"Lintian, this kid in your family is really interesting!"

Meng Xinghe on the rostrum saw this scene projected on the big screen, and said with tears and laughter.

Those of them who have lived most of their lives are also the first time to see people who dare to release water in such a world-class competition, and I have to say that this little guy's courage is too big.

As far as Menas pretended to be dead just now, it was almost the same to deceive those ordinary people, but for trainers like them who have been fighting elves all their lives, this acting skill is too poor.

President Yume said and smiled.

"Tsing Yi, since you sat down just now, you didn't even say half a word, don't you talk to us old guys about your water night?"

"President Yume, I'm afraid you'll make fun of me as soon as I open my mouth!"

Luo Qingyi's beautiful eyes rolled her eyes and said speechlessly.

"Actually, I'm curious about your change from a colleague to a daughter-in-law in Lintian, has there been any changes in your psychology?"

Others also quietly pricked up their ears when they heard this, this is a big gossip!

"No, we go our separate ways."

"Also, I refuse to answer any questions next, so President Yume, you don't gossip anymore."

After saying that, Luo Qingyi sat down and set his eyes on the arena.


"Double Axe War Dragon, please, Mega Evolution!"

Chris solemnly took out a keystone the size of a glass ball and held it in his hand. His eyes were staring at the double axe war dragon tightly, and his eyes were full of encouragement and expectation.


The double-axe battle dragon felt the trainer's intention, raised his head to the sky and roared, and the mega evolution stone and key stone he carried echoed each other.

Countless light bands erupted from the double axe battle dragon, enveloping it into a cocoon of light.

As time passed, the momentum emanating from the light cocoon also continued to become stronger, and finally reached the critical point, and then suddenly rose and entered a new realm.

Championship level, temporarily entered.

"Bangira, we also mega evolved."

Compared with Chris's seriousness, Shui Ye was much more casual, took out the necklace he had been carrying with him from his chest, selected one of the keystones, and gently pressed it.

"Bangira, don't forget how much high-quality ore you ate when you evolved from Shakira to Bangira, and if you lose today, prepare to eat soil for the next month!"

Shui Ye threatened with a smile on his face.

It is not good that the elf evolves too quickly, although he has a system that can accurately grasp the time of the elf's evolution without damaging its foundation and potential.

But Bangira has only been born for more than a month, and she is still a child in her heart, lazy, playful, and so on, all the problems that wild elves have.

Like the wooden guard palace in the sunset night, it is a strange thing among the wild elves, and he will take the initiative to train himself.

A trace of panic flashed on Bangira's rock-like rough face, how could it be delicious after learning from birth to mountain and sea delicacies, big fish and meat, let it eat those coarse tea and light rice now?

Thinking of this, Bangira hurriedly cooperated with Shui Ye and began the evolution of MEA.

The scene of Shui Ye threatening his elf was also transmitted to the big screen and the Internet through high-definition cameras.

"So can the threat elves complete mega evolution? Learned, learned. "

"Can you afford MGA Evolution Stones upstairs? This is a very serious question. "

"Heart-piercing! I can't afford it either.

"Less water!"

As for a group of big people on the rostrum who saw this scene, they felt that their three views had been refreshed, so it could still be like this?

Anyone who knows a little about Water Night knows that this Bangira of Water Night was exchanged from the Iwa family more than a month ago.

If there is still a glimmer of possibility for Yukira to jump two levels in a month and evolve into Bangira.

Then the difficulty of mega evolution is too great, and many people's initial elves who have been cultivated for more than ten years or even decades cannot complete MGA evolution.

It's crazy to be able to metaevolve in a month.

"Well, now that we're all champions, we can fight fairly."

"Wait a minute, Water Night, before the battle begins, I Chris von Teuton must apologize to you, you are not the rumored waste at all, on the contrary, you are a genius out of a million, and our princess is a match made in heaven, I heard rumors, violated the humility of the eight virtues of knighthood, and let jealousy cover my eyes."

Chris apologized to Aqua Night in accordance with the ancient knightly etiquette.

"Chris, I accept your apologies, you are worthy of the name of a true knight."

"Thank you, Double Axe War Dragon, now let's go on! Dragon claw. "

"Bangira, Rockfall."

Bangira suddenly lifted a huge rock and collided with the sharp right claws of the double axe war dragon flashing with sharp cold light.

Boom! In an instant, the rubble shot out, the rock offset the damage of the dragon claw, and the tentative attack of the two was up and down.

"Double axe battle dragon, dragon fluctuation."

"Bangira, the fluctuation of evil."

Two invisible fluctuations collided together and were canceled out again.

"Bangira, Pinnacle Attack."

"Double axe war dragon, wide area destruction."

The tail of the double-axe war dragon wrapped in steel armor flicked suddenly, smashing the sharp stone to pieces.

Shui Ye was speechless, whether it was Bangira or the Double Axe War Dragon, there was a layer of hard armor protection on their bodies, unless it was attribute restraint, it seemed a little difficult to cause damage.

"Bangira, don't waste your physical strength, go straight on, the ultimate impact."

"Double axe war dragon, we also use ultimate impact."

Under the orders of their respective masters, the two huge elves began to run, and a rich white light appeared on their bodies.

Finally, in the excited eyes of the audience, they slammed together and emitted a deafening roar.

Click, click, click!

In an instant, dust flew and shrouded the entire site, and even the earth slowly cracked because it could not withstand the aftermath of the impact of the two elves.

When the smoke and dust disappeared, the two elves were clinging to each other motionlessly, and they were staring at each other!

Stuck in a state of stiffness?

"Double axe war dragon, use reverse scales, and then severed head clamps."

"Bangira, hold on, then return a tooth for a tooth."

Under the blessing of the anti-scale state, the momentum of the double axe battle dragon suddenly increased by a lot, his eyes glowed with blood-red light, raised his head, and the sharp axes on both sides of his cheeks slashed down at Bangira.


In the end, he still did not fully resist the blow of the anti-scale plus severed head pincers, and the remaining part of the power slashed fiercely on Bangira's armor.

The hardest part of the double-axe war dragon's body directly split Bangira's shell and cut into its flesh and blood, causing it to let out a stinging cry.

"Bangira, a tooth for a tooth, a million-ton punch."

A trace of madness flashed in Bangira's eyes under the pain, and his right hand condensed white light, and with a straight fist, he knocked the double axe war dragon out.

"Bangira, destroy the death light."

"Double axe battle dragon, dragon god dive."


The powerful energy rays full of destructive power collided with the red dragon shadow falling from mid-air, and a strong shock wave swept the entire venue, and even the audience sitting in the audience faintly felt a trace of vibration.

When everything calmed down, two scarred elves and a devastated field were revealed.

"The Double Axe Battle Dragon and Bangira both lost their sense of battle, and this match was drawn."

"Ask Chris to change the pokemon."

"No need, my Demon Fire Red Fox is already in a bad state, so I won't waste time."

Chris threw in the towel.

"In that case, I would like to announce that the winner of the first battle of the finals is the Water Night player, and let's congratulate him on successfully advancing to the top 32!"

The audience instantly broke out into fierce applause, which lasted for a long time.

(PS: June Day, I wish everyone a happy June Day, the first change, please subscribe, ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, thank you for your new life)_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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