Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 208 Monkey, let us clean you up!

Akihara Kagura handled it well.

Except for Shimura Danzo himself, everyone else present had no opinion.

"You want to resurrect the monkey?"

Shimura Danzo stared angrily, even ignoring the wound on his body, he remembered the forbidden technique mastered by Orochimaru: "I want this old man to be a sacrifice for the resurrection of the monkey!"

Shimura Danzo couldn't accept it in his heart!

When this bastard kills him, is he going to drain all his value!

"Just treat it as a sacrifice for Konoha!"

Akihara Kagura glanced at Shimura Danzo, and seemed to feel that the old man was making a fuss: "It would be too wasteful to let the soul of the third Hokage-sama stay in the underworld..."

Akihara Kagura chuckled, followed Shimura Danzo's meaning and added in response: "Let the three generations of Hokage-sama even after his death, his power can still protect Konoha, since all this is for Konoha, Danzo It doesn't matter if the adults sacrifice a bit, right?"


"Have you always liked to say that?"

Akihara Kagura squatted beside Shimura Danzo, and continued with a smile: "I am the second-generation leader of Genbu, and it is only natural to follow your will. For Konoha, Genbu never cared about sacrificing others. Now It's the turn of the root leader of the previous generation to sacrifice..."


Shimura Danzo gritted his teeth bitterly.

This is not sacrificed for Konoha, this bastard wants to control Sarutobi Hiruzen and use the power of Sarutobi Hiruzen that Hokage!


What's up with the monkey now?

The bastard Akihara Kagura is ready to use the technique of reincarnation to resurrect the monkey. So, is the monkey still alive at this time?


At this time, Hiruzaru Sarutobi was still alive.

Konoha Village.

The examination room of the third Chunin Exam.

Standing on the high platform, Hiruzaru Sarutobi had just delivered a speech on the end of the joint Chunin exam, and invited the Fourth Kazekage Rasa who was next to him to also say a few words.

"Lord Fengying."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi invited Luo Sha to stand by his side, smiled lightly and said, "Say a few words for a while, encourage these children, shall we?"


Fourth Kazekage Rasa nodded, and walked to Sarutobi Hiruzen, with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, his voice suddenly became cold: "The foreplay is over, now I Announcing that Konoha's collapse plan has officially begun!"

"The action begins!"

"The action begins!"

The ninjas of Hidden Sand Village who were present at the scene immediately took action, and suddenly a riot broke out in the examination room, and each of them found the opponent they had set in advance!

In addition, there are also arrangements in the auditorium. A few Otogakure ninjas took the opportunity to perform illusions in the crowd, and many people fell into the illusion one after another!

The Kaguya Clan of Caoyin Village immediately tore off their cover, and besieged several powerful Konoha Shinobi!


These people have long been prepared!

Hatake Kakashi looked at a group of ninjas from the Kaguya clan rushing towards him in astonishment, waved a kunai to block a bone spur, and his eyes twitched.

"Why is there another wave..."


Maitekai kicked an enemy away and landed beside Hatake Kakashi: "What should we do now?"

"Get rid of them first!"

Hatake Kakashi could only charge up waving Kunai, and said softly: "It's best to send someone to inform Akihara Kagura immediately, tell him what happened here, and let him rush over to support..."

"Where is Hokage-sama?"

"Take care of these people first..."

Hatake Kakashi looked at the Taketori clan who rushed towards them frantically, and sighed: "This time the battle is bigger than the riot just now..."

While Hatake Kakashi and Maitekai were protecting the audience, four figures jumped up from the auditorium and rushed towards the high platform!

On the high platform.

Four figures landed around the high platform, revealing their true colors.

These people are the Otogakure four that Orochimaru has been keeping up with. They are all strange-looking children. Their palms joined together to form a purple barrier, and together they formed a purple barrier, killing Sarutobi Hiruza and Sidai Kaze. Ying Luosha is surrounded inside!

"Ninja Four Purple Flame Formation!"

The strength of these four people is obviously not enough. The Four Purple Flame Formation is far inferior to the four red sun formation enchantment released by Akihara Kagura, but it is far from being able to be solved by ordinary people.


The enchantment of the four purple flames can also protect the caster.

"Lord Fengying."

The third Hokage Hiruza Sarutobi looked at the fourth Kazekage Rasa, and felt that there was something wrong with this Kazekage's brain: "What are you doing?"

What happened to Kazekage in Hidden Sand Village?

Didn't this guy just see what happened to Kirigakure Ninja?

Even if Akihara Kagura is not in this examination room, once he hears the news, he can come back quickly. What is the point of the riot against Konoha in Sand Hidden Village at this time?

Even if Akihara Kagura couldn't arrive in time, the group of Konoha ninjas present couldn't be handled by the sand hidden ninjas present, right?


The key is.

What is this Fourth Wind Shadow Luo Sha doing, enclosing himself and him in the Four Purple Flame Formation enchantment, and wanting him to have another duel?

"Just follow the plan."

Fourth Kazekage Luosha took out a kunai, smiled and said, "No one should disturb the battle between us now..."

"It's really troublesome..."

The third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen really felt a bit of a headache, because his physical strength and chakra were consumed a lot when fighting Shimura Danzo.

"that is because…"

"You made all the trouble..."

Fourth Kazekage Luo Sha slowly took off his bamboo hat, and tore off the human skin mask on his face, revealing a strange and stern face.

It is Orochimaru.

Orochimaru is actually pretty good.

Whether it's himself or Shimura Danzo, these two troubles were created by Sarutobi Hiruzen himself, but he didn't solve them.

Orochimaru lifted up Kunai and scratched his palm, and said with a smile, "I also want to ask... I didn't expect you didn't recognize me, teacher."


Hiruzaru Sarutobi stared at Orochimaru's face, and his voice became a bit gloomy and hoarse: "Since Danzo came out, I have been thinking about where you are hiding, but I didn't expect you to use this to hide like Danzo. way back to Konoha…”

This kind of thing is really unexpected.

Now that I think about it, it makes sense.

Shimura Danzo pretended to be the elder Yuanshi of Wuyin Village, and Orochimaru pretended to be the Fourth Kazekage Rasa, and borrowed their identities to infiltrate Konoha during the Chunin exam, and also got close to him, Hokage.


Orochimaru stretched out his tongue and licked his lips, then smiled lightly: "How else can I get close to you? It's not easy to kill you. After all, besides Anbu, there are the most troublesome people around you." Akihara Kagura..."

"There is no way."

"I can only use this method to let Danzo attract your attention first, let Kirigakure's group of idiots attract your Anbu, and move the Shadow Guard and Anbu away from your side..."

"at this time…"

"The strongest Akihara Kagura in the village will definitely appear by your side as soon as possible in order to protect you. Danzo will voluntarily surrender and be captured by you during the battle..."

"And you have always been hypocritical and weak, whether it is to get my information from Danzo, or for the so-called fetters, it is impossible to kill Danzo..."

"However, this is a chunin exam where many ninja villages are present. You don't want the situation to continue to expand. If the Kazekage next to you sees a joke, you will want to end the chaos caused by Danzo and Kirigakure ninja as soon as possible. Danzo will be imprisoned first to quell the rioting situation..."

"But your Anbu and Shadow Guards have been transferred away. When there is no one around you, the nearest Akihara Kagura must be the fastest person to escort Danzo, because he happens to be the leader of the root, used to guard Danzo couldn’t be more suitable…”

Orochimaru looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen, with a smug smile on his face: "Everything is in my plan, now that Akihara Kagura has left here, Danzo is confident that Kagura will stand on his side It won't appear, I just need to kill you here..."


Hiruzaru Sarutobi's mood suddenly became heavy.

Because everything Orochimaru said was in line with his thoughts, and even their every move was within Orochimaru's expectations, the defected disciple of Orochimaru turned out to be even more scheming!

The most troublesome thing is!

I gave Danzo and Akihara Kagura a chance to get in touch!

For a long time, Sarutobi Hiruzen was afraid that Akihara Kagura would contact Shimura Danzo again and become a tool in Danzo's hands, but he didn't count it to this level!

In order to calm down the situation as soon as possible, Hiruzaru Sarutobi had to choose Akihara Kagura to escort Shimura Danzo, and let Shimura Danzo take this opportunity to seduce Akihara Kagura...

This is really troublesome...

Their real plan turned out to be to use Shimura Danzo and Akihara Kagura's former relationship, let Shimura Danzo and Akihara Kagura contact in private, and instigated the strongest combat power of Konoha! this time...

Shimura Danzo is deceiving Akihara Kagura and making Akihara Kagura his tool. Once this happens, that is the real danger of Konoha!

No one can deal with Akihara Kagura's crisis unless some life-changing forbidden techniques are used, but those forbidden techniques can only be used by oneself!

"You really have big plans..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen closed his palms and stared at Orochimaru coldly: "However, you have not forgotten, this will also be my chance to make up for my past mistakes. This time, I will definitely kill you first..."

"It's not necessarily..."

Orochimaru chuckled, opened his mouth suddenly, and a long snake flew out of his mouth, biting directly at Hiruzaru Sarutobi's neck!

The speed of the long snake was extremely fast, and it instantly bit Hiruzaru Sarutobi's neck, but in an instant, Hiruzaru Sarutobi's body turned into a ball of mud!

"Soil substitute?"

Orochimaru's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the surrounding environment, trying to find out the location of his teacher. This four purple flame formation barrier is not too big, and there is not much hiding place at all...

"Earth Dungeon, Earth Flow Great River!"

A muddy river suddenly swept in!

Orochimaru's body was involuntarily swept away by the mudslide!

"Earth Dungeon Earth Dragon Bullet!"

Standing beside the muddy river, Hiruzaru Sarutobi used the opportunity to perform the technique of Earth Dragon Bullet. A black-brown clay faucet floated beside him, flying towards Orochimaru continuously and shooting clay bullets one after another. The technique of Earth Dragon Bullet The fire rate is extremely fast!

"Fire Escape·Fire Dragon Bullet!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi joined hands again to form a mudra, a flame instantly wrapped the fired clay bombs one after another, and the flame bomb instantly hit Orochimaru's body!

This is Sarutobi Hirazan's compound ninjutsu, Earth Dragon Enryu!

Through the combination of the extremely fast technique method and the attribute escape technique, two spells with different attributes can be combined together, and the advantages of each other can be used to make up for the shortcomings between the two spells with different attributes.

After the end of the earth dragon fire flow, Orochimaru's body slowly got down from the ground, and smiled and mocked: "Fortunately, it is your compound ninjutsu! If it is the compound ninjutsu of Kagura, maybe I Now I'm thinking about escaping..."

Orochimaru has personally witnessed Akihara Kagura's use of compound ninja techniques, and directly released the combined spells. The speed and power are astonishingly terrifying!

"Teacher, you have already been surpassed by others..."

Orochimaru spread out his palm, and the corner of his mouth was a bit disdainful: "It's almost time to stop doing such childish tricks, it's time to use some real tricks, lest you, the teacher, think that I'm ignorant... "

"It's really underestimated..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed helplessly, and took off his Hokage Yushen robe and Hokage hat, revealing a lean battle uniform.

Ever since he learned about Orochimaru, Sarutobi Hiruzen has been preparing to fight, because he guessed that Orochimaru would come to trouble him, and even Sarutobi Hiruzen had expected that Akihara Kagura might be killed Transfer away from here or get stalked.


It may be the day of self-sacrifice.

Sarutobi Hiruzen knew all of this in his heart.

"Ninjutsu, psychic technique!"

Orochimaru quickly closed his fingers, quickly formed a psychic handprint, and looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen arrogantly: "Teacher, today is your death day!"

As Orochimaru raised his palm, two coffins appeared in front of him, and he didn't need a third coffin, because two people were enough!


Two coffin boards fell down!

The figures of the first Hokage Senju Hashirama and the second Hokage Senju Tomona slowly came out of the coffin, and slowly stood in front of Orochimaru.


Sarutobi Hiruzani's pupils dilated involuntarily.

Even if he had known for a long time that Orochimaru Unhokage reincarnated and resurrected the two former Hokages, seeing them with his own eyes at this time, he couldn't help but feel a little sad and sentimental.


Looking at Hiruzaru Sarutobi, Senju opened the door and said first: "It seems that what they said is true, you are already so old, and you are still serving as Hokage..."


Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded slowly.

"That's it..."

Senshou Banma also nodded slowly, and rushed towards Hiruzaru Sarutobi quickly: "I see, then let us clean you up here!"

The first update!

It's time for a new fun!

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