Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 494 Poor Chi

The pitch black blade cut through the void, passing through the Turtle's body at a speed beyond the reach of the naked eye. After a roar, in the horrified eyes of everyone, the more than ten meter long blade shadow caused the ground behind it to be forcibly cut. cut open.

After the Flying Mantis swung the sword, he half-knelt on the ground. His breath was extremely weak, but he did not fall down.

But the Turtle stopped in place.

After the atmosphere was deadlocked for a few seconds, Chen Jiu seemed to understand something and smiled slightly: "That's it. It seems... I lost."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tu Taigui's heavy body collapsed, raising a cloud of sand and dust.

"Flying Mantis, win." After observing the situation of both sides, the referee raised the flag.

"Flying Mantis, win?" This sentence came to the minds of almost everyone present, because it was clear that the Tutai Turtle had a crushing advantage just now, but how could it be reversed by Flying Mantis in an instant.

But the sword strike just now was indeed particularly shocking. The black sword light cut through the air and split the earth. I don't know what skill can do this.

Everyone was shocked.

"Phew, no danger." Ye Chuan smiled and then walked to the side of Flying Mantis.

At this time, the Flying Mantis was about to fall, but was supported by Ye Chuan.

"Thank you for your hard work," Ye Chuan said.

The Flying Mantis opened its eyes, and there was a hint of fanaticism in its eyes, because the knife it just struck had reached a level that could not be reached before.

"have a good rest."

After taking out the elf ball and taking the flying mantis back, Ye Chuan stood in the center of the stage and slowly raised his arm.

"Let us congratulate player Ye Chuan for winning the first battle!" the host also said immediately.

The next second, enthusiastic cheers came from the audience.

An Shiyu in the audience immediately raised her arms in joy: "Aye!!!!!!"

Other people watching Ye Chuan's game in front of the TV also shouted, as if they saw themselves winning.

Chen Jiu also took the Turtle back at this time, and then walked up to Ye Chuan. Looking at the young trainer in front of him, but whose strength had surpassed his own, he seemed a little emotional, and then said:

"It's a wonderful knife, congratulations."

"Thank you." Ye Chuan nodded.

"I always feel a little unwilling. I am obviously going to win, even though I haven't lasted more than a few rounds in previous games." Chen Jiu scratched his head, then smiled at Ye Chuan:

"But this is the competition between trainers. I will cheer for you in the next few days, so perform well."

"Okay." Ye Chuan smiled.

After the battle, Ye Chuan saw An Shiyu and the others.

At this time, An Shiyu jumped directly into Ye Chuan's arms, then held his neck and rubbed hard: "Great, win, win!"

"It's just the first round." Ye Chuan stroked the girl's hair and said with a smile:

"Is there anything to be so happy about?"

"Of course, every victory is worth celebrating, and think about it, this is a national trainer competition, and every opponent is very strong!" An Shiyu waved her fist cutely and said.

"Indeed..." Ye Chuan murmured.

"After all, the car almost rolled over." Ye Lin said expressionlessly on the side.

Ye Chuan twitched his lips: "How do you know what I'm thinking?"

"Flying Mantis is your main force. If it hadn't been for that knife just now, you would have fallen here." Ye Lin said:

"In the final analysis, you usually win too much, and you underestimated your opponent this time."

"You're not looking down on me...but you're right." Ye Chuan said slowly. Indeed, he didn't look down on his opponent, but looked down on himself, thinking that Flying Mantis, as his main elf, had a guarantee. You can let him fight at will.

But what I never expected was that the flying mantis almost lost in this battle. This shows how powerful the opponent in the competition is.

The first round was so difficult, so what next?

Ye Chuan couldn't help but think.

"Pa." A clear slap sounded. An Shiyu clasped his hands together and smiled sweetly beside Ye Chuan: "In short, I have to make a good meal for A Ye today so that I can have the strength to continue fighting tomorrow!"

"Okay." After hearing what this girl said, Ye Chuan smiled, and then seemed to remember something:

"The room doesn't seem to have a kitchen."

"Borrow it from the hotel."



The night breeze blew through the battle square. Only a few lights and the tall torch in the distance were lit in the entire venue. Then, rustling footsteps sounded, and a person slowly walked out of the darkness.

Ye Chuan looked at the battlefield, because after the battle, the traces left by the battle had long been repaired, as if they were new.

This battlefield is huge, and the command positions of both sides are also on separate high platforms, unlike the previous ones on both sides of the battlefield. This not only facilitates the battle between elves, but also prevents the aftermath of the battle from harming the trainer.

"The wind is a bit strong." Ye Chuan murmured.

At this time, Youyou didn't know when she appeared beside him, lying on his head and said:

"Ye Chuan, what are you doing here?"

"I just stopped by here for a walk." Ye Chuan stretched out his hand and pinched Youyou's face, as if touching cotton, it was incredibly soft.

"Gululu..." Youyou narrowed her eyes and made a cat-like sound.

"Ye Chuan?" A sudden voice sounded. Ye Chuan turned around and found that it was a familiar person.

"Chi?" After seeing Chi and Pikachu on his shoulder, Ye Chuan was slightly startled, then smiled:

"Why are you here too?"

"Ah, I feel a little bored, so I came here to take a look. Congratulations, you passed the preliminary round." Chi scratched his head and said.

"You too." Ye Chuan knew that Chi had also passed the preliminary round. What made Ye Chuan feel a little incredible was that Chi's growth rate seemed to be far beyond his imagination.

In the original three-school league, Ye Chuan was surprised by Chi's progress. Unexpectedly, when it came to the national competition, when he saw Chi again, he found that he was already on the same starting line as him, and his old vows were fulfilled. .

"Hehehe." After being praised by Ye Chuan, Chi touched his nose in embarrassment and then said:

"The main thing is everyone's hard work. After all, I have experienced a lot during this period of travel."

"Really?" Ye Chuan smiled.

Then the two of them walked to a step and sat down.

Looking at the battlefield in the distance, Chi suddenly said: "I want to win the championship."

"I know." Ye Chuan smiled.

"Although it feels a bit impossible, I want to respond to the expectations of the elves and climb to a higher peak." Chi said slowly, then he stretched out his hand and spread his fingers, and the light shone through his fingers. , shining on his cheek.

Then, he held his palm: "Now, the opportunity is in front of me."

"So, if we really have a chance to meet, I will never admit defeat this time, Ye Chuan!" The red eyes were full of confidence and fighting spirit.

A year ago, Ye Chuan might have said that he was looking forward to the match, but he knew that such words were just polite words. Ye Chuan couldn't help but pay attention to Chi's progress.

Looking at the bright-eyed young man in front of him, Ye Chuan nodded, then smiled and said, "I won't admit defeat, Chi."

"Hehe, I seem to have said something embarrassing." Chi scratched his head and giggled.

"No." Ye Chuan stood up and then patted the dust on his clothes.

"Are you going back?" Chi asked.

"That's almost it. Where do you live?" Ye Chuan asked curiously.

"Uh..." Chi scratched his head and hesitated for a moment:

"That, the 24-hour fast food restaurant on the roadside."

Ye Chuan: "?"

"Main, the main thing is that Kirbymon ate too much!" Chi said helplessly.

Ye Chuan touched his chin and then asked: "Didn't I give you a card last time? Why are you still so poor?"

"This..." Chi's tone began to become hesitant.

Finally, he knelt on the ground and said to Ye Chuan: "I'm sorry, Ye Chuan!"

Ye Chuan was stunned.

"Last time I was chased by a group of elves and accidentally fell into the water. When I came back to my senses, the card you gave me was missing from my pocket..." Chi said, with a look of self-blame on his face:

"Obviously you gave me the money, but I lost it."

"No, but I will pay you back, just remember it now!"

Ye Chuan looked at Chi who looked guilty and couldn't help but laugh: "Hahahaha..."

"Uh... what are you laughing at?" Chi's face was a little confused after seeing Ye Chuan actually laughing. Why was Ye Chuan still smiling? Could it be that he was laughing in anger?

"Chi, it's a shame that you've been here for so long. The money is kept here in the bank. Even if you lose the card, you won't lose the money. You just need to apply for a new card then." Ye Chuan smiled.

It was so interesting that Ye Chuan couldn't help laughing.

"Eh-" Chi opened his eyes wide:

"S-So, the money was not lost?"

"Of course it's not lost. Even if you lose it, I won't let you pay. It's just a small amount of money." Ye Chuan said.

"Little money?" Chi looked like he was doubting his life. He didn't eat properly for a whole month because of this incident.

"Here." Ye Chuan took out a new card and handed it to Chi:

"I'll give you this card. After all, you still have to participate in the Bai Group's research. How can I let you stay in a fast food restaurant?"

"Hmm, wuwuwuwu." Chiben wanted to refuse, but Ye Chuan gave him too much. Considering that the elves were running out of food recently, he took the card with a look of emotion on his face.

"Pikachu, we can find a good place to sleep tonight."


Seeing the exaggerated looks of Chi and Pikachu, Ye Chuan shook his head, then took out his mobile phone and called a car:

"Let's go. It just so happens that you can stay in our hotel over there."

"Eh...I-I don't need it, just find a hotel or an elf center."

"There is definitely no place for the Elf Center. After all, there are so many Elf trainers coming to watch the games in Yanjing City. If it is an ordinary hotel, if the sound insulation is not good, there may be some noise at night that will affect your sleep." Ye Chuan stretched out his hand. Finger said:

"After careful consideration, you'd better live there, and the price is not very expensive."

"Really?" After hearing that the price was not expensive, Chi breathed a sigh of relief. Although Ye Chuan gave him money, Chi still felt that he had to save money.

After arriving at the hotel Ye Chuan mentioned, Chi looked at the dark golden numbers on the gold-plated plate and took a slight breath.

This, is this not expensive?

A zero would be enough for him to stay in an ordinary hotel for several weeks!

"What's wrong?" Ye Chuan asked after seeing Chi's reaction.

"Eh...this price." Chi scratched his head: "Is it really not expensive?"

"Yes." Ye Chuan glanced at Chi and nodded to Chi:

"Normal level, not expensive."

"Is this the world of rich people?" Chi said.

"It's too exaggerated. In fact, the really rich people already regard money as numbers." Ye Chuan said with a smile:

"At least I will have the awareness to save money."

Chi suddenly looked suspicious.

"It will really save money. I will only spend what I should spend, and I will never be extravagant or wasteful." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he helped Chi check in and paid for him.

"Your location seems to be on the 13th floor, and I'm on the 17th floor, so I'll go back first. After all, Shiyu is still waiting for me." Ye Chuan said.

Chi nodded, then clenched his fists: "It seems that you will start before me in tomorrow's game. I will cheer for you, Ye Chuan!"


After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he got on the elevator.

Chi looked at the elevator button, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

After a while, he suddenly froze:

"Why don't I get on the elevator together?"

The next day.

Battle Square.

"Welcome to the audience to watch the second day of the National Trainer Competition. I am your old friend Guozi!" the host's high voice echoed on the battlefield.

"After yesterday's competition, a total of 33 players have qualified for the youth group of our national trainer competition, and 72 players have qualified for the master group. Every battle is a very fierce confrontation, and the wonderful battles of the players have given us It brought one gluttonous feast after another!” the host said:

"Today, after the first round of screening, the competition will only become more exciting and fierce. Let us welcome all contestants with warm applause!"

Afterwards, the audience burst into applause. In the aisle, one contestant after another slowly walked out. After the host quickly introduced everyone, the giant screen beside them began to display the avatars and names of each contestant. .

"Then, the above list is the order of today's battle. Please start preparing each player in order and show your best state to face the battle!" the host said:

"Now, I would like to invite the Iwakyo University Flower Dance Club to bring you the elf dance, and our contestants will be ready backstage. In forty minutes, our competition will officially begin!"

Ye Chuan returned to the lounge, sat on the bench and looked at his name. His opponent was a girl who looked young, probably in her twenties, which was considered young.

But what made Ye Chuan more concerned was the girl's profile picture. Her eyes actually had heterochromatic pupils.

"Special ability person?" Ye Chuan thought slightly.

Or is it simply a secondary disease?

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