Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 207 Wake up, Danzo-sama, you have fallen into an illusion

Shimura Danzo's brain is somewhat fragmented.

Maybe it's because of the sequelae of the limited monthly reading illusion.

If Akihara Kagura was not too young, Shimura Danzo would even have an illusion that his entire life seemed to have been manipulated by Akihara Kagura.


"He said that he would die for the old man's old age..."

"In my heart, I have been thinking of putting this old man to death..."

While talking, Danzo Shimura slowly untied the bandages on his body: "On the first day you were in front of this old man, you acted like you obeyed my old man's orders, but secretly disobeyed my old man's orders. Have you even thought about today?"

"It's impossible."

Akihara Kagura shook his head and sighed: "I also fantasized about being loyal to Danzo-sama, but it's a bit disgusting to think about it, not to mention that Danzo-sama is in Yakushidou and Yakushi Dean Nonoyu. It's so against humanity..."

"Because they have too many secrets in Konoha's hands."

Shimura Danzo shook his head and sighed: "If you can't be ruthless and use cruel means, you won't be able to achieve the goal of protecting Konoha..."

"Master Danzo."

Akihara Kagura interrupted Shimura Danzo's words, and smiled helplessly: "It's fine if we use this kind of words to deceive others. When others know that they have been deceived by you, they just smile. If they accidentally deceive themselves It's boring, everyone here is now the root of the people, there is no need to say such self-deceiving words..."


Shimura Danzo stared at Akihara Kagura bitterly.

The bastard!

Even still questioning the old man's determination to protect Konoha!

"If you really want to protect Konoha..."

Akihara Kagura saw Shimura Danzo's frightened eyes, and asked him a fatal question: "Why do you want to carry out the Konoha collapse plan with us? Danzo-sama, you should know the danger of Orochimaru better than anyone else, right? Aren't you still in collusion with him?"


Shimura Danzo was a little irrefutable!

However, the old man quickly found a chance to fight back, and said in a deep voice, "That's because the old man has always believed that those double blood-inherited ninjas are experimental products made by monkeys. old man..."

"How can you seek justice?"

Akihara Kagura pointed to the group of surviving Uchihas, and asked, "Who will help them seek justice? Go seek justice from the Second Hokage-sama?"

"Take a step back..."

"You always like to say that ninjas need self-sacrifice."

Akihara Kagura looked at Shimura Danzo with sarcasm in his eyes: "Master Danzo, why can't you sacrifice your reputation?"

"If you are willing to bear the infamy of illegally carrying out double blood-succession ninja experiments, how can I have the opportunity to instigate you and the third generation of Hokage-sama to turn against each other?"

"The most I can do is kill you and destroy your corpse..."


Shimura Danzo didn't even know what to say.


Even Shan Zhongfeng, who was standing behind Akihara Kagura, was a little speechless. He couldn't help but take a sneak peek at Akihara Kagura, and was immediately stopped by Yu Nu with his eyes.

"To put it bluntly."

Akihara Kagura stared at Shimura Danzo, who was forced to be speechless by him, and his cold voice completely pierced Danzo's thoughts: "You always think that ninjas need to sacrifice themselves, and that's because the sacrifice is made by others, as long as the sacrificed person is not yourself…"

"You evil brat!"

The corners of Shimura Danzo's eyes twitched angrily, as if he had been poked into a sore spot, and he scolded in a cold voice: "It's just that the old man brought back the Uchiha remnants hidden by Konoha, what qualifications do I have to say that the old man will not choose to sacrifice!"

While talking, Shimura Danzo suddenly tore off his collar, revealing the black spell on his chest, with a somewhat dignified look: "Don't think that this old man will be greedy for life and afraid of death, the sacrifice of this old man will only leave you At the most critical moment!"


Akihara Kagura looked at the spell on Shimura Danzo's chest and frowned.


Shimura Danzo thought of the teachings left to him by the second generation of Hokage, Senshou Kaijian, and there was a hint of determination in his eyes: "I did make a big mistake, and I always hesitate to make decisions at critical moments, but at this moment, I absolutely Won't make any more mistakes..."

Like now!

For example, now use this ultimate move to die with Akihara Kagura and the surviving Uchiha, and clean up all the existences that may harm Konoha in the dark!

The black spell on Shimura Danzo's chest suddenly activated, spraying a jet-black liquid like a shower, continuously falling on the corridor floor at the root!

This is Shimura Danzo's ultimate move, the four-element seal technique!

Once this technique is activated, all the blood in Shimura Danzo's body will be sprayed out, and the Risixiang seal spell engraved on his body in advance will expand rapidly, able to completely seal everything in the area!

This root base…

It will also completely destroy the four elephant seals in Yu Li!

Whether it is Akihara Kagura...

Or the spies behind Kagura Akihara, Aurometori and Kaze Yamanaka...

As well as the Uchiha remnants of the root base who survived the night of the genocide, these people are a threat to Konoha, and they will all be destroyed here together!

At this moment, Shimura Danzo still had a sense of mission in his heart.

The root was established by him, the root base was built by him, Akihara Kagura was brought back to Konoha by him, the origin of all this is himself...

If so...

Then let everything be destroyed here!

Everything is created by oneself to create troubles, then let these troubles be destroyed in your own hands today, and let yourself and the mistakes you created be destroyed together!

"What do you want? What is this thing?"

Akihara Kagura saw the black blood sprayed everywhere, a look of shock and anger flashed across his face, a wooden thorn appeared in his palm, and he wanted to fly towards Shimura Danzo at any time!

"Little devil, it's too late!"

Shimura Danzo looked at the doubt and anger on Akihara Kagura's face, and smiled contemptuously: "Even you haven't thought about this technique, have you? This is the Risixiang seal that I prepared for myself." , the old man has long been ready to sacrifice for Konoha..."

"Once the old man is captured or killed, in order to prevent the old man's body from falling into the hands of others and let the enemy extract the secret from the old man, the old man will activate the four-element seal and bury the old man's body in this technique. Within the formula..."

"Once this technique is started, it cannot be stopped..."

Shimura Danzo stared at Akihara Kagura in front of him, feeling that his image was extremely tall at the moment, and even looked down when he looked at Akihara Kagura: "Little devil, don't think that the old man will only hang up the words that ninjas need self-sacrifice. Speaking of words, don't question the old man's loyalty to Konoha, the old man's sacrifice must be to save Konoha's critical moment..."

"right here…"

"This old man wants to use his own life..."

"Kill all the dangers hidden in Konoha!"

When Danzo Shimura spoke at the end, there was a touch of madness in his eyes, and in the depths of this madness, there was actually some calmness in the face of death.


"I don't know what's going on with the monkey..."

"Will that pedantic idiot of the monkey still be alive at this time? Is the old man sacrificed for Konoha first, or will the monkey sacrifice to protect Konoha first..."

this moment…

Shimura Danzo actually thought of his old friend Sarutobi Hiruzane.

The fetters of the ninja world are always so strange, Shimura Danzo still thinks of Sarutobi Hiruzen at this critical moment of death.

Shimura Danzo clearly knows all the actions of Konoha's collapse plan, and knows that Sarutobi Hiruzen should be facing Orochimaru and the two former Hokage's reincarnation of the dirty soil at this time, and he should die at any time...

The two of them...

Will it be sacrificed at the same time?

If this is the case, it seems to be a kind of fate.

Because they have been together since they were young, spent their whole lives together, and finally sacrificed to protect Konoha, this is the bond that monkeys often talk about, right?

Just when Shimura Danzo was still a little divergent in thinking, Akihara Kagura's voice appeared in Shimura Danzo's ears, and the voice appeared extremely ear-piercing.

"Wake up..."

"Danzo-sama, you have fallen into an illusion."


Shimura Danzo's expression changed.

Because I seem to have really been under an illusion.

Shimura Danzo always thought that he had released the Risixiang sealing technique, and directly sealed Akihara Kagura and a group of Uchiha remnants for the sacrifice of Konoha...

did not expect…

I actually fell into an illusion!

It's even an ordinary Sharingan hypnotic illusion!

"Sharing eyes?"

Shimura Danzo immediately raised his fingers to release the illusion, his clothes were still on his body well, as if nothing had happened, which made Shimura Danzo's heart sink.


Shimura Danzo stroked his chest in disbelief.

When exactly was the magic spell applied to him!

However, it is possible at any time, because there are all Uchihas present, and this group of Uchihas all have Sharingan, and they may have cast illusions on themselves at a certain moment.

Is it because I don't have Sharingan, or because I consume too much Chakra in my body, is this illusion difficult to resist?

"Just when I opened Sharingan..."

Akihara Kagura looked at Shimura Danzo, and seemed to look at Shimura Danzo innocently: "Danzo-sama, you insisted on looking at my Sharingan when you were talking, even several times, I thought you couldn't accept it Reality, so I cast an illusion on you..."

"I don't understand..."

"Why did you keep mumbling about what you would sacrifice during the time of the illusion, Danzo-sama, how would you sacrifice?"

"You bastard!"

Danzo Shimura tore off his collar!

This time, Danzo Shimura made sure that he had left the illusion and did not hit any illusion. He wanted to cast the four-element seal here immediately!

next moment!

Shimura Danzo's body began to spray black blood!

On Shimura Danzo's chest, the spell of Risixiang's seal rose faintly!

However, Akihara Kagura appeared next to Shimura Danzo in an instant, and quickly made seals with his fingers, touching several acupuncture points on Shimura Danzo's chest!

Shimura Danzo's blood immediately stopped spraying outwards!

The old man looked at Akihara Kagura in astonishment, widened his pupils, and shouted angrily, "Once the Lisixiang seal is activated, it will never stop..."


Akihara Kagura stretched out his palm, and a root ninja rushed over quickly, sending a sharp ninja knife in Akihara Kagura's hand.

Akihara Kagura pulled out the ninja sword, Chakra instantly attached to the ninja sword, swung the ninja sword and quickly slashed twice, leaving a cross on Shimura Danzo's chest, and even pierced Danzo's chest All the flesh and blood were cut open, but no blood flowed out!

Akihara Kagura let go of the ninja sword in his hand, made two handprints quickly in his hand, raised his hand and patted Shimura Danzo's chest, and he slapped again without stopping!

"Sixiang Bagua seal!"

With the two Sixiang sealing spells in Akihara Kagura's hands falling on Shimura Danzo's body, the Sixiang sealing spells in Li Sixiang were instantly destroyed!


Shimura Danzo's previously engraved Risixiang seal spell disappeared without a trace, and the cross wound slashed by the ninja knife immediately gurgled red blood!

Shimura Danzo leaned back against the wall, beating his chest frantically, hoping that his ultimate move would take effect immediately.

However, the spells had disappeared without a trace, and Shimura Danzo beat his chest hard, which only made the cross wound on his chest worse, making him almost unable to restrain his pain.

"Master Danzo."

Akihara Kagura patted his palm, as if doing an insignificant thing: "Any kind of spell has its own way to break it, even forbidden spells..."

Because he has the characteristic of "Forbidden Art Master", Akihara Kagura can calmly solve the troubles caused by the four elephant seals, and completely destroy Shimura Danzo's hope.

"Oh, right."

Akihara Kagura looked at the cross knife on Shimura Danzo's chest, and said proactively: "Those two knives are not the way to break it, I just want to see whether the blood that flows out after breaking the seal of Risixiang is red or black of…"


The hatred in Shimura Danzo's eyes almost overflowed.

"I didn't expect your blood to be red too..."

Akihara Kagura beckoned, and ordered casually: "Go and call Dou, and help Danzo-sama stop the bleeding, so that he won't lose too much blood and die..."

"Akihara Kagura, kill this old man quickly!"

Shimura Danzo stared at Akihara Kagura, he just wanted to be killed immediately, so he didn't want to suffer any more humiliation and torture!

"You should learn from Oshemaru-sama..."

Akihara Kagura glanced at Shimura Danzo, shook his head and continued: "Forget it, after all, you were my boss, so I'll help you one last time..."

"Go and prepare a cell from the first Hokage."

"I'm ready to transplant Lord Danzo at any time, just sprinkle the first-generation cells on the wound I cut. I will use Lord Danzo as a sacrifice to resurrect the third generation of Hokage-sama."


Done today!

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