Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 278 Internet celebrity gym

Liu Xueling accidentally checked her Moments a few weeks later and found out about her Salted Fish Gym——

"Checking in at the internet celebrity gym, is there any trainer who can defeat this young gym leader?" 》

"I'm Kangkang, eh...that boy Xiaochuan, actually turned my gym into an Internet celebrity gym?" Liu Xueling blinked her big eyes in disbelief, then she looked at the fifth princess in front of her, and finally decided He put down the handle and got up to go out.

"You're going out." After seeing Liu Xueling, the auntie who was the administrator of the apartment asked with a smile: "You see you are not young anymore, would you like me to introduce a handsome guy to you..."

"Is he playing games?" Liu Xueling turned around and asked after hearing this.

"Of course he doesn't play. Not only does he not play games, he also doesn't have any bad habits. His favorite thing is fitness." After hearing Liu Xueling's response to her, the aunt's smile deepened.

"Eh... a guy who doesn't play games." Liu Xueling suddenly showed a disgusted face, then waved her hand and left:

"No, it's fine to be alone."

After saying that, he quickly left the apartment.

After arriving at the Salted Fish Gym, Liu Xueling found that the place had almost been renovated. There were so many people coming in and out, which was completely opposite to the lifeless appearance before.

"Wait a minute, if you want to enter the gym, you need to buy a ticket and queue up." A petite baby-faced girl saw Liu Xueling looking inside, so she stopped her and said:

"Me?" Liu Xueling was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile:

"I am the owner of this elf gym."

"You?" Mu Xiaoling looked at Liu Xueling's appearance and couldn't help but shook her head: "Our gym owner is not an old aunt like you. If you want to enter the gym, you need to buy a ticket."

Old aunt......

Liu Xueling's heart seemed to have been shot by an arrow. She lay on the ground looking injured, and then patted her chest:

"I am really the leader of this elf gym!"

Maybe because the voice was too loud, Liu Xueling's words attracted the attention of others, and when they saw Liu Xueling, they all shook their heads:

"Isn't the gym trainer of Xianyu Gym a handsome young man? What's wrong with this woman? Is she mentally disturbed?"

"It's just that you still have delusions at your age."

"It's so pitiful..."

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, why do you make me sound like I’m running away?” Liu Xueling suddenly started to moan, and then looked at Mu Xiaoling in front of her with tears in her eyes:

"I am really the owner of the Salted Fish Gym."

"Just let me in."

Mu Xiaoling looked Liu Xueling up and down, and then asked: "They say that you are not the owner of the museum. If you want to go in, please queue up and buy a ticket."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu The woman keeps saying that she is the owner of this gym, I suspect she is here to cause trouble."

When Sophie saw Liu Xueling, she was stunned for a moment: "Miss Xueling?"

"Miss Xueling... didn't you call me the owner of the hotel before?" Liu Xueling pointed at herself.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I forgot that you are the leader of this gym..." Sophie suddenly showed an apologetic expression, and then asked:

"So, Miss Xueling, what are you doing here today?"

"I heard that Xianyu Gym has become an internet celebrity gym, so I came over to take a look." Liu Xueling no longer cared about the other person's name, so she said curiously:

"I want to go in and have a look."

"Of course, then please register here as a visitor." Sophie took out a notebook and registered Liu Xueling.

"Well... I seem to be the leader of this gym." Liu Xueling blinked and pointed at herself.

Sophie smiled: "Yes, because you are not currently working in the gym, so according to the regulations, you need to register like the challengers."

When Liu Xueling heard this, she felt that it made sense.

But she always felt that something was wrong, but she still registered the information and finally entered the gym.

Today is the weekend, which happens to be the day Ye Chuan works. In the public area, there are many trainers fighting with other trainers. The medical equipment here is rich and advanced, and the museum is also equipped with several drink vending machines. , canteen, etc...

To put it simply, as long as a trainer comes here in the morning, he can stay from day to night. In addition, the ticket price is not high and the food in the canteen is not expensive. As a result, the popularity of the Salted Fish Gym has increased step by step, and finally attracted A lot of trainers went there.

Not only that, Ye Chuan’s winning streak is also very interesting——

"The gym leader has won 233 consecutive games..." Liu Xueling thought for a moment, and then showed a curious expression: "So strong, as expected of Aye's child, but after so many days, no gym master-level trainer has come to challenge? "

In fact, Liu Xueling is overthinking it. There are not many gym master-level trainers in a city, and they are not too young. If it is not for the badge, but to challenge a high school gym trainer, it will be normal to win, but to lose. It's embarrassing.

In addition, this year's national competition has passed, and there is no need to collect badges for the time being, so there are no particularly powerful trainers coming to challenge Ye Chuan, allowing him to continue his winning streak.

"Xiaochuan!!" After seeing Ye Chuan in the distance, Liu Xueling walked over and hugged his neck:

"Not bad. I'm shocked that the gym can be run so well."

After Ye Chuan saw Liu Xueling, he said angrily:

“Running a gym itself is not difficult.”

"Hehehe..." Liu Xueling scratched her head in embarrassment. She looked at Ye Chuan curiously and asked:

"What are you doing?"

"Contact the factory and get a batch of souvenirs." Ye Chuan was holding his mobile phone and talking to the person on the other end of the phone:

"Yeah, that's it. Okay, sorry to trouble you."

"Souvenir?" Liu Xueling showed an interested expression:

"A figure?!"

"No, it's a doll and a keychain." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he continued:

"Anyone who challenges the owner of the museum and visitors who come to visit can receive a souvenir, while supplies last."

"Wouldn't it be a waste of money?" Liu Xueling muttered.

"Small details can yield a lot of results, otherwise... Aunt Xueling, you can run it. I just happen to be tired these days." Ye Chuan said with a smile.

"No, Master, how can we let Miss Xueling come over to run the business? Your plans have not been completed yet." Before Liu Xueling could speak, Sophie on the side said nervously.

"Really?" Ye Chuan thought for a while, and it was indeed true.

"Eh...that..." Liu Xueling pointed at herself.

It seems that she is the gym trainer.

Is this feeling of abandonment a big deal?

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