Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 206 Danzo-sama, I just want to give you a retirement pension!

The bastard!

Shimura Danzo felt the anger in his chest keep rising!

The old man always believed that Hiruzaru Sarutobi had framed him for being forced to defect and leave Konoha, but he didn't expect it to be a good deed by that bastard Akihara Kagura!

"It's you…"

Danzo Shimura could no longer regain his composure and rationality, and looked at Akihara Kagura with a gloomy face: "This old man became a traitor, it's all because of you..."


Akihara Kagura nodded, did not deny what he had done, sighed and said: "It is actually quite troublesome to do this, in order to let Danzo-sama leave Konoha and enjoy the happiness outside , I used a lot of people..."

"Not only do we have to find a way to frame you in front of Hokage-sama, but we also have to plant Hokage-sama in front of you. The most troublesome thing is to avoid causing other people to notice..."


The blood vessels on Shimura Danzo's forehead burst with anger!

"Do not be angry."

Akihara Kagura quickly persuaded the old man who was nearly seventy years old, for fear that the old man would die of anger on the spot: "I am also thinking about Danzo-sama..."

Shimura Danzo gritted his teeth and looked at Akihara Kagura, wanting to bite Akihara Kagura to death on the spot: "Is it also for my sake that I framed and forced this old man to defect?"


Akihara Kagura pointed to a group of Uchihas, and continued: "When this group of people was cornered, they didn't even have a chance to defect..."

"Uchiha was originally an uneasy factor in the village..."

Shimura Danzo's eyes narrowed slightly, and he did not hide his hatred for Uchiha: "They want to set off a coup in Konoha, and they should have been dealt with..."

"It was forced by you high-level people!"

An old man from Uchiha stepped forward. He is very old and has experienced many things: "We turned our back on Madara-sama and chose to stay in Konoha. Unexpectedly, Konoha's high-level officials tried their best to clean up Uchiha. Wave…"

"The Uchiha clan is inherently evil..."

Shimura Danzo's opening is just an old rhetoric.

"well enough?"

Akihara Kagura glanced at a group of Uchihas, and seemed very curious about Shimura Danzo's words: "They have been quite obedient in the past few years at the root, let them do whatever they want, even let them frame you, everyone is fine Opinion…"

Not only did they have no opinion, they were even enthusiastic.

The Uchiha clan has long hated the high-level Konoha, especially after they learned from Shisui that Danzo Shimura and Itachi Uchiha killed the entire Uchiha clan!


It is also true that these Uchihas are obedient.

Maybe it's because of Shisui's leadership, maybe it's because they recognize Akihara Kagura's Sharingan, maybe they've been homeless for a long time and have nowhere to go, maybe there's no hope for other places, only here can live, these Uchi Bo is fine.

Shimura Danzo ignored the old man of the Uchiha clan, and looked at Akihara Kagura with contempt on his face: "The Uchiha clan is evil by nature, and sooner or later a dangerous person like Uchiha Madara will be born, Kagura, sooner or later you will regrettable…"

"Now I am the root leader."

Akihara Kagura spread out his palms, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes also showed a conspicuous scarlet: "Master Danzo, is there a possibility that I am the one who looks like Madara Uchiha?" Dangerous person..."

"Akihara Kagura!"

Shimura Danzo looked at Akihara Kagura in disbelief!

all the time...

Akihara Kagura has never shown his Sharingan!

this moment…

The old man realized something even more terrifying!

Akihara Kagura never showed his Sharingan, this guy also has Uchiha genes in him, this guy hides more things than he imagined!

Shimura Danzo was even more horrified that what Akihara Kagura said was true, because he was really the dangerous person like Uchiha Madara, even more dangerous than Uchiha Madara. Lunyan Xueji still has the power of the first Hokage!

the scariest...

It's still Akihara Kagura's scheming!

How on earth is this guy so patient that he won't be able to use his Sharingan!

"It's really...unexpected for the old man..."

Shimura Danzo rolled his fingers into his palm little by little, staring at Akihara Kagura's scarlet eyes: "I never realized that you have Uchiha's blood on your body... Orochimaru didn't even notice this something?"


After Akihara Kagura nodded, he shook his head with a light smile and said, "However, Danzo-sama, I actually used Sharingan in front of you."


Shimura Danzo frowned and thought about it.


Haven't found out yet? This is impossible, I am very sensitive to Sharingan, there is no way I didn't notice it!


Shimura Danzo's brows were tightened, and he couldn't remember anyway: "Could it be that when you were using Sharingan, you cast an illusion on the old man..."


Akihara Kagura nodded, his eyes gradually turned into a pair of strange kaleidoscope writing sharing eyes, and asked with a chuckle: "If there is no accident, it should be the scariest illusion that Danzo-sama has ever experienced in his life, right? I don’t know if Danzo-sama still has any impressions?”

"At that time... it was you!"

Shimura Danzo looked at Akihara Kagura and suddenly remembered!

At that time, I had just ambushed good people and used Izanagi to snatch Uchiha Shisui's kaleidoscope Sharingan. As a result, I got a terrible illusion and lost that eye in that illusion world!

that time…

Shimura Danzo thought it was Uchiha Obito...

Unexpectedly, at that time, it was Akihara Kagami's hand!

"Isn't it comfortable living in that illusion world?"

Akihara Kagura spread out his palms, and asked with a smile, "I am an illusion world carefully prepared for you..."


Shimura Danzo thought of his life of being constantly entrapped in the illusion world, and wished he could eat Akihara Kagura immediately: "How many things did you hide from the old man? It was the old man who brought you into Konoha..."

"And then the first thing is to erase my name."

There was a hint of sarcasm on the corner of Akihara Kagura's mouth, and he didn't care about Shimura Danzo's anger: "It's just that you want to use me as a tool. When you brought me into Konoha on the first day, I already thought about what to do. off the roots..."

"So when you taught me how to learn the wood escape, I immediately released a birth of the tree world that could alarm the third Hokage-sama, and attracted the attention of the third-generation Hokage-sama, because I know that the third-generation Hokage-sama will definitely not allow it to be out of his control." the power of…"


Shimura Danzo's angry eyes were bloodshot!

"Everything is just as I expected. I was transferred to the Anbu by the third Hokage-sama, and I have escaped from your control, but I have not escaped the danger brought by you..."

Akihara Kagura looked at Shimura Danzo's bloodshot eyes, and continued: "In order to be able to get out of your control, while showing my value in front of the third Hokage-sama, I provoke the conflict between you and the third-generation Hokage-sama..."

"Because you all want to use me as a sharp weapon..."

"However, people will always have a greedy heart. It is enough to hold a sharp weapon in your own hands, and you can't give it to others to use. Therefore, the third Hokage-sama will naturally try his best to get me out of your control over me ..."

Akihara Kagura looked at Shimura Danzo, and continued: "As long as I show a little bit that you still have hope of controlling me, the third Hokage-sama will never let you approach me, so as to prevent my unique weapon from being destroyed You're contaminated with..."

"For example, I like to show it in front of Hatake Kakashi. I want to hand over the third generation of Tukage and the fourth generation of Mizukage to you, but let Hatake Kakashi go to the Hokage Building to report first..."

"But Hatake Kakashi and the Third Hokage-sama didn't understand at all. I always deliberately avoided the roots that might detect my route, so that the Third Hokage always received the information first, and came to meet with the shadows of other ninja villages. ..."

"Three generations of Hokage-sama will never understand that I will never be tainted and controlled by you, I just need him to think that I will be tainted by you..."


Shimura Danzo probably understood at this time, why for a while, Sarutobi Hiruza prohibited him from contacting Akihara Kagura...

that time…

Hiruzaru Sarutobi really didn't want to let himself control Akihara Kagura anymore, and even assigned himself a task of monitoring Uchiha, letting him temporarily let Akihara Kagura go!

The origin of it all...

It turned out that the bastard Akihara Kagura was in the middle of it!

"Everything went smoothly after that."

Akihara Kagura looked at Danzo with a smile, and continued: "In order to make the third Hokage-sama think that my strength is very important to Konoha, I revealed the identity of Obito Uchiha and captured the fourth-generation Mizukage and the third-generation Hokage with my own hands. Tsuchikage, let Hokage-sama understand one thing, my strength is very strong, and I must not be easily sacrificed, and it will be very troublesome to kill me..."


"The threat of the Uchiha clan is getting bigger and bigger..."

"In order to have more power to suppress Uchiha, the third Hokage-sama will continue to increase my power, and choose to drink poison to quench my thirst...Of course, I don't behave like poison, and I always behave as dangerous but safe."

"My danger is to my enemy."

"My safety is with my friends."

"I let the three generations of Naruto-sama understand that I am the guarantee of Konoha's peace and security. My appearance allows Konoha's high-level officials to solve the crisis of the Uchiha coup with ease."

"But monkeys don't know, you are the biggest crisis..."

Shimura Danzo narrowed his eyes, looked at the group of surviving Uchihas, and said in a deep voice: "The old man is very curious, what method did you use to save them on the night of the genocide, and let them People thought they were all dead..."

"Uchiha Itachi."

When Akihara Kagura mentioned this name, all the Uchihas present were obviously a little angry. They hated that traitor of the same race more than they hated the high-level Konoha!

"Uchiha Itachi controls the fourth generation of Mizukage Kutachi Yakura who left Konoha."

Akihara Kagura did not shy away from his previous plan: "Uchiha Itachi will not understand that the reason he can get Sanwei is the information I delivered..."

"I guess that Uchiha Itachi didn't have enough time to search when he wanted to kill his fellow clansmen. He would definitely use Tailed Beast Jade to clean up Uchiha's clan. It just happened to cover me and save these survivors, and it would also make people I thought they were all buried under the Tailed Beast Jade..."


"Even if Uchiha Itachi didn't control the three tails to release the Tailed Beast Jade, it doesn't matter."

Akihara Kagura has always had a backup for his plan, and he continued slowly: "I will destroy the Uchiha's clan with my true thousand hands, and completely cover up the traces of their disappearance..."


"That night, you also lost your power."

When Akihara Kagura said this, he looked at Shimura Danzo with some regrets in his eyes: "It just so happened that the news sent by Kirigakure Village gave me an opportunity, and I finally had the opportunity to frame you, so I kicked you out For those ninjas who are loyal to you..."

"So you let the old man take those people away..."

Shimura Danzo stared at Akihara Kagura, he was fooled at that time!

At that time, although they got a lot of manpower, they lost the opportunity to completely monitor Akihara Kagura, and let this group of surviving Uchiha complete the vacating and changing birds, completely occupying the roots!


"They're too loyal to you."

"It just so happens that you are short of manpower, so I might as well give you all of them."

Akihara Kagura did not deny it, and continued: "Even if you don't want it, I will find a way to pack it and send it to Anbu, lest they interfere with my plan."

"As a result, you took the initiative to be fooled."

Akihara Kagura smiled, and seemed very satisfied with Shimura Danzo's performance at the time: "I even took away the two spies I planted beside you..."


Shimura Danzo's eyes flashed, and he looked at Younv Qugen and Shan Zhongfeng beside him: "Takegen, Feng, you two..."

"They are my personal guards..."

Akihara Kagura spread out her hands, motioning for Younv Togen and Shan Zhongfeng to come to her side: "What do you mean by personal guards, I reminded Danzo-sama on purpose, Danzo-sama should understand it all too well, right? "

"Master Kagura."

Yume Togen immediately stood behind Akihara Kagura.

"Master Kagura."

Shan Zhongfeng followed You Nu Qu Gen.

Akihara Kagura looked at the two returned spies, and then at Danzo Shimura, who was like a loner: "Master Danzo became a traitor, and you two have contributed a lot."

"You... dare to betray me!"

"They were never loyal to you."

Akihara Kagura chuckled, and continued: "When you were still in the Land of Rain, when I sent someone to pretend to be the third-generation Hokage-sama's subordinates to clean up your staff, I specially left them two, just hoping that they would influence your turn…"

"So that's how it is..."

Shimura Danzo may have been extremely desperate, his eyes were as silent as ashes: "It's really hard for you to secretly control the old man's life for so many years..."

"Not too long."

Akihara Kagura didn't seem particularly proud, counted it carefully before saying: "I'm only seventeen years old this year, and Danzo-sama is almost seventy years old this year. When I saw you for the first time, I thought about it." How to take care of your old age..."

The second update!

There is one more!

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