Following Liu Fujun's fainting, there was brief chaos in the inquiry hall.

Fortunately, Liu Fujun did not faint for long and woke up on his own after a while. But this episode also shows that the situation is truly irreversible.

Unless someone at committee level steps forward, it is possible to turn the tide.

As a native of Ita, Morpheus would not be able to stand up against the Renaissance Group in this matter.

Although the remaining human committee members are humans and have much less power to speak than Morpheus, if any committee member really steps forward, Morpheus will definitely consider it carefully in order to maintain the superficial peace.

This is Liu Fujun's only chance to reverse the situation. However, Liu Fujun had never interacted with the other committee members at all.

At this moment, he was completely desperate.

He didn't know that Han Yang was also paying close attention to the movements of the other committee members, especially Lu Wei.

At this moment, Lu Wei still looked calm. He only lowered his head slightly and looked at the documents in front of him, as if he was staying out of it.

Morpheus said solemnly: Quiet.

The inquiry hall immediately returned to silence.

President Han Yang, do you have anything else to add?

Han Yang lowered his head: Dear Commissioner Murphy, I have finished my explanation.

Morpheus looked at Liu Fujun: President Liu Fujun, do you have anything to add?

Liu Fujun muttered, racking his brains to say something, but in the end he only said one sentence: No.

Good, Morpheus said. The jury voted.

After some voting and counting, a total of 55 jury members all voted for Renaissance Group.

Lu Wei remained expressionless and made no movement.

When the voting results came out, Murphys solemnly said again: The case of the Dismantling Association suing Fuxing Group for malicious competition, failure to comply with industry ethics, and violation of industry rules is now ruled to be based on insufficient evidence and the application is rejected.

There was warm applause in the inquiry hall. A smile also appeared on Han Yang's face.

Lu Wei remained silent and seemed to have accepted the result without any objection.

Then Han Yang knew that Lu Wei did not rebel. He still maintains his original intention when he joined the Blues. Even though the Blues suffered a major blow and were almost destroyed, he still did not change his will.

Contacting Lu Wei in advance this time was a test for him.

After proving his identity and making Lu Wei confirm that his side was really a Blue Army organization, if Lu Wei had rebelled, his reaction would instead be to comply with the Blue Army's demands and sentence Fuxing Group to lose the case.

Because only in this way can he win the trust of the Blue Army organization, take advantage of the situation to break into the Blue Army, and provide more intelligence for the ETA people to clear out the Blue Army forces.

Simply put, it’s fishing.

Regardless of the fact that the situation now seems to have completely shifted to our side, our victory seems unstoppable.

However, never underestimate the power of an industry committee member. Even if this committee member is just a human being.

If he really wants to complete the mission of the Blue Army and make Fuxing Group lose the lawsuit, then he can find countless reasons to make Fuxing Group lose the case under the politically correct premise of protecting the face of Commissioner Murphy and the Pluto development strategy. The group lost the lawsuit.

How could someone who can hang out in an institution like the Industrial Council, which is close to the core of human civilization, not even have this ability?

But at this moment, Lu Wei was clearly capable of completing the Blue Army's mission, but he resisted the Blue Army's instructions. This could prove that he was still loyal to the Blue Army and had not rebelled.

Because Han Yang had long known from Luo Hong that Lu Wei was a person with his own opinions.

In the past, he has expressed many different opinions on the Blues' strategies and plans. Of course, after the plan is finalized, even if he disagrees, he will still implement it.

But now, at least on the surface, the Blue Army has been destroyed.

This has proven to be a major mistake in the Blues' line. In this way, if there are any different opinions, Lu Wei may not necessarily succumb to the will of the organization again and implement it.

He will most likely follow the path he believes is right.

So, is the Blue Army's order to sentence Fuxing Group to lose the lawsuit really correct?

At present, Fuxing Group is indeed a fanatical and firm supporter of the Pluto development strategy.

However, while the Fuxing Group is firm, it has also objectively brought a lot of benefits to the bottom class of human society.

Fuxing Mall is the most solid evidence.

Under the premise of clearly realizing that the will of the Eta people is temporarily unstoppable, it is better to let a group like the Fuxing Group, which is fanatical but of great benefit to the bottom, come to power, or let a group that may not be so fanatical, but only knows how to cruelly squeeze the bottom Is it better for the group to get a better position?

How to make a choice, Han Yang knew that Lu Wei must be very sober.

If he had not rebelled, he would have kept the Renaissance Group even if it went against the will of the organization.

The reason is simple, because it is more beneficial to civilization as a whole.

Of course, even if Lu Wei really rebels and has to obey the will of the organization and be sentenced to defeat by the Fuxing Group, Han Yang has backup plans and is not afraid that he will really cause damage to himself.

He could have asked You Jun, the director of the Ming Kai Department's office, to come forward and put pressure on the Industrial Committee on behalf of the Ming Kai Department.

Yes, You Jun has been successfully promoted to the position of director with the great help of Fuxing Group.

That way it's foolproof.

At this moment, Han Yang felt a little happy after it was confirmed that Lu Wei had not rebelled.

A member of a trustworthy industrial committee has no idea how much benefit he can bring to himself in the future.

This is the first protective umbrella that the Renaissance Group has found at the heart of Earth's government.

However, you should be careful in your future contact with Lu Wei, and you must not be exposed.

This time, Fuxing Group won a big victory.

But what Han Yang didn't expect was that the matter was not over yet.

After announcing the rejection of the dismantling association’s complaint, Commissioner Murphy changed his subject: “In view of the fact that Chairman Liu Fujun was unable to deeply understand Governor Malentin’s remarks while serving as president of the dismantling association and president of the dismantling association workers’ federation. Strategic planning cannot lead the industry to contribute to the cause of human rejuvenation. Instead, it hinders the development of a group like Fuxing Group that cares about mankind and makes selfless contributions. Here, on behalf of the Industrial Committee, I would like to make suggestions to all member units of the dismantling industry, eliminating the need for Liu Fujun. The positions of presidents of the two associations will be re-elected, and Han Yang of Fuxing Group will be recommended for the position of president.”

Liu Fujun's eyes went dark again, and this time he completely fainted.

Morpheus's suggestion, is that a suggestion? As long as you are in the industrial circle, who dares not to listen to Morpheus's advice?

The difference is that when Liu Fujun fainted this time, no one came to help him.

Even Cai Kun, who had always been loyal to him, cautiously took two steps back.

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