"Menas, temporarily close the Body of Origin, replace the hail with a blizzard, and then use the weather ball."


As soon as his mind moved, Menas turned off the Origin Body feature, and white snowflakes fluttered in the sky, and in a blink of an eye, a layer was laid on the ground.

The Weather Ball is a move that can change its attributes according to weather changes, and in hail and snowstorms, the Weather Ball will also follow the move that turns into an ice attribute and deals additional double damage.

Directly withstanding a blow to the weather ball with an ice attribute, the giant vine let out a scream, and lost most of its physical strength in an instant.

"Giant vines, hold on, root a little deeper, and then sprinkle poisonous powder."

"Menas, it is enough to control and open part of your origin body and ensure that you will not inhale poisonous powder."

Menas nodded smartly, and in an instant a small dark cloud condensed above Menas's head, and the falling rain just enveloped Menas's body.

The powder attack was washed away by the rain as it approached Menas.

What the hell is this Origin Body! Why can it be so awesome?

Chris thought depressedly in his heart.

"Menas, use salt water to give the giant vine the final blow."

Menas opened his mouth when he heard this, and spat out a large amount of light blue water at the giant vine.

I let you use rooting, this salt water will not suck you to death.

"Referee, I admit defeat, giant vine, come back."

Chris didn't expect Menes to even use such a partial move, and hurriedly took out the Pokeball and withdrew the giant vine.

It is no joke that grass elves ingest a lot of salt water, it is very likely to cause them to die directly and fall into a critical situation.

"Coconut egg tree, please."

"Hey, you shouldn't be fooled by my Menas, right? Each head of the coconut egg tree has an independent thought, as long as one head goes wrong, it is out. "

"Menas, use the sound of seduction to the maximum, as long as we can seduce one head of the coconut egg tree, we win."

Menas heard this, his little head was raised high, his small mouth opened gently, and an elegant and beautiful voice instantly echoed throughout the venue, so that the six heads of this coconut egg tree couldn't help but close their eyes and indulge in this beautiful song.

Sure enough, this coconut egg tree eats too well, and its head has grown six, do you think your mental illness is not serious enough!

After the song stopped, without the accident of the water night, six heads instantly hit, and one of the heads was directly knocked off and turned into an egg, which is really meaningful!

"Hey! You still have two elves, and if my beauty takes your team of six elves, your Teutonic face will be lost. "

Shui Ye said with a playful look.

"Demon Fire Red Fox, please."

After hearing Shui Ye's words, Chris's face changed instantly, things are just as Shui Ye said, if he is really pierced by Shui Ye, then he really has no face to return to the Lorraine Empire and go back to the Teutonic family.

An upright humanoid red fox appeared on the battlefield, and it was another elf at the peak of the Heavenly King.

"Demon Fire Red Fox, Magic Flame."

"Menas, spray water cannon."

The moment the water column and the fire pillar made a sizzling sound, a large amount of white fog was instantly generated on the field.

"Demon Fire Red Fox, teleport, dodge the water cannon, then use Precognitive Future, Predetermine Menes' location, and finally use Fantasy Light."

"Menas, use the wall of light."

"Demon Fire Red Fox, don't use fantasy light for now, wait for the moment."

"Menas, we open the body of origin."

Damn it! It was another trick of this Lai Pi, in the rain, his demon fire red fox would not last long at all.

"Demon Fire Red Fox, fight, use spiritual strength."

A few seconds later, a powerful mental force erupted from the body of the demon fire red fox, pierced the rain curtain, and instantly rushed in front of Menas.

"Menas, hold on."

On the bright side, Shui Ye gave this order to Menas, but secretly Shui Ye said with spiritual power:

"Menas, when this move is over, you will pretend that you are physically exhausted and lose your sense of battle, so he is also a member of the Lorraine Empire, and he still wants to give Allie and his future father-in-law a face."

Rumble! The moment Nian Li hit Menas, Menas fell from mid-air and pretended to pass out.

It's just that the tail is still moving, and the corners of Shui Ye's eyes twitch a little.

This idiot acting is inevitably too fake.

"Referee, I admit defeat in this game, Menas, you have worked hard, come back!"

In order not to show the flaws to others, Shui Ye quickly took out the Spirit Ball and instantly withdrew Menas.

"Oh! In this round, the Water Night player admits defeat, Chris player wins, and asks the Water Night player to replace the elf. "

The referee hurriedly said in pain.

To be honest, it was the first time he had seen someone who dared to release water in the finals, and with his decades of refereeing eyes, he could see that Menas was playing dead the moment he fell to the ground!

"Bangira, that's you."

"Demon Fire Red Fox, you have worked hard, come back."

Chris saw the panting and almost unsteady demon fire red fox, quickly took out the poké ball to put it back, and then solemnly took out the last poké ball and threw it out.

"Double axe war dragon, please."

I saw that this elf's face had a pair of red teeth in the shape of a battle axe, his feet stood upright on the ground, and his whole body was wrapped in solid armor, which was one of the dragon elves, the double axe war dragon.

(PS: Moe Xin I did it, although a little late)_

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