Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 243 Uchiha Sasuke: Naruto's father, the Fourth Hokage? !

root base.

Sasuke Uchiha met a group of people.

When Uchiha Sasuke saw this group of people, Uchiha Sasuke felt even more impacted than the tribe he had just met, and his heart almost jumped out.

these people…

It turned out to be Naruto...

Uchiha Sasuke never thought that he would see the four dead Hokages. Those heroes who had died on Hokage Rock a long time ago appeared at the root base!

"First generation, second generation, third generation Hokage-sama..."

Uchiha Sasuke widened his eyes, and his gaze fell on the only Sarutobi Hiruzen he knew.

"I'm here too..."

When Namikaze Minato saw Uchiha Sasuke, he smiled and stretched out his palm towards him: "I am Naruto's father. When I was resurrected, I secretly saw you. Thank you for always performing missions. take care of him while..."

"Naruto's father! The Fourth Hokage..."

Uchiha Sasuke's pupils dilated in an instant!

Sasuke Uchiha thought of his companion at the end of the crane, that companion was rejected by the people in the village since he was a child, and everyone knew that he was an orphan...


Never imagined…

Uzumaki Naruto's father turned out to be Konoha's Fourth Hokage!

The father of the crane tail partner who always thought he was rejected by the people in the village turned out to be the fourth generation of Hokage, the hero of the village!


Haven't all these Hokages been...

Just when Uchiha Sasuke was wondering, Xianglin answered his doubts beside him: "This is the past Hokage that Kagura-sama resurrected with the technique of reincarnation..."

"Because Kagura-sama was always worried that Orochimaru's resurrection of the previous Hokage would be against Konoha, so he revived the previous Hokage-sama first, and the previous Hokage-sama responded to Kagura-sama's call. Even though they were dead, they were still willing to persevere. Guarding Konoha..."


The expressions of the four Hokages present were somewhat subtle.

Xianglin is really capable of nonsense!

However, Uchiha Sasuke really believed it!

Xianglin stretched out her palm and said softly: "Now you are going to learn the technique of Flying Thunder God here, as long as you learn the technique of Flying Thunder God, Master Kagura will arrange for you to perform an S-level mission. This technique can guarantee Your safety in the line of duty..."

"Is the Fourth Hokage-sama my future teacher?"

Uchiha Sasuke actually felt the wonderful sense of fate.

Because his mentor is Hatake Kakashi, and he also knows that Hatake Kakashi, a teacher, has learned the unusual technique of Flying Raijin. Hatake Kakashi occasionally mentioned the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato, The Flying Raijin Technique used to be the signature technique of the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato!


Xianglin shook his head, and motioned to Qianshoubanjian next to him: "The Second Hokage-sama is the developer of the Flying Thunder God Technique, and he is your future teacher..."


Uchiha Sasuke's face immediately pulled his hips down.

Because I saw Senju Tomona in the country of Nami before, and they were a little unhappy when they met that time, Sasuke Uchiha didn't have a particularly good sense of Senju Token.

"The born evil Uchiha kid..."

"It may not be possible to have the talent to learn the time and space of Flying Thunder God..."

Looking at Uchiha Sasuke's familiar face in Senshou Feijian, he felt a faint absurdity in fate, and felt that the dead Uchiha Quanna was polluting his spirit.

"Teijian, he really looks like Quanna!"

Last time, Senju Hashirama didn't see Uchiha Sasuke. When Senju Hashirama saw Uchiha Sasuke this time, he was a little surprised.

The first generation of Hokage felt a little weird, and carefully glanced at Senju Feima, who had an ugly face, but he knew the grievances between his younger brother Senju Feima and Uchiha Izuna. The two have been enemies since childhood. …

"Who is Quanna?"

Uchiha Sasuke couldn't help frowning.

"Uchiha Izumi."

Qianshou Feijian didn't shy away from his past, and said in a cold voice: "In the Warring States Period, a Uchiha who was killed by the old man always liked to be proud of having Sharingan, but was beheaded by the old man with the flying thunder god. die…"


Uchiha Sasuke's expression suddenly became even uglier.

Uchiha Sasuke can really feel the malice of Senju Tobema towards him, this second generation of Hokage is really a bit at odds with him!

"Can I change teachers?"

Uchiha Sasuke immediately looked at Kaorin.

Xianglin looked at Sasuke Uchiha, and persuaded softly: "The Second Hokage-sama is the most suitable person to teach you the technique of Flying Raijin. Kagura-sama does not recommend that you change your teacher..."

The fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato is indeed good at flying thunder god art, but this does not mean that Namikaze Minato is good at teaching disciples, at least he did not teach Hatake Kakashi to succeed...


The character of the Fourth Hokage is a bit off-line.

"I can help you study too."

Namikaze Minato didn't have the self-consciousness of being a teacher in vain, and patted Uchiha Sasuke's shoulder with a smile: "This technique is very simple, I believe you can learn it..."


Sasuke Uchiha nodded, and his mind suddenly became clear.

"First gather a distinctive Flying Thunder God imprint..."

When Namikaze Minato taught Uchiha Sasuke, he taught the child's aesthetics for the first time, and even demonstrated with his own Sword of Ninja Love: "I can help you imprint a nice name for Fei Lei Shen, only in this way can you feel There is a relationship between Fei Lei Shen's Mark and you..."

"Fourth generation, don't mislead your children here!"

Senju took a look at the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato, and felt that this somewhat off-line Fourth Hokage was misleading his disciples, which made him feel unbearable: "The mark of the Flying Thunder God is just a symbol, the real important thing is to find it first. A coordinate that can be teleported in time and space..."

Thousands of hands looked at the thoughtful Uchiha Sasuke, and cursed: "Evil Uchiha kid, what are you doing there, first come and learn from the old man how to find out your own time and space coordinates !"

"I see!"

Uchiha Sasuke gritted his teeth, feeling a little numb in his scalp.


Uchiha Sasuke finally recognized the teaching level of Senshou Feima.

Although Uchiha Sasuke feels that this person Senju Feima is a bit at odds with himself, but compared to Namikaze Minato, the seemingly trustworthy Fourth Hokage, Senju Feima's level is much better, at least Uchiha Sasuke as long as Patience, I feel that I can understand the teaching of Qianshoubanjian...

As for Naruto's father...

It seems that he is not very good at teaching others to learn.

But Naruto's father is really good at comforting people...

Whenever Uchiha Sasuke was scolded by Senshou Tomonen and felt that he could not learn the art of flying thunder god at all, Namikaze Minato would stand up to comfort himself, just like a gentle father comforting himself child like...

the next day.

early in the morning.

Uchiha Sasuke has initially mastered the steps of how to condense the mark of Flying Thunder God, and he also encountered Hatake Kakashi's dilemma, but he is more gifted in time and space than his guide Jonin, and has easily found out the existence of time and space coordinates .

In the next step, Uchiha Sasuke is trying to turn his mark of Flying Raijin into a fan mark of the Uchiha clan. It is the style of this mark that makes Senshou Himama extremely dissatisfied.

"Sure enough, it's the Uchiha kid who is born evil! I thought you would at least leave a mark that symbolizes Konoha like that kid from Kagura!"

"Second Hokage!"

Uchiha Sasuke doesn't care so much, he is extremely dissatisfied with the teacher Senju Tomona's attitude towards Uchiha: "Isn't Uchiha a member of Konoha!"


Qianshou Feijian was suddenly speechless.

"During the day, you can leave."

Xianglin came to check the progress of Uchiha Sasuke's study, sent Uchiha Sasuke to leave the root base, and warned softly: "The secrets of the root base are never allowed to be revealed to the outside world..."

"I see."

Sasuke Uchiha knew very well why he kept it a secret.

Whether it is the four dead Hokages of the root base or the survivors of the Uchiha clan, they cannot be known to outsiders. These secrets must always be kept in their hearts.


It was a real torture.

Because Uchiha Sasuke was performing missions with Uzumaki Naruto and Haruno Sakura during the day, looking at Uzumaki Naruto who was still careless, suddenly felt a little sorry for him.

This guy…

Parents sacrificed at birth...

Haven't seen his father yet?

"What's wrong, Sasuke?"

Uzumaki Naruto noticed Sasuke's sympathetic gaze.

"No, nothing."

Sasuke Uchiha shook his head.

Nothing about the root base should be revealed to anyone.

within the root base.

A group of Hokage is still discussing Sasuke Uchiha.

Although Senshou Feima is very unhappy with Uchiha Sasuke, but I have to admit that Uchiha Sasuke is very talented in time and space to learn the art of flying thunder...

It's summer again.

Thirteen-year-old Uchiha Sasuke, through diligent practice, was even more proficient in the art of flying thunder than his teacher Hatake Kakashi, so he was taken by Kaorin to meet Akihara Kagura.

"Your mission."

Akihara Kagura glanced at Uchiha Sasuke, and said softly: "Leave Konoha, become a rebel in the village, go to seek refuge with Orochimaru, and help the village monitor every move of Orochimaru..."


Uchiha Sasuke raised his head in disbelief.

"Any objections to the root mission?"

Akihara Kagura looked at Uchiha Sasuke with some doubts on his face, as if he didn't quite understand why Uchiha Sasuke was shocked by this mission.


Uchiha Sasuke was still a little at a loss, he felt the horror of the root mission for the first time: "If I become a traitor..."

"The village will want you."

Akihara Kagura casually stated the result of becoming a traitor, but added: "But don't worry, I will keep your information here. In the future, after completing the task and returning to Konoha, you will become the root full member."

"Then I'm in Class Seven..."

Uchiha Sasuke gritted his teeth, he was a little greedy for the beauty of the seventh class.

Because of Akihara Kagura, Uchiha Sasuke also gained powerful power in Konoha, which made Uchiha Sasuke feel that he was still waiting for revenge, but he was reluctant to leave this village, and was a little reluctant to leave the seventh class for a while.

"Are you reluctant to leave Class Seven?"

Akihara Kagura looked at the troubled boy Sasuke with great interest.


Uchiha Sasuke quickly lowered his head, and said in a deep voice: "I will go on a mission, defect from the village, seek refuge with Orochimaru and monitor him..."

"Oshemaru is my ally."

When Akihara Kagura said this, he suddenly felt a strange feeling, but he continued: "I let you go to Orochimaru, on the one hand, to monitor the covenant between me and him, and on the other hand, to let you go He learned to hone there..."

"Oshemaru is not..."

Uchiha Sasuke raised his head and looked at Akihara Kagura who was sitting behind the desk, as if he couldn't believe his ears: "He's not a traitor in the village..."

Akihara Kagura shook his head, and continued: "You will soon be the rebellious ninja in the village. There is a difference between rebellious ninja and rebellious ninja...and this is the darkness at the root."

"Yes, I understand!"

Uchiha Sasuke lowered his head again.

Although Uchiha Sasuke doesn't know what happened to Orochimaru's rebellious ninja, but his rebellious ninja just left Konoha to perform an S-level undercover mission...

Is this the darkness at the root?

The root members will always be buried deep in the ground without seeing the light of day. If it is not a coincidence, I will never know what kind of people the root ninjas are...

"People always have to grow."

Akihara Kagura looked at the young Sasuke who was kneeling in front of him, as if he remembered his childhood scene: "Everyone has their own path to go, clinging to the darkness at the root, drawing from the darkness to killing The power of the dead Uchiha Itachi, Sasuke, are you determined in your heart to take this path?"


"Let's go then."

Akihara Kagura waved his hand, and said softly: "I will let someone pass the news to Orochimaru. Orochimaru has always been very interested in your body, and someone will come to pick you up soon. Study hard with him. He I will teach you how to kill Uchiha Itachi..."


Uchiha Sasuke lowered his head heavily, as if hesitantly asked: "I will take care of the seventh class during this time, but the reason for defecting..."

"For strength."

Akihara Kagura looked at Uchiha Sasuke, and helped him find a reason in advance: "Kakashi has been worried that you are indulging in gaining more powerful power for revenge, so it should be regarded as defecting to get the power given to you by Orochimaru Konoha!"


Uchiha Sasuke lowered his head, clenched his teeth, and suppressed his feelings: "I will say goodbye to them when I go back..."

"Don't give away the secrets of the roots."

Akihara Kagura looked at the trembling Uchiha Sasuke, sighed and said: "Sasuke, you who performed the root mission for the first time have surpassed Uchiha Itachi who performed the root mission for the first time, because your body, Possesses a humanity more precious than his..."

The third update!

Daily Wan completed today!

Goodnight everybody!

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