Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 279 Learning Flash Charge

After the gym closed, Ye Chuan stood in the middle of the battle arena, took out the elf ball and summoned all the elves. At this time, the fire dinosaur and the flying mantis made a sound after seeing Ye Chuan.

"After the gym leader's work is done, let's start our training today." Ye Chuan glanced at the time, and then said with a smile:

"But it's a bit late, is there any problem?"

After hearing what Ye Chuan said, the elves shook their heads. After all, everyone saw Ye Chuan's hard work during the day, and the usual battles were also considered a part of training.

"Aunt Xueling has a lot of skill CDs here. Except for Flying Mantis, which doesn't need skill CDs, I have found a lot of good skills."

Ye Chuan took out a large stack of skill discs and then said with a smile:

"Fire dinosaur, come here."

"Huh?" The fire dinosaur walked to Ye Chuan curiously, and saw Ye Chuan take out a helmet-like device, and then directly covered the fire dinosaur's head, and the skill disc began to rotate.

Soon, the fire dinosaur received a new skill from it.

"Gah..." The fire dinosaur began to fall silent and began to think carefully about the skills that had just been passed on to it on the skill CD.

"Okay, the second one is Youyou." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he called Youyou over.

"Come on, come on." Youyou floated over, then looked at Ye Chuan curiously and asked, "Do you have any new skills?"

"You'll know after you use it." Ye Chuan put the helmet with the skill disc on Youyou's head. After a while, Youyou tilted her little head:


"Well, the stand-in skill." Ye Chuan said, "And this stand-in is an improved version."

"Improved version?"

Seeing Youyou's confused look, Ye Chuan explained: "Aunt Xueling happens to have a rare upgrade skill disc from Bai's Technology. The difference between this stand and ordinary stand is that it is no longer a standing still. A puppet is a controllable clone. Not only that, as long as your power is strong enough, you can let the clone release the same skills as you."

Youyou nodded her little head in confusion, feeling that it was very powerful.

Next, Ye Chuan called Blue Jay over:

"Blue Jay."

"Crow!" The blue crow jumped over and spread its wings toward Ye Chuan.

"Here, this is yours." After putting the helmet with the skill disc on the Blue Jay, after a while, the Blue Jay shook his head and took off the device.

Ye Chuan immediately stretched out his finger and poked the blue crow in the head: "You prodigal crow, this device is not cheap. What if you shake it off and break it?"

Although he seemed to be blaming Blue Jay, there was not much meaning in his tone.

Blue Jay himself understood, so he bent his head embarrassedly and put the device on his head again. Seeing this, Ye Chuan was a little dumbfounded and took it off again. In this way, except for the flying mantis, The other elves have all gotten pretty cool new abilities.

Fire Dinosaur - Flash Charge.

Blue Jay - Feather Roost.

Youyou - a substitute.

Among them, Flare Charge is a super move of fire physics. Aunt Xue Ling happened to have an older skill CD. Because it was older, the skills recorded in it were not complete. Ye Chuan didn’t know whether the Fire Dinosaur could eventually Comprehend this Flare Charge successfully.

As for the remaining two, they are relatively simple. Ye Chuan feels that with his elf's strength, there is no problem in learning those two skills.

So for the task tonight, after letting Youyou and Blue Jay go aside to train, Ye Chuan focused on letting the fire dinosaur learn the Flame Charge.

Flash Charge is a melee fire skill similar to Charged Flame Strike. Different from Charged Flame Strike, the power of Flash Charge is more direct, destroying the enemy with destructive power, so in contrast, it It's that Flash Charge has certain side effects.

Because the power is too powerful, it will also cause a reaction force on itself after being released, so it can only be used as a super explosive ultimate move at the bottom of the box. It is not very versatile in daily use.

But the Fire Dinosaur happens to be a fire-based ultimate move. Among the skills it has mastered, a large part of them are conventional fire-based skills like Flame Fist. Although there are dual-attribute fusion skills like Purple Fire. With the blessing of strength, the Fire Dinosaur's skills such as Flame Fist are very powerful, but after all, they are not fire-based ultimate moves.

Of course, there are also big-character explosions, but they are not suitable for fire dinosaurs. Ye Chuan thought for a while and finally did not bring the big-character explosions to Sister Qianlan because he didn't know if it would make him miss the days when he was cheated.

"You can charge fire attacks, so skills like Flash Charge still have the feeling of charged fire attacks." Ye Chuan squatted down and explained to the fire dinosaur:

"First you do this...then you do this...then you do this...and finally you do this."

Although the fire dinosaur didn't know what his master was talking about, he just nodded and was done.

After Ye Chuan finished speaking, the fire dinosaur's body burst into flames, and then its momentum began to rise layer by layer——

"Release!" As soon as Ye Chuan finished speaking, the fire dinosaur rushed out and hit the dummy in the distance heavily.

The flames burst out with a loud bang, and the dummy was instantly shattered by the flames, but despite this, Ye Chuan still frowned slightly.

It's not because it's not powerful enough, but because what the Fire Dinosaur releases is not a Flash Charge at all. It releases a Charged Flame Attack. Although the two skills are similar, they are not the same skill.

The fire dinosaur was obviously aware of this. It clearly felt that what it had just released was a flash charge, but for some reason, it ended up being a charged flame attack.

The fire dinosaur seemed to be lowering his head in frustration because he didn't perform well enough.

Ye Chuan did not comfort it because the fire dinosaur had higher pursuits, and comforting it would make the fire dinosaur feel even worse.

"Then, let's do it again, bursting out all the flames in the body, which is completely different from the slowly increasing flame power of the charged flame attack." Ye Chuan said:

"I believe you have also experienced it in the skill CD."

Hearing this, the fire dinosaur nodded, and then it began to continue the power of flames in its body. This time it would not slowly increase its power of flames, but instead roared, bursting out all at once, and the flames rose into the sky and enveloped it. Under the almost destructive flames, the fire dinosaur stepped forward and rushed out like a giant fireball——

"Boom!" The flames erupted again and illuminated the gym, leaving a huge crater on the battlefield.

When Ye Chuan saw this, he nodded slightly.

There are some prototypes.

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