Facing Han Yang, who seemed to be speechless and lying down, Commissioner Murphy gave him one last cold look, without any emotion in his voice: Since President Han Yang admitted all the accusations, then, On behalf of the Grievance Committee, I declare that revival...

Wait a moment.

Han Yang stood up and looked at Murphys' 3D projection calmly: Dear Commissioner Murphys, according to the appeal procedure, I should also have a chance to explain.

Morpheus frowned slightly.

According to the procedure, this is indeed the case. But haven’t you already admitted all the charges and given up on elaborating?

Some people in the jury have already begun to yell: Why are you trying to quibble? People like you should go to jail!

Your Excellency, Commissioner, don't listen to his sophistry, just pronounce the sentence!


Morpheus knocked on the table, and the noise finally stopped.

Next, President Han Yang will explain his own point of view.

Regardless, procedures must be followed.

A trace of sadness appeared on Han Yang's face: Dear committee members, respected jury members, what I want to say is that I do admit all the accusations made by President Liu Fujun against me. I will not make any defense for this.

I admit that in order to support the Pluto development strategy, I was really too impatient, which led to me making many mistakes during the process, such as rough methods, violation of industry rules, violation of industry ethics, etc.

This is all my fault. It is because I did not learn the spirit of Governor Malentin and deviated from Governor Malentin's teachings.

I don’t ask for anything else, but I pray that Commissioner Murphys, considering that I just did bad things with good intentions, can give me a lighter punishment so that I can retain some of my strength and continue to contribute to the Pluto development strategy. the power of.

I've finished my explanation, thank you all.

Compared with Liu Fujun's aggressive behavior, Han Yang's behavior was completely opposite. He was not only weak, but almost pleading.


Liu Fujun frowned, feeling that things were not that simple.

Following Han Yang's words, Morpheus became a little uneasy at first.

what's the situation?

Isn't it to try the conflict between the Dismantling Association and Qin Fuxing Dismantling? Why is the development of Pluto involved again?

Even Morpheus, an Eta native, must carefully maintain the status of Governor Marentin. At this moment, he did not dare to neglect, and immediately said: What does your revival and dismantling have to do with the development of Pluto?

Han Yang said sadly: Governor Malentin has a far-sighted vision, and with his outstanding wisdom and deep concern for human civilization, he has pointed out the way forward for the great goal of human rejuvenation. This is the Pluto development strategy.

I don’t need to say more about the importance of this strategy, everyone knows it.

After the strategy was implemented, Pluto's various needs increased significantly, the supply of materials was insufficient, and the transportation capacity was insufficient.

Although I am just a small person, everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of mankind. With a great leader like Governor Malentin pointing the way, the only thing I can do is to spend all my money to contribute to this strategy.

I saw that due to insufficient interstellar transportation capacity, many supplies could not be transported to Pluto, which seriously hindered strategic progress, and I felt anxious.

I want to buy some new interstellar transport ships and form a fleet to transport them, but every shipyard's orders are years away.

I then thought that even if I couldn't buy new spaceships, I could dismantle and repair old spaceships to build a fleet and contribute to the strategy. So I bought Yunxing and disassembled it, and planned to assemble the spacecraft myself from the disassembled parts and put it into interstellar transportation.

During this process, employees chose to go on strike because of insufficient treatment. My ability is limited and I cannot improve their treatment too much. I can only persuade them to be patient and suffer more for the sake of the strategy of human rejuvenation.

I told them that Governor Malentin worked hard and devoted himself to the strategy of human rejuvenation. He did not forget to plan the future of human civilization even on his hospital bed. If we suffer temporarily, what does it matter?

Maybe because of my lack of theoretical study, I couldn't convince the employees. I had no choice but to fire them and recruit a new group of employees who were willing to contribute to the revival strategy.

I admit that during this process, sometimes I was too impatient and used some rough methods. I apologize to them.

As for guilds, I admit that there is indeed a need for guilds to exist. I did this wrong.

However, I have a problem.

Now that the entire civilization is united and gathered under the command of Governor Marentin, united and fighting desperately for the revival of civilization, is it the time to talk about personal treatment? !

Governor Malentin did not forget to plan the future of civilization even in his hospital bed. Is it so unacceptable for you to suffer a little loss and suffer a little injustice for the time being? !

Is it so difficult to contribute a little bit to civilization? Governor Malentin’s earnest teachings and thousands of exhortations, have they all been in vain? If even we humans have given up on the goal of revival, who else will help us?

The benevolent Governor will not blame us for failing to live up to the expectations of Governor Marentin, because we are just like his children. However, we have also failed ourselves! We ourselves, can we forgive ourselves? !

At the end of the sentence, Han Yang's words were stern, full of grief, anger, helplessness, and pain.

At this moment, the entire interrogation hall fell silent.

At this moment, Commissioner Murphy was stunned.

At this moment, the jury members were stunned.

At this moment, Liu Fujun felt as if he had been struck by lightning.


It turns out that there is another reason behind what President Han Yang did!

Han Yang glanced at Liu Fujun who was staying there and snorted in his heart.

Politically correct? I'm more right than you! In the face of the great development of Pluto, your right to protect the interests of employees is nothing!

I, Han Yang, would like to take a look. Who here dares to say that even if the development of Pluto is delayed, the interests of employees must be protected?

Who dares? !

At this moment, Morpheus's head was also confused.

Am I an Ita person or are you an Ita person? Are you so excited, Mr. Han?

Seeing the wind direction in the inquiry hall changing unconsciously, Liu Fujun's head became confused.

No, I can't admit defeat, I can't admit defeat... huh?

Liu Fujun was so blessed that he suddenly discovered a blind spot.

Regardless of the order of questioning, Liu Fujun shouted: Han Yang! You said it was for the development of Pluto? I think you are clearly using this guise to seek benefits for yourself!

There is no greater political correctness than the development of Pluto, so I can only find a way to deny your correctness, so that my correctness is correct!

Ha ha ha ha!

Han Yang laughed loudly: I, Han Yang, have always been aboveboard in my work! I grew up from a poor boy in a slum area to now. Everyone sees what I do along the way!

At this moment, Xu Zhou stood up hurriedly as if he was blessed and said loudly: When we, Mr. Han, opened Fuxing Mall, we made an annual profit of more than 30 million yuan! But as soon as Governor Malunding announced the Pluto development strategy, Mr. Han immediately made a desperate move. I staked my entire fortune, took out a loan of 400 million, built a robot factory, and produced robots to supply Pluto!

From a poor boy to a net worth of tens of millions, and then all-in mortgage, if it were you, Mr. Liu, would you have the courage?

Is it money that supports Mr. Han in making this decision? I bother! Don't insult our Mr. Han! No one can make such a crazy decision as long as they are not crazy!

But our President Han did it! Fortunately, Mr. Han succeeded and successfully started supplying robots to Pluto. Otherwise, Mr. Han would have nothing!

Everyone present was awestruck.

Indeed, as long as there is reason, no one can be so crazy.

The risk is too great.

Then, it seems that there is only one reason left.

Contribute to the Pluto development strategy!

Xu Zhou's words are not over yet: The robot factory is successful and profitable. Our boss, Mr. Han, once again bet all his wealth and took another loan of 2 billion! Expand production capacity!

Friends, 2 billion, except Mr. Han, who would dare to lend it? Who dares to say with conscience that Han always does it for money? If it was really about money, how could Mr. Han make such a decision that goes against business rules?

Fortunately, Mr. Han succeeded again. This time, Mr. Han once again bet all his wealth on a loan of 15 billion!

All of this is clearly recorded. If you check the bank records, check the accounts, or make inquiries, you will come to a conclusion immediately. There is no way to fake it!

15 billion, President Han is going to invest all of it in dismantling the company, just to be able to establish a transport fleet as soon as possible and increase interstellar transportation capacity. Now, Liu Fujun, do you say that President Han is just for money?

Don’t be desperate for money and treat others as the same as you! Commenting on Mr. Han, Liu Fujun, are you worthy? !

Really hammered.

Completely solid.

Just like Xu Zhou said, everything is recorded and there is no way to falsify it. Han Yang couldn't lie to people about these things.

So, what was his reason for doing this? It can only be for the Pluto development strategy!

Obviously, what Han Yang said is true: I am desperate for the rejuvenation of mankind, even at the risk of bankrupting my fortune, but what are you saying to me here about protecting the interests of my employees?

Just like that sentence said, Governor Malentin never forgot to plan the future of human civilization even in his hospital bed. You, a human being, have suffered some losses and suffered some grievances. What's wrong?

What's wrong? !


In the interrogation hall, all the jurors stood up and applauded together. At this moment, countless people were so excited that their eyes were red.

Even some people in Liu Fujun's camp couldn't help but stand up and start applauding.

It's over, it's over...

Listening to the thunderous applause, Liu Fujun's vision went dark and he fell to the ground.

Before he fainted, one last thought flashed through his mind.

Riding horses, who would have thought that Han Yang is a madman... Why do you think I should compete with a madman...

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