Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$274 Battle of Destruction (12)

The headquarters base of the Tiansheng Sect is located in the southeastern region of this country. It is located in a small rift valley. However, it has only been confirmed here. However, the specific location of this rift valley is unknown. We can only Go to the site in the Rift Valley area and conduct further exploration to determine the exact location.

"Wait a minute, you will be divided into three groups, led by the three of us, and search in three directions. If you find something, let us know, and the others will definitely arrive quickly. Don't act without permission. This time we will not pursue Speed, only pursuit of safety and concealment!”

After hearing what the retired mythical envoy from the Security Bureau said, the rest of the people at the scene nodded to express their understanding.

After all, for this mission, all the emissaries know the importance of it, otherwise, they would not only deploy so many emissaries. After all, if you don't worry about other things, you can deploy at least a hundred times the number of emissaries. Come, but by then the news will probably be all over the place.

According to the type and strength of the beasts, more than two hundred people were divided into three groups led by the mythical messengers. They concealed their bodies and sneaked into this rift.

There are beasts like Netherworld that can use latent shadows that all sneak into the shadow of the messengers, while some larger beasts are temporarily not summoned by this group of princes to avoid disturbing the situation. M.

Because of the year-round drought here, there are no green creatures living around the rift valley, including inside it. Therefore, there is no cover, except for some gravel blocks from huge rocks.

This made the three groups of envoys move forward cautiously, not because they were afraid of traps or enemy ambush, but because they were afraid of being discovered by the enemy.

Because the terrain map had been completely studied yesterday, the progress was not slow.

After all, the group of long-awaited criminals from the Tiansheng Sect are very sophisticated in evading pursuit. They will be alerted by the slightest sign of trouble, and they will scatter in all directions. Then the matter will be serious.

Now, it's not that I'm afraid of the strength of this group of wanted criminals from the Tiansheng Sect. This point has been confirmed. Among them, the most powerful ones only have a few title-level envoys, and they are not extremely powerful title-level envoys. A level imperial envoy is the kind of envoy who can reach the title level.

Just like Dean Dongfang, some beast masters were lucky enough to understand the power of the law.

However, Dean Dongfang understood it by luck. However, he was subsequently taught by other veteran titled or mythical envoys, which shows the importance of background.

And that's it, the strength of this group of wild title-level envoys is just like that.

As for whether there are any title-level envoys who have been systematically cultivated to join them, that is definitely not the case. Let’s not talk about the status of ordinary title-level envoys in some countries. As long as they do not violate the law and do not violate the country’s bottom line, then Basically, the status in that country is extremely high, and there is no need to worry about the training resources for beast control.

Even if a treasonous title-level envoy comes to defect to these three organizations, it depends on whether they dare to accept them.

After all, what if the titled envoy is an undercover agent? Are they the ultimate undercover agents sent by other countries to lurk among these three organizations, ready to destroy them at any time?

Although it is rare for a country to take a huge risk to let a precious title-level envoy carry out such a task, but what if it happens? What if some ruthless countries really do this?

This gives these three organizations a sense of extreme crisis. They are not afraid of ten thousand, but afraid of the worst.

After all, their ability to survive until now depends on their vigilance and fear of death, and their fear of planning big moves. They only do small moves, or extremely covert moves, such as , the secret laboratory in Baixiang Kingdom.

And this is also the code of conduct for them to survive in this world.

They are like flies, buzzing and flying around in your ears, harassing you and asking for help. However, if you swat them conveniently, they will dodge them nimbly, and if you have big movements If so, even though it can be killed, it is the kind of thing where the gain outweighs the loss.

After all, if you spend a lot of strength to kill it, you will end up half dead from exhaustion. Is that worth it? not worth it!

In addition, the headquarters bases of these three organizations are far away from the country, and that distance is enough to give them a sense of security.

However, this time, they never imagined that China would spend such a high price, spanning half the world, and dispatch more than 200 master-level envoys and above to destroy the headquarters bases of these three organizations.

Before going there, Huaxia ignored these three organizations, mainly because it was not sure where the headquarters bases of these three organizations were located and did not want to waste time.

However, now that the headquarters bases of these three organizations have been determined, it is a matter of course!

Basically everyone knows that the big snake will suffer the consequences instead of dying. Therefore, this time, China is planning to turn these three organizations into dead snakes, motionless and completely cold.


"Stop! How come there are tribes around here!"

The leading mythical envoy looked at the tribe stationed in the rift valley in front of him, plus the tribesmen living in the tribe. He directly stopped the team and asked a question.



Everyone behind them looked at each other in confusion. After all, according to the instrument exploration, there was no sign of life in this rift valley. But now that this scene is vividly appearing in front of everyone, it is a bit confusing.

"Contact the other two teams, pause the action first, and discuss what to do. After all, this tribe is considered innocent."

Hearing the words of the leading mythical emissary, the people behind him had no objections. After all, humanitarianism comes first. If there is no humanitarianism, there is basically no difference from these three organizations.

Moreover, there is no way to get past this place. Although this rift valley has several entrances, the road to this entrance is completely blocked by this tribe. If you want to go around, you must ride a beast to the sky.

And that will not only be discovered by this tribe, but also by the group of people from the Tiansheng Sect deep in the rift valley.


"Now we encounter a tribal group around us, blocking the entrance road. What do you say?"

"It's the same thing here. I want to ask you."

"Same here."

The call continued in silence.

There are tribes living on the three roads, and they are all directly blocking the road. Moreover, no instrument has found any signs of life of these three tribes. This is the most deadly.

This accident directly gave the confident action a blow.

If this were in China, and the Tiansheng Sect's base was surrounded by a group of residents, then everyone would probably be worried about losing their hair.

After all, if the Tiansheng Sect was forced into a hurry, they would probably go on a killing spree and bury some people with them.

However, this is in Africa, and the nature is different. Although this group of tribes must be taken care of for humanitarian reasons, in fact, what gave this operation a head-on was the probing issue before the operation. It seems that there are some errors in their intelligence system, which is what this group of people are worried about.

And other things, compared with this one thing, are small things.

"Gather all the supernatural beasts among us, hypnotize them directly, and then rush over. This is a safer method."

"This method is relatively safe, but it will test the ability of this group of supernatural beasts. Moreover, after large-scale use of hypnosis, this group of supernatural beasts will consume a lot of physical and mental energy. Some supernatural beasts are the ace beasts of some messengers, which will cause a huge loss in their combat effectiveness. "

"I don't know how good it would be if this were a group of beasts. Just kill them with all their strength. If it were a tribesman, it would be really troublesome."

"If there is no other way, gather together in one place and prepare all the beasts with supernatural attributes. After all, it is impossible for us to directly slaughter these three tribes."

"Why not? This is not a country anyway. Even if we kill him, it won't be a problem as long as no one knows about it."

"Old guy! Be careful what you say!"

"Old killer! Be careful what you say!"

"Tch, two cowards."

However, after being shouted at by the two mythical emissaries from the Security Bureau and the Beast Control Corps, the mythical emissary from the Dongfang Family just complained and said nothing more.

After all, it would be better if this kind of thing did not spread. Once it spread, it would be criticized by some social voices. Although times are different, the Holy Mother will always be there.

In the end, the discussion didn’t take long, and the decision was quickly made. This time, we formed a team and gathered all the supernatural beasts to perform hypnosis on the tribes blocking the road. Although it would consume a lot of money, this is currently the most effective way. A sure way to do it.

After all, we really can’t kill him directly like the mythical envoy of the Dongfang family said~

The next day.

Dozens of supernatural beasts were summoned together. After the small-scale signal jammer was turned on, the remaining beasts were surrounded into a circle, and under the pressure of several mythical beasts, the action began.

Although the tribe is small, the amount of operations this time is quite large. Moreover, in order to ensure that no tribe members are missed, the operations this time are extremely meticulous, and even some of the beast-controlling cubs in the tribe have to be captured. Clap your hands twice to confirm that you were successfully hypnotized.

If this scene was photographed by some thoughtful people and spread, it would become a representative of cruelty. The class group would even slap the passing beast cubs twice. What kind of behavior is this?

As for why the instrument could not detect any signs of life here, after hypnotizing this tribe, some talents with this knowledge also checked around and found that there is a magnetic field here that is mixed with natural and man-made, and this A combined magnetic field can affect the detection of the instrument, which is why no signs of life were found in this detection.

This is similar to the one in Mocheng, but the coverage area is larger and the effect is more powerful.

This actually made the three mythical envoys breathe a sigh of relief. It was better to know the cause of the matter than not to know what was going on.

After hypnotizing this tribe, he did not leave directly, but waited and rested among the tribe. After all, it was not known whether anyone would go out hunting or anything, and this was an extremely unstable factor. It was necessary to confirm whether Anyone can reveal information about this action team.

After hypnotizing the tribe, some communication tools were discovered, and these communication tools were probably used to inform the people of the Tiansheng Sect, and this should be the front line of the Tiansheng Sect.

"I just said just slaughter them, it would be a waste of so much time and energy."

Seeing these communication tools, the mythical envoy of the Dongfang family said.

The Mythical Envoy of the Security Bureau and the Mythical Envoy of the Beast Control Corps did not say anything more, but judging from their behavior, they did not agree with this behavior.

The mythical envoy of the Dongfang Family didn't say much. Anyway, he just made a suggestion.

As one of the oldest families in China, he has experienced some dark ages. Therefore, the envoy of the Dongfang Family does not have the slightest fondness for foreigners. This is why he can say such things without caring.

It was night, and many people from the tribe who went hunting came back. However, when they saw that the tribe was unusually quiet, they turned around and ran away. However, this allowed several master-level emissaries who were ambushing outside to capture them in an instant.

Okay, another hypnotic meal, allowing the people of this tribe to stay neatly in the tribe, and the whole team also rested in the tribe for a night, and will explore directly towards the front of the rift valley early tomorrow morning.

The next morning, the team set off directly after resting all night.

Three hours later, at a major intersection in the rift valley ahead, there were already checkpoints arranged to prevent outsiders from entering and to serve as a reminder to those inside.

And a little further inside, there are fortress camps, which are also guarding the inside.

"We've found it. Those with the shielding equipment will get in position right away. Once the layout is complete, give a signal and we'll attack immediately after it's activated!"

The mythical envoy of the Security Bureau said.

After hearing the words of this mythical emissary, several titled emissaries who could hide themselves, including Lin Qianyu, dispersed in all directions, trying to deploy signal-blocking equipment in the shortest possible time. Completed, waiting for all the equipment to be deployed and activated, the battle to destroy the Tiansheng Sect is about to begin.

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