

"Dasi Qi, let's retreat too."

Smoker looked at Luffy's back, and his eyes fell on Uchiha Madara and Douglas Barrett who were fighting on Judiciary Island. A trace of unwillingness flashed in his eyes: "The mighty Navy can only allow pirates to attack us. Fighting on the territory..."

"Brigadier General Smoker..."

Dasqi understood the boss's mood very well, but she could only persuade him with a few words: "The other party is a monster-like pirate after all, and isn't it Commodore Smoker's previous style of letting pirates kill each other?"


Smoker didn't want to dwell on this topic.

As Dasqi followed his footsteps, he spoke carefully: "Maybe General Aokiji and Lieutenant General Kagura also want the pirates to kill each other here..."


Smoker stretched out his finger and tapped Dasqi's forehead. He was a little dissatisfied with her slowness: "Don't think so much, hurry up and leave!"

This idiot...

Have you simply forgotten the horror in the images of the Sky Island Battle?

That is enough power to easily destroy an island!

If Dasqi thinks that the monsters in this group of pirates can just kill each other, then you are completely wrong. The battle between monsters is very dangerous!

Once Whitebeard, Red-haired Shanks and the Konoha Pirates really start a war, the outcome of the war may not be particularly clear, but there is no doubt that the onlookers' navy and the Judiciary Island as the battlefield will definitely Become a victim of this war!

In front of those monsters...

There is no safety at all!

Judiciary Island.

The battlefield has gradually been vacated.

Except for a group of unavoidable big pirates, everyone else has already fled elsewhere. Uchiha Madara and Douglas Barrett are both arrogant by nature, and they don't care whether their battle will affect others!


These two people are currently only fighting with basic physical skills!

Uchiha Madara's movements were extremely sharp, and every move he made was a killing move, because what he was best at was killing and fighting. He bent his fingers and locked them at Douglas Barrett's neck, as if that was the chance for the battle to end!

Douglas Barrett is no exception. He has fought many strong men on the sea, and even often fought against the Pirate King Roger. His fighting style tends to suppress the enemy with absolute power!

This is a collision of skills and power!

Everyone looked at the two fighting men intently. Everyone's eyes were dazzled. Everyone could feel the tremendous pressure from their fight. Few people could think that they would be under the hands of these two people. How long do you hold on!

"So strong..."

The people present could not help but sweat dripping from their foreheads.

Even in the eyes of some big pirates, they were just defeated by these two guys. I didn't expect that there were such terrifying figures on the sea!

The Sharingan in Uchiha Madara's eyes glowed red, and his palms kept moving forward, but Douglas Barrett raised his arm to forcefully block it. Douglas Barrett directly punched Uchiha Madara's head. , Uchiha Madara also turned around and punched Todoroki unceremoniously!


The two people's fists collided together again!

The domineering energy of the two people was released at the same time with the punch!

The entire front island building on Judiciary Island was completely destroyed by their domineering collision at this moment. All the buildings were blown away by the impact of the domineering force, and the front island was completely reduced to the ground!

The big pirates who couldn't escape were struggling to stand in the corner and resist!

Admiral Aokiji stood above the Tower of Justice, teaming up with Akihara Kagura and Fujitora to release armed Haki at the same time, resisting the impact of this Haki...

As for above the sea…

The huge waves are sweeping across!

Whether it's white-bearded or red-haired Shanks, they have to release their domineering energy at the same time to eliminate the waves coming towards them, but there are people who move faster than them...

"Do we need to create a space for them to fight?"

Otsutsuki Kaguya gently raised her palm, and the huge waves that could destroy everything were controlled by her like a well-behaved child, winding and circling quietly disappearing into the invisible.

"There's no need..."

The Crimson Sand Scorpion replied slowly, his eyes also looking at the battlefield, and said softly: "This battle is just an accident, and it is within our control..."

"As expected of Kaguya-sama!"

Boya Hancock praised loudly from the side.


Whitebeard's eyes flashed with shock!

The figure of the red-haired Shanks quickly landed on the Moby-Dick. His eyes were fixed on Kaguya Otsutsuki, and his expression became extremely solemn!

to be honest…

Just calming the waves is not an advanced method...

However, when these two people noticed Kaguya Otsutsuki, their instinctive Haki generated by years of fighting gave a terrifying early warning!

This woman…

He is an extremely terrifying strong man!

Maybe even more dangerous than Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama!

The breath energy that slightly leaked out when Otsutsuki Kaguya took action made the hairs on their bodies stand up, as if they had encountered a terrifying existence they had never seen before. The feedback brought about by the physical reactions over the years cannot be faked!

"That woman..."

The red-haired Shanks held the hilt of the sword tightly with his palm, looking at the gentle and delicate white-haired woman in disbelief: "You feel it too..."


Whitebeard was silent and speechless.

"You seem to have scared them..."

The Red Sand Scorpion noticed the situation here and glanced at Kaguya Otsutsuki next to him: "If some of the prey to be captured are frightened before they are completely caught, it is difficult to say that they will fall into the trap... "


Otsutsuki Kaguya's brows frowned slightly, and she slowly raised her hands, as if she wanted to take down Whitebeard and Red-haired Shanks directly here: "Then just arrest them..."

"Do not impulse."

The Crimson Sand Scorpion shook his head, and his eyes fell on Judiciary Island again: "They are the best stepping stones to use. We don't need to do anything..."

Aboard Moby Dick.

Red-haired Shanks and Whitebeard looked particularly heavy.

Because Red-haired Shanks has been worried about the Konoha Pirates continuing to disturb the sea, Whitebeard knew that they were about to face a challenge from the Konoha Pirates.

At this point in time…

The Konoha Pirates seem to have gained another strong one, which is a great disadvantage to the Whitebeard Pirates and the Red-haired Pirates. This means that in possible battles in the future, the possibility of their defeat will become getting bigger!

While Whitebeard and Shanks were thinking, the voice of the Red Sand Scorpion came out from the Golden Ark: "Whitebeard Edward Newgate, we have admired your name for a long time."


Whitebeard slowly turned his head to look at the Red Sand Scorpion.

this moment…

Whitebeard held his sword tightly in his hand!

Although he has never been afraid of fighting, he still has to protect his sons at this time. Fighting here is obviously not good for the Whitebeard Pirates...

"You were a little too cruel to our people..."

The figure of the Red Sand Scorpion appeared on the bow of the Golden Ark. He stared at Whitebeard and whispered something that shocked everyone: "We finally placed an undercover agent in the World Government. We almost... Got killed by you..."


The eyes of those present who heard this were filled with shock.


Who is the undercover agent of the Konoha Pirates?

There are actually undercover agents of the Konoha Pirates in the Navy?

The red-haired Shanks' eyes narrowed, and he was shocked and despaired. The Konoha Pirates not only relied on strength, they also used despicable tricks like undercover. Even placing undercover agents into the navy...


Shanks also quickly thought of who was the undercover agent of the Konoha Pirates.

no doubt…

Vice Admiral Green Bull of the Navy Headquarters, promoted by the World Government's recruitment campaign, is the undercover agent of the Konoha Pirates, and only Green Bull is the person who best fits the status of an undercover agent...

Fortunately, Whitebeard took action this time and accidentally injured the Konoha Pirates' undercover, forcing the Konoha Pirates to take action and expose him. Otherwise, if the undercover goes further in the future, it is estimated that the rule of the World Government will be affected. Collapse faster…

"Is that guy using the vine one of yours?"

Whitebeard also directly thought of the green bull who was almost killed by him, but he subconsciously accepted all this in his heart, because he also saw the Konoha Pirates using vines to rescue the green bull, and the green bull and the Konoha Sea There must be some kind of relationship between the captains of the thieves.

"Gu la la la..."

The corners of Whitebeard's mouth curled up, and he held the knife in his hand tighter and tighter, but his words became a little lighter: "This is really unexpected..."


"Are you going to get it back for him?"

When Whitebeard said the last thing, his voice gradually became heavier, and the domineering energy in his body gradually gathered, and he was ready to enter a fighting state at any time!

"Not in a hurry…"

The Scarlet Sand Scorpion calmly shook his head, his eyes fell on the Judiciary Island, and he said casually: "Let's talk about it after we enter the new world... If you are still there at that time, we will take this matter as an As an excuse to attack you..."


"I have always been peace-loving..."


Konoha is peace-loving as hell!

Red-haired Shanks had something in his mouth that he couldn't wait to spit out!

If you, the Konoha Pirates, hadn't caused so many things, how could this sea be like this? The rule of the World Government and the Celestial Dragons is already shaky, and this situation has obviously exceeded the red-haired one at this time. Shanks' control!

The source of the current violent sea...

It lies in every move of the Konoha Pirates!

"Mr. Shanks, do you have any objections?"

The Crimson Sand Scorpion's eyes fell on the red-haired Shanks who was hesitant to speak.


Red-haired Shanks couldn't help gritting his teeth.

"That would be perfect..."

The Red Sand Scorpion's eyes moved to the battlefield on Judiciary Island again, and he casually reminded: "Remember to attend our auction in a few days..."

"I won't forget it..."

Red-haired Shanks took a deep breath.

Regarding the Celestial Dragon auction, how could Shanks miss it? Because the commander of the Knights of the Draconians, Fegaland Green, the Ancient Sage, was the final slave in that auction!


He couldn't let the Ancient Saint Fegaland Green fall into the hands of others!

On the battlefield of Justice Island.

Uchiha Madara rubbed his wrist, as if to slow down the impact he suffered from the collision of the punch, but the corner of his mouth was grinning in a sneer.

"If you want to warm up before the battle..."

"That's almost the end of it..."

"I mean that too..."

Douglas Barrett clenched his fists, the muscles on his arms instantly bulged, and the corners of his mouth grinned: "Then let's get started!"

next moment!

The island land under Douglas Barrett's feet began to condense instantly, and the land and rocks of the entire Judiciary Island began to converge towards him!

This is the fruit power of Douglas Barrett!

Superhuman type·Fusion fruit!

Through the Fusion Fruit, he can combine any inorganic object with himself, and transform the inorganic object into a weapon suitable for his battle!

In a blink of an eye!

The entire front island and main island of Judiciary Island have been absorbed by Douglas Barrett's Fusion Fruit, and even the building rubble has been completely absorbed by his Fusion Fruit!

As Douglas Barrett's fruit power was activated, he seemed to have transformed into a completely giant demon, with a huge body about the size of half an island looking down at the tiny Uchiha Madara!

This is the power of the combined fruit!

And Douglas Barrett has already trained his Devil Fruit power to the point of awakening through his own training!

When Douglas Barrett completed his transformation, the eyes of Red Sand Scorpion and Orochimaru on the Golden Ark became hot at the same time!


Uchiha Madara couldn't help but grin, and his fingers quickly stood up. Susanoo's skeleton slowly emerged on his body, and he chuckled: "Your fruit ability is pretty good. It seems that we People will probably be very interested in you..."

Both the Red Sand Scorpion and Orochimaru are extremely interested in Douglas Barrett's body, because he is a possessor of overlord-colored domineering, and coupled with the ability of the Fusion Fruit, which is most suitable for mechanical technology !


Before that...

We still need to defeat this former right-hand man of the Pirate King first!

However, Red Sand Scorpion and others have already seen each other's ending after Douglas Barrett transformed...

Nothing else…

Because Uchiha Madara is obviously a man who is better at using titan form to fight!

"It seems like your strength is pretty good..."

Uchiha Madara's body gradually rose, and the Susanoo's skeleton under him became more and more complete. Layers of armor leaves were draped on Susanoo's body. A pair of wings spread out behind Susanoo's back, and he quickly entered. Susanoo's full body form is revealed!


Uchiha Madara stood within Susanoo's crystal, raised his head and looked at Douglas Barrett, who was as tall as a terrifying demon. His voice suddenly became cold, his fists in his hands were clenched fiercely, and his face was full of tears. Arrogant and arrogant: "No matter how big your body becomes, it is useless. You are just a sword target in front of Susanoo Uchiha!"

next moment!

Uchiha Madara suddenly controlled Susanoo to draw his sword and slash out!

A flying slash flew out from under the katana in Susanoo's hand in an instant!

Douglas Barrett's body after transforming with his Fusion Fruit ability was too huge, and the complete Susanoo also seemed a bit small in front of his huge body!

However, with his huge body half the size of an island, his Armed Color Haki was not enough to completely cover it, so Douglas Barrett could only complete the Armed Color on one arm...

Douglas Barrett raised his left arm wrapped with jet-black domineering energy, grabbed the flying slash and crushed it away with one hand, and even grabbed Susanoo with unabated strength!

Uchiha Madara controlled the Susanoo to fly up directly to avoid the opponent's palm. The complete Susanoo dexterously circled the back of the hand, waving the katana and slashing around the opponent's arm, a series of blue streaks. The arc slash is reflected in people's sight!

Following the movements of the Complete Susanoo, Douglas Barrett's left arm was instantly cut with gaps. After the Complete Susanoo flew to his shoulder, the huge arm fell directly. !

"How can it be!"

Douglas Barrett looked at his huge left arm that had fallen down in disbelief. His huge body became unstable for a while, and he even knelt on the ground on one knee!

"That guy Barrett is no match..."

Whitebeard watched this scene and judged the result at a glance.

"Mr. Barrett..."

Red-Haired Shanks There is something wrong with his own kind.

Because he had also been defeated by Uchiha Madara.


Infinite pride arose in Uchiha Madara's heart, and he smiled contemptuously, controlling Susanoo's body to once again be covered with a layer of pitch-black armed Haki!

"It's just gravel..."

"No matter how high the pile is, it's just the fate of being pushed down..."

Uchiha Madara controlled Susanoo and held the katana in both hands, and slashed at the huge demon body kneeling on the ground. The moment the slash of the sword flew out, it was dazzling, and the blue light flashed instantly. Penetrating the whole body of the devil's body!

A body the size of half an island...

He was directly cut in half by the complete Susanoo!

Still having stomachache...

Did I eat something wrong...

Forgive me, I can still only update 5,000 words today... But it is better than yesterday. I updated 5,500 words today...

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