“Poor Daoist, you are a pragmatist. When Demon Court was useful to you, you didn’t ask for compensation. Now Demon Court is dispensable for you. At this time Asking you to collect debts, you must be resisting from the bottom of your heart, but…”

The voice of Taoist Hongyun was slightly paused, the corners of his mouth rose, said with a smile: “There is a cause and an effect, this is inevitable. , In addition, even if there is no cause that you owe yourself, we will find a way to make the cause and effect between you and us, because you are a chosen person who is on the same front with us to help you Even obeying you, although it is not something we have to do, it will also bring us the benefits of splashing the sky.”

When the voice fell, Lin Yuan also roughly understood what the Taoist Hongchen meant.

What I said and what I said was to tell Lin Yuan that from the perspective of fighting against Hongjun, they were originally comrades-in-arms, but they managed to escape from the existence of Great Desolate World like the Hongchen Daoist, let alone. The problem of their own abilities is enough, it is already extremely difficult to simply let them show the courage to fight against Hongjun, so an organization composed of Great Desolate creatures like’Demon Court’, after taking root in the other world Most of them will remain anonymous and integrate into the aboriginal groups of the foreign world.

But this kind of incognito is obviously not what these Great Desolate creatures want, and it will certainly not be acceptable to Hongjun.

Those who have escaped from the Great Desolate World have not yet entered Hongjun’s eyes. That’s because one day the incomplete Heavenly Dao is still wandering in the Sea of ​​Bitterness, looking for a suitable day. The “chosen” came to form Legion to defeat Hongjun. Although the strength of the two parties is not equal, it seems that Hongjun really has no way to use the system in a short period of time.

According to the above records in the Book of All Living Beings, even though Hongjun has stolen Heavenly Dao and became the Supreme Existence, he can even enable those Saints who have attained the’Hunyuan’, which is what Lin Yuan understands. A Divine King of a powerful god came to work for himself, but he was still a thief in essence.

As long as the system exists for one day, Hongjun will not be able to control Heavenly Dao 100%, not to mention touching the power of higher’rules’, even changing the path of cultivation, turning from’god’ The operation of’Xiang’ is half coaxing and half deceit, and after a long time of precipitation, the cultivator after the confinement of the gods has completely lost the threat to the old Great Desolate creatures, and even the unorthodox way has been affected. It is well known that the cultivation world has developed for so many years, but among the magic weapons, the most tyrannical existence is the existence of the prefix with the term “Hongmeng Innate”, even those with the word “Hongmeng Houtian” are better than the later cultivation world. Refining is countless times stronger.

Is this reasonable?

Very unreasonable!

Like the evolutionary history of mankind, it can even be referred to as the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age.

With the ebbing of time, all aspects of science and technology will definitely become more and more powerful, and the knowledge recorded by the predecessors will be continuously supplemented and expanded, or even directly overturned, and then a more powerful series of products will be derived .

So much time has passed, why is the cultivation world just like a pool of stagnant water, and even the more it develops, the worse it is before?

Obviously, this is all Hongjun’s’credit’!

Because Hongjun is afraid…

He is afraid of Heavenly Dao’s revenge and that everything is out of his control. For these Undying and Inextinguishable existences, once they are For the losers, waiting for them is bound to be terrifying countless times more terrifying than death.

Once Hongjun leaves the Great Desolate World, his power will be constantly weakened. Although the weakest is comparable to Saint, Heavenly Dao, who is briefly out of Hongjun’s control, will quickly awaken. His own’consciousness’ and welcome back the missing part of the original source. At that time, even if Hongjun returns to Great Desolate, it will be difficult to steal Heavenly Dao again. Instead, he will be entangled by Heavenly Tribulation again and again until he is completely dead. Or wait for him to take control of Heavenly Dao again.

More importantly, once Hongjun loses the strength of the invincible Great Desolate and is entangled by Heavenly Tribulation, will the six sages who now seem to be loyal and respectful call him teacher?

From Lin Yuan’s perspective, the answer is definitely no.

Rather than saying that the Great Desolate Six Sages are Hongjun’s dísciple, it is more appropriate to say that they are the’manager’ selected by Hongjun. Aside from the complicated plot against, they are even more like Hongjun. Like Jun’s “dog”, the meaning of existence is to take care of the Great Desolate World for Hong Jun, to hunt down those who escaped from the Great Desolate World, to explore the main body of the system by the way, and to provide Hong Jun with a lot of incense power that’s all.

In the final analysis, the so-called Great Desolate Six Saints, although they sound powerful, but Hongjun’s life was pinched by Hongjun.

Hongjun steals according to Heavenly Dao. In the past, Great Desolate World was also known as Saint, but he was able to directly prove Hunyuan, relying on his own enlightenment, and does not need Hongjun’s charity to achieve the status of Saint.

This game from the very beginning belongs to Heavenly Dao and Hongjun. The rest, no matter how powerful they are in those Myths and Legends, are just the one held by Hongjun or Heavenly Dao. A chess piece that’s all.

How can Hongyun Taoists not be afraid?

How could he not be afraid?

The game between Heavenly Dao and Hongjun has been going on for countless years, and no one knows when the winner will be decided. Their escape from Great Desolate at the beginning is equivalent to breaking with Hongjun. If they don’t stand At Heavenly Dao this step, when the outcome is announced, no one can tolerate them. Even if Hongjun is willing to accept them in order to deal with Heavenly Dao, why did they bother to take out the Great Desolate World in the first place?

Their position has been doomed since they left Great Desolate World.

What the two do not help each other, are incognito, I’m afraid they don’t even believe it!

After all, Hongjun and Heavenly Dao are playing on the board of All Heavens and Myriad Realms. They are just a piece on the board. With their own efforts, they can decide whether they are on the board. A chess piece of what level, but impossible to jump out of the board with his own power.

Lin Yuan lowered his head slightly, his eyes closed slightly, said solemnly: “Senior said it is reasonable, I agree with the theory of cause and effect, but I, as a person, don’t like taking advantage of others. I don’t like people taking advantage of me. Whatever I owe you, I will repay you. If you want other things, I would rather die than promise.”

Speaking of which, Lin Yuan My eyes rose slightly, said with a malicious smile: “With the courage of you two, you dare not kill me, and I have no plans to befriend you!”

For Lin Yuan, I have The’big cause and effect’ act of forcibly shamelessly, Taoist Hongyun opened his eyes wide and looked at Lin Yuan dumbfounded.

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