Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 241 Black Jue is the Dark Will of the Sage of the Six Paths Otsutsuki Hagoromo

Chapter 241 Heijue is the dark will of the Sage of the Six Paths Otsuki Hagoromo...

Akihara Kagura believes that there is nothing wrong with the history he compiled.

Characters that should appear in the history of the ninja world have appeared, even the role of the ten-tailed sacred tree, and even took the initiative to help Heijue fabricate a handy identity.

Who is Otsutsuki Kaguya?

Where did the name of the little shrimp come out!

Who is the Sage of the Six Paths?

Everyone in the ninja world knows what kind of character the Sage of the Six Paths is!

Akihara Kagura did her best to help Heijue compile a respectable identity. The split will of the Sage of the Six Paths is much stronger than that of Otsutsuki Kaguya...

Because everyone has heard the name of the Sage of the Six Paths, they will definitely have more respect for the will of the Sage of the Six Paths, especially the Akihara Kagura who intends to wash it...

[The appearance of Heijue is accidental. 】

[Because the Sage of the Six Paths Otsutsuki Hagoromo is a mortal, he will eventually be tortured by birth, old age, sickness and death. After seeing the infinite vitality of his youngest daughter Kaguya Otsutsuki after devouring the ten tails of the sacred tree, the compassionate heart of the Sage of the Six Paths was swallowed by the ten tails The desire to gain eternal life invades...]

[Heijue is the resurrection of the darkness in the heart of the Sage of the Six Paths Otsuki Yuromo. It is the incarnation of the deepest desire in the heart of the Sage of the Six Paths Otsutsuki. Mu Yuyi can't kill it, he can only split it, so as to prevent the blackness from polluting his soul...]

[The Chakra of the Ten-Tails Divine Tree has long been divided into the Ninja Tailed Beasts scattered all over the place. The youngest daughter Kaguya Otsutsuki and the Ten-Tails body are fused together and sealed in the moon. One purpose is to find ways to gather all the ten tails and resurrect his youngest daughter Kaguya Otsuki, so as to control Kaguya Otsuki to gain the power of the ten tails...]

This is where the blackness comes from.

Akihara Kagura intends to fabricate Heijue's vain attempt to revive Ten-Tails into Heijue's vain attempt to live forever. Only in this way can it fit the atmosphere of a mastermind behind the scenes.


To say that Hei Jue simply wanted to save people?

This is too inconsistent with the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes!

Moreover, this reason can withstand scrutiny, because the purpose of Heijue is indeed to collect tailed beasts to revive the Ten-tailed God Tree, and Akihara Kagura just gave it a high-level reason...

Although the reason is bogus...

But it's more real than real!

Everything but identity is true.

[Heijue's power is not strong, but he possesses the yin and yang escape left by the sages of the Six Paths, and even quietly conceals part of the power of the sacred tree, which makes Heijue enough to live forever, no one can kill it, and makes Heijue Possesses the power to merge with the Ten-Tails Divine Tree...]

This is necessary!

Hei Jue's strength is indeed not very good, but it is indeed difficult to be killed!

The out-of-the-box fabrications about Hei Jue have been completed, and the following historical compilation needs to combine the true and the false to make the story reasonable.

[Sage of the Six Paths Otsutsuki Yuromo, in order to prevent his own dark will from resurrecting Juwei, took the initiative to seal this history on a stone tablet, and passed this stone tablet to the person who has Sharingan, the most powerful and talented Indra, the eldest son of supreme wisdom...]

[Otsuki Yuromo's eldest son, Indra, was born intelligent, created a mudra capable of releasing ninjutsu, and inherited a powerful Sharingan, Otsutsuki Yuromo hoped that his eldest son Indra would take on the responsibility of sealing Heijue, in order to avoid Others discovered the secret of the stele, Otsutsuki Hagoromo left a restriction on the stele that only Sharingan can see through the content of the stele...]

[Asura, the second son, is born with a simple and honest nature, Otsutsuki Yui decided to pass the Ninja sect to Asura, hoping that Asura can make the Ninja sect stronger...]

[However, the situation has changed. Heijue is the split will of Otsutsuki Yuromo. After learning that Otsutsuki Yuromo left a stone tablet about the secret of his birth, he quietly modified the content on the stone tablet...]

[However, Heijue itself does not have strong power. He can only claim to be the will derived from Indra's power, and persuade him to follow the path of his younger sister Otsutsuki Kaguya to obtain the power of the ten-tailed sacred tree, thus tempting Indra attacked Ashura and Otsuki Hagoromo, making Indra vainly attempt to capture all the tailed beasts in the ninja world and revive the ten-tailed sacred tree...]

【Fortunately, Otsutsuki Hagoromo, who was on the verge of death, bestowed his power on Asura. Asura led Ninja to defeat Indra and solved the second crisis in the ninja world...】

[During this crisis, Otsutsuki Hagoromo learned that the content on the stone tablet was modified by Heijue of his own will before he died. In the future, due to Hei Jue's instigation, there will definitely be battles in the world...]

[In order to change the mistakes caused by his own desires, and to avoid the struggle between Indra and Asura's descendants and being hacked, Otsutsuki Yuromo decided to write this secret history in the sacred tree. On the bark, and passed the bark to the second son Asura, hoping that the descendants of the ninja world can be vigilant against Heijue...]

The story ends here.

Because Akihara Kagura wrote it as the Sage of the Six Paths Otsutsuki Hagoromo, he added a little bit of remorse and shame at the back for his inability to control his desire and split into Heijue, a monster that can live forever. I hope that future generations Be alert not to be lost by power.

Because the forged history of Akihara Kagura was left behind by using the identity of the Sage of the Six Paths Otsutsuki Hagoromo, so naturally we can no longer write some stories about the battle between the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan. At that time, the Sage of the Six Paths Otsuki Hagoromo had already died .

"The history is not bad..."

Akihara Kagura looked at the histories compiled by himself that were true or false, and felt that there should be no other content added to it.


If someone who really knows the history of the ninja world tells it, the stories inside are full of flaws!


How many people know the true history of the ninja world? And how does knowing the existence of the history of the ninja world prove that it is talking about the history of the ninja world?

Even if Heijue directly jumped out and said that he had lived for a thousand years, the history on this piece of bark was all lies. It was not the will of Otsuki Kaguya, but the will of Otsuki Kaguya. Didn't know it existed, but what's the use of that?

Isn't this a proper self-explosion on the spot?

Because Hei Ze has always claimed to be the will of Uchiha Madara!

The will of a Uchiha Madara is just a creature born in the last few decades, how can he know the truth thousands of years ago? This point is definitely unreasonable, so as long as Heijue refutes history, it must be the dark will of the Sage of the Six Paths thousands of years ago...

However, Heijue chose to remain silent, not jumping out to refute history...

Doesn't this just make everyone acquiesce that the history recorded on the bark is true?

This is the bark left by the Sage of the Six Paths Otsuki Yuromo!

This guy Heijue must be the incarnation of the dark will of the Sage of the Six Paths, he must have modified the stele of the Uchiha clan, he must have provoked the millennium war between Indra and Asura, and he must have wanted the power of the Ten-tailed God Tree to rule the world !

This is an unsolvable problem.

Because when Heijue used Uchiha Madara, he used the stone tablet left by the Sage of the Six Paths Otsuki Hagoromo that was passed down from generation to generation in the Uchiha clan, and used the name of the Sage of the Six Paths!

Akihara Kagura took advantage of Heijue's flaws, and also used the name of the Sage of the Six Paths, Otsutsuki Yui, to record the birth of Heijue in the name of the Sage of the Six Paths, and recorded the modification of the stone tablet by Heijue, directly launching a fatal attack on Heijue. one strike…


Regardless of whether Heijue will stand up to refute these truths, he will definitely be completely betrayed by everyone in the ninja world, and will be reduced to the point where everyone shouts and beats him...


Madara Uchiha is the only person in the entire ninja world who has seen all the contents of the stele left by the Sage of the Six Paths, but as long as Uchiha Madara sees the bark left by the so-called Sage of the Six Paths, he will probably believe more in the content recorded on the bark...

that time…

What can Hei Jue, who has nowhere to go, do?

Akihara Kagura felt that he could only choose to accept it as his boss, a genius ninja who was broad-minded and equally ambitious, and colluded with Heijue to jointly seek the power of the Ten-tailed God Tree. What to do?

"Let the four Hokages hunt down Uchiha Obito..."

Akihara Kagura formulated his own action plan and decided to implement the plan step by step: "Force Uchiha Obito to let me help him solve his troubles step by step, and after digging out the legacy left by Uchiha Madara, wait for Hei Zehe Obito Uchiha forced me to resurrect Uchiha Madara..."

"that time…"

"You can throw the bark out."

"Let Senjujuma discover the truth recorded on the bark, and tell Uchiha Madara the truth, let Uchiha Madara completely abandon Hei Ze, and let Hei Ze become a monster that everyone shouts and beats..."

Akihara Kagura felt that there was nothing wrong with her plan.

In addition to being unfriendly to Heijue, after all, after the history recorded on the bark is thrown out, Heijue's mentality may become a bit uneasy, maybe he may yell at Otsutsuki Yuromo, or he may be suspicious. There is another man behind the scenes...


Akihara Kagura could only wish it well in advance.


Hei Jue was in a bad mood at this time.

Because Bai Ze Awei sent it and Uchiha Obito an unfriendly news.

The country of rain.

In the base of the Akatsuki organization.

Uchiha Obito and Hei Ze were quietly listening to Bai Ze Awei's report.

"There was a mistake in the juvenile's filthy reincarnation technique..."

"When the high-level Konoha asked the boy to resurrect the past Hokage, the boy used the past Hokage to conduct experiments. He originally resurrected the heyday of the past Hokage and made them his own puppets..."

"In the end, there was a little trouble. After the resurrection of the second generation of Hokage, Senshou Kaijian, he had already prepared in advance the method of cracking the technique of reincarnation of the dirty soil. After cracking his own reincarnation of the dirty soil, he was directly free..."


Uchiha Obito thought of an important question, and asked in a deep voice: "Has the past Hokage, the fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato been resurrected?"

For the former teacher, Uchiha Obito still has some concerns, because Namikaze Minato once made him suffer a lot when he got the Kaleidoscope Sharingan...


Bai Jue Awei nodded, not looking at Uchiha Obito's ugly face, and continued: "Now the boy can't control the filthy reincarnation he resurrected..."

"This is also normal..."

Hei Absolutely understood this matter very well, and said in a gloomy voice: "The second generation of Hokage Senshou Fujian is the person who created the technique of reincarnation of the dirty soil, and he will definitely have a back hand to remove the control of the technique of reincarnation of the dirty soil..."


Bai Jue Awei hesitated for a while before continuing: "The purpose of Qianshoubanjian creating the technique of reincarnation of dirty soil is to enable him to be resurrected. The technique to stop Madara-sama's plan, and even behind the transplantation experiment of cells between the columns is a chess game laid in advance by Senshou Tobe..."

"He knows about Madara and our plan?"

Obito Uchiha frowned.

"I don't know yet..."

Bai Jue Awei shook his head, and added a sentence that can make people feel speechless: "But no matter what Madara-sama wants to do, no matter what Obito you want to do, or no matter what Uchiha wants to do, Senju Tokaima wants to do it. To stop..."


Obito Uchiha couldn't help but want to curse.

The second generation of Hokage Senju is really sick in his head! How to target them Uchiha everywhere? This Senshouban is hostile to Uchiha who is obedient and obedient in Konoha Village, and Uchiha who defected outside Konoha, why is that guy still hostile?

"This is normal."

Heijue understands the grievances between Senju Tomona and Uchiha very well, but he is a little worried that four very troublesome characters will appear in the future: "The four resurrected ancestors, each Hokage is not easy to deal with, and they will definitely stop us. plan…"

"That brat Akihara Kagura, I've been annoyed by him for a long time!"

Uchiha Obito snorted coldly, venting his dissatisfaction with Akihara Kagura: "I said it a long time ago, let that brat be honest, he always wants to grasp the power that he can't grasp, now find us a Heaps of trouble..."

Just a fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato is a big trouble, not to mention the other resurrected Hokages!


Awei Baijue looked at Obito Uchiha in astonishment, as if he didn't quite understand his thinking: "The boy has always used the previous Hokage as a test product for the reincarnation of the dirty soil..."

"There is no need to revive the spots yet!"

Uchiha Obito cursed secretly in dissatisfaction.

"Now it is necessary..."

Hei Jue shook his head, and looked at Bai Jue Awei: "The four Hokages will bring big troubles to our plan. They shouldn't let go of the murderer who caused the Nine-Tails Rebellion, right?"


Bai Jue Awei nodded, and continued: "Before I came, the four Hokages were discussing the matter of chasing and killing Obito. It is not convenient for the young man to take action this time, so he can only pass on some information, or create some troubles in Konoha to attract the four Hokages." The eyes of a Hokage..."

The first update!

This history is finished...

Don't think that the history fabricated by Akihara Kagura is too fake...

Because the history fabricated by Akihara Kagura is already false!

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