Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 240 Akihara Kagura is fabricating the history of the ninja world (third update! Ask for a mo

The Hokages present were a little silent.

Akihara Kagura has already arranged Uchiha Obito's life, this guy is able to recruit subordinates like Akihara Kagura, it really lacks a little knowledge...

"Bring soil..."

Namikaze Minato lamented the fate that his former student was about to suffer, and remembered the old story: "Obito used to be a child who wanted to become Hokage..."


It was rare that there was no retaliation in Qianshoubanjian.

"He's not fit to be Hokage."

Akihara Kagura expressed his true thoughts instead of Senju Tomona.

Akihara Kagura knows the boss Uchiha Obito better than anyone present: "A real boss doesn't just want to ask for it, but doesn't want to pay for his subordinates?"

"So far I have helped Obito solve a lot of troubles, but he hasn't even sent a ninjutsu scroll, let alone a birthday present..."

To be honest.

Orochimaru is far more competent than Obito Uchiha!

"If the four Hokages agree to carry out the plan..."

"I'll ask Ah Wei to send a message to Obito first, and tell Obito that the Second Hokage-sama has cracked the technique of reincarnation of the dirty soil, and I have lost control over the reincarnation of the dirty soil."

Akihara Kagura looked at the Hokages present, and continued to add: "By the way, let Ah Wei tell Obito that the second-generation Hokage-sama is the real mastermind behind the scenes, and I was already fooled when I resurrected him with the technique of reincarnation." .”


"Just as you said..."

"Second Hokage-sama Senju Tobima has been guarding against Uchiha Madara. Even if Uchiha Madara died in the Valley of the End, Senju Tobima has always been suspicious of him, so he developed the technique of reincarnation from the dirt. To prevent future generations from encountering Uchiha Madara and being unmatched!"


Everyone looked at the Qianshoubeijian.


Senshou Tomona nodded slowly, admitted his identity, and did not deny his purpose: "Then force Uchiha Obito to be desperate until Madara is forced to resurrect again, thwarting Madara's plot, and this time completely kills Uchiha Obito." he!"

Regarding Uchiha Madara's threat, Senshou Toikama never dared to be careless!

Although Akihara Kagura is not a good thing, Uchiha Obito, the murderer who created the Nine-Tails Rebellion in Konoha, and Uchiha Madara, the behind-the-scenes man who has been hiding for decades, obviously attracted the hatred between Senjubei!


Akihara Kagura immediately looked at Baijue Awei, and his expression became serious: "Second Hokage-sama agrees, let's start to act!"


Bai Jue Awei quickly sank to the ground.

Seeing the disappearing figure of Bai Jue Awei in the thousand hands, he asked in a deep voice, "Isn't this kind of creature cultivated by you?"


Akihara Kagura shook his head and looked at Senju Hashirama: "It is said that they were bred by Uchiha Madara using the cells of the first Hokage-sama."

"Brother's cells can really be used anywhere..."

Senshou Feijian snorted coldly, extremely dissatisfied with Uchiha Madara's behavior.

"Well, I want to visit Nanga Shrine..."

After Senshouzhuma got Uchiha Madara's conspiracy, he never expressed his opinion. After everything was over, the first generation of Hokage still put forward his own ideas, and said in a deep voice: "It is said that Madara saw Shinobu on the stone tablet back then. The future of the world, he found a new path..."

In front of the stone monument of Nanga Shrine…

There was the last friendly meeting between Senju Bashirama and Uchiha Madara during his lifetime.

During that period, the entire Konoha was bathed in the shade of the first Hokage, and it was also recognized that Hokage assisted Senju Feima to become Konoha’s second Hokage. Uchiha Madara felt that he was at a loss at that time.

In desperation, Uchiha Madara finally met with Senju Hashirama in front of the stone tablet of Nanga Shrine, and asked whether Senju Hashirama chose his friend or his younger brother Senju Tobima.


Madara Uchiha got an answer that disappointed him.

At that time of meeting, Uchiha Madara claimed to have found the way on the stone tablet, and decided not to continue to seek perfection in Konoha, and chose to leave Konoha directly.

When they meet again, it will be the Battle of the Valley of the End.

Senju Zhuma wants to go to Nanga Shrine to take another look, hoping to find out the reason for Madara's conspiracy from that stone tablet.

If Uchiha Madara walks on the wrong path after being resurrected again, he wants to let Uchiha Madara's best friend understand his mistake.

"Is it a stele?"

Akihara Kagura's eyes flickered slightly.

The stone tablet of Nanga Shrine was passed down from generation to generation by the Uchiha clan, and has always been regarded as an honor by the Uchiha clan. The material of the stone tablet is also extremely special and difficult to be destroyed.

Although Konoha divided the Uchiha clan, it did not destroy Nanga Shrine, because Nanga Shrine is still some distance away from the residential area of ​​Konoha Village.

Nanga Shrine.

Akihara Kagura brought the four Hokages to the stone tablet of Nanga Shrine. They didn't have Sharingan, so they didn't see anything, and they couldn't see the content at all.


It's useless even if someone reads it.

Because the stone tablet of Nanga Shrine has been modified, the content on it has long been beyond recognition. No one can read the real historical truth hidden by the stone tablet of Nanga Shrine, and no one can make the right question among the wrong answers.


Akihara Kagura is a time traveler.

Even with the help of the kaleidoscope Sharingan, Akihara Kagura is temporarily unable to see through the entire content of the stele, but this is not a big deal, because Akihara Kagura knows the history of the ninja world.

This history...

Will become his greatest weapon!

"I can't see the content at all..."

Qianshou Zhujian stared at the stele, feeling a little regretful in his heart: "It would be great if we could see the content on the stele, maybe we can analyze Madara's thoughts... Madara said that only Sharingan can see clearly what is written on the stele. It seems that we have nothing to do."

"Little ghost, don't you have many Uchihas under your command?"

Senshou Feijian looked at Akihara Kagura, and asked a question.

The second-generation Hokage directly studied the stele, and found that the content on the stele was carved with powerful means, and Sharingan is the code for reading.

"it's useless."

Akihara Kagura shook his head, and took the initiative to replace his subordinates and replied: "It requires the kaleidoscope Sharingan to read some truths, and even requires a higher level of eyes than the kaleidoscope Sharingan to read the complete truth..."

After finishing speaking, Akihara Kagura suddenly looked at Senju Hashirama and Senju Higama: "I remember that both Senju and Uchiha were ninjas that have been passed down for thousands of years in the ninja world. Didn’t the family hand down the corresponding stele?”


Qianshou Zhujian shook his head.

"Thousand-handed clan..."

Senshou frowned, recalling the origin of his clan: "Senju Mori lived in the forest during the Warring States Period, and has never seen such a stele..."

"Could it be hidden in a tree?"

Akihara Kagura raised his reasonable doubts.

to be honest.

Akihara Kagura should thank Senju Bashirama.

If it wasn't for Senjujuma's memory of the place where he and Uchiha Madara met for the last time, Akihara Kagura would not be able to remember the stone monument of this Nanga Shrine.

Because the things recorded on it are of no use to Akihara Kagura.


Now it works!

Akihara Kagura looked at the brothers Senju Hashima and Senju Higama who were full of doubts but couldn't remember, and planned in his heart to find an opportunity to help the pair of brothers interpret their doubts.

Akihara Kagura's own strength has grown too fast, and he has never been able to find a suitable opportunity to join the boss Hei Ze, who he most wants to rely on, because Hei will never believe that Akihara Kagura really wants to join him, even if he believes that he does not Will tell the truth.


It does not matter!

Akihara Kagura will help him tell the truth that his future boss can't tell!

Akihara Kagura will help the boss make decisions that cannot be made in the future!

If Hei never believes in himself and doesn't want to recruit himself, he can only use some special means, no matter whether he believes in himself or not, he must choose himself!

Once Obito Uchiha was besieged by the four Hokages, Heijue still did not choose to tell the truth to himself, and would not allow himself to get on the bandit ship of the two bosses Uchiha Madara and Otsuki Kaguya, Akihara Kagura could only force Heijue is relying on his subordinate!

root base.

Akihara Kagura had an idea in his mind, and he planned to make a fake.

Everything is relative, just like the hostility between the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan, the Uchiha clan has a stone tablet that was wiped out and faked by the hacker, and the Senju clan is at least worthy of a tree that was faked by Akihara Kagura Skin.

Heijue cheated Uchiha Madara by using the stone tablet of the Uchiha clan; he used the bark of the Senju clan to cheat Senju Hashirama.


Counterfeiting is a technical job.

If you talk nonsense when making a fake, it will be too easy to be exposed.


Falsification cannot tell the whole truth.

Because once all the truth is told, it is easy to be refuted by those who know the truth, so some fake things must be created, so that those who know the truth can use the truth to refute.

Akihara Kagura went to the stone tablet of Nanga Shrine in private, and used the kaleidoscope Sharingan to read part of the writing style of the stone tablet, and planned to rewrite an article about the truth belonging to the Mori Senju clan according to this writing style and content.

The first point is about the source of the bark.

After Akihara Kagura thought about it, he briefly explained the source of the bark of the Senju Clan, and recorded that the Six Paths Sage was the ancestor of the Senju Clan. This is a relic left by the Six Paths Sage to his second son Asura. history.

This is the real truth, and naturally no one refute it.

The second point is about the raison d'être of the bark.

Akihara Kagura recalled the content recorded on the stele of the Uchiha clan, and decided to modify it a little bit half-truthfully. The reason why the bark of the Senju clan exists is because a cruel and tragic event happened in the history of the ninja world. s story.

[Thousands of years ago. 】

[The ninja world is peaceful, and Chakra has not yet appeared in the human body. 】

[A man named Otsutsuki Yuyi appeared in the ninja world. This man planted a sacred tree in the ninja world, and thus obtained the blessing and power of the sacred tree. 】

[This sacred tree is the power source of Otsutsuki Hagoromo, and it is also the ten-tailed aggregate of the legendary nine tailed beasts. The sacred tree bestowed Otsutsuki Hagoromo with an energy called Chakra. This is the first time it has appeared in the ninja world. Chakra is the energy. 】

[Otsutsuki Hagoromo obtained Chakra from the sacred tree, and found that he could give Chakra to others, so he distributed the chakra he obtained from the sacred tree to the world, and gathered these people to create Ninja, hoping Being able to use the energy of Chakra to create a world that everyone understands, he has since been known as the Sage of the Six Paths. 】

[Six Paths Immortal Otsutsuki Yuromo founded the Ninja sect, married and gave birth to three children, the eldest son Indra, the ancestor of the Uchiha clan, inherited the immortal eye of Otsutsuki Yuromo; the second son Asura, is Sen The ancestor of the Te clan inherited the immortal body of Otsutsuki Hagoromo; the youngest daughter, Otsuki Kaguya, is the ancestor of the Hyuga clan and inherited nothing...]

These three points are actually not wrong.

Akihara Kagura's thinking is slightly divergent. I feel that this matter can indeed have something to do with the Hyuga Clan. In the future, the Hyuga Clan deserves to have a toothpick that only white eyes can see clearly. What needs to be done now is to make up this story first. .

[Sage of the Six Paths, Otsutsuki Yuromo, before his death, set up two tests for his two sons in order to select the successor of Ninja Sect. He wanted to select a successor among the eldest son Indra and the second son Asura. They will continue to rule the ninja to rule the world...]

This passage is all true.

Akihara Kagura is not a person who likes to fabricate history. After thinking for a long time, he added an unreal historical fact.

[However, this kind of behavior angered the youngest daughter Kaguya Otsuki. Because Kaguya Otsuki was born without chakra, he was kicked out of the heir by his father Hagoromo Otsutsuki. The angry Kaguya went under the sacred tree and swallowed The fruit of the sacred tree has obtained the chakra of the sacred tree! 】

[Otsutsuki Kaguya got the chakra of the sacred tree, and directly transformed into the ten-tailed sacred tree, and launched an illusion called Infinity Tsukiyomi, binding everyone in the ninja world with the vines of the sacred tree, Chakra, who wants to absorb everyone in the ninja world, turns into ten tails and wants to rule the world! 】

[The Immortal of the Six Paths Otsutsuki Yuromo had to fight his daughter, and finally regained the power of the sacred tree, completely divided the sacred tree ten tails into nine big tailed beasts, and sealed his daughter Otsutsuki Kaguya in the moon among. 】

Akihara Kagura is very satisfied with this historical story that he has slightly modified. The beginning of this story should also satisfy Heijue. I hope that Heijue, who faked Uchiha’s stone tablet, can understand the Senju Clan The bark of the tree faked itself.


Since we hope to gain the understanding of others, we cannot lose the role of others.

[After the Immortal of the Six Paths Otsutsuki Yuromo sealed his little daughter, the old man fell into a state of split soul. A part of darkness split out of Otsutsuki Yuromo's will, and this part of the dark will is called Heijue... 】

The third update!

Finished every day today!

I don't know if Heijue will be angry...

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