Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 242 Uchiha Sasuke Meets His Seventh Aunt and Eighth Aunt

Chapter 242 Uchiha Sasuke Meets His Seventh Aunt and Eighth Aunt...

The pursuit of the four Hokage...

What a huge lineup!

Any one of these Naruto can set off waves in the ninja world!

Even though the Akatsuki organization is known as the ninja world group, which is a group of S-level rebellious ninjas, and even has reincarnation eyes, Heijue feels that the Akatsuki organization is unlikely to be the opponent of the four Hokage...

If the two sides must fight each other...

Heijue felt that the most important thing he should do was to cut out Nagato's Samsara Eye in advance, and put the hope of the Moon Eye Project directly on Akihara Kagura...

"Can't you undo the technique of reincarnation?"

Bai Jue felt that he could use some other means, so he took the initiative to ask: "Remove the spell directly and let them return to the pure land of the underworld..."

"It's no use at all."

Bai Jue Awei shook his head, and said softly: "The young man has tried the technique of reincarnation from the dirty soil in private, but it didn't work..."

"That is to say..."

Obito Uchiha frowned, and said impatiently: "I can only solve the four Hokages by myself, and solve the trouble caused by that bastard kid?"

My kaleidoscope Sharingan ability is certainly invincible...

Obito Uchiha felt that it was a little tricky for him to face the four Hokages. The subordinate Akihara Kagura was really a big trouble, and he made such a big basket for him!

"Youth can provide you with information."

Bai Jue Awei glanced at Obito Uchiha, and continued: "At least there are teenagers who provide information to help, and it is not a trouble to avoid their pursuit..."


Uchiha Obito still had some distaste and dissatisfaction on his face: "Even without the information about that brat, I can still solve those troublesome guys!"

This guy…

Somewhat ignorant of flattery.

Bai Jue and Awei didn't even know what to say about him.

Since Uchiha Obito doesn't want Akihara Kagura to provide him with information about the four Hokages, then let the boy provide the four Hokages with some detailed information about Uchiha Obito!

Konoha Village.

Inside Naruto Building.

Since the two Hokage advisors were forced to step down, only Tsunade and Akihara Kagura were left in Konoha's top management, and there were four Naruto reincarnated from the dirt. This is the current decision-making level of the entire Konoha.

Of course.

The status of the five Hokages is almost the same.

The Fifth Hokage Tsunade could only respectfully accompany him at the end, and he said in a deep voice the two troubles that Konoha had to solve: "Now Konoha has three most important enemies, two of them are Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Itachi , the two Akatsuki organizations where they were hiding, Uchiha Obito created the Nine-Tails Rebellion, killed the fourth generation and Kushina, and Uchiha Itachi slaughtered the entire Uchiha clan..."


The four reincarnated Hokage looked at Akihara Kagura.


Akihara Kagura stared intently at the teacup in front of him.

"There is still one…"

"It's Orochimaru..."

Tsunade mentioned his past teammates, and his expression became serious: "Oshemaru has always liked to study forbidden arts when he was in Konoha, and his ultimate goal is to master all the arts in the ninja world. Digging up the corpses of strong people in the world, and using the technique of reincarnation to resurrect the dead to become puppets controlled by him, Orochimaru is obviously the most troublesome guy, and it is more harmful to Konoha..."


Akihara Kagura stared intently at the teacup in front of him.


The four reincarnated Hokage looked at Akihara Kagura again. The three most troublesome enemies of Konoha have colluded with this guy who fished during work, right?

"What are you looking at me for?"

Akihara Kagura glanced at the four Hokages in surprise, and put down the teacup in his hand: "I think we should hunt down Orochimaru first..."

"Let's hunt down Uchiha Obito."

Qianshou Feijian interrupted Akihara Kagura's words, and he was too lazy to argue with Akihara Kagura. How could this guy let them go after Orochimaru's ally.

The purpose of today's meeting is to confirm that the four Naruto Reincarnated Hokages are dispatched to encircle and suppress Uchiha Obito, which they have agreed on a long time ago.

I can still have a meeting today...

It's purely to take care of Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage.

The four Hokages who were present passed the matter of chasing and killing Uchiha Obito with an overwhelming advantage. Tsunade and Akihara Kagura, two living people who wanted to fight against the four Hokages, seemed a bit weak.

"You can't leave Orochimaru alone..."

Tsunade frowned, a little dissatisfied with the result.

"At least find out the trace of Orochimaru first..."

Akihara Kagura put forward his own initiative and said: "Oshemaru once showed the idea of ​​wanting to capture Uchiha Sasuke, the orphan of the Uchiha clan, in the Zhongnin exam. Why don't you try to let Uchiha Sasuke become our arrangement?" The undercover agent next to Orochimaru..."

"Isn't this kind of action too dangerous?"

Tsunade was not in favor of sacrificing an innocent child, he shook his head and said, "Sasuke Uchiha just graduated not long ago, if he goes undercover..."

"You can teach him the art of flying Thunder God..."

Akihara Kagura tilted his head, and said his plan slowly: "If Uchiha Sasuke feels dangerous, he can escape quickly with the Flying Thunder God technique..."

When Akihara Kagura talked about this, he continued to add: "I also threatened a little ghost in Wuyin Village called Guideng Shuiyue before, and asked him to defect from Wuyin Village and become an undercover agent next to Orochimaru. , the two little guys can also take care of each other..."


Tsunade remembered a message from Kirigakure Village to Konoha that the Mizukage candidate and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen that Kirigakure Village wanted to support had defected with a beheading sword.

"Did you arrange that?"

Tsunade felt a headache and could only hope that this matter would not be exposed in the future.


Akihara Kagura nodded.

Senshou Feijian had no idea about Akihara Kagura's arrangement, he thought of the Uchiha Sasuke he had seen before, and couldn't help but snorted coldly: "Can that kid from the Uchiha clan learn the old man's Flying Thunder God technique..."

Qianshou Feijian felt a little dissatisfied!

Uchiha Sasuke's face made him feel particularly annoying!

And Senshou Feijian is a little hard to imagine, the kid Uchiha Sasuke has the same face as his old enemy Uchiha Quanna, but uses the technique of Flying Thunder God that he has developed. There are still people in the Uchiha family who can learn it Own technique?

"Give it a try..."

Akihara Kagura still has some confidence in Uchiha Sasuke, but he believes in Uchiha Sasuke's talent in time and space: "That little guy is Kakashi's favorite student, and he will be Kakashi's successor in the future..."

Tsunade pondered for a while, and said softly: "If Uchiha Sasuke can learn the technique of Flying Raijin, I agree with him to go undercover at Orochimaru..."

late at night.

root base.

This is the first time Uchiha Sasuke has stepped here.

Xianglin is Uchiha Sasuke's classmate, so he is naturally responsible for picking him up. For Akihara Kagura's introduction of Uchiha Sasuke to the roots, Xianglin is a little uneasy.

after all…

The root is a group of Uchiha.

Uchiha Sasuke seems to be more suitable to be the root leader in the future than her!


Xianglin took Sasuke Uchiha down the deep well and took him into the base deep underground, and said: "Although Lord Kagura invited you, I am the most trusted assistant of Lord Kagura. Don't try Compete with me for the position of the future leader of the root..."

"I don't care about that..."

Uchiha Sasuke snorted lightly, he didn't care about the position of the root leader at all, his idea was just to avenge Uchiha Itachi, the murderer!

"Then I don't think you will change your mind!"

Xianglin nodded slowly, leading Uchiha Sasuke to the depths of the root base, and said: "Master Kagura values ​​you very much, and specially prepared a surprise for you..."

"What surprise?"

For Uchiha Sasuke, seeing Akihara Kagura was enough of a surprise.

Because Uchiha Sasuke thinks that Akihara Kagura summoned him this time to give him a task to practice him, or to teach him a new technique!

no matter what!

It was all a surprise!

Uchiha Sasuke needs Akihara Kagura to help hone himself!

However, when Uchiha Sasuke followed Xianglin step by step into the root base, he saw that something was wrong, and he finally saw the surprise prepared by Akihara Kagura.

A group of people wearing traditional costumes of the Uchiha clan stood in the corridor of the root base. They all showed a pair of scarlet sharing eyes. Many of them looked very familiar to him. clansmen!

many people…

Even watching him grow up!




Uchiha watched Uchiha Sasuke come over one by one, everyone greeted Uchiha Sasuke, and watched the only Uchiha orphan who could stand under the light.

"What the hell..."

Uchiha Sasuke was a little excited, and even a little speechless: "What the hell...what's going on! Everyone...everyone..."

"Master Kagura saved them."

Xianglin stood beside Sasuke Uchiha, and explained calmly: "On the night of the genocide, Lord Kagura saved many people, Uchiha Itachi thought he killed all the Uchihas with the Tailed Beast Jade Wave…"

"However, these people cannot be discovered by Itachi Uchiha and Obito Uchiha. They are not talented enough and have not yet been able to open the Kaleidoscope Sharingan. They are not the opponents of Itachi Uchiha and Obito Uchiha. The two renegade assassins can only hide in the root all the time, Lord Kagura has been protecting them all the time, they have also adapted to the life in the root, and they don't want to leave here..."


After Xianglin explained to Uchiha Sasuke casually, he waved at these Uchihas: "Let's go, it's very lucky to see your people, go to perform the mission of Kagura-sama! Living is the most important thing of!"


The group of Uchihas were extremely flexible, and immediately scattered away.

Xianglin looked at the backs of them leaving, and continued: "Now they are all ninjas at the root, while avoiding the pursuit of rebellious ninja, they also shoulder the responsibility of guarding Konoha in the dark, which is what Kagura-sama has always hoped. What makes you a root member..."

"No wonder..."

Uchiha Sasuke suddenly realized something.

No wonder Akihara Kagura has always wanted to get himself into the roots!

This is because there are his clansmen at the root!

"Why...why didn't you tell me!?"

The excitement in Uchiha Sasuke's chest has not yet dissipated, and he has found the living clansman again, which made him suddenly feel that he is not alone in his life!

I am no longer alone!

The Uchiha clan is still there, and the Uchiha clan is not the only one left!


Xianglin stared at Uchiha Sasuke, and continued calmly: "Are you sure you won't leak this information, expose their whereabouts, and attract the eyes of Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Obito? Are you sure you won't always Want to come to Root Base?"


Sasuke Uchiha took a deep breath.

At this moment, Uchiha Sasuke suddenly had an idea in his heart, should he compete with Xianglin for the future root leader and revitalize the Uchiha clan?

The moment this idea appeared, it was impossible to get rid of it!


Want to compete with xiangphos to become the root leader in the future...

You must kill that devil-like man Uchiha Itachi first! Only by killing Uchiha Itachi can they appear in the sun...

A pair of scarlet Sharingans appeared in Uchiha Sasuke's eye sockets, and at this moment, his Sharingans turned into a pair of three-god jade Sharingans!

Uchiha Sasuke's Sharingan was opened for the first time on the night of the genocide, and the second time it was advanced was when the battle between Nami and Momochi Zabuzhan...

did not expect…

At this time, let him advance again.

"Three Gouyu Sharingan Sharingan..."

Xianglin frowned, seeing Sasuke Uchiha's Sharingan advancing in front of her, said in a deep voice: "Master Kagura always thinks you are very talented, and even thinks that you have the ability to open the kaleidoscope Sharingan. Possibly, with the hope of killing Uchiha Itachi..."

"I will definitely kill that man!"

Uchiha Sasuke's face immediately showed a decisive killing intent, but his eyes were no longer so cold and ruthless, but a little excited: "I will kill that man, become the leader of the root, and lead everyone to revitalize Uchiha!"

This guy immediately forgot his promise to Xianglin!

Although Uchiha Sasuke is only interested in killing Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Sasuke has never thought about what to do after killing Uchiha Itachi...

this time...

Uchiha Sasuke thought of what he should do after he killed Uchiha Itachi!


Xianglin adjusted his glasses, and said in a cold voice, "Didn't you say just now that you won't compete with me for the position of the future leader of Root?"

"I...I'm not..."

Uchiha Sasuke's expression became a little embarrassed.

If I hadn’t met these clansmen, I certainly wouldn’t want to be the leader of the root, but these clansmen are all in the root, and the leader of the root, Akihara Kagura, also accepted me... If Uchiha Sasuke has no idea, how is it possible!

"Let's go."

Xianglin took Uchiha Sasuke into the depths of the root base, and said in a cold voice: "Master Kagura found a teacher for you, and this teacher will teach you a powerful technique. As long as you learn this Art, you can go to perform the task of the root..."

The second update!

I'm really a fan of Sasuke...Now everyone believe it!

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