Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 375 I will stand on the side of fairness and justice

Dong dong dong dong…

A sound of footsteps appeared in their ears.

Kizaru looked at the figures walking onto the bow of the ship, but he only saw two figures wearing navy uniforms, which made him feel a little surprised.


How could it be the navy?

Another undercover agent placed by the Konoha Pirates in the Navy?

However, the ranks of these two undercover navy agents are very low, and they are not worthy of attention. At least they are not as dangerous as the betrayal of Aokiji, the navy headquarters general...


Akihara Kagura stretched out his palm towards Kizaru, looking very polite: "Navy Headquarters Ensign Akihara Kagura, this is Kosovo, the doctor who is treating you, don't listen to Mr. Madara's jokes about life being worse than death, Kosovo His medical technology is even better than those with surgical fruit abilities."

In fact.

The medical technology of Xiang Phosphorus is indeed excellent.

As the first person to follow Akihara Kagura, Kosovo has always benefited the most. She has also obtained the power of Yang long ago, and can even give life to others out of thin air.

Kizaru watched helplessly as Kosovo, the red-haired female marine, just stretched out her palm and patted his arm, making him feel a little itchy in his wound...

Those wounds healed quickly...

This medical technology…

It’s already a miracle!

Aoki watched Kizaru take off the bandage, and saw that Kizaru's wounds were healing quickly, and he couldn't help but have a look of surprise on his face!


This little girl named Xiang Phosphorus...

Always by Akihara Kagura’s side…

This little girl named Xiang Lian seems to be quite strong. No wonder Akihara Kagura has always been confident. It seems that he was not without the ability to resist before he got the Thunder Fruit.


Kizaru's eyes flashed.

Even after his injuries healed, he didn't dare to act rashly.

This pirate group seems to be quite dangerous. Even if they directly escape from here as elements, the probability of escaping is not very high. It may even anger this pirate group...

This naval admiral is not very honest at heart. He is not an honest and honest guy to begin with. He is more thoughtful than the other two admirals combined...


The Konoha Pirates did nothing.

This pirate group even provided him with a power called the Curse Seal.

This power allows Kizaru to learn to synthesize chakra and improve his strength, but it does not explain the disadvantages of this curse seal.

The only thing I'm not happy about...

Probably because I had a lot of blood drawn by several projects that liked to do experiments, and there was even a red-haired boy who was able to reproduce the ability of laser light...

These guys who are playing with science are a bit too genius!

Kizaru remembered the experiments he had conducted with the scientist Vegapunk who was secretly imprisoned by the World Government. The scientist Vegapunk also applied his laser power to a war machine called the Pacifist!


Akihara Kagura watched the red sand scorpion leave a curse mark on Kizaru's body before talking about serious matters: "Just now when you were delaying General Kizaru, I found someone who participated in the creation of the World Government eight hundred years ago. The golden underground palace left by the Queen of Alabasta in the desert should contain a hundred years of blank history sealed away..."


Qingzhi's eyes suddenly became serious.

"Hey, hey, this is too scary..."

Kizaru's expression also showed a strange expression.

The purpose of this pirate group's fight with themselves was to drag their general here and let their people secretly search for some golden underground palace?

The Queen of Alabasta eight hundred years ago…

Even a blank hundred years or something...

Even though Kizaru was very courageous and knew many secrets of the World Government, he never thought that this pirate group would directly target the World Government!

Kizaru subconsciously wanted to leave the pirate ship. What this pirate group wanted to do was too dangerous. They were exploring the blank history!

"I thought only we would know about this kind of thing..."

Akihara Kagura spread her palms, seemingly helpless: "But when I discovered the golden underground palace, I seemed to have touched some mechanism, and the magnetic field of the entire Alabasta changed..."

"Is there really that golden underground palace?"

Senju Hashirama, the captain of the Konoha Pirates, flashed a flash of surprise. He also clearly sensed the terrifying changes in magnetism. He thought it was Akihara Kagura who did it!

"Did you do it?"

Senju Tobirama's question was quite cryptic.


Orochimaru chuckled and asked more bluntly: "This kind of mistake shouldn't happen to you. Was it intentional? Or was it accidental?"

"I was careless on purpose..."

Akihara Kagura was half leaning on the railing, as if this undercover agent had no fear of the Konoha Pirates: "Anyway, the situation has changed. Everyone in Alabasta must have noticed the change in the magnetic force in the desert. Anomalies in the central area..."


The eyes of Aokiji and Kizaru became strange.

This second lieutenant seems a little strange. He actually made such a big move on this matter. It seems that he deliberately does not want the Konoha Pirates to know this secret alone...

The magnetic field strength of the entire Kingdom of Alabasta and even the surrounding islands changed the moment Akihara Kagura used Magnetic Release to cast the golden underground palace.


This incident must have attracted the attention of some thoughtful people.

Whether it was the Straw Hat Pirates, the Bucky Pirates, or Crocodile hiding in the Rain Banquet, they all noticed the magnetic field anomaly in the center of the desert at this moment.

Not only that.

Even the navy noticed this anomaly.

Just at this moment, a phone bug rang.

Qingzhi had no choice but to pick up his phone, reach out and press answer. Smoker's voice immediately came over there: "Kuzan, Alabasta seems to be hiding some terrible guy. Many people are here." Discuss the issue of record pointer invalidation just now..."

"I see."

Aoki glanced at Kizaru, then at the quiet Konoha Pirates, and continued softly: "This matter involves the secrets of the World Government, and you don't need to get involved."

"It would be troublesome even if we wanted not to get involved..."

Smoker glanced at the restless port city and said in a deep voice: "Many guys are ready to go to the desert for adventure. I seem to have seen the logo of the Whitebeard Pirates. I will go and arrest this guy first..."

While Smoker was talking, he forgot about the report to Qingzhi and hung up his phone directly. It seemed that the naval colonel really went to arrest someone...


The expressions of Aokiji and Kizaru became strange at the same time.

Because they also received some information from the Warring States Period, including news about Portcas D. Ace, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' second division, being active in Alabasta.


This kind of thing cannot be done casually.

Because the Whitebeard Pirates are too scary.

This is the trouble with the sea.

Normally speaking, the navy would definitely arrest pirates when they see them. However, those pirates in the New World are powerful enough to threaten the survival of the navy. They dare not go there rashly even if their whole body is affected by the slightest move. Catch some troublesome people.

This time, the navy's top brass came out almost in full force for the sake of the Konoha Pirates, and when the outcome of the battle was unknown, they went to provoke the Whitebeard Pirates...

How many generals can there be in the Navy Headquarters?

"Should we stop him?"

There was a smile on Kizaru's lips, and he could understand the situation: "Although he is a navy worth boasting about, now is not the time to arouse Whitebeard's wrath..."


Qingzhi rubbed his forehead and said softly: "I'm probably not a match for Fire Fist Ace, so don't worry about what the problem will be..."


There is something more important.

Aokiji glanced at everyone in the Konoha Pirates and took the initiative to say: "In order to make it easier for us to lurk inside the navy, I need to report to Marshal Sengoku about the magnetic field changes in the Kingdom of Alabasta, and also tell him by the way. The pursuit of the Konoha Pirates has come to fruition. The Konoha Pirates have successfully found the golden underground palace left by the Queen of Alabasta eight hundred years ago. This matter has also attracted the attention of Alabasta..."


Kizaru's expression became even weirder.

Green pheasant…

Is he an undercover agent after all...

Or an undercover among undercovers?

Kizaru felt like he had guessed the truth.

Neither Akihara Kagura nor Aokiji seem to be sincerely working for the Konoha Pirates. The two of them also have their own purposes...

One deliberately made a fuss while searching for the Queen of Alabasta's golden underground palace. He didn't want the Konoha Pirates to have the secret of the golden underground palace alone. The other wanted to take the opportunity to report what happened here to the Navy Marshal, the Konoha Pirates. There is no reason to stop the blue pheasant.

after all…

Alabasta's magnetic field changes too much.

Aoki directly reported what happened in Alabasta to Admiral Sengoku. Sengoku was also a little stunned and could only hurriedly order his warships to speed up.

"Let's go to the golden underground palace first."

Red Sand Scorpion took the initiative and said in a deep voice: "Before the Admiral of the Navy arrives, dig out the secret of the Golden Underground Palace first..."


Akihara Kagura didn't have any objections, and said slowly: "Then I will leave with the two generals first. The navy and pirates have been on the same ship. Being seen by others will not have a good impact. It will inevitably be suspected. colluded with..."

"General Kizaru, please stay here for now."

The Red Sand Scorpion raised his own objection and took the initiative to say: "We still need him to cooperate with us to help us conduct experiments for a few days. Now we can't guarantee his loyalty, and his abilities are also quite troublesome. We want to catch him next time It’s not easy…”

"I'll convince him."

Akihara Kagura frowned slightly, as if thinking of a way to rescue the general from the Konoha Pirates.


The Konoha Pirates arrogantly rejected Akihara Kagura's request.

The nine-headed wooden dragon still dragged the large ship and swam towards the depths of Alabasta's inland rivers, leaving Aokiji, Akihara Kagura and Xiang Phosphorus in place.

As for Admiral Kizaru...

The general could only stay on the pirate ship for a few days.


Kizaru's mentality is excellent.

The general even took the initiative to wave goodbye to Akihara Kagura, Aokiji and others. He still wanted to stay on this pirate ship and continue to explore the secrets on the ship!

"Whose side are you on?"

Aoki felt that he couldn't tell where Akihara Kagura was standing.

Akihara Kagura smiled and said with great interest: "If I say that I stand on the side of justice and fairness by any means necessary, will General Aokiji believe it?"


Qingzhi thinks that he should believe it in his heart.

"Let's go."

Akihara Kagura watched the huge pirate ship go away, and said softly: "The current Konoha Pirates have not been able to dig out the golden underground palace left by the Queen of Alabasta, and the surrounding area of ​​the golden underground palace. Everything is quicksand, and only Crocodile, the one with the Sand Fruit ability, can dig out the underground palace, at least until the navy marshal arrives..."


Aokiji's face wrinkled, as if he didn't know whether to speak: "Even if the marshal and Lieutenant General Garp arrive, it will be impossible to defeat the Konoha Pirates..."

"Why should we deal with them..."

Akihara Kagura actually laughed and said with great interest: "I just don't want the golden underground palace that hides historical secrets to be used by the Konoha Pirates. The truth hidden there should be More people know about it…”


Xiang Lu couldn't help but look sideways.

If she didn't know that her boss was the controller behind the Konoha Pirates, she might have believed Akihara Kagura's words at this moment...

Of course…

Qing Zhi, an uninformed person, must have been deceived.

When Aoki looked at Akihara Kagura, he seemed to see an O'Hara scholar who was working with dark forces in order to dig up historical secrets.

"Porlu porphyr..."

The phone bug's voice rang again.

"Hey, Kuzan, do me a favor..."

Just as Aoki answered the call, an old man's voice came out: "I heard Sengoku mention the power of the pirate group. This battle will probably be dangerous, right?"

"Lieutenant General Garp..."

Aokiji's face gradually became serious. He couldn't hide the fact that the old man who took great care of him in the past said, "That's true... As for that pirate group, there are at least three enemies who can compete with Whitebeard..."

Even... it's even more troublesome.

Because Aokiji knows Kizaru, he and Kizaru will definitely help each other in this battle.


Probably only the three navy veterans Sengoku, Garp, and Tsuru fought.

Garp's voice came out from the phone bug, and his voice was a little older: "Help me drive the two boys out of Alabasta, or capture them into Impel Down... This battle is not something they can participate in... "


Once those two boys find out...

It is inevitable that there will be the possibility of getting involved regardless of life or death.

Alabasta will obviously be involved in the secrets of the World Government, and it is not something that two little villains can get involved in...

the other side.

Port of Alabasta.

Two natural fruit ability users are fighting!

The flames and smoke each occupied half of the country, and they were crazily entangled together!

One of them is Captain Smoker of the Navy Headquarters who is searching for the Straw Hats, and the other is the great pirate Portcas D. Ace who is also looking for Straw Hat Luffy!

Ace was adopted by Lieutenant General Garp since he was a child. Like Monkey D. Luffy, he was raised by the bandit Dadan. He and Luffy are sworn brothers. He went to sea three years before his younger brother Luffy, which is a very early He is the famous great pirate who was inspired by Whitebeard and chose to join the most powerful Whitebeard Pirates in the world.

This time, Ace was just chasing Blackbeard Teach, and happened to find his brother's wanted poster, so he decided to try to see if he could take the opportunity to see his brother.

For this reason, Ace waited for a week in Alabasta, and happened to meet Smoker at the port. When the two were not ready to fight, their common goal, Straw Hat Luffy, appeared!

Smoker immediately gave up on Ace and pursued Luffy, who might be more harmful!

Ace was naturally unwilling, and took the initiative to save his brother, and also easily eliminated a group of Baroque Works soldiers who were chasing Luffy.

Onboard the Golden Merli.

The Straw Hats came to the ship early to avoid the navy.

After repelling the pursuers of Smoker and Baroque Works, Ace boarded the boat directly, thanked the Straw Hats very politely, and wanted to take the Golden Merrie to Alabasta. next stop.


As the Golden Merli was on its way, it met three more people who wanted to take the boat.

On the edge of a cliff on the Alabasta River, someone stood here and waved to them.

A very tall man, a very kind-looking man, and a red-haired girl who looked violent.

"I guessed it right... They are indeed going to enter Alabasta along the inland river..."

Akihara Kagura looked at the Golden Merli sailing in the inland river, and once again showed Aokiji that he was a man known for his wisdom but little fighting ability: "If you want to help Lieutenant General Garp, then just stop here. Let’s get rid of them…”

Make up for it

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