In the lounge, Shui Ye and Chris chatted casually.

"Chris, you're ready to go, aren't you going to see Allie?"

Shui Ye leaned against the wall and asked generously.

Since Aili is already his person, he is not so stingy and does not let Aili have contact with any man.

After all, for Chris and these admirers of Allie, he is like a hanging wall that rushed out halfway, obviously he and Allie have known each other for a few days, but they have captured her heart.

For their group of people who have chased Aili for more than ten years, this undoubtedly makes them a little unacceptable.

"No, because I know that Her Royal Highness must have forgotten me, although we have known each other since childhood."

Chris said with a wry smile.

"Her Royal Highness is like this, for things she doesn't care about, it won't take a few days to leave it behind, and the same is true for us suitors."

Then you are really miserable, sure enough, there is no future in licking dogs.

Although Shui Ye thought so in his heart, he patted Chris's shoulder and said with a sympathetic face:

"The festival is smooth, we are not acquainted with each other, remember to call me when you get married in the future, of course, I will also call you when I get married."

"Hmm! Shui Ye, in fact, I was very jealous of you before, but now I don't even have the only bit of jealousy, you are far better than us, Her Royal Highness has a good eye since childhood, so I sincerely wish you and Her Royal Highness. "

"Well, I received your blessing, and I also wish you to find your happiness as soon as possible."

Shui Ye turned away after speaking, he was still not suitable for this sad occasion.

In the audience, Shui Ye came to the location of Alice and them in a low-key manner, and the group of girls intimately reserved a seat for him.

"By the way, Ellie, do you know that Chris?"

"I don't know, who is he?"

Allie blinked her blood-red eyes and asked with a puzzled look.

"I had a chat with Chris in the lounge just now, and he said you must have forgotten him."

"I didn't expect him to be so accurate."

"I learned a lesson from this."

"What revelation?"

"Sure enough, licking the dog is undeserved, it's really miserable!"

The women were absolutely shocked when they heard this, they thought that Shui Ye could say something reasonable, but they didn't expect it to be such an unorthodox thing.

"So when you chase girls, do you focus on fishing?"

"Do I have such scum?"

All the girls, even the dome subconsciously nodded, making the water night more depressed.

"Sorry, I'm not such a scumbag for you to lose me, but I will judge in advance whether this girl can catch up, such as Kaguya, when her licking dog is definitely hopeless, it is the kind of result that has no hope at all."

"So you changed my approach? I'll bite you big badass. "

"Okay, no kidding, keep watching the game!"

Mizuya instantly hugged Kaguya's body and comforted the fried kitten.

After the venue was repaired, the second game soon began.

One is a trainer from the Iwa family who dealt with Shui Ye last time, and the other is from the Mien Federation on the other side of the planet on the Asian American continent, and comes from a consortium family.

"Rita, what exactly is the reward for this championship? It has attracted so many trainers from other countries! "

Shui Ye said curiously.

"Young Master, don't you know? This news has spread throughout the upper echelons of the world, because this year is the fifth hundred anniversary of the founding of the Thea Federation, so they have taken out a complete law crystal as a reward. "

Rita explained patiently.

"Such a tycoon?"

Shui Ye was really shocked, after all, a law crystal represents a divine beast, as long as it is not a quasi-divine beast that is too wasteful, if it can absorb a homogeneous law crystal, it is very likely to become a divine beast.

"That's right, but this Fire Attribute Law Crystal is said to have been prepared for the princess of our Xia Federation, that princess has a quasi-god-level peak flame bird in her hand, as long as she absorbs this Law Crystal, it won't be long before she can become a divine beast."

"Isn't this a black box operation? That's a lot of rai-pi! "

"Allie, Xiao Xuan, didn't you prepare this kind of treasure for you at home?"

"Shui Ye, we must first have a divine beast's elf egg in our hands, not everyone has the good luck of that Tianhuang'er, and can get a divine beast's elf egg when we are young."

Sou rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"Quasi-divine beasts are enough, don't you two have quasi-divine beasts on you?"

"That's not our elves, it was reluctant enough to let them protect us, if they break through the divine beast, do you think that with the arrogance of the divine beast, they will serve as bodyguards for us?"

"When communicating with quasi-divine beasts at home, it is also in the way of request, not the way of command, you idiot."

All right! It seems that he Duo'er and Rita have stayed for a long time, and he thought that the quasi-divine beasts were the same as his family Duo'er and Rita, it turned out that this was a normal quasi-divine beast.

"So you didn't cultivate your own quasi-divine beasts, so you didn't have a Law Crystal, right?"

"Well, it must also be used at the peak of the quasi-divine beast to be the safest."

"Every time the quasi-divine beast progresses a little, it takes a lot of time and effort, and it is possible that when its trainer dies, the quasi-divine beast is still alive."

Just as they were making small talk, the battle began.

However, this trainer from the Iwa family was so bad luck that he actually pumped to the water field.

Taking advantage of the field, the trainer from the Miane Federation defeated his opponent with a narrow advantage.

"The Yan family is really getting weaker and weaker, once it was also the top family of the Xia Federation, and now it can't even win a trainer from a business family."

"Water night, it's not ancient anymore, it's the uncle who has money, don't you know?"

Kaguya said with a bright smile.

Compared to other girls, her only advantage seems to be that she is rich, which is really a headache!

"Miss Kaguya-sama is awesome!"

"Bastard, you say this again!"

Kaguya is really angry! Every time you say this sentence to taunt her, I strangle you bastard. _

See the ununderlined version of the novel please

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