Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 496 True Strength

A steel-armored crow is neither afraid of fire nor electricity. What kind of monster is this?

An all-round three-dimensional defense fighter?

"Although I don't understand what's going on, the Steel Armored Crow's condition is indeed very good..." Ye Chuan used the waveguide to check the Steel Armored Crow's condition and found that the aura of the Steel Armored Crow was very strong at this time, and it seemed that he had not been hit by thunder. How much impact.

At this time, the steel-armored crow's feathers began to flash with electric arcs, and it felt very good!

"Crow!" The steel-armored crow flapped its wings, and then rushed towards the electric dragon like a heavily armored tank!


The electric dragon immediately released a hundred thousand volts to stop the steel armored crow, but it was refracted and bounced away by the steel armored crow's mirror-like armor. The next second, the steel armored crow had rushed in front of the electric dragon, its head pointing directly towards It hits hard!

Iron head!

There was a heavy muffled sound, like the sound of hitting a piece of meat with a giant hammer, and the electric dragon was forcefully knocked away, its arms as weak as a car.

It fell to the ground and was very seriously injured. In front of the electric dragon, the steel-armored crow, more than five meters tall, looked like a monster. The last trace of resistance that the electric dragon had was overwhelmed by the fear in his heart. occupied.

With high attack and high defense, it seemed like there were no shortcomings at all, so the electric dragon had no choice but to put up a barrier to protect itself instinctively.


There was another iron head, and the barrier of the electric dragon on the steel armored crow's head made a collision sound, and the floor under the electric dragon's feet also cracked, as if it could not withstand the steel armored crow's incomparable arrogant power.

The steel-armored crow smashed the electric dragon's barrier with his continuous iron head.

With the sound of shattering glass, the iron head of the steel armored crow flew towards the electric dragon!

"Cotton defense!" Shuangye's voice sounded, and a ball of furry material suddenly grew out of the electric dragon's body. At this time, after the steel armored crow's iron head hit it, it seemed to be buffered by cotton, and it had no effect. .

At this time, the electric dragon also distanced itself and sprayed out blue energy fluctuations!

Dragon Wave!

The dragon-shaped fluctuations began to continuously burn the steel-armored crow, and then exploded violently!

With the help of the trick, the power of the dragon's wave was so high that the steel-armored crow couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"Wonderful counterattack!" the host explained:

"Cotton defense is the use of cotton to resist physical skills for a period of time. It has a very good absorption effect on physical attacks!"

The thick fog of the explosion dissipated, and the steel-armored crow was still looking at the electric dragon unscathed. It spread its wings and puffed up its chest proudly: "Crow!"

The electric dragon took a step back.

What kind of iron barrel is this?

"This steel-armored crow may have some special ability and be resistant to fire and electricity." Shuangye said:

"Electric dragon, don't attack with electric skills, continue to use dragon wave."

The electric dragon seemed to understand that the dragon wave just now had an effect on the steel-armored crow, so he opened up his firepower and exploded all the power in his body before the effect of the trick disappeared!

Continuous dragon-shaped fluctuations violently baptized the steel-armored crow, like missiles bombing one after another. The ground was shaking violently, and half of the venue was filled with thick smoke caused by the dragon's fluctuations——

Thirty-one rounds.

A total of thirty-one dragon waves caused the opposite field to be in a mess. Everyone looked to see the situation of the steel-armored crow.

It wouldn't be such a violent attack and it wouldn't cause any damage?

Just when everyone was holding this idea, the thick smoke dissipated, and the steel-armored crow was seen lying on the ground, with the armor all over his body covered with pits and scars.


At this time, the steel-armored crow was undoubtedly hit hard by this violent dragon wave!

"As long as it's effective... I thought it was a really unbeatable monster." Shuangye murmured.

At this time, the electric dragon had almost exhausted all of her physical strength. If the steel-armored crow was still unscathed like just now, then there was nothing she could do.

At this time, the electric dragon walked up to the steel-armored crow, as if it had overcome its inner fear.

It began to condense the last dragon wave, intending to finish off the opponent.

The blue dragon-shaped wave burst out, and finally hit the steel-armored crow, causing its armor to be shattered!

When the referee saw this, he raised his flag:

"Steel Armor Crow, lost..."

"Crow Crow." Suddenly, the steel-armored Crow suddenly trembled, and then propped up his body.

"What?!" After seeing the steel-armored crow standing up, everyone was stunned. How could he still stand up after such a serious injury?

But at this time, Ye Chuan was watching this scene quietly. After a few seconds, he suddenly smiled:


The holy flames on the feathers of the steel-armored crow suddenly began to burn fiercely, and then violently enveloped the steel-armored crow!

There was a sudden phoenix chant that should not be emitted by the steel-armored crow, and a fire shadow appeared behind the steel-armored crow, spreading its golden wings!

"what is that?"

Afterwards, the flames dissipated, and the holy flames on Steel Armor Crow's body all dimmed, but at the same time, the wounds on Steel Armor Crow's body completely disappeared, and his eyes were blazing.

"Crow!" The steel-armored crow spread its wings and screamed!

"Recovered?!" Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

The same goes for Electric Dragon and Frostleaf.

The electric dragon was already at the end of its strength, but it could clearly feel the surging vitality of the steel-armored crow.


The electric dragon was puzzled, why did the steel-armored crow reach full strength in an instant?

Are you cheating?

Double Yuqi doesn’t have this effect, right?

The Steel Armored Crow didn't care what the other party was thinking at this time. Its special ability was to absorb flames and convert them into holy flames for its own use. The function of the holy flames could not only greatly enhance its combat effectiveness, but also allow it to achieve nirvana. Rebirth.

The electric dragon after using the trick is indeed very strong, but the shield of the Steel Armored Crow completely maxes out its defense and endurance, unless the electric dragon attacks like that again.

But it's impossible.

The steel-armored crow fired an iron head and directly blew away the electric dragon, leaving it with no strength or courage to stand up.

"Electric Dragon, lost the ability to fight." The referee raised the flag at this time.

The audience and the host didn't know how to express this scene in words. After all, what happened to the Steel-Armored Crow was beyond their knowledge, but there was no doubt that more people began to pay attention to Ye Chuan himself, whether it was The audience is still the enemy.

"Thank you." After Shuangye took back the electric dragon, he glanced at the steel-armored crow.

Then, she sent out the sentry rats again.

"It's the sentry rat. What are Frostleaf's plans? You must know that the sentry rat can't cause harm to the steel armored crow!" the host said.

"Want to use the baton again?"

Ye Chuan seemed to understand something and immediately said: "Steel Armored Crow, don't give the other side a chance!"

The steel-armored crow spread its wings and flew up, then pounced towards the sentry rat!


The sentry mouse jumped up, and a dazzling white light burst out in front of the steel-armored crow! ! !

"Crow!" The steel-armored crow was stabbed in the eyes by the flash of light, and then fell to the ground. It was dark in front of him and he couldn't tell the location of the sentry rat for a while!

At this time, the sentry rat released its trick again, and black light surrounded its body.

"Sword Dance." Shuangye said.

Sword dance?

The sentry mouse began to dance the sword dance. Trickery and sword dance are both skills that greatly increase the attack in a short period of time, but one is physical and the other is long-range.

Ye Chuan naturally would not give the other party such a chance. The steel-armored crow directly shot out a dazzling silver light!

Cannon light cannon!

The cannon's light cannon directly hit the sentry rat, causing a violent explosion!

After the explosion, the sentry rat still stood there, breathing heavily. Although it was covered in scars, it did not fall down.

Ye Chuan narrowed his eyes slightly, that was...


At this time, there is a faint yellow light flowing on the sentry rat. This is the effect of the endurance skill. It can prevent it from falling easily for a period of time. Originally, the cannon light cannon could take away the sentry rat, but it failed. It was forcefully held back by its endurance skills.

If so...

At this time, the sentry mouse returned to the elf ball, and Frostleaf's other elf ball glowed.

Take over, it worked.

The elf ball opened, and a white and green humanoid elf appeared.

The blade elf——Elledo!

"The baton was successfully taken over, it's actually Alureduo!"

Aluredor is an elf with both superpowers and fighting abilities, and is also the male form of the sentient elf Gardevoir. The difference between this kind of elves and Gardevoir is that they are good at melee combat, and their melee combat ability is extremely excellent.

"..." Ye Chuan pondered slightly.

"You are very strong." Shuangye suddenly said at this time:

"But I also have reasons why I can't lose."

Then, one of her eyes suddenly glowed faintly. She had heterochromatic eyes. When one of her eyes lit up, Ye Chuan was stunned.


That light is...

"Evolve towards the light, Alureduo." Shuangye touched his own heterochromatic pupils, and the next second, rainbow light burst out!

Ye Chuan suddenly realized that it was not an eye, but a keystone! ! !

Elleduo connected with the rainbow light, and then turned into a light cocoon!

The next second, the light cocoon cracked, and Elureduo's figure reappeared!

Its blade became longer and wider, and the edge turned pink, and a cloak-like defensive organization seemed to appear behind it, protecting Eluredo.

Mega Aluredo!

"Evolved!!!" The host said excitedly after seeing the evolution of mega:

"It's actually mega Eluredo. Don't forget that it also has the baton improvement of the Sentry Rat. At this time, Eluredo is like a god of war. How on earth is Player Ye Chuan going to face it?!"

The extremely strong sense of oppression and strong aura were transmitted to Ye Chuan through the waveguide. The evolution of Eluredo and the improvement of the baton completely gave people a feeling of invincibility.

Just standing there made Ye Chuan feel extremely stressed.

"Aye..." An Shiyu in the audience began to worry after seeing this scene.

Because she can also understand that Elle Duo seems to be incredibly tyrannical at this time.

"Steel armor crow, iron wall!" Ye Chuan said immediately.

The body of the steel-armored crow began to become hard, and at this time, Elle Duo suddenly appeared behind the steel-armored crow, with a brown light shining on the sharp blade.

In almost a second, Elleduo slashed out dozens of light blades, and then hit the steel-armored crow with elbow strikes and flying kicks!

"Crow!" The steel-armored crow was pushed back continuously by Alureduo's extremely terrifying power. It had just finished using Feather Roost. Due to the effect, it briefly lost its flying attributes. In Eluredo's fighting system, Under the outpouring of skills, the steel-armored crow soon became unable to hold on.

The armor of the Steel-Armored Crow was blasted to pieces by Elle Duo!

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom, boom, boom!" The earth screamed.

The audience present felt frightened when they saw this scene. This is because Elle Duo is so terrifying. The power of each punch is estimated to be almost beyond the grandmaster level. If the ordinary elves are estimated to be killed with one punch and one knife, , but the steel-armored crow has lasted for so long.

But even so, the Steel-Armored Crow still couldn't defeat his opponent.

"Come back." Ye Chuan took out the elf ball and put the steel-armored crow back.


With the improvement of sword dance, the steel-armored crow was completely unable to withstand the attack of Aluredor after the increased power.

Ye Chuan originally thought that this game was a sure thing after the electric dragon fell, but something even more terrifying appeared.

And it’s also the ultimate BOSS!

At this time, after seeing the steel-armored crow being taken back, Elleduo waved towards Ye Chuan, as if to tell him to come over.

"Come on Youyou!" At this time, Youyou suddenly floated up.

"It's a humanoid elf. Player Ye Chuan actually sent the humanoid elf out. You know she can't even compete with the sentry rat. Is she going to sacrifice it to delay Elle Duo's sword dance?" the host said. .

"Hey, hey, hey, don't underestimate Youyou." Youyou's face suddenly bulged into a little bun, and she waved her fist towards the host.

Elureduo looked at Youyou, because elves are far more sensitive than humans, and they can feel the extraordinaryness of Youyou.

"Huh..." Ye Chuan breathed out slowly: "It is indeed a national competition. My heart has not beat so fast for a long time."

"In that case..." Ye Chuan raised his hand.

Showed his bracelet.

"Huh?" Shuangye seemed to understand something when he saw the keystone on Ye Chuan's wrist.

"Youyou, mega evolution!" Ye Chuan said, and the keystone on his wrist glowed.

The bracelet on Youyou's wrist also glowed, and then the key stone connected with the evolution stone, causing Youyou to be wrapped in rainbow light into a cocoon of light.

"Click." The light cocoon shattered, and then the faint figure reappeared!

Mega Gengar!

As soon as the pink and white fat man appeared, he immediately attracted everyone's attention. Even the host, who had just guessed that Youyou was delaying the sword dance, saw that Youyou had also evolved and said blankly: "Evolved?"

"It's actually Gengar. It turns out that this humanoid elf is Gengar!"

After the evolution of Youyou Mega, it retains the appearance of Mega Gengar. Although the color is different, the appearance features still allow some people to recognize it as Gengar at a glance.

Mega Alureduo, mega Gengar.

The two Mega Elves were confronting each other at the same time, giving the audience a sense of déjà vu as if they were watching a global league. You must know that the Master Group next door does not often see two Mega Evolved Elves confronting each other. After all, this thing is not a piece of shit. , even if you have money, you can't get it.

"That's it." Shuangye said.

"Let us continue." Ye Chuan smiled, the waveguide power in his eyes beating crazily.

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