Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 376 Storm over Alabasta! (Million words!)

On board the Straw Hat Pirates.

The little guys of the Straw Hats were trembling with fear.

Luffy, Zoro and Sanji, the three strongest people, looked nervously at Akihara Kagura who landed on their ship, worried that Akihara Kagura would suddenly make an attack!

The navy who single-handedly defeated the entire Straw Hat Pirates in Cocosia Village actually chased them here. Why did this guy appear here!

"take it easy."

Akihara Kagura stretched out her hand to signal, smiled softly and said: "We are not here to catch pirates, we just want to take a boat..."

" you know each other?"

Aoki glanced at Akihara Kagura curiously.

"Seen before..."

Akihara Kagura glanced at the Straw Hat Pirates and laid the blame on them: "Back then, the Straw Hat Pirates defeated the Arlong Pirates in the East China Sea and killed all the navy who surrounded them. I was the only one. People survived..."

"Hey Hey hey!"

Nami's forehead jumped when she heard that, and she quickly stood up and retorted: "The thing that killed the navy was all done by that guy Aaron..."


Aokiji looked at the nervous expressions on the faces of the Straw Hat Pirates, and suddenly understood something in his heart. It seemed that Akihara Kagura had scared them before, right?

Compared to the Straw Hat Pirates who were wary of Akihara Kagura, Ace, the only one who had ever seen the big world in the new world, looked at Aoji with wariness and uneasiness!

Ace knows the combat power of this admiral. If Aokiji really wants to take action, it will be a disaster for his brother's Straw Hat Pirates!

"Qing Pheasant, what are you doing here?"

A ball of flame appeared in Ace's hand, and he was ready to attack Aokiji at any time: "Luffy, you are ready to leave here at any time, this guy is an admiral!"


The Straw Hat Pirates were even more trembling!

They missed the battle between Aokiji and the Tattooed Man when they were in Rogge Town. They never expected to meet the Admiral here!

"The other party is indeed a naval admiral..."

Princess Vivi of Alabasta looked at Aokiji with uneasiness, but she bravely stood in front of Aokiji: "Admiral, they are my friends!"

"I'm not here to arrest anyone..."

Aokiji waved his hand and said with an indifferent expression: "I was just entrusted by someone to urge Straw Hat Kid and Fire Fist Ace to leave Alabasta immediately..."

"I'm not leaving, I'm here to beat up Crocodile!"

Luffy waved his fist, determined not to surrender to the admiral. He also wanted to help Vivi solve the crisis caused by Crocodile!

"Very good, very courageous!"

Akihara Kagura nodded and praised, and added slowly: "In a few days, Lieutenant General Garp will arrive in Alabasta..."


Luffy and Ace's heads retracted at the same time.


The name Karp is still very useful...

Luffy gritted his teeth and waved his fist again stubbornly: "Even grandpa can't stop what I want to do! I want to beat that Crocodile guy away!"


"Lieutenant General Garp is your grandfather?"

A group of pirates looked at Luffy with big eyes and small eyes. Is Luffy's grandfather actually a vice admiral? He's not even an ordinary lieutenant general!

"Monkey D. Cap?"

Nami was born in the East China Sea. She heard this name and her eyes were a little dazed: "I remember this seems to be the name of a naval hero..."


"We only let you go for the sake of Lieutenant General Garp. Your adventure is just a game of house where the Navy turns a blind eye..."

Akihara Kagura looked at them with a smile: "But Lieutenant General Garp is selfless and will come to hunt you down soon, so if you want to do anything, you'd better go faster, because Crocodile is probably about to take action... "

"Is Crocodile going to take action?"

Princess Weiwei's face turned pale!

They didn't have time to do anything! Even before they saw Crocodile, was that guy already about to take action?

"Yes, you have to go faster."

Akihara Kagura looked at them with a smile and said softly: "They probably won't pay attention to the rebel army and will probably go directly to attack the palace in Alabasta. If your speed is a little slower, maybe you can only fight for this The kingdom mourns..."

"We can let the Straw Hats go and save this country..."

Akihara Kagura looked at Portcas D. Ace on the side again, and said with interest: "However, this requires Mr. Ace to sacrifice for his brother and become our prisoner for the time being. After all, our navy You can’t just do nothing, right?”

"General Qing Pheasant!"

A flash of rage flashed across Princess Vivi's forehead, and she sternly questioned Akihara Kagura and Aokiji: "Your navy ignores the evil pirates' invasion of Alabasta, but still threatens people with good intentions here. You guys are still Navy?"


Qing Pheasant suddenly hesitated in his heart.

this matter…

It is true that the Navy also has problems.

"The real navy."

Akihara Kagura showed off his naval rank and said proactively: "Now I am a second lieutenant of the Navy Headquarters, and I might even become an admiral in the future..."

"I took the initiative to come over and deliver the news about Crocodile to you. It is not convenient for our navy to take action against a king named Shichibukai, so we can only ask you to take action..."


Princess Weiwei felt like she was going to cry with anger, and her eye circles were a little red: "Alabasta is a member of the World Government. You clearly know Crocodile's evil intentions, and the navy in Alabasta is enough to stop him. , but you are still unwilling to come forward. Such a navy and such a world government are too dirty!"

"Why do you always like to make beautiful ladies cry..."

Sanji, the chef of the Straw Hat Pirates, held a cigarette in the corner of his mouth. After blowing out a thick smoke ring, he suddenly kicked Akihara Kagura!


Sanji's strength is different from before!

Now Sanji realizes very clearly that he has become stronger during the time he entered the Grand Line, and he will definitely be able to keep up with the opponent's speed!


Akihara Kagura didn't make any moves.

Just when Sanji was about to kick Akihara Kagura with a leg whip, the strong wind even blew up Akihara Kagura's hair, but this leg whip could not move forward any further!

The figure of Xiang Lian appeared behind Sanji. She pulled out her ninja sword in a split second. The edge of the ninja sword fell on Sanji's neck, stopping his next move!

"do not move!"

"You'd better not move!"

Zoro, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, also drew his sword in an instant, and put the knife across Xianglan's shoulder, as if he could cut her neck open at any time!


Xiang Ling's eyes flashed, and he let a knife be cut on his neck. He kicked Sauron nonchalantly and kicked Sauron away!

next moment!

The blood-red wound on Xiang Ling's neck healed quickly, and a puff of smoke came out. This strange speed of healing of the wound made people feel a little frightened...

"How could her wound heal so quickly..."

Chopper, the crew member of the Straw Hat Pirates, was hiding in the corner and shivering. He had learned medical skills for several years and had never seen such a strange situation before!

Others looked a little uneasy.

Only Aokiji, who had seen Kizaru healed by fragrant phosphorus, was a little unfazed by this. He had long guessed that the other party must also have quite strange self-healing abilities.

"You're injured, Xiang Phosphorus."

Akihara Kagura raised her eyebrows.

Xiang Phosphorus didn't care at all and said softly: "Because of the existence of the power of Yang, there is no need to worry about injuries, so it is inevitable that he will not care about some minor troubles..."

"General Qing Pheasant, do you still want to stand here?"

Akihara Kagura looked back at Aokiji, who had been standing by without taking any action, and said with a smile: "Help keep Portcas D. Ace, and don't let our navy get injured again, that should be okay, right?" "


Qingzhi was silent for a while, then took the initiative to stand up.

A ball of cold air appeared in this tall man's hand, and he raised his hand to envelope Ace's body!

next moment!

Ace's figure suddenly turned into a ball of flame!

However, Aokiji was faster and froze Ace's body almost as soon as he entered the elemental form!


Luffy waved his fist and hit Aokiji!


Aokiji's body turned into a ball of ice and was punched into pieces by Luffy!

The figure of the admiral appeared behind Luffy in an instant, freezing Straw Hat Luffy, and the entire ship instantly lost all combat power!

this moment…

Everyone has also seen the terror of the admiral!

"Don't break his body."

When Akihara Kagura took Ace off the ship, he even took the initiative to provide the Straw Hats with a way to unfreeze Luffy: "You can revive people by soaking them in water."


A group of people watched them leave with despair on their faces.

"Tell this to Straw Hat Luffy..."

Akihara Kagura looked at the Straw Hat Pirates and continued: "This time, his brother sacrificed for him. Next time, I hope he can cheer for himself..."


The Straw Hats still looked desperate.

However, they did not dare to waste any more time, so they could only take Luffy to the bathroom to soak in water to thaw, and then hurriedly drove the Golden Melly to Albana.

"Why do you want to capture Fire Fist Ace..."

Qingzhi frowned and looked at the Ice Cube of Fire Fist Ace carried on his shoulder: "If we start a war with Whitebeard at this time, it will be a big trouble..."

Akihara Kagura also glanced at Fire Fist Ace, whose face was frozen unwillingly: "Fire Fist Ace's strength is a bit too will inevitably interfere with Crocodile's will naturally happen when the matter is over. The position of captain of Whitebeard's second division..."

The Konoha Pirates will definitely come to save Fire Fist Ace.

Maybe the Konoha Pirates can learn some secrets about the Pirate King from him!

Fire Fist Ace’s identity…

It’s much more useful than Crocodile’s name!

"What exactly is Crocodile's plan?"

Aokiji no longer cared about Ace's question, his brows were still furrowed, wanting to know Crocodile's question: "Is that Crocodile guy... really going to attack the palace of Alabasta as you said?"

"of course."

Akihara Kagura nodded and closed her palms: "Because of me, the Konoha Pirates need the ability of the Shasha Fruit to learn the secret of the Golden Underground Palace. Unfortunately, what Mr. Crocodile wants is not the Golden Underground Palace. He has long known the secret of Alabasta..."

"And Crocodile is a guy who won't give in by nature. The Konoha Pirates know that they can't make him surrender even by using violence. It's better to let Crocodile recognize the reality first and let the King Shichibukai become their pawn. …”


The Konoha Pirates have already buried it.

Theoretically speaking, it will indeed take some time for Crocodile to start taking action, and he even needs to control the rebel army to seize the country before he can officially start his action.

However, Mr. 1Daz Bowness brought a message to Baroque Working Society.

The Navy has learned of Crocodile's plan to subvert Alabasta, and has already sent people to arrest him, the King Shichibukai, and even sent an admiral from the Navy Headquarters!

This news…

It reached Crocodile's ears directly!

In order to save time, Crocodile directly summoned the senior agents of the Baroque Working Society to see him. He must start his own battle plan as soon as possible!


Just at this time…

Crocodile also learned about the appearance of Smog, the natural smoke fruit ability user, in the port city. He immediately realized that the navy might have begun to take action, but the admiral of the navy headquarters had not shown up yet, and he did not know if he had arrived in Alaba. Stan…

Although Crocodile originally planned to betray the World Government, the World Government and the Navy actually wanted to betray him in advance!

"I haven't turned the table over yet..."

Crocodile held the cigar in his mouth, took a deep puff, and then pressed the cigar in his hand into the glass ashtray: "They actually came to arrest me first..."

This is what Crocodile wants to get by going to great lengths to subvert Alabasta. He needs to steal Alabasta's crown so as not to alarm the World Government before he gets Pluto!


Things have changed a bit...

If the navy is about to break up, he doesn't have to care so much!

Crocodile directly exposed his identity as the boss of Baroque Works, and ordered Mr. 1 Daz Bonis and Mr. 2 Fon Clay to rush to the rain feast, preparing to get Alabasta's national treasure Pluto before the navy action!

It just so happened that in order to save the lives of his companions who had failed in the Baroque Works mission, Mr. 3 Gal Dino had been quietly following the agents of the Baroque Works, and took this opportunity to sneak into the headquarters of Krocakdal...

"I'm... here to pray for my life."

Mr.3 Gal Dino carefully negotiated with Crocodile.

"I can tell you information about Bucky the Clown..."

"The strength of the clown Bucky and his gang is not very good. His bounty was only for killing a Draco. Bucky came to Alabasta to seize the man who participated in the creation of the world government in Alabasta eight hundred years ago. The golden underground palace left by the king..."

This man with a candle head desperately hopes to exchange information about Bucky the Clown and the Golden Underground Palace so that Crocodile will no longer pursue him and Miss Golden Week, Mr5 and Miss Valentine's Day, the four agents who failed in their missions...

"I'm very interested in the information you brought back."

Crocodile squinted his eyes and looked at Mr3. He was thinking whether he should deal with him or treat him as a chess piece.

The situation in Alabasta is complicated now. The Admiral of the Navy Headquarters will come over at any time. The Straw Hat Pirates and the Bucky Pirates are both a problem. He doesn’t have enough chess pieces in his hand...

"As long as you complete one more task, I can agree to your request."

A cruel smile appeared on Crocodile's face. He figured out what he should do in an instant: "Go and lurk in the Bucky Pirates. Before my Utopia battle plan succeeds, let that arrogant The clown wantonly attracts the navy's attention..."

"Okay, okay!"

A flash of ecstasy flashed across Mr3 Gal Dino's face!

Now he finally sees hope that he and his companions can escape from death!

Compared with the naval threat that is so close at hand, Mr. 3 Gardino is more afraid of the pursuit of Baroque Works, because he is also a person who has performed an agent who has failed in a mission!

"If this mission fails again..."

Crocodile picked up a cigar on the table, put it gently to his nose and sniffed, with that cruel smile still grinning at the corner of his mouth.

"No! No!"

Mr.3 Gal Dino raised his hands nervously and said repeatedly: "I will definitely complete the mission! Bucky and his gang are idiots, they will listen to whatever I say!"

"Then go ahead."

Crocodile nodded with satisfaction, waved towards Mr3, and skillfully told the employee: "When our Utopia plan is successful and we are above the world government, you can still become One of them…”


Mr.3 Gal Dino ran out happily.

To him, Crocodile is already a big shot!

This big shot is willing to promise to forgive him and his companions. As long as he completes the task of using Bucky the Clown, then they will definitely survive!


How should Bucky the Clown attract the attention of the Navy?

Just as Mr. 3 Gal Dino left here, he learned some bad news. Bucky and his gang were arrested by Navy Captain Smoker in the port city...

After all, Smoker is a serious natural fruit ability user. If he can't catch Straw Hat Luffy and Fire Fist Ace, how can he not catch Bucky the Clown?

"Those guys are really weak..."

Mr3 Gal Dino couldn't help but burst into tears when he heard the news.


He felt right.

Bucky the Clown and his gang are really weak!

However, in order to complete the plan explained by Crocodile, he also had to find a way to actively rescue Bucky the Clown, and then use Bucky to continue to attract the navy's attention...

Rain feast.

After Mr3 left.

Crocodile picked up a new cigar again. He seemed to still be thinking about the news brought by the candle-ended waste: "Nicole Robin, do you think the news he brought about the Golden Underground Palace is true?"


The woman wearing a top hat walked out of the shadows, holding a record pointer in her hand, and said softly: "But there is indeed a magnetic field change in Alabasta, and the record pointers all point to the desert area of ​​Alabasta. It's just that I went to the center of the desert to investigate, but I didn't find any secrets. We should wait until we uncover the historical text in the Alabasta King's Tomb, and we will know that it is the burial place of Hades..."

Crocodile's face was full of anger, and he said coldly: "Now that the admiral will come at any time, we don't have to worry about the troubles of the rebel army and the king's army. We can directly attack the palace of Alabasta and force King Kobra to take us there. Tomb of the King!”


The woman slowly lowered her head.

"I don't know who is coming..."

Crocodile muttered something in his mouth, feeling that each of the three navy generals was troublesome, and he was not completely sure of solving each other.

All the news received during this period was bad news. Crocodile was in a terrible mood. The possibility of him wanting to occupy the land and become king was greatly reduced...

only hope…

Alabasta's national treasure, Hades, would not let him down.

at the same time.

On board the Konoha Pirates.

Kizaru is a very mature person.

The admiral did not regard himself as an outsider at all, he was very thick-skinned, and he quickly figured out the situation of the Konoha Pirates.

This is a terrifying pirate group with the goal of overthrowing the Tenryu and the World Government. They have installed two spies, Akihara Kagura and Aoji, within the navy. By the way, they also want to recruit him as a naval admiral to overthrow the Tenryu in the future. people, to prevent the naval system from collapsing.

to be honest…

This pirate group has more brains than the other guys who overthrew the world government. Their goal is not to cause chaos in the world, but to maintain the order of the world from being destroyed.

Kizaru pursues the justice of ambiguity and non-compliance, and believes that having another job is not a big deal. Anyway, he just does the job he should do at any time. The only pity is that this job does not seem to pay. The only way to practice chakra...

The Konoha Pirates already have Admiral Aokiji as a spy. One more of him is not too much, one less of him is not too little...


It’s normal for this job not to be paid.

Kizaru followed the Konoha Pirates throughout the desert. They found the burial place of the Golden Underground Palace, and also discovered that the Golden Underground Palace required the Shasha Fruit to be excavated intact.

During this period, no one could get close to the Golden Underground Palace.

Only a woman wearing a top hat came here. After exploring the pyramid tip of the Golden Underground Palace, she touched her chin and left.

"Looks like we're going to threaten Crocodile, right?"

Kizaru felt that it would not be a problem for this pirate group to capture a King Shichibukai, so he took the initiative to shirk responsibility and said: "However, I am the general of the Navy Headquarters, and I rashly arrested Crocodile, a King Shichibukai. If I do, the World Government will definitely doubt me and it will also hinder our espionage plan..."


The Konoha Pirates all looked askance at this.


What happened to this general?

He was able to naturally propose that he wanted to fish? Can he find such a reason to fish? Even they can't find any problems...

"Krokdal has no restraints and cannot possibly surrender to us."

The Scarlet Sand Scorpion shook his head, his voice mechanical and calm. He watched a woman wearing a top hat go away, and said in a cold voice: "However, human nature is extremely complicated. The people around Mr. Crocodile will then... Offer him to come over and excavate this golden underground palace..."

Orochimaru hugged his shoulders, chuckled and said, "Krokdal may not be interested in the underground palace... It seems unlikely that he would want to come here."

"Because there is something more interesting to him."

The Red Sand Scorpion didn't care and continued softly: "Mr. Crocodile has worked hard for a Pluto for four years. If someone refuses to tell him the true existence of Pluto, he will definitely be furious and want to kill someone. In order for that person to survive, I will definitely use the golden underground palace to deceive him..."

That golden underground palace…

It was originally the bait that attracted all of Alabasta.

Everyone will want to target the golden underground palace. Some will do it for wealth, while others will use the sudden appearance of the golden underground palace as bait to survive.

All of Alabasta was in turmoil.

The Konoha Pirates lurked in the desert and waited quietly. From time to time, a captain from Senju Hashirama would sneak out to gamble.

Crocodile led the Baroque Works Company under his command and hurried to Albana, the capital of Alabasta. He wanted to directly attack the palace with brute force, forcing King Kobra to take him to the depths of the king's tomb to find out the secret of Hades.

The Straw Hat Pirates were also rushing towards the palace. After hearing Akihara Kagura's speculation, they could only rush to the palace first to avoid the death of King Kobra.

The Bucky Pirates captured by the navy were rescued by Mr. 3 Gal Dino. The clown Bucky tearfully identified Mr. 3 Gal Dino who escaped from the ship as one of his own, followed Gal Dino's advice, and set off with great fanfare. Go find the golden underground palace...

Captain Smoker of the Navy Headquarters and his subordinates were frantic, chasing the traces of Straw Hat Luffy and Clown Bucky. He didn't know if he should also look for the Golden Underground Palace or rush to the palace in Alabasta. He just felt that he was in urgent need of reinforcements...


Smoker is a qualified marine.

The naval colonel heard that the royal palace in Alabasta might be attacked by Crocodile Crocodile, and rushed to the palace in Alabasta to protect the royal family.


Crocodile was so powerful that he defeated everyone, and everyone underestimated Crocodile's Baroque Works!


In the palace of Alabasta.

The entire palace was caught in a desert storm!

Crocodile's figure stood in the middle of the palace, raising his hand to control the yellow sand and defeating the Straw Hat Pirates' Captain Monkey D. Luffy and Navy Captain Smoker who had joined forces to stop him!

"A bunch of boring idiots..."

Crocodile felt that the Straw Hats' troubles with him and Navy Captain Smoker were simply a humiliation to him: "I don't have time to play house games with you. There are also differences between people with natural fruit abilities. gap…"

Crocodile held his cigar nonchalantly, as if this battle did not bring him any trouble. He showed off the power of a king, the Shichibukai, in front of everyone, and directly defeated his opponent.


This means that one king, the Shichibukai, is at odds with the World Government!

This pirate dared to attack the king of a country that was a member of the World Government in public, and even the status of this country was very important!

The world government will never allow this to happen!


Crocodile no longer cared.

"Take me to the King's Tomb."

Crocodile looked at King Kobra of Alabasta and said coldly: "I heard that the secret of Hades is buried in the tomb of the king of Alabasta. I wanted to know this secret many years ago, so Alabasta It hasn’t rained for so many years, and Shalan has been attacking the city..."


"Originally, I wanted these civilian idiots to support me and sit on your throne."

"But now the navy has arrived and even found out that I want to sit on the throne. I can only get the secret of Hades first..."

"Is it actually for Hades..."

There was a trace of nervousness on Cobra's face, but he relaxed his brows: "It turns out that so many disasters in Alabasta are caused by you... As long as I take you to the King's Tomb, you will not be in Alabasta in the future. Did Stan cause a natural disaster?"


Crocodile snorted contemptuously and said with disdain: "I will not stare here with my short-sightedness..."

His goal…

But the king who is above the world government!

"I see."

King Kobra didn't know much about his country's secret treasures, but he couldn't let Crocodile go on a killing spree: "Then let your people stop and let everyone here go, and I will take them to the king's tomb... "


Crocodile was very satisfied with the deal. He glanced at Mr. 1 Daz Bonis in the distance and said proactively: "Mr. 1, you can stop now."

"Yes, President."

Daz Bones withdrew his dark claws.

The two people standing opposite Mr. 1 Daz Bones were panting feebly. They were Navy Captain Daz Qi and the vice-captain of the Straw Hats, Roronoa Zoro!

There was always something strange about this battle.

Navy Captain Smoker and Captain Luffy of the Straw Hat Pirates face off against Crocodile, and their lieutenants also join forces to deal with Crocodile's deputy, Daz Bones!


Their experiences are all the same!

Everyone suffered a huge rout!

Straw Hat Luffy and Smoker lost to people who didn't know Crocodile's Swish Fruit ability, but Daz Bones defeated Dusky and Zoro with his hard power!

"This guy... his strength is so terrifying..."

Sauron was holding two knives in his hands and biting another knife at the corner of his mouth. He felt an endless fighting spirit in his heart: "This place on the Grand Line... is really full of monsters..."

"You are a monster too..."

Dasqi lost even more miserably.

If Sauron hadn't come to the rescue, she would have died by Daz Bones's sword long ago. She never expected that her opponent's strength would be so terrifying!

In this battle, Daz Bonis, the killer of Baroque Works, showed unprecedented strength!

Any part of his body can become extremely hard, and any part can even turn into a strange sharp blade, and even small sharp blades can spray out from his breathing mouth!

The most troublesome thing is...

This guy has mastered a kind of pitch-black power!

This power allows him to easily block any attack, making his own attacks more powerful. This guy named Daz Bones has awakened Armament Haki!

"I'm not a qualified swordsman..."

Mr.1 Daz Bonis looked at the two panting people across from him and said in a calm voice: "But I am the best killer in the West Sea."

" are getting stronger and stronger..."

Crocodile looked at the honest and honest Mr. 1 Daz Bonis, and felt that he had finally found a qualified subordinate in these years: "Let's go, call that woman Nico Robin, and enter Alaba together." Check out Stan’s King’s Tomb…”

Tombs of the Kings of Alabasta.

The kings of Alabasta are buried here.

The king who once participated in the creation of the World Government also left a historical stone tablet in the mausoleum. The stone tablet recorded an astonishing secret.

Crocodile accidentally learned the news and was eager to know the content of the historical text, so he recruited Nicole Robin, the last archaeologist in the world.

In the king's tomb.

Nicole Robin followed Crocodile, Kobra and others. After she saw the square stone monument with the historical text, she walked over involuntarily.

"Come and take a look..."

Crocodile urged Nicole Robin continuously, with a touch of greed on his face: "Nicole Robin, it's time for you to be useful. Please help me read the historical text on the stone tablet and tell me quickly. , where exactly is Pluto hiding..."


Nicole Robin said nothing.

The archaeologist with the nickname "Devil's Son" slowly stretched out her hand and carefully touched the ancient words on it. She had already read the secrets hidden in the historical text, but she was still marveling at the ancient words that were left here. above.


Nicole Robin was a little disappointed.

Because she thought that the historical text would record blank history.

What a pity…

It contains the secret of Pluto that Crocodile wanted, but he did not want to share this secret with Crocodile.

Nicole Robin's original intention was to use Crocodile to see this historical text. She never thought that a weapon like Pluto would appear in the hands of an evil person like Crocodile.

Nicole Robin once thought about what she should do next. Maybe a showdown with Crocodile at this time is also an option. She has also been on the run for so many years, and she seems a little exhausted...


The golden palace that appeared in the desert of Alabasta gave Nicole Robin another choice. An archaeologist would never let go of any relics in the world.


Now, Nicole Robin is sure of one thing.

This historical text records the secrets about Pluto. There can be no existence of Pluto in that golden palace. Perhaps it is recording the history that you want to know. The historical records in that golden palace must use ancient characters. A hundred years of blank history!

There is quicksand everywhere around the golden palace, and Crocodile needs to use his Sand Fruit ability to dig it out. He can use this to make up a lie...

"Mr. Crocodile."

Nicole Robin slowly let go of her palm that was stroking the historical text, her eyes fell on Crocodile, and an evil smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"We have found the right place. Alabasta is very cautious about the custody of Pluto. This historical text does record clues about Pluto..."


"One thing was mentioned above..."

"The place that records the true location of Hades..."

"That golden underground palace in the desert of Alabasta!"

The smile on the corner of Nicole Robin's mouth became stronger and stronger. She seemed to have learned to deceive from birth: "I have found out the location of the Golden Underground Palace through the historical text here. The real method of the Golden Underground Palace is also recorded in it. The above It was mentioned that only those with the ability of the Shasha Fruit can dig out the golden underground palace buried deep in the desert in the quicksand..."

Nicole Robin is having a little fun.

Although deceiving Crocodile, a dangerous pirate, would put his own life and safety in question, he was able to see two historical texts today.

"That's it..."

Crocodile frowned slightly. He was a little dissatisfied that he had to go through so much trouble, but he finally found the clue to Pluto, which finally made him feel confident.

As long as you get the whereabouts of Pluto in that golden palace, and as long as you get Pluto’s legendary weapon, everything will get better...

Whether it is the arrest of the admiral or the bullshit position of King Shichibukai, he is no longer needed, he can be above the world government!

"Then go to that golden palace..."

Just when Crocodile was about to lead everyone away, his phone suddenly rang, and the rapid sound of the phone interrupted their communication.



Crocodile took out his phone in dissatisfaction, and was very unhappy that a phone call would affect his imagination of his future: "It's best to tell your purpose within ten seconds..."

"I am Admiral Sengoku..."

The phone bug gradually changed into the appearance of Sengoku, and his voice was somewhat calm: "Krokdal, now that I have arrived in Alabasta, in the name of the World Government..."


Crocodile hung up the phone directly. He could probably guess what nonsense the marshal of the Warring States Period was going to say. He just wanted to deprive him of his position as King Shichibukai!

The face of King Shichibukai suddenly became crazy, and his mood became extremely nervous: "Hey, Nico Robin, take me to that golden palace immediately!"


Nico Robin smiled playfully.

Port of Alabasta.

Admiral Sengoku's warship has just arrived.

The naval marshal hurriedly and slowly arrived here.

Sengoku immediately planned to start arranging a battle plan. The first step was to recruit the local King Shichibukai Crocodile to participate in the war against the Konoha Pirates.


This bastard actually hung up on him!

Crocodile, this bastard, doesn't he want the position of King Shichibukai anymore?

Warring States continued to fight without giving up, but there was no longer any response.

The two naval admirals, Aoji and Kizaru, were monitoring the Konoha Pirates' operations in the desert, and only Akihara Kagura, the second lieutenant of the Navy headquarters, came to greet them.

"Speaking of which..."

"Could Crocodile have colluded with that pirate group?"

Akihara Kagura looked at the navy marshal who was furious because of Crocodile, and took the initiative to say a good word to Crocodile, the king of the Shichibukai: "When we were monitoring the actions of the Konoha Pirates, we discovered the Konoha Pirates. Captain Senju Hashirama seems to like gambling very much, and he often goes to the casino to lose a lot of money from time to time. Crocodile happens to have the largest casino in Alabasta under his command..."


Warring States' forehead showed a line of angry veins, but he insisted on retaining his kindness as a marshal in front of a second lieutenant: "Why was this matter not reported to me..."


Akihara Kagura glanced at the naval marshal in surprise and said softly: "I reported it to the two generals... and Crocodile seemed to be exploring the secrets of Alabasta. He attacked Alabasta this morning. The royal palace, trying to get the secrets of Alabasta, Colonel Smoker is resisting..."

"I haven't received any reports about this kind of thing..."

Warring States was still suppressing his anger towards the two generals, and looked back at Lieutenant General He: "Ahe, hasn't Garp arrived yet?"


A loud voice appeared in the port.

A dog-headed warship slowly parked in the port.

A strong old man jumped up and landed next to Sengoku and Hehe.

The moment the old man fell to the ground, he was still chewing his own donuts and loudly ordered his subordinates: "Just stay on the boat!"

The next battle…

It’s not like this group of subordinates can participate now.

Navy Headquarters Vice Admiral Monkey D. Garp, Navy Headquarters Vice Admiral Tsuru, and Navy Marshal Buddha Sengoku, three navy veterans finally gathered in Alabasta, and all the personnel involved in this drama were completely present.


It was at this time.

Everything seems to be destined.

Everyone's fate is like a mess of threads, but they are all tied into one thread at this moment.

The golden underground palace left by Alabasta Queen Neferutali D. Lily, who founded the world government eight hundred years ago, has become the focus of everyone's attention. Alabasta's pirates and navy are all heading towards the golden underground palace. Rush in the direction.

In the palace of Alabasta.

After Smoker and Luffy's bodies were moistened by water, their bodies quickly recovered.

"Hey, Uncle King, where is Crocodile?"

Luffy looked at King Kobra, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes. He still had not given up the idea of ​​defeating Crocodile!

"Krokdal went to a golden underground palace left by our ancestors..."

King Kobra frowned, thinking about the message his ancestor had left and what he heard in the king's tomb: "But... Alabasta... is there still a golden underground palace hidden by the ancestors?"

This kind of thing…

How come I, a descendant of the royal family, don’t know this?

There are too many pirate characters...

There aren’t even any lines…it’s so intricate…it’s so complicated…

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