As the race progressed day by day, Shui Ye also saw the battle of his fiancée Leng Aoxue, Long Teng's fool, and Tianhuang'er.

So far, no opponent has been able to force Tianhuang'er to take out her ace Flame Bird.

In addition to the Flame Bird, she actually has two pokemon who have reached the championship level and are known as the favorites to win the championship.

I have to admit that Tianhuang'er is a beautiful girl with excellent temperament and a captivating country, and she is no worse than the princess next to him.

But in terms of strength, these two princesses beside him are not good.

It's so dish! A cute fool and a girl with a gentle personality are not suitable for being trainers.

Except for the Marshado that Allie gave him, the strongest pokemon in her hand has not yet broken through the championship, and the performance is slightly better than Allie, and there is one champion-level pokemon.

Shui Ye didn't know what to say, but it can be seen from here that Riku Palace is indeed quite rotten, and that kind of strength can become the second in line to the throne of the Sakura Country.

Sure enough, the divine beast can do whatever it wants!

After the observation of Shui Ye, this random matching mechanism is also very interesting, Shui Ye these people from the Xia Federation are matched with people from other countries, unless they really can't match foreigners, they will let the players from the Xia Federation civil war.

Sure enough, there are black box operations everywhere, but everyone knows it.

Although Aqua Night currently has only four pokemon in his hands, with the two aces of Menas and Mashado, there are few opponents among the champion-level pokemon, and the average player cannot be his opponent at all.

Most of the champion-level pokemon in the hands of these players have temporarily entered the championship level with the help of EGA evolution stones, or have just broken through the championship level.

Under the same level, Shui Ye can be said to be invincible as long as he is not an underage divine beast, his Menas and Machado are invincible.

Because the college entrance examination of the Xia Federation has a limited age, you must be under the age of 20 to register, and you cannot participate after the age of 20.

This condition alone restricts a large number of trainers from large families from signing up.

"Audiences, welcome to the Kyoto Finals, where we have finally decided the final four players today with exciting battles every day."

"They are Her Royal Highness the Princess of our Thea Federation, Heavenly Phoenix; Shui Jia Water Night, Leng Jia Leng Aoxue and the last Victoria player from the European Continent. "

High-definition photos of four people instantly appeared on the big screen, the man was handsome, and the woman was absolutely beautiful, which made everyone cheer.

And that Victorica player has been wearing a wide black robe since he participated in the competition, and has never shown his face under the black robe, and countless people want to know who the person under the black robe is?

This is also the biggest gossip of this competition.

"Let's match."

After a few seconds, the four moving names on the big screen finally stopped.

"Oh! Dear audience friends, the list of Final Four matches has appeared, and the Heavenly Phoenix Player vs the Victoria Player. "

"And the Water Night Player vs. Leng Aoxue Player, let's cheer!"

The host referee also froze when he saw this list, and then immediately reacted and shouted hoarsely.

By this time in the game, the gossip about the water night had already been dug up.

For example: basically everyone already knows that Leng Aoxue is Shui Ye's fiancée.

"He's meowing, is it true that the official of your competition is not operating in the dark?"

The first time Shui Ye saw this battle list, he couldn't help but scold, too!

"The happy scene has appeared again, and I'm curious if Shui Ye wins Leng Aoxue, will he not let him go to bed when he goes home in the evening?"

"I want to know too."

"Water Night: I'm too hard!"

In the audience, Duo'er and they were also speechless, is there really such a clever thing in the world?

A third chance of being hit by the night.

On the rostrum, Luo Qingyi's beautiful eyes looked suspiciously at Meng Xinghe and the Heavenly Council Speaker sitting in the center, and a trace of doubt flashed in his heart.

Could it be that they manipulated the results of this random match again?

"The first battle of the Final Four, the Water Night Player vs. the Leng Aoxue Player, please prepare both sides."

"Aoxue, me."

"Shui Ye, less nonsense, even if it is you, I will never admit defeat."

"Nine Tails, come out."

A rare ice nine-tail that lives in a cold land appeared on the field, compared to the ordinary nine-tailed with a single fire attribute, the ice nine-tail is an elf with ice attribute and goblin attribute.

"Nine Tails, let's come out too."


"Big word burst!"

"Freeze light!"

With a violent explosion, the nine tails of the two were directly stunned by the shock wave generated by the explosion.

"The Nine Tails of the Water Night Player and the Nine Tails of the Cold Aoxue Player lose their ability to fight at the same time, please replace the elves on both sides."

"Ice Bear, come out."

"Menas, it's up to you."


"The ice field bear loses the sense of battle, Menas wins, ask the cold snow player to replace the elf."

"Double Duoduo Ice loses the sense of battle, Menas wins, please replace the elf with the cold snow player."

"Ice Eevee loses his sense of battle, Menas wins, ask the cold snow player to replace the elf."

In the audience, Allie covered her eyes and complained while looking through the gap between her fingers:

"Aoxue is so miserable! All have already been picked three. "

"Brother, can't let Sister Aoxue go!"

After these days of getting along, Leng Aoxue has already mingled with the girls around Shuiye.

"If Ye'er loses, our family will run out of money, not to mention if Ye'er really lets Aoxue in this kind of national competition, it will make Aoxue, a proud girl, angry."

Duo'er explained softly.

"Dragon ride, please."

Leng Aoxuebei bit her lower lip lightly and took out the fifth pokemon, second only to her trump card Dragon Rider.

"Ride the dragon, mega evolution."

"Menas, you have worked hard, come back."

"Bangira, it's time for you to appear."

Then not surprisingly, Super Bangira was beaten fat by Super Dragon and ended in tears.

Master, it's so unfair that you let me a rocky elf go to the water elf.

That's right, the water night was intentional, and Bangira floated again during this time, like the violent salamander before.

In that case, it is necessary to wake it up.

"Bangira loses his sense of battle and asks the Water Night Player to replace the Pokemon."

"Machado, you're in trouble."

The shadow behind the water night turned into a stream of light and appeared in front of the dragon, easily defeating the dragon, who was already at the end of the strong crossbow.

"Aoxue, it's time to take out your trump card!"

"Hmph! Water night, don't be proud, since the finals, I found that you have only used four pokemon all the time, should you only have four pokemon in your hand. "

Leng Aoxue said with an affirmative look.

"I still have a chance to beat you."

"Ice and Snow Dragon, come out!" _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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