Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 439 The truth of history will never be erased!


Suddenly it appeared in everyone's mind.

No one thought that the Konoha Pirates would reveal a shocking secret at this time, and reveal a shocking person behind the scenes...

He even bluntly said that they are just nobody...

A group of people who can stir up wind and rain on the sea have brought the world government to the verge of collapse. The four emperors of the pirates even thought they were not opponents, but turned out to be just pawns sent by the man behind the scenes!

These monsters are already powerful enough!

There are people in the world who are more terrifying than these monsters!

A person who is more powerful than these monsters and wants to redefine the fate of this sea has the power to destroy the world and even joins forces with the former goddess of creation!


The other party is likely to destroy the world!

The other party has the terrifying thoughts to destroy the world, and also has the terrifying power to destroy the world!


Red-haired Shanks slowly moved his eyes to look at Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama and others on the Golden Ark. He saw that these people had no objection to Orochimaru's words, only Uchiha Madara had a smile on his face. A sneer, but no rebuttal.

"Actually, he may not destroy the world..."

Senju Hashirama saw a group of frightened people and wanted to comfort them with words.

"But if he wants..."

Orochimaru interrupted Senju Hashirama's words and said with a smile: "Can't you do this at any time? Before the fate of this world has been defined by him, we can't guess his true thoughts..."


Senju Hashirama himself was a little unsure.

after all…

There are really too few references...

At least the ninja world has experienced a major crisis that was almost destroyed. Who knows what the fate of this sea will be. The environment of this sea seems to be worse than that of the ninja world...


Shanks looked a little ugly.

What Shanks cares about is not the psychology of the powerful person behind the scenes who rescued the goddess Uno as Orochimaru said. What he cares about is only whether that person exists!


The communication between Senju Hashirama and Orochimaru...

It seems that it has been confirmed that they were indeed ordered by others.

Such a terrifyingly powerful man...

Do you seem to have accepted the fact that you are weak?

How terrifying will the man hidden behind the Konoha Pirates be? Is it true that, as Orochimaru said, he can destroy the Red Earth Continent with just one blow?

Shanks couldn't even think of it.

Because he had seen Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara join forces, which was already a devastating gesture, and the man standing behind them was supporting their actions...

in the end…

How strong it will be!

How powerful and powerful is that man to make both Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara willing to become his pawns!

And the goddess of Mao...

The goddess of creation left behind in the ruins of the Twenty Kings of Alabasta, a goddess of creation who wants to punish the world for betrayal...

All of this shrouded Shanks' mind like a fog. He only felt that his mood was getting heavier and heavier, and he couldn't even imagine what he should do...


Ben Beckman noticed the captain's abnormality and reached out to pat him on the shoulder: "Shanks, don't you know about this kind of thing?"


Shanks narrowed his eyes slightly and quickly began to recall the information he knew, trying to find some clues from it, but in the end he found that his brain was getting more and more chaotic.

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Shanks's mouth, and there seemed to be a shadow on his face: "To be honest, I have always guessed that the goddess of Uo may be a fictional story, and I always thought that the two captains of the Konoha Pirates were The limit of a strong person that I can imagine..."


"Now it looks like..."

"There is heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the world."

Whitebeard spoke in a deep voice and concluded.

This man who had seen many storms on the sea, the sea emperor who had been active in the previous era and this era, also narrowed his eyes slightly.


Is there anything more terrifying?

The faces of the marines present also looked a little unhappy.

Even Aokiji, who had colluded with the Konoha Pirates, and Fujitora, who had some idea of ​​the collusion between the navy's top brass and the Konoha Pirates, frowned...

"You're kidding, right?"

A rear admiral couldn't accept the fact, his eyes widened and he gasped: "What a mess! How could there be anyone more terrifying than these monsters?"

"cheer up!"

Garp snapped.

No matter how shocking the news about the Konoha Pirates is, and even if there is a more terrifying enemy standing behind them, the navy must not collapse!

"We understand how you feel."

Orochimaru still had a smile on his lips, and he could even imagine the thoughts in the hearts of these people: "When we knew about the existence of that person, the fear and despair in our hearts were even greater than those of you. Unfortunately, reality is reality. , no matter how cruel reality becomes..."


"Don't be too desperate..."

"You can be happy..."

Orochimaru's eyes swept over everyone present one by one, and continued with a chuckle: "That man is still observing the world. Unless the world is too rotten to save, maybe he will want to destroy everything... "


The red-haired Shanks suddenly thought of something and suddenly said: "So, Mr. Orochimaru, are we lucky enough to meet him?"


Uchiha Madara even laughed out loud.


A flash of hesitation flashed across Senju Hashirama's face, as if he didn't know whether to speak or not, because he had always been a bit slow on such matters.

"You've already met him."

Orochimaru's smile was a bit weird, and there was even a bit of uncontrollable joy in the corner of his mouth: "Maybe you have ignored him, maybe you have laughed at him, maybe you have abused him, maybe you have praised him, just like he quietly Just like looking at you, you also looked at him quietly..."


Everyone looked at each other.



When had they seen that man!

"We... met him?"

The red-haired Shanks frowned tightly and pondered subconsciously. He had met too many people in his life, who was the person behind the Konoha Pirates?

"We should go."

The voice of the Red Sand Scorpion followed his figure as he landed on the Golden Ark. He said in a cold voice: "There are enough things today. We are here just to recover an experimental product..."

"What a pity..."

Orochimaru's face seemed to be a little unfinished.

Because playing with other people's psychology is also a great enjoyment for Orochimaru.


Nicole Robin raised her head and asked loudly: "I have one more thing! One thing I urgently want to know!"

"While in Alabasta..."

"I once wanted to know the answer, but someone told me that the destination should be the final island of Rafdru. Now you are saying that even the final island where the Pirate King Goldo Roger arrived was just a missed time. Even though he was crowned, he didn’t get the historical truth!”


"I want to know..."

"Does the historical text have any meaning?"

"If everything is false, and history has been changed beyond recognition, and has been modified and smeared by the former Goddess of Mao and the World Government, does the ancient history we study still have any meaning?"


Until this moment…

Nicole Robin also wants to know the truth about history.

Because the only thing she is good at in life is studying ancient history...

When they were in Alabasta, Luffy told her to go to the Final Island to see if she wanted to know anything; but at this time, everything in the Final Island might be fake, and Nico Robin couldn't understand it at all. , she could only ask loudly here!

This answer…

That's what Nicole Robin desperately wants to know!

Many people present were a little silent. Why are you paying attention to history at this time? The world may be in trouble!


The Red Sand Scorpion fell silent.

The red-haired boy was suspended in the air calmly. After thinking for a second, he gave a plausible answer: "If you can't find the answer, just trust someone you recognize..."

"I couldn't bring myself to lie about this."

"Even if some people keep trying to erase history, the traces of history cannot be erased. There will always be people in the world like you who record everything that happened in history."

After the Red Sand Scorpion finished speaking, his eyes fell on Nicole Robin: "Time is constantly advancing, and history is constantly being born. People who do good things in history will be recorded, and those who do evil things in history will be recorded." People and history will never be forgotten.”

"The only thing I can tell you is..."

"It's something I only tell you..."

"Time will prove everything. Even if someone wants to erase history, all omissions and errors that have occurred in history will be corrected one by one by time..."

"Human beings will never forget the past. Erasing history is a false destiny. There will always be people who study and record history like O'Hara..."

"And these people..."

"It is an existence that should not be harmed."

"This is why we know that you have learned the secrets of the ancient weapons Pluto and Neptune, but we have never taken action against you."

"I once heard a story. A person who recorded history, along with his relatives, were killed by a person who wanted to change history. But someone else came in and took his place and recorded the true history at the expense of his own life. Oha The same should be said for the existence of Ra..."

"O'Hara's existence is meaningful."

"Even the person behind the Konoha Pirates recognizes your great cause of wanting to re-record ancient history. For him, history is a means, not an existence that should be desecrated, even if he will not go Denying the true history…”

"Real history..."

"It should not be forgotten by anyone."

When the Red Sand Scorpion said this, his body slowly landed on the golden ark. The dazzling golden ark slowly set sail and slowly floated from the sea.

"And one more thing…"

"The remnants of O'Hara are protected by the Konoha Pirates."

"No one is allowed to use ancient weapons to threaten a person who records history."

The voice of the Red Sand Scorpion fell from the Golden Ark: "This is the kindness from Konoha. Even those who stand behind Konoha will allow humans to record traces of their existence..."


Everyone present looked at Nico Robin.

Everyone knows what the Konoha Pirates mean by that sentence!

This woman…

He actually got the protection of the Konoha Pirates...

Who else in the entire sea dares to ask her about ancient weapons?

To put it bluntly…

This is the safest statement on the sea right now!

"Let her go."

Aoki took the opportunity to wave his hand and signaled the navy to move out of the way. He stared at Nico Robin and said in a cold voice: "Go where you should go, Nico Robin, don't forget It’s what Sauro told you…”


Nicole Robin's face was still a little pale.

This woman hasn't even realized what she's been through...

She has been hunted by the World Government for twenty years. She has never felt any sense of security. Except for her fellow Straw Hat Pirates, no one has ever wanted to truly protect her...

Even the Straw Hat Pirates don't have enough power to protect her...

Just because she asked one more word, because the people of the Konoha Pirates said one more word, from now on she no longer has to worry about being hunted down on the sea...

"General Qing Pheasant!"

A naval colonel looked at Aokiji nervously.

"I will take full responsibility for this matter."

Aoki glanced at the naval captain coldly, and said coldly: "Are we still going to war for Nico Robin and the Konoha Pirates at this time?"

Until now…

The Konoha Pirates have never made any promises, and have never even planted their flag on an island. Nico Robin is the first person promised to protect...

"Robin, come here quickly!"

Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates' faces was filled with joy, and they shouted loudly, taking Luffy and Nico Robin back to the Golden Mellie!

"Let's go!"

Nami immediately drove away on the Golden Meili, with a particularly serious look on her face: "We must leave here quickly, the Meili can't hold on for too long!"

The Golden Merli of the Straw Hat Pirates sailed away directly from the ships of the two Yonko Pirates. Straw Hat Luffy only had time to wave goodbye to Ace.

"Let's go too..."

Whitebeard held his big sword, knocked on the ship's plank, and ordered his sons to sail: "I have a lot of things to do when I get back..."

"Let's go first."

The red-haired Shanks turned around and gave instructions to Ben Beckman, lowered his voice, and said in a deep voice: "There are too many things to do today. I'll go to Mary Joa first..."


Ben Beckman could only nod.


Too much happened today.

Everyone in the red-haired pirate group thought it was just an operation to rescue Luffy, but they didn't expect that they would be involved in another huge trouble.

Tower of Justice.

A group of sailors were still chatting among themselves.

Every navy member had a somewhat uneasy look on their face, and they were whispering about the explosive news they had received today. Topics such as the destruction of the world would pop up from time to time.

Xiang Ling stood next to Akihara Kagura nervously, and her eyes looked a little worried, as if she was worried that Akihara Kagura would be angry.

"Lieutenant General Kagura..."

"What's wrong? Phosphorus."

Akihara Kagura did not look at Xiang Phosphorus. His eyes just stayed on the golden ark that was gradually going away. He chuckled and said, "What happened today is interesting, right?"


Xiang Phosphorus frowned.


Someone leaked the existence of Kagura-sama!

"As expected of him..."

Akihara Kagura shook her head, with a slight smile still hanging on her lips.

should say…

Is he worthy of being his first boss?

Orochimaru's performance was really impeccable. Even when he was planning to control the Red Sand Scorpion to speak, Orochimaru pulled back all the layout plans that might have failed...


The phone rang quickly.

Navy Marshal Buddha Sengoku immediately called Akihara Kagura, and his voice sounded particularly heavy: "Kagura, call Aokiji, and the Lieutenant General named Fujitora, you guys come to Marinfando immediately. , I have asked Kizaru to rush back to Malinfando..."


Akihara Kagura recited the list silently in her mind.


There is no Akainu in this meeting…

Seems like a real insider's own meeting...


Akihara Kagura mentioned another vice-admiral on Judiciary Island: "Vice-Admiral Green Bull was taken away by the Konoha Pirates. He seems to be a spy planted by the Konoha Pirates in the navy..."


Sengoku's words were a little stuck, and he couldn't tell whether Green Bull was a spy or not, but there was no need to worry about it at this time. He was more concerned about the affairs of the Konoha Pirates...

Now Sengoku is only concerned about the existence of the person behind the Konoha Pirates. He wants to gather his people to discuss how the person behind the Konoha Pirates will redefine the fate of the world, because the person behind it must Possessing the power to redefine the destiny of the world...

As for the green bull…

That kind of world government loyalist is not important at all...

Regardless of whether Green Bull is a spy or not, at least in the eyes of the world, Green Bull is already a spy planted by the Konoha Pirates in the navy...

"Go back to Malinfando first."

Sengoku seemed to be a little uneasy on the other end of the phone, and said some indifferent things to himself, as if to ease the tension: "Ignore the fact that Green Bull is a spy, I will let the World Government reissue it." A wanted notice about Green Bull will never let him return to the navy..."

It seems like this every time...

I remember that one year, I wrote about history at exactly this time. It should be the year of the man behind the scenes...

In my heart, O'Hara feels like those historians in the Spring and Autumn Period who didn't care about their lives. No matter what the world government did, they would record and reveal ancient history...

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