Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 280 Aye doesn’t want me anymore

Another week.

Ye Chuan was preparing for some recent events in the gym. At this time, he suddenly saw Sophie trotting over in a hurry:

"Lord Master!"

After seeing this, Ye Chuan gave her a strange look and asked, "Why are you in such a hurry again? What happened this time?"

"A reporter contacted me and said he wanted to interview our Salted Fish Gym!" Sophie said excitedly.

After hearing what Sophie said, Ye Chuan thought for a moment and then touched his chin. Reporter? Although he has been interviewed by many reporters, or he doesn't like reporters at all, if there is an interview, Then it will be a good thing for the reputation of the gym.

Sophie looked at Ye Chuan and asked, "Master, what should we do next?"

"Well, accept it." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, reporters quickly arrived.

There were three people in total, a reporter, a photographer, and someone who didn't know who they were. They were followed by a general elf carrying equipment called "Boom Bomb", and they arrived at the Salted Fish Gym.

"Hello, hello, we are reporters from a local TV station." After the other party politely took out his business card and introduced himself, he continued to Ye Chuan:

"Actually, we know you. You are Ye Chuan, the former runner-up of the Campus Cup and captain of the college league championship team. We have admired you for a long time."

"If you want to interview, come here." Ye Chuan took these people to the reception area at the back, and then they sat there chatting. At this time, the reporter had already taken the microphone and said to Ye Chuan:

"Then, the interview begins."

"Okay." Ye Chuan nodded.

Afterwards, the reporter nodded to the photographer on the side, and the interview began immediately.

"Aye——" At this time, a voice suddenly came from the side, and a girl with long hair reaching her waist walked in with a sweet smile on her face:

"I brought you food."

"Well, please sit aside for now." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he indicated that he was still busy with something.

An Shiyu nodded his head, then walked to the side and sat obediently. At this time, the keen reporter saw this scene and immediately interviewed:

"Is this your girlfriend?"

After An Shiyu heard this, his face suddenly turned red with embarrassment.

But the next second, Ye Chuan's words made An Shiyu's face freeze. At this time, Ye Chuan smiled and shook his head: "No."


After the reporter glanced at An Shiyu, he no longer had much interest in interviewing her. She glanced at the questions she had prepared and continued to ask:

"I heard that the Xianyu Gym has become so popular in just a few weeks since it opened. How did you do it as a gym trainer?"

"Persistence, you will always succeed if you work hard." Ye Chuan smiled and said a nice nonsense.

"Yes, really?" The reporter nodded and continued to ask:

"According to our understanding, Yechuan-san, you are still a high school student studying at Yinshan Middle School. How did you become a gym trainer?"

"Good question." Ye Chuan smiled.

The reporter also nodded with satisfaction, after all, he carefully selected the questions.

"But it's not convenient for me to talk about it." After Ye Chuan said this, the reporter's face froze again. Then she had no choice but to glance at the photography behind her, indicating that she would delete this paragraph later.

"Can't you really say something? Many people on the Internet are interested in this matter now." The reporter continued to ask without giving up.

"Well, to put it simply, the gym leader of this gym didn't have time to assume the position of gym leader, so he left the heavy responsibility in my hands. That's all." Ye Chuan said with a smile.

"So, you are an acting elf gym trainer?"

The reporter didn't seem to know about this, so she was a little surprised and said that she thought Ye Chuan was really the trainer of this gym.

"Yes, the agent." Ye Chuan nodded, and the reporter immediately asked:

"Then, will the real gym trainer still come to the gym? How strong is he?"

"She probably won't come." Ye Chuan thought for a while. After all, Aunt Xueling was eager to give him the gym, and she only had the monthly subsidy money the alliance gave her, so how could she be interested in this.

"Is it……"

While Ye Chuan was chatting with reporters, An Shiyu on the side was a little dumbfounded because Ye Chuan just said that she was not his girlfriend.

Then who are you?

"Is it possible that Aye doesn't want to tell others about this?" An Shiyu tilted her head, puzzled. After all, it is no secret that she is Ye Chuan's girlfriend, and the two of them are not in an underground relationship, but aboveboard. Talking about love.

Could it be that...Aye doesn't like me?

So you just denied that you are not his girlfriend?

An Shiyu suddenly thought of a serious possibility. She took out the front camera of her mobile phone and looked at it. Then she fiddled with her bangs and found that her face was still white with a hint of blush. She looked old. Failure has nothing to do with myself.

After all, she is not even twenty years old.

Could it be that you are tired of yourself?

An Shiyu looked at her rabbit, which was still plump and erect. After all, Aye often played with it. Could it be because she got tired of playing with it?

As for other places, because it was too early for Ah Ye, he didn’t do those things for the time being.

At this time, a certain girl began to feel uneasy and kept guessing what Ye Chuan had just said.

It seems that it must be the case. Aye is no longer interested in me, so he doesn't recognize me as his girlfriend.

An Shiyu suddenly stretched out her little hand to grab the air in front of her in frustration, with a pitiful expression: "Oh, Aye doesn't want me anymore."

At this time, Ye Chuan, who was chatting with reporters, suddenly noticed An Shiyu's expression and couldn't help but smile.

What's wrong with this girl?

No, I have to make Aye realize my charm again.

At this time, a certain girl suddenly became excited, then nodded vigorously and thought:

"I heard that men, as creatures, like most excitement..."

But having said that, what kind of excitement does Aye like?

Buy an electric prod?

It's probably not physical stimulation. An Shiyu tilted her head and thought for a while, and finally clicked on the search bar and entered - [If you can give your boyfriend better stimulation. 】

The dazzling array of underwear popped out, making An Shiyu's pretty face turn pink.

It seems a little too bold.

But Aye seems to be no longer interested in me...

An Shiyu had a troubled expression, and at this moment, the reporter next to her asked Ye Chuan another question that attracted her attention:

"Since Ye Chuan-san is so handsome and powerful, why don't you find a partner?"

"I have the target." Ye Chuan smiled.

"Um...didn't you just say you don't have a girlfriend?"

Hearing this, Ye Chuan looked at the reporter in front of him strangely:

"Although I don't have a girlfriend, I do have a fiancée. Isn't my wife my partner?"

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