At the Industrial Commission Flying Landing Ground, a fleet of vehicles roared down after receiving permission. After that, they parked at the designated place under the guidance of the staff.

Opening the car door, Liu Fujun, Cai Kun and others filed out.

After a while, the Fuxing Dismantling Company's fleet also landed with a roar and arrived here. The car door opened, and Han Yang and his group also walked out.

A few dozen meters apart, the two sides' eyes met.

Han Yang looked calm, while Liu Fujun had a faint smile on his face.

After today, I see how Han Yang is crying. If you want to enter the dismantling industry, you must abide by the rules...

The gauze on Cai Kun's head has been removed, and he has resumed his parted hairstyle. Hearing this, he immediately complimented: Of course. With President, you are in charge of the overall situation, can he still jump to the sky?

Liu Fujun smiled faintly and walked forward.

They each rested in the lounge for a while, and when the time came, they started entering ten minutes early.

The people from the Dismantling Association sat on the left side of the inquiry hall, and Han Yang and his group sat on the right side.

Behind them were dozens of jury members.

The opinion of the jury carries extremely important weight in the Industrial Commission's decision. Sometimes the jury reaches a consensus, and even the on-duty adjudicator has to respect their opinion.

There were some people maintaining order next to it, a few record-keepers sitting in front, and four members of the Industrial Committee sitting on the rostrum at the front.

Although Han Yang knew the names of others through collecting information, he did not recognize them. There is only one Lu Wei that I am familiar with.

At this moment, Lu Wei lowered his head slightly, as if he was concentrating on the documents in front of him, with no expression on his face.

The four committee members were two on the left and two on the right, while the middle seat was empty.

That is obviously the position of Morpheus, an Eta man.

Han Yang waited quietly. It wasn't until one minute before the start that a 3D projector projected Morpheus's figure onto the middle seat.

Like the other Eta people, Morpheus is also thin and tall, with a pointed face. It's just that he is thinner and taller, more like a bamboo pole.

I declare that the trial of the Dismantling Association v. Fuxing Dismantling will now begin.

Everyone present stood up together and bowed to Morpheus.

President of the Dismantling Association Liu Fujun, please explain first.

Yes. Dear Commissioner Morpheus, respected other committee members, and respected members of the jury, this is what happened...

Liu Fujun described the entire incident, from Yunxing's dismantling of employee strikes to Han Yang's rough treatment, firing all employees, beating employees and union members, and then violating industry rules and ethics, refusing to establish a union, and beating employees, etc. Wait, wait, one by one, everything was explained in an orderly manner.

It is also accompanied by a large number of audio, video and written records, which fully demonstrates the efforts made by the dismantling association in this incident in order to protect the interests of employees, and how badly Han Yang responded. The overall situation was to show restraint, but he was repeatedly treated roughly by Han Yang, and was finally forced to have no choice but to appeal to the Industrial Commission.

It is full of the blood, tears and helplessness of the dismantling association in the face of the powerful Renaissance Group.

Especially the tearful complaints made by employees before Fuxing was dismantled: We have to eat, we have to work, we have to support our families, etc., etc., which is even more tear-jerking and fills people's hearts with anger towards Fuxing Group and Han Yang.

There were even some jury members who couldn't control their anger. They stood up and cursed at Han Yang, and the guards calmed them down after being forcibly controlled.

At the end, Liu Fujun even delivered an impromptu speech: Governor Malentin repeatedly emphasized that any company must respect the interests of its employees. Employees and companies are a whole, and only by achieving each other can we jointly have a better future.

A more harmonious labor-capital relationship can more effectively promote the early realization of the great goal of human rejuvenation.

It is a common norm in the industry to dismantle a company and establish a union, which represents the employees, coordinates with the company management, and protects the interests of the employees. It has also been appreciated and approved by Governor Malentin.

Over the years, under the coordination of the Association, the dismantling industry has prospered and prospered.

However, I would like to ask President Han Yang, what did you do to dismantle the revival?

Employees are just expressing normal demands. Can this be a reason for you to fire everyone?

Employees just want to eat and work. Why would you collude with local security forces to violently beat them?

Why do you resist forming a guild in your company? Do you have a guilty conscience and are afraid that the existence of the guild will prevent you from exploiting your employees?

Have you forgotten all Governor Malentin’s teachings?

As Liu Fujun asked his last question, the anger towards Han Yang in the inquiry hall reached its peak. Not only the members of the jury were yelling and cursing, but even the committee members on the podium looked grim.

Commissioner Morpheus's projection stared coldly at Han Yang.

Next to Han Yang, Xu Zhou's head buzzed, and there were only two words left in his head.

It’s over!

For this trial, as the chief consultant, he prepared a lot of materials to try to prove that he did not abuse his employees and that the dismissal of the former employees was justified.

But now, he was keenly aware that no matter how much evidence he produced and how well-founded his analysis was, it was of no use at all.

Because Liu Fujun's emotions have been aroused.

Because protecting the interests of employees is politically correct. Anyone who tries to challenge this political correctness will be condemned to shame.

What's more, Liu Fujun also used Governor Malentin's words as a banner.

After this combination of punches, our side has no chance.

Although our side has not stated anything yet, no matter what our side states, it is useless.

It's over, it's over...

Han Yang looked calm, just secretly paying attention to the change in Commissioner Lu Wei's expression.

Commissioner Murphy said coldly: Han Yang, President of Fuxing Dismantling, on behalf of the Appeals Committee of the Industrial Commission, I would like to ask you a few questions.

First, do you admit that you fired all your former employees and violently evicted them?

Han Yang said calmly: I admit it.

Secondly, did you reject the request to establish a guild in Fuxing, and violently drove away the guild members?

I admit.

And did you join forces with the local security forces to disperse the petitioning employees by violent beatings, causing many injuries?

I admit.

I admit.

Regarding Liu Fujun's accusations and Murphys' inquiries, Han Yang accepted them all and admitted them all.

The smile on Liu Fujun's face grew stronger.

Isn’t your surname Han a tough guy? In this grievance committee, in front of Commissioner Murphy, would you like to take a second look?

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