Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 239 The truth of the conspiracy of the Battle of the Valley of the End is revealed, Uchiha M

How to deal with an Uchiha?

It is a difficult problem for many ninjas in the ninja world.

However, for Konoha Nebe, dealing with Uchiha is the root tradition.

Whether it is the first-generation leader of Nebu, Shimura Danzo, or the second-generation leader of Nebu, Akihara Kagura, they are very good at dealing with Uchiha, especially Nebu has a master who deals with Uchiha.

Konoha's second generation of Hokage, Thousand Hands.

root base.

Akihara Kagura and the four Hokages discussed dealing with the danger hidden outside Konoha, and Uchiha Obito, the man who created the Kyuubi Rebellion, is undoubtedly the biggest trouble.


This is to mention the root of Uchiha Obito's rise.

And a man hiding behind Obito Uchiha.

Bai Ze Awei drilled out of the ground, it will be the teacher of this class, teaching the four Hokages how to understand the origin of Uchiha Obito.

"This is Ah Wei."

Akihara Kagura pointed to Ah Wei beside him, and said softly: "Ah Wei and I are both Obito's subordinates, and he knows Uchiha Obito very well..."


The four Hokages had mixed feelings.

Uchiha Obito has two of your subordinates, it feels a little unlucky!


Uchiha Obito endangered Konoha and created the Nine-Tails Rebellion. They were troublesome characters that they had to clean up. Akihara Kagura wanted to deal with Uchiha Obito, but they didn't think there was anything wrong!

"Uchiha Obito, that brat..."

Senshou Feijian has never seen Uchiha Obito before, but he said with some disdain: "Do you still need to know what he did in the past? Just find out his traces and kill him, wouldn't it be good? "

"I suggest you learn a little bit about it..."

Bai Jue Awei shook his head, and said with a smile: "Anyway, Uchiha Obito became Konoha's traitor, and Mr. Toikama also made a lot of mistakes!"


Qianshou Feijian glanced at Awei with a displeased face, and then looked at Akihara Kagura: "Are you going to attack me again with the policy I used to treat the Uchiha clan?"


Bai Jue Awei shook his head again, and mentioned a person who made both Qianshou Feijian and Qianshou Zhujian tremble: "The real mistake... is that you forgot to destroy Master Madara's body."


Senshou Zhujian's expression was a bit complicated.

"Blade that guy?"

Qianshou Feijian couldn't help but frowned: "Didn't that guy be killed by the elder brother as early as the battle of the Valley of Ending?"

"From the very beginning, the Battle of the Valley of the End was a conspiracy."

Bai Jue Awei looked at the two brothers, smiled lightly and said, "Because Madara-sama knew from the very beginning that Qianshoubeijian would not destroy his body, but keep his body for research, so Madara My lord arranged a transfer seal in the Sharingan in advance, and set up a spell called Izanagi, which can turn his death into a dream..."

"The name of this technique, remember it carefully."

Akihara Kagura interrupted Baijue Awei, and took the initiative to say: "Izanagi is a forbidden technique of the Uchiha clan. It can sacrifice the light of a sharingan. The Uchiha clan can last about a few minutes. With time, you can reverse the factors that are not good for you in the battle into a dream, and keep the factors that are good for you..."

"That said, killing him is of no use, is it?"

Qianshou Feijian nodded, indicating that he understands the effect of this spell: "But after the spell is over, you must sacrifice a Sharingan..."

"That's it..."

Akihara Kagura nodded, and continued: "But Obito Uchiha got at least a hundred Sharingans on the night of the genocide..."


The people present felt a little tingly, but they calmed down quickly: "But if he transplants his eyes, he needs a safe operating room, right?"


Akihara Kagura shrugged, and he didn't know much about the specific situation: "Uchiha Obito also transplanted the cells of the first Hokage-sama, and the recovery speed should not be slow. Maybe just dig out a blind eye and plug it in again." It may not be impossible to go in..."


The four Hokages realize the true horror.

Because in this way, they can't really determine when Uchiha Obito used Izanagi, when he dug out Izanagi's blind eye, and when he transplanted a new Sharingan as Izanaki Naki's offering...

Izanagi alone is hard to deal with!

What's more, Obito Uchiha also has the most troublesome kaleidoscope Sharingan!

"Continue talking about Madara."

Senju Bashima was more concerned about Uchiha Madara, he said softly: "That is to say, Madara knew in advance that he would lose, so he used Izanagi to escape death... Then, why did Madara control Kyuubi's attack?" Konoha?"

"For a piece of your flesh and blood."

Bai Jue Awei chuckled lightly, showing off his Mudun.

"Brother's cell! Wood Dun?"

Qianshou Feijian realized this for the first time, and quickly thought about the usefulness of the cells in the column: "It's not just Mutun, right? Brother's cells should have other uses for him, allowing him to improve the writing wheel. Eye power?"

this matter…

Qianshou Feijian has already seen it with his own eyes!

Akihara Kagura used the Hashirata cells to cultivate a group of Uchihas with double blood successors, which means that there is a certain connection between the Hashirama cells and the Sharingan blood successors!

"Good guess."

Bai Jue Awei nodded, and continued: "However, the blessing of the cells between the pillars to Master Madara's Sharingan is even more terrifying, because Master Madara's kaleidoscope Sharingan has eternal pupil power. After transplanting the cells between the pillars, Madara My lord's kaleidoscope Sharingan was finally promoted to become a reincarnation before he died, and even the blind kaleidoscope Sharingan was also promoted..."

"Samsara eyes!"

Qianshou Zhujian's expression was a little shocked, and he suddenly thought of something.

Uchiha Madara once invited him to watch the stone stele of the Uchiha clan, which is said to be left by the Sage of the Six Paths. When the power of positive and negative is combined, it can open all phenomena!

At that time, Senju Zhuma thought that it meant that Uchiha and the Senju clan would unite to bring peace to the ninja world, but he didn't expect that the stone tablet only meant it literally!

"That is to say..."

Qianshou Feijian took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "Madara wants to transplant my brother's cells and let his kaleidoscope Sharingan open the reincarnation eyes, so I started the battle of the Valley of the End with my brother. I hid in the ninja world until I opened the eyes of reincarnation..."

"That's it."

Bai Jue Awei nodded, and continued to teach the four Hokages: "However, time is fair to everyone. Even if Master Madara opens the eyes of reincarnation, he will inevitably die. For this, he needs A breeding ground for the eyes of reincarnation, and a successor who can revive him in the future..."

"That hotbed..."

Qianshou Feijian immediately wanted to destroy the Eye of Samsara.

"Skip this question."

Akihara Kagura skipped this question and continued: "Continue to talk about Uchiha Obito! What we are going to discuss now is Uchiha Obito."

"No problem, boy."

"The eyes of reincarnation are not important, because Madara-sama's Chakra is hidden inside. No one can open the true power of the eyes of reincarnation. The most important thing is a person who guides the eyes of reincarnation."

When Bai Jue Awei said this, he chuckled lightly: "Uchiha Obito is the one chosen by Madara-sama. His life is like a tragedy. He was easily used by others, and he went wrong. on the way..."


Namikaze Minato frowned.

Because Uchiha Obito is his disciple.

Bai Jue Awei smiled and talked about the story he witnessed with his own eyes: "In the Battle of Kannabi Bridge, Uchiha Obito was lucky to survive in the war, because Lord Madara rescued him, and he became a The tool chosen by Mr. Madara..."

"In order to allow him to open the kaleidoscope Sharingan and make him completely desperate for the world, Madara-sama manipulated Wuyin Village, transplanted the three tails into the body of a ninja named Nohara Lin, and planted a spell in Nohara Lin's body to prohibit Rin Nohara committed suicide..."


Namikaze Minato involuntarily widened his pupils!


Namikaze Minato thought of another of his more pitiful disciples: "At that time, Kakashi had to kill Rin?"

"Yes, that's not the purpose."

Bai Jue Awei nodded, and continued: "Master Madara's real purpose is to let Obito Uchiha witness all this with his own eyes, make him disappointed in this world full of wars, and completely become the person who inherits Master Madara's will..."


Namikaze Minato closed his eyes, recalled the mysterious masked man he saw, and felt a touch of sadness in his heart.

three students...

They all became tools of Uchiha Madara!

"Of course."

Bai Jue Awei spread his palms like Akihara Kagura, and continued: "Obito never thinks it's a mistake, he thinks it's a mistake in this world, even though Obito has been controlling Wuyin Village for four generations Mizukage guessed the truth, but still didn't think Madara-sama was wrong, and Obito still thought it was the world's fault..."

"Actually, what he said is correct, it is indeed the fault of this world..."

Akihara Kagura nodded, but changed the topic immediately after changing the topic: "But it's not good to put things like changing the world in his hands, let alone in the hands of Uchiha Madara..."

"It's in your hands, right?"

Senju glanced at Akihara Kagura.

"It's not impossible."

Akihara Kagura glanced back at the Thousand Hands.

Senshou Feima didn't want to pay attention to Akihara Kagura, and took the initiative to say: "No matter what, the most important thing now is to kill that guy named Uchiha Obito, destroy those reincarnation eyes, and prevent Uchiha Madara's resurrection..."

"But I can't participate."

Akihara Kagura rejected the proposal of Senshou Feima, and took the initiative to say: "The only thing I can provide support for you is to claim that the second generation of Naruto-sama has cracked the technique of reincarnation and allowed you to do this... I think my boss Obito Uchiha will definitely understand my helplessness."


Qianshou Feijian felt a little heavy on his back.

This bastard brat...

It's fine if you don't do anything, and let yourself be the blame?

"Don't look at me like that..."

Akihara Kagura spread out his palms and reminded them: "In this way, I can also provide you with information about Uchiha Obito..."

"When you push Obito Uchiha into a corner, maybe he will ask someone to bring Madara Uchiha's body and ask me to reincarnate Uchiha Madara with the dirty soil to help him avoid hunting?"

"Do you want resurrection spots?"

Senshouzhujian feels a little strange.

After so long, is he going to fight Madara again?

"No matter what, he will be resurrected."

Akihara Kagura shook his head. He really needed to revive Uchiha Madara, but he just needed an opportunity. He asked again: "However, don't you wonder what Uchiha Madara wants to do after all his efforts?"

"a little bit…"

Senju Bashirama nodded, the first Hokage was an honest man, and he was really curious about what his old friend Uchiha Madara wanted to do.

"Not curious, I just want to destroy his plan!"

Senshou Feijian's face is indifferent, he is not interested in Uchiha Madara, he only wants to solve Uchiha Madara's conspiracy: "Even if he is resurrected, we must kill him..."

"I agree too."

"However, before that, we need a little planning..."

"For example, choose a mastermind who knows everything, otherwise it may be exposed that Ah Wei and I have betrayed them. We are both innocent people, and we still want to live a stable life, and we don't want to get involved in the fights of old times like you. in…"


The expressions of Hokage present became weird.

They all thought of Orochimaru, who was once regarded as the mastermind behind the scenes.


The reason why people in the old days still fight...

Isn't it all because of the trouble you, a new age person, caused?

"what's the plan?"

Senshou Tobima is very rational, he is very concerned about the result of this plan: "Who is going to be the mastermind behind the scenes, a mastermind behind the scenes to contend with Madara, do you want big brother to come?"


Senshou Zhujian was still a little excited.

"Brother doesn't have this IQ."

Qianshou Feijian looked at the excited Qianshou Zhujian, and rejected his proposal with one sentence: "Other people don't seem to be suitable. Do you want me to take the blame? What plan do you need to make?"

"Can I make a plan?"

Bai Jue Awei looked at Akihara Kagura with some excitement, and after seeing Akihara Kagura nodded, he quickly said his thoughts: "Hehehehe, let me tell a story first..."

"many years ago…"

"The Battle of the Valley of the End has come to an end, and the original Hokage has passed away."

"Second Hokage discovered that Madara-sama's body was missing, and concealed the secret quietly. When he secretly investigated the Uchiha clan, he discovered Izanagi's secret..."

"In order to prevent Madara-sama from making a comeback, the second generation of Hokage Senju Tomona developed the technique of reincarnation of the dirty soil, and wanted to resurrect his brother to stop Uchiha Madara..."

"However, there was a small problem in the middle..."

"The second generation of Hokage had to sacrifice in the Ninja World War. In order to avoid future mistakes, he entrusted Danzo to conduct research on the cells between the pillars before he died, hoping to produce a character who can compete with Uchiha Madara..."


Akihara Kagura felt that this story was not good enough, so he quickly stopped Bai Ze Awei, frowned and said: "Can you make it a little normal, so that it seems that the second generation of Hokage-sama is not evil enough, and when Uchiha Madara is resurrected in the future, he will Laugh at his..."

"No need!"

Qianshou Feijian's face was full of anger.

Senshou Feima feels that he does not need evil at all, only the Uchiha clan is the most evil, such as Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito who have been hiding behind the scenes!


Namikaze Minato doesn't want to argue with them, he only cares about his upcoming mission: "We are going to besiege Obito now until Obito is forced to ask you to revive Uchiha Madara, right?"


"It's not a request, but an order."

"Fourth Hokage-sama, your disciple is not very good at being a leader. He likes to order when doing things. This is the worst leader I have ever seen..."

Akihara Kagura nodded, and then concealed his other thoughts: "Maybe he will order me to find a way to help him solve the pursuit..."

"In order to ensure that Obito will not doubt me and Ah Wei, so that we can continue to pass on his information to the four Hokage-sama, your pursuit of my boss may be from time to time because he asked me for help. Take a break..."

The second update!

There is another one tonight

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