Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 374 Don’t worry about your own death, because you may be worse off than dead

The Konoha Pirates are serious.

Because they were even treating Kizaru's injuries.

It is a pity that there is no ship's doctor on this pirate ship, so the trio of scientific mechanical forbidden arts can only help bandage it and take a few tubes of blood from Kizaru's body.

This is the ability of the Shining Fruit!

If Kizaru's ability can be used, it will greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of the trio of scientific mechanical forbidden arts. They can't wait to start research and experiments!

Kaguya Otsutsuki, the only one who can help Kizaru treat him, is unwilling to help at all because of Kizaru's cunning.

"Bear the pain for a little while..."

Uchiha Madara stood nearby, looking at Kizaru with a leisurely look, and grinned: "In a while, someone will come to help you heal..."

Kizaru didn't care. He only felt that the blood on his body was still flowing: "I feel like one of the bandages is not strong enough..."

"Let me help you."

Qingzhi took the initiative to help his colleague re-bandage it.

After Kizaru was captured, his mentality was very calm, and he even took the initiative to ask his colleagues: "When did you join the Konoha Pirates?"

"Last time."

Aokiji didn't care and replied: "I was captured by them in Rogge Town. When the Warring States Marshal used Bucky the Clown to exchange me for me, I became their undercover..."

"This kind of thing..."

Why didn't Warring States say it?

Kizaru's eyes narrowed, and he immediately regained his laziness: "It seems that the Warring States Marshal still wants you to be the next Navy Marshal..."


Qing Pheasant remained silent and speechless.

For any person with a righteous mind, becoming a naval marshal means that his political opinions can be realized. Both he and Akainu have this idea.

Akainu's thoughts are even more extreme. He pursues absolute justice and wants to use violent means to clean up all pirates in the world, even at any cost.

Aokiji's thoughts are relatively mild. He doesn't know how he should enforce justice, but he thinks that Akainu's justice would require too much sacrifice.


There is no use saying any of this now.

The Konoha Pirates are like a mountain, pressing on Aokiji's heart, making him think of this pirate group that affects the world in everything he wants to do.

"I promise to join you."

Kizaru has no psychological grudges about becoming an undercover agent of a pirate group. He only cares about being able to do his own thing: "Then when can we leave here?"

"I already said that."

Uchiha Madara turned back and looked at the endless desert of Alabasta: "When someone comes to help you heal your injuries, you can leave..."

In the middle of the Alabasta desert.

After Akihara Kagura and Karin left the warship, they came to the center of the desert. There were quicksand everywhere, and even the people of Alabasta rarely dared to get close to it.

"Just right here!"

Akihara Kagura raised his palm.

With the activation of the sand sand ability, the yellow sand all over the desert began to swim in the desert, quickly gathering in the direction of Akihara Kagura like swimming dragons!

Akihara Kagura's control over the rustling ability far exceeds that of Crocodile himself, the real rustling fruit ability user. These yellow sands seem to be alive!

Akihara Kagura's palm suddenly hit the ground. Under his control, the yellow sand quickly piled up to form a huge pyramid-shaped palace!


This is just the beginning.

Akihara Kagura raised her palm again.

"Magnetic Escape·Private Gold."

The placer gold contained in the entire desert underground was attracted by a terrifying magnetic force. Even the magnetic force of this island suddenly increased at this moment!

All the record hands that were waiting in the Kingdom of Alabasta to absorb the magnetism of the next island stopped operating at this moment. These record hands were all affected by the magnetism;

All the record pointers staying on other islands near the Kingdom of Alabasta were also attracted by the magnetic force at this moment, and involuntarily attracted the magnetism of Alabasta!


This is not the magnetism of Alabasta…

But it comes from the magnetism released by Akihara Kagura!

A port city in Alabasta.

Nami of the Straw Hats noticed the abnormality of the record pointer immediately!

This talented navigator has always been extremely sensitive to the weather. She just felt a kind of heart palpitations and couldn't help but look at the record pointer on her wrist.

"There is a problem with the record pointer..."

Nami looked at the magnetic needle shaking in her hand.

The magnetic needle was supposed to slowly absorb the magnetic force of the next island and slowly point in the direction of the other island, but now it was pointing into the desert of Alabasta!

"What's wrong, Nami?"

Princess Weiwei looked over in surprise.

"There's something wrong with the magnetism..."

Nami frowned and stared at the record pointer in her hand.

Not only their pirate group, but also other people's record pointers are pointing in the direction of the desert center of Alabasta, and all magnetism is distorted at this moment!

The desert center of Alabasta.

Akihara Kagura controlled the lumps of placer gold to emerge from the ground. Under the twisting effect of magnetism, they tightly adhered to the yellow sand palace, turning the palace into a golden underground palace, which shone with golden light in the sun. Extraordinarily dazzling!

"Let's go."

Akihara Kagura waved his hand, opened a door on the golden underground palace, and walked into the golden palace with fragrance. The moment he stepped in, strangely shaped humanoid sculptures rose from the ground. The roads that converge on both sides of the palace!


You must stand up!

Layers of golden lines also appeared on the dome above the entire golden palace!

These lines slowly converged and combined to form the image of a woman with long hair. This image of a woman composed of lines was above the palace, looking down at everything happening in the palace like a god.


There's something missing about this image of a woman floating on the ceiling.

Akihara Kagura thought for a while, then sighed faintly: "It's a pity that we don't have an eternal record pointer leading to Mary Joa and Rafe Drew..."

If two eternal record hands appeared in the eyeballs of a relief woman on the dome inside the Golden Palace, the shocking effect might be even greater...


There is only a little bit of regret.

Akihara Kagura stretched out his palm, and the Yin-Yang Escape Creation instantly produced two white jade beads in his hand, which slowly floated up from his palm.

These two white jade beads fell into the eyes of the god-like relief woman on the dome, making her image suddenly come to life.

The two white jade beads were like lighting lamps. The light of one jade bead pointed to the entrance, and the light of the other jade bead pointed to the deepest part of the palace.

Akihara Kagura walked into the palace step by step.

A tall golden monument slowly appeared inside the palace.

Akihara Kagura reached out and took the stack of paper from Xiang Lian's hand. According to the writing on the paper, he manipulated the golden tablet to make a historical sculpture bit by bit.

"Let me think about what else is missing..."

Akihara Kagura reached out and patted the ground. A female-shaped sculpture made of yellow sand knelt on the ground, kneeling in front of the golden historical inscription, as if she was repenting to history.

A layer of placer gold gradually formed on this woman's body, turning into a golden sculpture. If anyone saw the image of this woman, they would find that the outline of this woman's sculpture resembled Princess Vivi of Alabasta.

At least…

This palace has been very useful.


This is not enough.

Akihara Kagura controlled white cloud sculptures to appear above the palace. These sculptures floated in mid-air under the influence of magnetism.

Winged sky beings appeared on the cloud sculptures. These sky beings all raised their hands upward, as if surrendering to the female relief above the palace dome...

Sculptures of giants, long-hand tribes, three-eyed tribes and ordinary humans appeared in the middle of the palace. They all surrendered to the woman on the dome inside the palace...

Other than that…

Another half of the space was filled with blue sea water.

The lower bodies of the reliefs of a group of mermaids and fishmen were all buried in the sea water. Their upper bodies stretched out their arms in the water, as if they were also looking up to the sky to worship the female relief above the dome.

at last…

Sculptures wearing cloaks also appeared in the corners of the entire palace, with a clear letter D painted on the backs of these cloaked sculptures.

This golden palace was completely completed at this moment.

If anyone steps into this golden palace, they will definitely be shocked by the furnishings of this golden palace. It seems as if the entire palace is made of gold!


Every sculpture here has its own symbolic meaning!

The relief of a woman on the dome above the palace symbolizes the goddess Mao. The sky, sea and land all surrender to this goddess and receive blessings from the gods.

In the corners around the palace, there is also the D family that symbolizes the servants of the gods.

As long as someone goes to read the historical golden tablet in the deepest part of the palace, they will understand what everything in this palace means, and they will also understand why there is a golden sculpture of a woman kneeling in front of the golden tablet in a gesture of repentance.

"That's about it..."

Akihara Kagura tapped her arm lightly with her fingers, seeming to be thinking about something: "I estimate that with Mr. Crocodile's knowledge and imagination, he can only forge to this extent, and even this is almost beyond the limit. It’s beyond the scope of his abilities…”


Xiang Phosphorus nodded slowly.

Akihara Kagura did not stay any longer. He walked out of the Golden Palace with the fragrant phosphorus, and controlled a strong wind including yellow sand to continuously invade the outside of the Golden Palace. Outside the palace, he looked like he was invaded by history. A sense of antiquity.

When all this was completed, the golden palace slowly sank and was completely submerged into this vast sea of ​​sand, leaving only the tip of the pyramid exposed.

If someone comes to the center of this desert, they will find this dot of gold shining in the sun, and they will also find the golden palace sunk in the desert.


It's not easy to dig it out.

The only person in Alabasta who can do this is probably Crocodile who can control the yellow sand. This is also the backdoor carefully prepared for him by Akihara Kagura.

"The rest..."

Akihara Kagura glanced at the exposed pyramid tip, and slowly left the desert with Xiang Phosphorus: "I just tried to find a way to lure everyone here."

In fact…

There is absolutely no need for Akihara Kagura to do anything...

Just because he was controlling the terrifying magnetism of placer gold, he had already attracted the attention of many people in Alabasta to this desert.

Although the terrifying magnetism quickly dissipated completely, many people could sense that something abnormal must have happened in the center of the desert.


People in the center of the desert are also paying attention to the changes in the port.

"There seems to be a fight over at the port."

Xiang Ling's gaze fell in the direction of the coast. After receiving the blessing of the Haki of Insight, her Kagura Eyes could see a wider range: "In a battle between two natural ability users, one of them should It's Colonel Smoker, the other one is using the fire ability..."

"Children always like to play house games..."

Akihara Kagura didn't care that much. She just shook her head and put her hand on Xiang Ling's shoulder: "It's better to meet our general first. Their battle is more fun..."

After saying that.

The figures of Akihara Kagura and Koso disappeared at the same time.

Among the canals of Alabasta.

The nine-headed wooden dragon dragging a huge sea ship is still patrolling here.

Kizaru was sitting on the deck, the wound on his body was still dripping blood. He felt that something might be wrong with him, so he couldn't help but ask: "Excuse me for a moment, do you really not have a ship's doctor who can help treat the wound? "

"It's a pity that Xiaozuna is not here..."

Senju Hashirama shook his head with regret, and even boasted about himself: "Tsuna is the best medical ninja in the village..."


Uchiha Madara chuckled softly, not agreeing with Senju Hashirama's praise: "You can heal automatically without forming seals, but her medical ninjutsu is far from enough!"

"Sorry, may I ask, Xiaozang is..."

Kizaru asked curiously.

"She's my granddaughter."

Senju Hashirama's face was full of pride, and he planned to introduce his fifty-year-old granddaughter: "Now she is the Hokage of the village..."


Kizaru and Aoki's eyes showed a hint of surprise at the same time.

Because the Senju Hashirama in front of me doesn't look very old. Does he already have a granddaughter at this age?


What is the position of Hokage? Is it similar to the position of hospital director?

"What is the position of Hokage?"

Kizaru pursed his lips and slowly continued to ask for information.

"The Hokage is the chief of a small village..."

A somewhat unfamiliar voice appeared in everyone's ears, and he directly answered Kizaru: "If Mr. General wants to ask for any information, just ask me directly. After all, I was once the assistant to the village chief of that village, helping the village. Do some dirty work or something..."

"Our doctor is here."

Uchiha Madara's mouth suddenly burst into laughter, and he chuckled as he talked about their doctor: "Admiral, now you don't have to worry about being seriously injured and dying. Even if you die here, you can be saved from the underworld of death. Save it..."

"It's really scary..."

Kizaru nodded, as if he believed Uchiha Madara's boast.


When Uchiha Madara said this, a hint of amusement flashed in his eyes, looking at Kizaru as if he were looking at a novel toy.

"There's another problem you need to worry about..."

"Because... you might have a magical feeling..."

"I feel like my life is going through a period of suffering..."

"Life is worse than death..."

What does that palace lack?

Tell me what you think is missing. If it needs to be filled, I will go back and supply the palace buildings to Doflamingo...

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