"The west facade is decorated."

. . . . . .

"The layout of the southwest side is complete."

"start up!"

Listening to the sound coming from the headset, the eight titled envoys with equipment directly activated the equipment on the side.

After the device was started, all surrounding signals were blocked, and a lot of abnormal movements occurred below.

"The attack begins!"

After hearing the orders coming from the headsets, the eight title-level envoys did not return to where they were. Instead, they summoned their own beasts and launched an attack at this place from the air.

Turtle, Netherworld, Snake, and Fierce Eagle began to attack, while Lin Qianyu rode on the dragon and directed them to attack.

This is not only true for Lin Qianyu, but also for the eight title-level envoys who arranged the equipment. Their mission is not only to attack, but also to protect these eight devices. If one of the devices is destroyed, the signal will be blocked. If it loses any effect, then the matter will be serious.

Moreover, the members of the action team on the ground also jumped into the air at the moment the equipment was activated, divided into three teams, and guarded the three exits in and out of the rift valley to prevent people from the Tiansheng Sect from escaping.

Moreover, several master-level envoys were also assigned to guard the positions of the three tribes to prevent them from running out.

As for the subsequent treatment of these three tribes, everyone did not reach an agreement. After all, some people wanted to slaughter them, and some people wanted to imprison them. However, slaughtering them was against humanitarianism and imprisoning them. There aren't that many people.

But in the end, those who slaughtered this group gained the upper hand.

Because, among the hypnotized tribe, a lot of clothes and luggage that did not belong to the tribe were found, and next to these things, there was a pile of bones, which seemed to clearly belong to humans.

Seeing this scene, no one will think that this tribe is innocent anymore. After all, even if they are innocent, they have no choice in their final fate for this action.

After all, since I have chosen to take action this time, I don't want to leave anyone alive, kill them, and collect information. This is the purpose of this operation that spans half the world.

While Lin Qianyu was guarding the equipment, loud rumbling sounds were heard from some construction facilities in the rift valley.

Smoke and dust were everywhere, sand and gravel were flying, and the earth seemed to be shaken.

This kind of movement cannot be stopped, but here, in one of the most dangerous and war-torn countries in Africa, wars are fought every day, so people nearby are gradually getting used to this movement.

It didn't cause any commotion, but the two tribes that were not hypnotized started to riot.

After all, they were also located in the Rift Valley, and they could clearly feel the vibrations coming from the center of the Rift Valley, as well as the faint sounds of fighting, which made the people of these two tribes feel that something was wrong.

When the communication equipment failed, the people of the two tribes became even more panicked and fled in all directions. However, before they could escape from the rift valley, they were stopped by the master-level envoys guarding nearby.

Seeing someone blocking them, this group of tribesmen did not turn around and run away, but summoned their own beasts to fight. There were many beasts, but their strength was too poor.

Under the release of the pressure of this group of master-level beasts from the legendary realm, this group of low-strength beasts were directly suppressed and crawled to the ground, not even daring to move.

Moreover, after being suppressed by coercion, the master-level messenger who was guarding the nearby chose to slaughter the group of beasts. It was not surprising that the scene was filled with blood.

Faced with such a scene, many tribesmen hugged each other and shivered, but there were also many tribesmen who took weapons to attack this group of master-level messengers and their beasts. .

The sound of gunfire rang out, but the damage suffered by this group of master-level charioteers and their charioteers was approximately zero.

Moreover, this kind of behavior is almost the same as an egg hitting a stone, or it is exactly the same, and the outcome is naturally impossible to change.

The blood spattered around again, adding a trace of their efforts to the blood-red color on the ground.

Seeing this scene, some tribesmen did not dare to do anything, and hugged together again. However, some tribesmen were stimulated and directly took up their weapons again and launched an attack.

And the result is naturally self-evident, without any change.

Facing this scene, many master-level emissaries' faces were filled with unbearable expressions, but most of them were replaced by perseverance.

After all, many of their comrades, friends, and even brothers have died at the hands of this group of wanted criminals organized by the Tiansheng Sect, and this group of tribesmen are working for them, so they are on the same side as them. At this time , Pity is the most useless thing. After all, sometimes, unnecessary pity will bring about the death of themselves and the people around them. After receiving this order, they have already He put away his compassion.

However, they did not kill them all. After this group of tribesmen did not launch an attack, they also stopped and let their beasts watch them. In the end, it still took three myth-level warriors to decide, for the rest How to deal with tribal people.

The center of the battlefield.

Three mythical emissaries led hundreds of master-level emissaries and titled emissaries to launch an attack on the headquarters base of the Tiansheng Sect.

They summoned all their beasts, and except for the beasts they rode, all the rest were thrown into the battlefield.

The roars of the beasts, the desperate roars of humans, the bombardment and explosions of guns and cannons, and the explosions caused by the collision of spiritual energy have become the main theme here.

The scattered smoke, splashing sand and gravel, splattered blood, and fallen broken arms have turned this originally tidy area into a hell on earth.

Facing the attack of the action team, the members of the Tiansheng Organization naturally did not sit still and wait for death. Countless beasts were summoned and rushed to the battlefield ahead, trying to use their flesh and blood to delay time for this battle against the Tiansheng Sect, or even win.

However, all this was in vain.

Now the gap in strength level can no longer be made up by quantity.

Even though the beasts of this group of Tianshengjiao members rushed to the battlefield with the order to self-destruct, I was already smashed into pieces by countless long-range attack skills before I arrived at the battlefield and before I walked to the beasts of this group of master-level and title-level beasts.

If this scene was on the side of justice, there would be a sense of tragedy in it, but unfortunately, this is the evil side, which will be defeated by the side of justice, so naturally there is no sense of tragedy in it.

As the attack continued, the beasts of the action group gradually moved towards the center. It can be said that the battle here has been extremely smooth. Among them, the beasts of the three mythical beasts played an indelible role. Each of their mythical beasts was the kind that could defeat a thousand on this battlefield.

Although it is a little exaggerated, it also highlights the powerful strength of the mythical beasts!

At this time.

In a huge underground laboratory under the headquarters of the Tianshengjiao organization.

A figure wrapped in a black robe felt the violent aura around him and the huge vibration of the explosion, which made him feel extremely manic.

Because he knew that this place, which was regarded as a holy place by the members of the Tiansheng Sect, would be razed to the ground soon, and he himself might, oh no, die here and be buried with this base.

"Sad! Lamentable! Ridiculous! In the end, it's all in vain! Hahahahahahahaha!"

And the words spoken by the figure wrapped in a black robe were actually in Mandarin. Fortunately, no one heard it. If they were not allowed to go, they would probably be shocked.

This organization that was hated by everyone in the country, the leader of which was actually a Chinese, was unexpected. ŴŴŴ.WenXueMi.Cc

After a crazy laugh, the figure wrapped in a black robe also stepped out of the underground laboratory and walked towards the stairs. Since he was going to die, it would be great to drag someone to die before he died. I just don't know which unlucky guy he will drag down?


Boom~ Boom~ Boom~

In the battlefield, the ground suddenly exploded, and circles of blood-yellow sand and dust waves spread towards the explosion site.

Above the explosion site, the first few beasts were directly hit by this powerful explosion and flew backwards, rolling a long distance, the Shenzheng Bridge, and also affected many beasts behind them. These beasts had huge wounds on their bodies. If they were not strong enough, they would have lost their lives under this explosion.

"The attack fluctuations of the mythical beast!"

The three mythical beast masters frowned.

Things seemed to have changed. It was a bit wrong for a mythical beast master to appear at the headquarters of the Tiansheng Sect.

At this time.

The Emperor Dragon Crocodile on the side blasted out a powerful chaotic dragon breath attack, but in the center of the ground explosion, a flame bomb with a powerful attack was also ejected, colliding with the chaotic dragon breath of the Emperor Dragon Crocodile.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

After the two attack skills collided, a huge sound of spiritual energy explosion came, and circles of sand and dust waves were raised around, spreading out in all directions.

Afterwards, a slender figure rushed out from it, with the body of an oriental dragon, wings on its back, and its appearance was like the Yinglong in the legend.

A few huge flame bombs attacked the surroundings again.


A flame bomb fell on the ground, and the shock wave caused swept around, and the beasts were either overturned to the ground or directly melted into ashes.

"Glass Horned Dragon, Raging Sea!"

The water shock wave emitted from the body of a Glazed Horned Dragon directly extinguished the flames burning on the ground, and extinguished the burning flames on the beasts infected with the flames.

The three mythical-level envoys did not look at the beast in the sky, but looked ahead, staring at the front, until the figure wrapped in a black robe appeared.

"Who are you? How did you contract the Sky Blue Fierce Dragon?"

The mythical master of the Dongfang family stared at the figure wrapped in a black robe and asked.

"Long time no see, everyone, how have you been recently?"

Lifting the black robe, a Chinese man with a scratch on his face from his right eye to the corner of his mouth, and this scratch, with the corner of his mouth raised, looked extremely terrifying.

"It's you! Huanlonglei! You're still alive!"

"Thanks to you, I'm lucky to be alive."

Seeing Huanlonglei, the three mythical beast masters were shocked.

In China, the most famous dragon-attributed beast family is the Dongfang family, but there is also a family that is as famous as the Dongfang family, that is the Huanlong family. However, due to some reasons for standing in the team, the Dongfang family pressed the right team, while the Huanlong family pressed the wrong team. The development of the two families has been completely different in the past few decades.

The Dongfang family is getting stronger, while the Huanlong family is getting weaker.

At that time, when everyone thought that the Huanlong clan was hopeless, Huanlong Lei was like a meteor, crossing the sky. Before the age of fifty, he trained the representative beast of the Huanlong clan, Tiancang Lielong, to break through to the immortal realm, and he also became a title-level beastmaster. He was considered the savior of the Huanlong clan and could support the Huanlong clan. However, facts have proved that meteors are always meteors and cannot last long.

One day, Huanlong Lei's inexplicable disappearance made the entire Huanlong clan panic. After failing to find Huanlong Lei, Huanlong clan completely declined soon, its resources were divided up, and even the secret realm of Huanlong clan was nationalized.

However, when everyone thought that Huanlong Lei was dead, he was still alive!

"Since you are still alive, why don't you return to the country? Do you know that your disappearance has completely ruined the Huanlong family!"

"Do you see the scratches on my face? These are the ones left by the Jiang family. Do you know why I disappeared? Or is it because of the Jiang family? Tell me, why should I go back! Go back to die?"

Hearing Huanlong Lei's words, the three mythical-level imperial envoys also fell silent. They were also clear about the fight between Huanlong Lei and the Jiang family back then, but they didn't know the inside story. It was because of the team they stood on. After hearing Huanlong Lei's words, they knew why Huanlong Lei disappeared.

"Even so..."

"Shut up, you guys, what do you know, Tiancang Fierce Dragon, break the formation and explode!"

The battle broke out like this.

Huanlong Lei is very strong, but he only has one mythical beast, Tiancang Fierce Dragon, and the strength of the other beasts is not very good.

And he is facing six mythical beasts, and there are even beasts that can restrain Tiancang Fierce Dragon.

Two fists cannot defeat four hands, let alone a single beast against six beasts.

Half an hour later, Tian Cang Lielong fell on the battlefield, and the other beasts of Huan Longlei also fell in pieces, leaving only a Spark Dragon beside him.

"I'm sorry for you."

Hearing Huan Longlei's words, Spark Dragon nudged Huan Longlei, showing his no regrets.

"Huan Longlei, come back with us, we promise that the Jiang family can't touch you now!"

"It's meaningless."

As he said, Huan Longlei stepped forward, even in the warning sound, until he pulled the bomb tied to his body.

With a "bang!", Huan Longlei turned into pieces.

And his beasts saw their masters heading towards the end, they also performed self-destruction in wailing, but the self-destruction was interrupted by the power of purification before it was successfully performed.

Looking at the group of beasts seeking death, the three mythical masters had no choice but to send them off.

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