Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 495 Youyou’s Nemesis

But since this is the site of the National Trainer Competition, it doesn't seem very strange that some trainers have special abilities. Ye Chuan took out his mobile phone, which contained the information that Zero helped collect.

"Frost Leaf?" Ye Chuan murmured after taking a look at the other party's name. Then he took a look at her information and found that it actually had the words unknown written on it. At the same time, Zero also marked the person's battle information on the information. No, even the registered city may not be real.

"This is interesting..." Ye Chuan touched his chin.

In the second round, both sides can send three elves to determine the top 16 list. Since the opponent's information is not clear, after learning the lessons from the previous round, Ye Chuan does not want to hide his strength too much. After all, concealing If you go down, you will have to overturn if you are not sure.

There are too many people competing in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, so Ye Chuan will naturally not lose money for the second time.

"Then come." Ye Chuan narrowed his eyes slightly.


Just after one round of competition, the host held the microphone and said: "Let us congratulate the green player for advancing to the top 16!"

A spiky-headed boy in a cloak looked at all this indifferently, took out the elf ball and took his own elf back. Then he seemed not to care about the cheers of the audience at all, and turned around and left the battlefield.

"Then the next match will be between player Ye Chuan and player Shuangye. I believe that after watching yesterday's game, everyone will be very impressed by player Ye Chuan's stunning flying mantis sword, and player Shuangye's The strong strength must be deeply remembered by many people. Let us wait and see what kind of sparks will be generated in the clash between the two trainers today!"

The host said loudly:

"Let us welcome players Ye Chuan and Shuangye!"

With the audience cheering enthusiastically, Ye Chuan and a woman walked into the battle arena.

"Come on Ye Chuan!!!"

"Frost Leaf, Frost Leaf!"

The voices of support from both sides were about the same. One was that Ye Chuan's flying mantis performance yesterday was too amazing, and the other was that Shuangye's appearance was not bad. She was a beautiful girl with long hair, and she had a unique look with a pair of heterochromatic eyes.

I have to say that when a handsome boy and a beautiful woman are in front of them, a good LSP will always make a smart choice.

"My name is Ye Chuan, please give me some advice." Ye Chuan looked at the woman opposite and said.

"Shuangye." After Shuangye finished speaking, he stopped talking and seemed to have a taciturn character.

Ye Chuan didn't care.

"Both sides can send three elves, and the number of exchanges is two. The game will not end until all the elves on one side lose the ability to fight. So now, please get ready." The referee said at this time.

Ye Chuan and Shuang Ye took out their elf balls at the same time.

At the referee's whistle, both sides sent the elves out!

With a flash of white light, Frostleaf sent out a sentry rat, which was a brown rat elf. They were accustomed to standing on two feet and used their tails to maintain balance. Their attributes were general.

And what Ye Chuan sent——

"I'm here!" Youyou made a Kamen Rider pose, floating in mid-air and looking cute.


The audience present were stunned for a moment when they saw Youyou. Then when they saw that its feet were not touching the ground, they realized that this was not a human being. It might be a mimic elf, possibly a protean or a ghost elf.

This type of elves has not appeared in previous games. Some trainers with unique tastes like to make elves that can change their appearance into what they want. This type of people is not limited to trainers. among.

For example, some people will point to their own cats with an anime cat-eared girl and shout crazy slogans such as "Change me."

These are very common.

But elves are elves after all, and cats can’t turn into beautiful girls. Chickens are still chickens after all, and they can’t turn into bunny girls.

But Youyou's true form is like a girl, but if Ye Chuan explains it to the audience, they won't believe it.

At this time, looking at the sentry rats in the distance, Ye Chuan was considering whether to change the elf.

The sentry rat is a general type elf, and like the ghost type Youyou, both sides cannot effectively attack each other. However, considering that the sentry rat race is weak and the upper limit is very low, Ye Chuan chose not to change the elf.

Because Youyou has also mastered a skill similar to dream eating, which is effective against sentry rats.

What's more, Ye Chuan Youyou has confidence, and she is his absolute main force.

Shuangye did not choose to change the elf at this time. After all, the faint appearance was very confusing, making it difficult to determine what elf it was.

"The battle begins!" At this time, the referee also said directly.

"Youyou!" Ye Chuan said immediately.

Youyou's body disappeared on the spot and became invisible.

"It's missing. Is this humanoid elf a ghost type?" The host immediately judged that Youyou might be a ghost type elf. After all, there are only a few elves that can directly become invisible.

Of course, some elves in special circumstances can also become invisible. For example, Water Eevee can completely blend into the water and disappear.

"Sentinel rat, see through."

Shuangye said after seeing Youyou disappear.

The next second, the sentry mouse's eyes lit up red, and in an instant he saw Youyou's true identity.

Then it lowered its body slightly, and the next second, its sharp claws were covered with black light, and it rushed towards Youyou!


Youyou was stunned for a moment, because the speed of this sentry rat was so fast. In almost an instant, it appeared in front of her, with its black light claws shooting out!

Youyou instantly blended into the shadow on the ground, then pulled away and prepared to release the hypnosis.

But the sentry mouse seemed to know Youyou's movement trajectory. After it landed on the ground, it lunged forward for a distance, and then let out a piercing scream, like a demonic sound filling its ears, instantly removing Youyou from the shadow. Forced out.

"Pa!" The black light exploded on Youyou's body. The sentry rat appeared in front of her at some point, and slapped Youyou's body hard with its sharp claws!

The pursuit of evil!

Youyou screamed and had no choice but to float up, with fear on her face.

The sentry rat in front of her was like her natural enemy. It was difficult for her to even attack, and she was suppressed to death.

"Ye Chuan, I'm afraid." Youyou turned her head to look at Ye Chuan with a sad face.

"There is indeed something wrong." Ye Chuan also realized what was unusual about this sentry rat at this time. Originally, he thought that no matter how strong an elf like a sentry rat was, it would only be like this. Who knew that when Youyou saw it, it looked like a mouse? It was like meeting a cat and being completely suppressed.

"Come back." Ye Chuan said, and Youyou immediately rolled back.

Then she hid behind Ye Chuan and stuck out her tongue at the sentry rat.

"It seems that the sentry rats' continuous attacks made Ye Chuan's elves unable to parry at all, so they chose to exchange elves." The host said:

"You must know that the sentry rat of Frostleaf player is still very scary. Yesterday, it was a highlight of one-two!"

"It's indeed very scary... How long has it been since Youyou was depressed?" The corner of Ye Chuan's mouth twitched. At this time, Youyou behind him nodded his head in agreement: "That's right, how do you stop interrupting other people's spell readings? Well."

In this case...

Ye Chuan took out the second elf ball and threw it out: "Leave it to you, Crow Crow!"

There was a flash of white light, and the steel-armored crow appeared. It fell to the ground, making a dull sound all over the earth.

"Crow!" The steel-armored crow spread its wings.

What a crow!

The huge body is five times as tall as a sentinel rat. Looking at the giant creature in front of him, even Shuangye was stunned:

"so big."

"No one's bird is bigger than mine." Ye Chuan smiled.

The next second, the steel-armored crow spread its wings and blew out a gust of wind!

The sentry rat disappeared instantly like a ninja, and then appeared behind the steel-armored crow, with a flash in its eyes and flames sprayed out!

Flame jet!

"It's flame spray. I didn't expect the sentry rat to actually master fire skills. This is a very fatal restraint skill for the Steel Armored Crow!" After the host lamented the size of the Steel Armored Crow, he continued to explain.

In the eyes of everyone, the steel-armored crow was engulfed in flames and might not be able to hold on for long.

"Don't hide?" However, in Shuangye's eyes, something seemed wrong with the Steel Armored Crow, because it didn't even have a dodge gesture, allowing the Sentinel Rat to attack it with flames.

Isn't the steel armor crow not resistant to high temperatures?

The next second, the steel-armored crow finally moved. It spread its wings and absorbed all the flames!


"What's going on? The steel-armored crow absorbed all the flames?"

"Could it be a steel-armored crow with fire-generating properties?"

"How is it possible? Where did the steel-armored crow ignite the fire?" At this time, while the audience was talking a lot, the steel-armored crow glanced at the sentry rat proudly. Its dark red body was also plated with gold, and its feathers began to burn. The holy flame arose.


The steel-armored crow fanned out a strong wind. Under the influence of the holy flame, the strong wind was tainted with golden flames, and seemed to turn into hot wind and hit the Sentinel Rat!

This change caught the Sentinel Rat a little off guard. It propped up the barrier and forcefully carried down the flame gale.

Then Shuangye said:

"Attack, close combat."

The Sentry Rat sprinted to the side of the Steel Armored Crow at high speed like a ninja and kicked out with his feet!

Fighting skills - Kick down!

The next second, the sentry mouse felt as if he had kicked a hard rock without any impact.

At this time, the steel-armored crow seemed to be in no pain, and seemed to have no effect at all.

But then the red light in the sentry mouse's eyes became brighter!

The steel-armored crow stiffened, and then collapsed.

When Ye Chuan saw this scene, he was stunned at first, and then suddenly noticed that the steel-armored crow actually fell into sleep. If you put it this way, was the red light just now a hypnotic technique?

After the steel-armored crow fell asleep, the sentry rat's body was wrapped in black light——

"That's..." Ye Chuan thought slightly after seeing this scene:


Trickery is a skill that greatly improves special attack for a period of time, but this sentry rat is obviously good at melee combat, so what does it do with Trickery?

Later, Ye Chuan understood.

The sentry mouse suddenly screamed, and then turned into red light and automatically returned to the elf ball. Not only that, Frost Leaf's other elf ball also glowed red.

Then Shuangye took out another elf ball, a white light flashed, and an electric dragon appeared on the field.

"Hey, what is that..." An Shiyu in the audience saw this scene, and her pretty face was a little strange: "Is that a replacement of the elf? Why did the elf run back into the ball by itself?"

"No, Miss An, that's a skill." At this time, Zero suddenly explained:

"Baton-taking skills."

"Take over?"

"The so-called baton skill means that you can exchange skills with teammates. This method of using skill exchange is not limited by the number of times you exchange elves." Ye Lin on the side followed.

"But...that girl hasn't exhausted the number of times she can exchange elves, has she?" An Shiyu blinked.

"This is just one of its effects. In fact, the more important reason is that the baton skill can transfer status." Ye Lin said lightly.


"Well, didn't the Sentinel Mouse use a trick just now? This effect can be passed to the next elf through the baton. In other words, the electric dragon at this time has the effect of the trick. It was originally good at long-range attacks... …”

Ye Lin looked at Ye Chuan on the battlefield and said slowly:


At this time, the electric dragon burst out with extremely powerful electric current, causing the surrounding floor to roar and turn black.

"Since you can't use fire, let's try thunder and lightning." Shuangye said lightly.

The next second, the eyes of the electric dragon glowed with golden light, and then dark clouds suddenly began to gather in the sky, moving closer to the steel-armored crow.

At this time, the steel-armored crow is undoubtedly still sleeping...

Ye Chuan secretly said something bad.

Because this dark cloud is undoubtedly——


The dark clouds exploded with thunder, and then golden lightning fell from the sky like a sharp blade, instantly piercing the body of the steel-armored crow!

"Crow!" The steel-armored crow screamed even in his sleep.

"Steel Armor Crow!" Ye Chuan said immediately.

But he had no choice, because the elves that had just been exchanged were not allowed to be exchanged continuously for a period of time, so Ye Chuan had no way to exchange elves again to let the steel-armored crow avoid this thundering skill.

The Steel Armored Crow is a flying elf and is afraid of thunder and lightning. With the improvement of the electric dragon's trick, the effect of thunder is as terrifying as a natural disaster, causing the ground around the Steel Armored Crow to be shattered into powder by thunder and lightning!

After several thunderbolts fell, the electric dragon also consumed a lot of energy. At this time, it looked towards the Steel Armored Crow and found that the Steel Armored Crow was still lying on the ground motionless, and its whole body was scorched black.

When the referee saw this, he wanted to raise the flag to announce the result.

Because under this terrifying thunder, the steel-armored crow undoubtedly lost its ability to fight.

But when the referee just raised his hand, the steel-armored crow suddenly made some movement.

Ye Chuan murmured: "Steel-armored crow?"

At this time, the steel-armored crow suddenly opened his eyes, stood up with a confused expression and looked around.

Then it tilted its head and looked at the electric dragon in confusion.

Why did you change your opponent to crow?

"No effect?!!!" the audience exclaimed.

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