Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 497 Quarterfinals

Elureduo stepped hard and then approached Youyou at high speed. The scimitar on its arm lit up with a pink luster——

Superpower skills, spiritual blade!

The sharp blade slashed out, causing fluctuations in the air, making a strange buzzing sound, and attacking the opponent quickly like a lightsaber. Youyou twisted her body into various shapes, like a flexible white jelly, shooting Q and Q. He was stunned because he didn't let his opponent hit him.

After a while, after seeing that the opponent's dodge ability seemed to be far beyond his imagination, Elledo directly began to release his telekinesis to lock on Youyou. As an attack-specialized elf, Elledo's own special attack is not excellent. , but don’t forget, it has the effect of passing the baton, and it has tricks to greatly improve its special attack. Even if it uses long-range skills, its power will not be too low.

After the mind power was released, Youyou was bundled into a twist as expected. At this time, Youyou made a squeaking sound:

"Bad, bad, trap me."

At this time, Elleduo was unmoved. After catching Youyou, he stepped forward, a high-speed airflow burst out from his body, and then directed a spiritual sharp blade towards Youyou!


The strange sound of knife cutting sounded again, and Youyou's body was cut into two by Eluredo. However, in everyone's eyes, Youyou's half-cut body began to squirm, and finally each of them returned to their original appearance.

"It turned into two, it doesn't seem to be the effect of shadow clones!" The host seemed a little surprised when he saw Youyou turned into two, and said: "Is it a stand-in? This is the first time I have seen a stand-in used like this. "

At this time, the two Youyou opened their mouths at the same time, each condensing a shadow ball with very little power.

But despite this, the shadow ball was as big as a water basin, and then two shadow balls shot towards Eluredo!

Eluredo's eyes were fixed on the two flying shadow balls. After it found that its mind power could not tell which one was real, it relied on its keen intuition to directly move towards the shadow ball on the left. Cut it off!


The light blade cut through the shadow ball, and then the shadow ball exploded violently!

Sure enough, it's true.

Elureduo nodded slightly. It seemed that he could still judge which shadow ball was real with his intuition.

But a second later, Elledo's thoughts were broken.

I saw another shadow ball hit it, and there was a violent explosion!

Thick smoke was billowing, and the explosion of the shadow ball made many people look surprised. The shadow ball just exploded obviously, so why did this one also explode? !

Neither the shadow ball nor the skills released by the avatar have any effect. If the two shadow balls released at the same time are real, then the avatar will become a magical skill.

At this time, the thick smoke dissipated, and there were a lot of scars left on Elleduo's body after the explosion. It is a dual-type elf with super powers and fighting. It is afraid of ghosts and flying, so the shadow ball just now will undoubtedly give it to It caused a lot of damage.

At this time, the two Youyou suddenly began to split again, from two to four.

Their squirming jelly-like bodies look inexplicably cute.

But for Eluredo, this was not a cute thing. The next second, four Youyou began to release shadow balls, and then shot towards Eluredo one after another!

After Elureduo knew that every shadow ball might be real, it burst out. It stepped forward and dodged the two shadow balls. Its blade shined with light and destroyed the remaining two. A shadow ball was chopped into pieces.

There was an explosion behind him, and Elle Duo had already rushed in front of one of them, the blade shining brightly!

Spiritual blade!

The light of the light blade was extremely dazzling, and the pink blade light hit four Youyou in an instant!

"They all hit. The range of Elureduo's knife is too large!" the host said in surprise:

"What a powerful superpower you must have!"

Four Youyou fell to the ground.

Eluredo looked at them, thinking that he had finally fallen.

But the next second, a drop of cold sweat flowed down from Elureduo's cheek, because at this time, the Youyou who fell on the ground actually began to split again, and finally turned into eight pieces!

Although the size of each one is much smaller than the original one, the sense of oppression brought by so many Youyou is very high.

"RUA!" Eight Youyous sounded at the same time, like a chorus.

At the same time, Youyou began to condense the shadow balls again, and eight shadow balls emerged, shooting towards Eluredor like a heavy rain.

"Hide or attack?" A sentence came to Elureduo's mind. With his own speed and strength, it was easy to dodge and smash these shadow balls, but if he didn't counterattack, it wouldn't be possible to continue to be consumed. Method.

If we counterattack, will the other side start to split again?

Not only Alureduo, but even Shuangye frowned at this time. What is this Gengar, is it plasticine?

Why is it changing more and more?

Finally, Elledor began to be forced to defend.

At this time, Ye Chuan looked at this scene with amusement. In fact, this was just a variation of the stand-in skill, but because of the special characteristics of Youyou's own gas spirit, Ye Chuan improved it into what it is today.

Each split means that Youyou's power will drop by one level, but if the opponent sees more and more enemies, it will be difficult to attack, just like the Eluredo in front of him who is beginning to hesitate.

This skill is actually used to bluff people, but it seems to work well.

Ye Chuan stretched out his hand, and Youyou condensed the shadow ball again!

Eluredo continuously slashed out the light blade, as if it didn't want to be hurt by the shadow ball again, but as time passed, its attack power suddenly dropped by a level. Although it was still very fierce, it was no longer as good as the steel armor it had just beaten. As powerful as ever.

The sword dance and the trickery are over.

Many people discovered this and murmured. After all, skills such as Sword Dance and Trickery that greatly increase attack power cannot be maintained for long. No one thought that things would develop like this. They thought that Frost Leaf summoned Mega Elle Duo is already invincible, but who knew that Ye Chuan also gave the humanoid elf a mega evolution with his backhand.

Many people felt that their tickets were worth buying. After all, there were still some people who only went to watch the competition in the masters group. Who knew that the competition in the youth group was also so exciting.

After seeing the end of Elureduo's sword dance, the eight Youyou began to gather together like a ball of air, and finally changed back to their original appearance: "Ouch."

Elureduo's eyes flashed red, and the next second he suddenly appeared next to Youyou!

It's teleportation!

Elureduo's sudden attack made no one present think that this kind of elf also possesses the skill of teleportation. Then the next second, Elureduo's fist hit Youyou's body!

The flame explosion turned out to be a flaming punch!

It seemed that Elledo realized that the blade might not be effective against Youyou and temporarily changed his strategy. However, after the flame explosion, Elledo suddenly let out a cry from Youyou and actually opened his bloody mouth and bit its fist.

Elureduo twitched his arm and found that Youyou actually stuck to it, with no intention of leaving. At the same time, its bloody eyes suddenly became fascinated, with a smirk on its face.

Eluredo seemed to realize something was wrong. It just wanted to pull away, but Youyou's body suddenly began to expand violently, and finally swallowed it in one gulp!

"Swallowed?!" Many people made surprised sounds, and then Youyou moved her chubby body, leaving Elureduo lying on the ground.

At this time, Alureduo fell to the ground and fell asleep, as if he had just been swallowed by Youyou and was directly hypnotized.

Youyou rubbed her two chubby paws together.

In front of everyone's shocked eyes, he started cooking his own delicious food.

Add seasonings, cook, and eat all at once, giving Aluredo the most violent nightmare!

After taking a bite of Dream Eater, Elleduo trembled, the rainbow light on his body dissipated, and he returned to his original appearance. At this time, Youyou also released his evolved form, with his hands on his hips:

"Hmph, Youyou is so awesome."

Then she turned to look at Ye Chuan, with an expression on her face as if she was going to praise me quickly.

"Elledo, lost the ability to fight!" The referee was a little sad, but finally raised the flag. Who knew that such a strong Elledo actually fell down, and fell in this posture after being played with, it was simply It's so terrible.

Shuangye also didn't expect that the humanoid elf in the distance that was driven around by her sentry rat at first was so scary, but she still took out her last elf ball and summoned the sentry rat again.

"Uh-huh." Seeing the sentry rat with a fierce look on his face, he faintly expressed fear.

"It seems that one thing really brings down another thing." After feeling that Youyou was really scared, Ye Chuan smiled, then called Youyou back, and then summoned the scarred steel-armored crow again.

The steel-armored crow was beaten so violently by Alureduo that the armor all over its body was naturally shattered. However, it immediately got back up and shouted at the sentry mouse: "Crow crow."

Seeing the Steel Armored Crow, which had recovered more than half of its health, the Sentinel Mouse felt that he was no match for it, and that was indeed the case. The Steel Armored Crow easily eliminated the Sentinel Mouse.

Finally, the second round of the game ended. Although the game was fierce, it was not as exciting as the first game for Ye Chuan. This was mainly because he had released all his main players.

"You are very strong." Shuangye said.

She seemed a little unwilling, but she concealed it well.

Ye Chuan said: "Thank you."

After Shuangye nodded towards Ye Chuan, he left directly. Looking at the other person's leaving figure, Ye Chuan felt a little emotional.

Because he probably understands the reason why Shuangye is not willing to give in. After all, he has come here, and he has such a strong trump card as mega evolution, and has the superb tactics of sentry rat stacking to buff others. It seems that he has practiced for a long time, and in the end he still It's normal to feel unwilling to accept defeat.

But that's how the battles between trainers are. Only the winner can go to a higher peak. Although the heights are tough, what everyone enjoys is the process rather than the result.

"Let us congratulate player Ye Chuan for successfully advancing to the top 16!" the host said:

"I would also like to thank player Shuang Ye for the wonderful game. I have to say that this battle was really exciting. Both sides showed their trump cards frequently, and it was very enjoyable for us to watch."

"But no matter how exciting it is, it must come to an end. Let's invite the next contestant..."

There were two rounds of competition today. In the quarterfinals, Ye Chuan faced less powerful opponents than the previous two, and he advanced easily.

At the end of the day, nine people advanced to the competition, one of whom had a bye.

The list is full of familiar names, red, blue, green...

"It seems that we have successfully reached the quarterfinals. Maybe we can actually meet Chi?" Ye Chuan couldn't help but smile.

Recalling what Chi said before, Ye Chuan began to look forward to it, maybe he could really meet in the finals.

He sat on the edge of the bed and couldn't help but take a deep breath: "Huh, tomorrow is the semi-finals..."

An Shiyu sat on her knees, blinked her beautiful eyes, and said vaguely:

"Aye, what do you want to eat tomorrow?"

"Anything is fine, I'm not picky about food." Ye Chuan stroked An Shiyu's soft hair, and then said with a smile:

"But how did Ling and Xiaoyi get abducted by Ye Lin?"

When he met An Shiyu and the others, he found that no one else was there except Shiyu. After asking Shiyu, he found out that it was Ye Lin who abducted the remaining two people, as if they were going to eat something.

Although the fried chicken last time didn't look good, it still tasted good. I didn't know what strange food Ye Lin was going to take them to eat.

"Hmm, I don't know." An Shiyu shook his head and continued to eat the lollipop in his mouth.

Ye Chuan thought for a while, then suddenly took out his mobile phone camera and pointed it at An Shiyu.

"What, what are you doing?" An Shiyu suddenly blushed when she discovered that Ye Chuan actually took out his cell phone and pointed it at her.

"Occasionally I want to take pictures of my Shiyu's cute appearance." Ye Chuan smiled.

Hearing this, An Shiyu finally said shyly, "Then don't show it to others."


In the end, An Shiyu obediently raised her scissor hands to take a few photos for Ye Chuan. Looking at An Shiyu's appearance on the phone, Ye Chuan took a slow breath: "Shiyu, do you only know how to use scissor hands? "

An Shiyu on the side made a sound of protest, and hit Ye Chuan's thigh a few times with his small fist.

"It doesn't hurt." Ye Chuan suddenly said with a smile.

An Shiyu raised his eyes and looked at Ye Chuan, then suddenly blinked as if he thought of something, a hint of cunning flashed in his eyes.

A few seconds later, Ye Chuan took a breath of cold air and immediately surrendered: "I was wrong about Shiyu."

An Shiyu stood up proudly, clenched his little fist and raised his chin.

At this time, Ye Chuan was lying on the bed with a look of helplessness. His docile and cute little Shiyu actually started to learn to resist. At this moment, Ye Chuan found that his cell phone was ringing. He took it out and found that It's a familiar number.

"Hello." Ye Chuan answered directly.

"Ye Chuan, we're here to watch your game." An excited voice came from the other end of the phone.

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