“en? ”

Lin Yuan slightly startled, looking at Taoist Hongyun with a very weird look, but did not take the stubbornness.

Demon Court is not destroyed by the hands of powerful enemies, they just hide in this world within the realm, no longer dominate the cultivation world, and even give up most of the access to cultivation resources. This shows that Demon Court used to be The period of manifestation was actually their weakest time. After the powers that escaped from Great Desolate recovered their vitality, they naturally looked down on the general cultivation resources and did not continue to high-profile their existence.

When I borrowed the name of Demon Court, I didn’t think about that many, and Demon Court’s attitude towards him was also very strange. It seemed that he hadn’t heard anything about Lin Yuan at all, and didn’t let anyone contact him. He didn’t really accept him either. Later, Lin Yuan slowly came into contact with the members of Demon Court after he gradually grew up, and these guys were still hiding like a shame girl, and refused to tell their true identity.

Lin Yuan never thought that the first time he came into contact with a person from Demon Court who did not hide his identity, it was actually after he cleared his relationship with Demon Court!

“Although you are humans after eternity, you and I are all from the original world, and you can also be regarded as half fellows, living in the foreign world. At the beginning, you used Demon Court to make tiger skins and let those cultivators right When you were afraid, we also turned a blind eye, and even seriously considered the probability of truly absorbing you, but your growth rate was too fast, and the cause and effect on your body were too great, and we had to give up that’s all.”

The Taoist Hongyun akimbo his hips, his feet are suspended from the ground in front of Lin Yuan, and his expression is complicated and said: “It’s just that, even if you just use the name Demon Court, it is also tainted with cause and effect, not what you are today Even if the relationship is over, you use the name of Demon Court to avoid much trouble and owe us much cause and effect. And this cause and effect, you can’t afford it. Can you understand what I said?”

Lin Yuan is silent.

At the beginning, borrowing the name of Demon Court made all influences feel jealous of themselves. Even after coming to the endless sea, although the Four Sea Dragon Race did not fear Demon Court much, they did not dare to be true. The killer for Lin Yuan, in a sense, Demon Court did shelter Lin Yuan.

According to the rules of equivalent exchange, Lin Yuan has to repay the cause and effect. As far as his current situation is concerned, it is indeed impossible to repay, unless he is willing to give up returning to the world of the previous life and take the initiative to contact Tianwu The will of the world achieves the throne of Pluto.

The members of Demon Court don’t need his shelter, and even most of the good things in his eyes, the members of Demon Court don’t look up to…

This TND is very embarrassing.

“So, what we mean is that you continue to use the banner of Demon Court to continue this cause and effect, and you don’t need to repay in a short time. In the future, you will either give us a big one or just body dies and Dao disappears , We don’t have to ask you to collect debts.

Of course, Demon Court will not continue to let you bear this cause and effect. When you return to Breaking Horizon Mountain Range, the position of the next beast owner is yours. , God Martial Dynasty, some small troubles in the south, as long as you speak, we can also help you deal with it. Although there is no our power in the endless sea, those True Dragons, like us, are all from the Great Desolate World. Several points of incense.”

The Taoist Hongyun cleared his throat, his expression indifferent, said solemnly.

Hongyun Taoist this remark is indeed like an honest person. After all, Lin Yuan doesn’t sound like a big loss, and he has also received a series of benefits.

It’s just that the meaning in and out of the words of the Taoist Hongyun is no different. Lin Yuan owes Demon Court a lot of debts. Now that the relationship is severed, the debt must be repaid, but with Lin Yuan’s current small body, it is specified to pay Sorry, it is better to continue to maintain such a relationship, and wait for Lin Yuan to have enough strength in the future before returning them a big one!

What do you mean?

When I am a fan?

It’s hard to say where I will be in the future, but it will definitely not be worse than the Red Cloud Taoist and Demon Master Kunpeng in the Peak period, and it’s no problem even with the Great Desolate Six Sages. The strength is not such that, let alone destroying Hongjun, he is not even qualified to look directly at Hongjun!

Lin Yuan’s eyes were a little weird, but he didn’t directly refuse. After all, Taoist Hongyun was obviously threatening him. After saying those words, he didn’t look at Lin Yuan, but kept playing with himself. Bottle gourd on the waist.

Seeing that Lin Yuan didn’t answer for a long time, Taoist Hongyun had a wry smile at the corners of his mouth, and said, “I’ve told you, I’m really not good at being a wicked person. Look, this kid hasn’t been caught at all. I was shocked.”

This sentence does not seem to be for Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan sneered twice in his heart while calm.

Hongyun Taoist is not good at being a villain?

There is a saying in the previous life-when an honest person is angry, you are not even qualified to kneel down!

Most people say that they might put gold on their faces, but the Taoist Hongyun who was able to surrender to the holy position at the beginning is undoubtedly the honest and good old man of the genuine in Great Desolate World.

There is a saying, such a person is worthy of admiration, because the creatures in the Great Desolate World are either Innate Demon God, or the creatures evolved from the Heavenly Spiritual Root, or they are various The things of the Great Desolate are all listed together, but there are not a few who have a moral bottom line or a gentle personality. The Great Desolate creatures basically do it for themselves!

In such an environment, only killing and snatching can make you stronger and survive smoothly. If you change to Lin Yuan and live in the Great Desolate World, he will only become a total villain. , Even if it is pretending to be too lazy to pretend to be a good person.

Hongyun Taoist is no different from a different kind, and the different kinds of end are often not very good, his experience also proves this.

After experiencing a series of events, the Taoist Hongyun is called the Great Desolate first bad luck egg, but now he is definitely the kind of angry honest person. Once this kind of person becomes evil, he is more Even the existence of evil is thousands of times more terrifying!

It’s just that if the Taoist Hongyun is really an honest person, I’m afraid he would have been eaten by people with his belt bones a long time ago, but after facing the demon master Kunpeng and the Netherworld River Old Ancestor, He was still able to get away successfully, and even took the opportunity to escape from the Great Desolate World. It can be seen that Taoist Hongyun himself is not a good stubborn. The so-called good old man is just a kind of personality that he maintains that’s all.

Even… Hongyun Taoist gave up his holy position at the beginning, it may not be because he has seen through Hongjun’s intention and did not want to be controlled.

This kind of person cannot be exaggerated, especially when he stands on the opposite side of himself, a small contempt is enough to make people skeleton doesn’t exist!

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