Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 277 Creating Revenue

five minutes later--


A trainer falls.

"Tooth white!"

The second trainer fell.

"Ah this..."

The third place, followed by the fourth place, no matter what elves these guys sent out, were directly eliminated by the fire dinosaur with an almost brutal offensive. After seeing this, those people seemed to be able to understand that Why do people lose.

The strength of this fire dinosaur is almost at the level of a fire-breathing dragon, and the most important thing is that this guy has not evolved yet. Normally, a fire dinosaur of this level can evolve long ago.

"Why does this guy look so young? He can't really have such a perverted young trainer." One of them said with an ugly face. The strength of this trainer has far exceeded their expectations.

Originally, they thought that Ye Chuan's strength was probably at the elite level. After all, not every gym trainer has a master-level elf. Similar to an agent trainer, there is no requirement for strength.

"Master, how old are you this year?" Finally, one of them asked Ye Chuan, as if he wanted to find some comfort. After hearing this, Ye Chuan smiled and said, "17 years old. Just started high school.”

At this moment, Ye Chuan completely hurt the hearts of those trainers. After all, he had only become a trainer for two years at this age, and he was already so terrifying. Is it possible that he would have the opportunity to become a senior trainer participating in the Global Elf League in the future? ?

"These days, I'm tired..." Many trainers became dejected and then went to restore the elves' strength. But Ye Chuan just smiled when he saw this.

After beating all the trainers in this group, Sophie beside her asked: "Master, do you want to recruit a group of disciples?"

Disciples are a must-have group in the Elf Gym. They become disciples of the Elf Gym in order to learn fighting skills from the gym owner.

Of course, there are also some disciples who become disciples because the owner is more beautiful.

This is a problem with the XP system.

"It's okay, we won't be recruiting for the time being." Ye Chuan shook his head at Sophie, and then he seemed to remember something and asked:

"By the way, can I get tuition fees as a disciple?"

"Yes, you have to pay a fee to become a disciple. Not only can you use the battle arena here, but you can also learn the knowledge you impart!" Sophie said immediately.

"How much does an average disciple cost?" Ye Chuan asked.

"This is based on the elf gym. For example, if this gym is very strong, very popular and popular, then the tuition fee for accepting disciples will naturally be higher. If it is like our gym, it will not be popular in the early stage. When I got up, naturally no one was willing to come and pay high tuition fees to learn something.”

"Really." After hearing what Sophie said, Ye Chuan pondered slightly. In fact, he was not very short of money. It was just that to run the gym, he needed some funds, and Aunt Xue Ling already had this money. It has come out, but it is definitely not the solution in the long run. Sitting back and taking advantage of the situation will always lead to empty money.

"It's better not to recruit disciples yet." Ye Chuan hesitated again and again, and finally gave up recruiting disciples, mainly because the tuition for recruiting disciples was difficult to price, and the second reason was that he didn't have much time to come to the gym, and he always felt irresponsible to those disciples. .

But in this case, in order for the gym to have normal revenue, Ye Chuan turned to look at Sophie and said what he was thinking. After hearing this, Sophie blinked:

"The revenue of the Elf Gym also includes advertising. Because the exposure rate is quite good, advertising fees are also a high income. But the problem is that if it is an Elf Gym that is not popular, it is difficult to receive advertisements. of."

"As long as it's popular?" Ye Chuan asked.

"Hmm, the more popular gyms are, the more people will come and the higher the exposure will be." Sophie explained:

"Is the museum owner interested? If possible, I can help you see if there are any suitable advertisements."

After hearing what Sophie said, Ye Chuan couldn't help but remember that when he was in the diving gym before, there were various advertisements playing outside the walls, such as Dali Pills, Golden Gun Pills, etc. When he came out, although the scuba diving gym was fine, Ye Chuan felt that it was indescribably strange that the gym he represented was doing this.

But since the operation of the gym requires funds, Ye Chuan doesn't care about that. After all, the gym has just started and is not very popular. As long as it can borrow barely acceptable advertising, Ye Chuan is still very happy.

"Since you are like this, Sophie, go and pay attention to those advertisements, but you don't need them yet." Ye Chuan said.

An idea came to his mind.

not needed for now?

Sophie blinked, and then asked curiously: "Lord, what do you mean when you say it is not needed for the time being? Do you want me to pay attention to those advertisements or not to pay attention to those advertisements?"

"Well, since the gym values ​​popularity so much, then we can create some traffic. As long as we have more exposure on the Internet, there will be no shortage of trainers coming to challenge us."

After all, I don’t know what kind of anchor the man was before, but after he lost, a trainer soon came up to challenge him, so it was very feasible to expose his gym on the Internet.

As long as the popularity of the gym increases, the advertisements received will also become better. At that time, the income of the Elf Gym will instantly increase. Thinking of this, Ye Chuan said to Sophie on the side:

"This can alleviate the financial pressure in the gym."

"But Master, how do we create traffic online?" Sophie asked the question she was most concerned about. After all, everyone knows that traffic can be monetized in this era, but what exactly does Ye Chuan use to create traffic? What about taking this step?

"Simple." Ye Chuan smiled.

Not many days later, a message scrolled on the external display of the Salted Fish Gym——

[Gym trainer has 78 consecutive wins so far, challenging to break through 100 consecutive wins! 】

A gym trainer with a seventy-eight-game winning streak?

Many people passing by were attracted, and they all showed puzzled faces. When did there be a gym in Yinshan District? They also said that they had a winning streak of sixty or seventy years. Although many people expressed curiosity, but more People took out their mobile phones to take pictures and sent them directly to their WeChat Moments.

Things about the Salted Fish Gym began to spread bit by bit.

Winning streak is a very interesting thing. When the winning streak reaches an astonishing number, many people will want to break it.

Therefore, many trainers nearby knew about the Xianyu Gym.

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