To be honest, Lin Qianyu didn't know much about the struggle decades ago, nor could she feel Huan Longlei's despair. However, through this incident, Lin Qianyu almost knew that people who were forced into a desperate situation would often do something more extreme than those who were originally bad-hearted.

However, with the death of Huan Longlei, this matter came to an end. After slaughtering the remaining imperial envoys and beasts of the Tiansheng Sect, the imperial envoys present headed towards the base of the Tiansheng Sect.

While moving forward carefully, they were searching for the research materials left by the Tiansheng Sect.

Perhaps it was because this raid was too sudden, or that Huan Longlei had a change of heart before his death, all the research materials of the Tiansheng Sect were not destroyed, but were lying on the computer. In addition to these research materials, there were also the locations of many branch bases of the Tiansheng Sect, as well as transaction records between countries or individuals who colluded with the Tiansheng Sect.

Looking at the record in his hand, and seeing many familiar names on it, the mythical-level imperial envoy of the Security Bureau was shaking a little. If all of them were pulled out, the country would be shaking.

"What are you looking at? You are so absorbed in it."

Seeing that the mythical-level imperial envoy of the Security Bureau was stunned, the mythical-level imperial envoy of the Dongfang family beside him also came over to look at the information, and then he was also stunned after reading it.

Most of the people on the information were foreigners, but some of them were from China, and looking at the names, he also felt familiar. They were all people who sat in a high position, and next to them were listed their transaction records with the Tiansheng Sect, the transaction content and transaction time, and their backgrounds.

"These are basically the people of the families that divided the Huanlong family back then. Huanlong Lei is dead, but we still have to wipe his ass for him."

Compared with the mythical-level imperial envoy of the Security Bureau, the mythical-level imperial envoy of the Dongfang family reacted faster to the purpose of Huanlong Lei leaving this list.

Although he died, after seeing this transaction list, these people were soon angry and buried with him.

Although he was extremely disappointed and resentful of some people in the country, he still believed in the domestic system. Of course, this was a gamble of Huan Longlei, betting that they would bring this transaction record back to the country and then deal with them. However, if some people in the country protected them, Huan Longlei would have nothing to say. Anyway, he was dead, and the gamble failed. Anyway, he couldn't see it.

At this time, the mythical envoy of the Beast Taming Corps also came over to look at this document. After a few glances, he was slightly relieved when he found that there was no one from the Beast Taming Corps.

After all, if even the Beast Taming Corps was infiltrated, then the country would have to change the situation and be rectified this time. The army is a taboo in the country. Once you intervene, you must be prepared to have your hands broken.

"Keep it. After we go back, the three of us will report together. This time, we must deal with these termites. If someone is protecting them, let's deal with them together."

Listening to what the mythical-level envoy of the Dongfang family said, the mythical-level envoys of the Security Bureau and the mythical-level envoys of the Beast Taming Corps also nodded gently to express their agreement.

Afterwards, a group of people processed the data in the Tiansheng Sect base and pulled out the researchers hiding in it.

Afterwards, after the three mythical-level envoys discussed, they detained this group of Tiansheng Sect researchers and the remaining people of the tribe together, leaving a few master-level envoys to guard them, waiting for all the problems to be solved before making plans to prevent the matter from being leaked.

This can be regarded as a helpless thing, after all, this kind of thing cannot be leaked.

The candidates left behind are relatively low in strength. Although these people don't want to admit that they are weak, there is no way to be left behind.

After a night of rest, leaving enough food, a large group of people rushed to the headquarters base of the Beast Enhui Organization.

Unlike the headquarters base of the Tiansheng Religion Organization, the headquarters base of the Shou En Association Organization is located in a rainforest. The terrain is extremely complex, but there is no tribe around, only sentries.

Facing this relatively simple headquarters base, after precise positioning, a group of people installed the equipment to block communications, and the battle started directly.

Compared with the resistance of the Tiansheng Religion, the resistance of the Shou En Association seemed a little weak, or it could almost be regarded as a massacre by the action team this time.

Originally, I thought there would be mythical-level envoys like Huan Longlei jumping out, but the leaders were only a few title-level envoys, and their strength was not very strong, only ordinary.

This made the three mythical-level envoys who were originally watching for mythical-level envoys to jump out relieved. This kind of thing without any unexpected events is the best.

When attacking the headquarters base of the Tiansheng Religion Organization, Huan Longlei appeared and killed a lot of beast masters. Although the envoys did not die, the death of the beasts would make these envoys uncomfortable.

The beast that I had nurtured and lived with for so long was killed in a battle without any chance to fight back.

However, these imperial envoys have a high level of ideological awareness and understand that this kind of transnational action is a very dangerous behavior after all.

And this time, their losses will be compensated after returning to China. Their strength may decline in the short term, but after a long time, their strength will definitely be further improved, and even break through the previous limit.

This time, the raid on the Beast Grace Society was much smoother than the raid on the Tiansheng Church. In addition, when searching the laboratory of the Beast Grace Society, in addition to finding a group of hidden experimenters, there were also some half-destroyed data.

This further proves that the complete data in the laboratory of the Tiansheng Church was deliberately left by Huan Longlei, otherwise, at least half of it would be destroyed like the Beast Grace Society.

And this also shows that Huan Longlei’s hatred is so great that he is unwilling to let this group of people go even if he dies.

This time, facing the remaining experimental personnel of the Beast Grace Society, the action team showed no mercy. After they could not find out anything else, they were directly pulled aside and slaughtered. Although this behavior was a bit bad, it was understandable to do so.

In addition, a lot of resources and treasures stored by the Beast Grace Society were found in the warehouse of the Beast Grace Society, which were not found in the Tiansheng Church. It is estimated that they were all taken away by Huan Longlei for experiments, otherwise there would be no hair left.

After destroying the Beast Grace Society, the action team did not rest, but went directly to the headquarters base of the Hillt Organization.

The headquarters base of the Hillt Organization is the farthest from the headquarters bases of the Beast Grace Society and the Tiansheng Church. The headquarters base of the Hillt Organization is close to the border area of ​​this country, and it is very far from the Beast Grace Society and the Tiansheng Church.

When destroying the Beast Grace Society, the strength spent was very little. Basically, all the beasts controlled by the beasts maintained almost complete physical strength. In this case, it is definitely the best thing to destroy the Hillt Organization in one go.

When they arrived at the headquarters of the Hilt Organization, everyone finally understood why the Hilt Organization was the leader of the three evil organizations.

Unlike the slightly crude defenses of the Beast Enlightenment Society and the Heavenly Saint Religion, Hilt's defense was simply textbook-level professional defense. Even the mythical-level beast control envoys of the Beast Control Corps saw a hint of military defense in it.

This shows that Hilt has an inexplicable and lingering military background. It is true, but I don't know which country's military background it is. However, it is likely to be the military background of the Bald Eagle Alliance. After all, Hilt is rumored to be an organization supported by the Bald Eagle Alliance.

In addition, the headquarters of the Hilt Organization is built on a cliff, an area that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. There are defense lines on the road on the cliff. However, these defense lines are nothing to this team of action groups. Therefore, the moment the equipment was arranged, all the controllers directly summoned the beasts to attack.

In an instant, the sound of spiritual energy explosion and gunfire rang out, but more of it was the roar and shouting of human voices.

The powerful white air waves enveloped the battlefield, and the aftermath of the battle raged in it continuously.

At the same time, several figures riding beasts flew out from the headquarters of the Hilt Organization on the cliff.

There were all kinds of people, but just looking at their clothes, you can tell that none of them were overheated, which should be good news for the three mythical masters.

Among these figures, there were also mythical masters, even two, and the rest were titled masters.

After seeing these two mythical masters, after summoning their ace beasts, their identities were directly recognized by the three mythical masters.

They were all well-known figures in the Bald Eagle Alliance. Although the three mythical masters did not see their true appearance, their representative ace beasts directly exposed their identities.

"Sure enough, the statement that the Hilt Organization has always been an organization supported by the Bald Eagle Alliance has now been confirmed.

The former general of the Bald Eagle Alliance's Army Beast Taming Corps and the former general of the Bald Eagle Alliance's Navy Beast Taming Corps, although they do not often appear in public, their ace beasts are still easy to recognize."

"Go ahead, get rid of these two people, and our mission will be completed."

"Okay, go ahead, I haven't wanted to fight like this for a long time."

The three mythical beast masters directly summoned their beasts and rushed up to fight with the two mythical beast masters from the Bald Eagle Alliance.

Three people against two people, they have an advantage in strength, and they are already suppressing the opponent, and the battle between the titled beast masters is even more crushing.

There are also many titled beast masters in this action team, and even excluding the eight titled beast masters with equipment, the remaining titled beast masters are also in a state of crushing.

Flames swept across the sky, water flowed everywhere, leaves and vines were entangled together, boulders and metals collided with each other, and the wind spread everywhere in the air, mixed with ice, snow and lightning. Every place on this cliff was in battle.

The Hilt organization also discovered the eight devices when facing the signal shielding, and some people came to attack the eight devices. However, the masters guarding the eight devices were all title-level masters, and they were the top title-level masters in this action group. The attack of this group of Hilt members was like hitting a rock with an egg. Not to mention destroying the eight devices, even approaching them was impossible, and they died on the spot.

Compared with the somewhat calm battlefield on this side, the battlefield of the myth-level masters on the side was much more exciting. The huge spiritual energy wave impact generated by the collision made even the immortal beasts dare not approach easily, for fear of being swept by the spiritual energy wave and causing unnecessary casualties. Moreover, although the three myth-level masters of the action group were suppressing the two title-level masters of the Hilt organization or the bald eagle on the opposite side, the victory or defeat would not be decided so quickly in a short time. M.

When facing Huanlonglei before, the victory or defeat was quickly decided. In the end, it was still three people besieging one, and Huanlonglei's strength was not the top one, so the battle was resolved quickly.

However, the strength of these two former military officers of the Bald Eagle Alliance was not as easy to defeat as Huanlonglei. Although they were in a disadvantageous situation now, they also had the capital to continue to delay.

As for why they didn't escape immediately, it was actually because, surrounded by three people, the probability of the two of them being able to escape was very small, and a rash escape would easily make them the target of concentrated fire, which was also the reason why they continued to stay here.

Moreover, now that only Hilt was left, the three mythical-level imperial envoys were not afraid that the two would break out. Anyway, they were absolutely sure that the two would stay.

Every attack between them would cause a huge commotion, and they continued to fight until the rest of the battles had subsided. However, the two mythical beastmasters of the Bald Eagle Alliance were also at a disadvantage, and there had been considerable casualties among the beastmasters.

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