What kind of world is Great Desolate?

Heaven and Earth was first developed, a cosmos, barely considered a lifeform, only the legendary three thousand Primal Chaos Demon gods.

According to the records in the “Songshen Jing”, the so-called Three Thousand Primal Chaos Demon is actually an intelligent body derived from the Three Thousand Great Daos, which is barely a derivative of the’rule’, such as a representative Pangu of’force’,’hour’ of time, and Yang Mei of’space’.

In the past, it was said that Hongjun and Luohu are also one of the three thousand Primal Chaos Demon gods, the former represents the’immortal’ and the latter the’demon’!

But this is not recorded in the “Songshen Jing”, and according to Lin Yuan’s path of cultivation of the Great Desolate World, at least Hongjun was stealing from Heavenly Dao, before the path of cultivation, In the world, there is no concept of’immortal’ and’devil’. Even the Great God Pangu generally claimed to be a Taoist. After all, at that time, most of them were deriving from the existence of’rules’ like the three thousand Primal Chaos Demon gods. It is an existence that has enlightened and transformed like a Taoist in Hongyun.

Up to Demon God and down to the beasts, they are all running for survival. Morality, something that only exists or is useful in a society under the rule of law, does not apply to Great Desolate World.

Hongyun Taoist was given the existence of Primordial Chaos Purple Energy by Hongjun. If it weren’t for the Western Second Interpretation, one of the Six Saints of Great Desolate would have been booked by him, even if it was placed in the powerhouse everywhere. In Great Desolate World, Taoist Hongyun is considered to be a big boss among big bosses, but what about plot against him in order to escape from Great Desolate?

Good honest man, isn’t it the same to cheat him on Saint position?

The same as Hongjun’s favorite dísciple, Kunpeng even hit the killer directly!

Speaking of good and evil in such a bloody world, is this a joke?

Furthermore, the fairy is just a faction, how can it be related to the rules?

In the eyes of Lin Yuan, Luo Hu is now just a’senior’ who failed the counterattack. Putting the title of’Magic Ancestor’ on Luo Huo’s body, one is not very lucky, and the other is that In terms of the chaos of the Great Desolate World, what Luo Hui does is the basic exercises of the Great Desolate World. It’s just that the average Great Desolate creature doesn’t have as much abilities as him. Even more how the so-called absorption of Western Spiritual Qi is what he does. Yes, it was still a black pot after he was defeated, which is hard to say.

Most of the legends in the previous life have been processed and beautified. We can only learn from some, but we can never believe them all.

In such a world where there is no moral bottom line at all, everyone should respect the Basic Law when they speak and do things. If you encounter something stronger than yourself, you have to pretend to be polite.

But looking at Hongyun Taoist’s extensive experience in making friends, there are really very few dead skinny people who have made friends with Lin Yuan. Even the one in the Conferred God Quantitative Tribulation said, “Fellow Daoist” “Please stay here” and Shen Gongbao, who has become terror-stricken at the news, is incomparable. After all, cause and effect cannot be avoided. If there is a cause, there must be an effect. Just like Shen Gongbao died of a pit, that many people In the end, he even went to Investiture of the Gods, and was taken by Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning to fill the eyes of Northern Sea.

This thing is very mysterious. No one can quantify it. After all, it is to save lives. There must be a difference between saving the lives of princes and saving the poor, but when it comes to cause and effect, who can Is it sure that the weights of the two beings are not the same?

So like Lin Yuan, he would pay what he owed. Since ancient times, he was the first one…

“You…this…a bit unreasonable, right? “

The Taoist Hongyun’s lips trembled slightly, and he didn’t know how to organize the language for a while.

After all, what Lin Yuan said before is not false. As the “chosen one”, Lin Yuan has great cause and effect on his body. If they just don’t help Lin Yuan, at most He couldn’t get into the eyes of Heavenly Dao, and was only liquidated after the outcome was announced, but if they hindered or even killed Lin Yuan, then Heavenly Dao would immediately punish them and make them pay the corresponding price.

They asked Lin Yuan to ask for debt. They definitely wanted more benefits. After all, who borrowed money these days and didn’t want to collect interest?

But Lin Yuan made it clear that he was willing to repay the cause and effect, but he refused to give more. They just couldn’t do it…

“If this is the case, then…”

Hongyun Taoist took a deep breath, and after trying to calm his mood, he spoke with a complex expression.

However, before his voice fell, Lin Yuan preemptively said: “I said, I will pay you what I owe, so you are not qualified to ask me to repay the content. Wait until I step out. After the gate of heaven, if anyone wants to trouble you, I can allow you to use my name to deter each other. As for the time limit… I will round it up for you, and it will count as three years. When I step out of the gate of heaven, it will be When I repay you for this cause and effect, within the scope of my ability, I can protect you for three years.”


The Hongyun Taoist face went dark, almost Subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch the fiery red bottle gourd on his waist.

He really wanted to use his companion Spirit Treasure to break Lin Yuan’s soul, so that he knew how to respect the senior.

Lin Yuan shook the head with a smile and said, “Don’t you protect me like this? I acquiesced in my walking on Heavenly Martial Continent under your name, but something really happened. I haven’t seen you play a role several times. I really thought that Demon Court’s name is so good? If I hadn’t had the means to settle the temptation again and again, I would have been eaten by people and there would be no scum left. “

Speaking of which, Lin Yuan slowly raised the tip of his tail and pointed at Taoist Hongyun, said with a sneer: “Speaking of which is still earned by you. Not only has you been protected by me for longer,” And although the cultivator and demonic beast on Heavenly Martial Continent do not respect you as much as they did before, they certainly won’t find you unlucky when you are full, but the ones who trouble you are different, even if they are not from Great Desolate World. Powerhouse is the same as you back then. They are all powerful abilities that escaped from the Great Desolate World.”

Hong Yundao’s popular liver hurts, but he doesn’t know how to refute Lin Yuan.

For Lin Yuan, the existence of Demon Court is just a tiger skin that’s all that does not allow people to lift the table directly. Those who covet his secrets are still trying again and again. And Lin Yuan basically solved it by himself. They just did some finishing work or trimming, and it really wasn’t a big cause and effect.

Like Lin Yuan said, if this is the case for causality, they are indeed making money.

The problem is that it is simply not his intention to make causality like this!

If they can’t join the Heavenly Dao camp, how long will they have to live?

“Dragon King, you are doing this too much, right?”

The Taoist Hongyun’s face darkened, his eyes kept turning in his eye sockets, as if he was thinking about something.

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