Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 266 It’s so comfortable, Aye

A man with glasses fell to the ground, his face very ugly. At this moment, in front of his eyes, a black flying mantis held up a sickle, the blade shone with a cold light, and pressed it against his neck.

Beside him, there was a dumb camel.

"I see, it's you." Ye Chuan walked over slowly, and after seeing the school uniform of the third grader, he said calmly: "It seems that you were responsible for the recent attacks."


The man with glasses was completely unable to stand up at this time, because he was suppressed by the flying mantis, and the cold-touch scythe made him unable to resist at all.

After Ye Chuan looked at him, he took out his mobile phone and made a call:

"Hello, Senior Liu Xuan."

"What's wrong? Did you make a new discovery?" Liu Xuan's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"It's almost the same. To be precise, I caught the criminal." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, the other end of the phone was obviously stunned for a moment. Then he stayed for a while and asked:

"Ye Chuan, have you caught the prisoner?"

"To be precise, this guy wanted to attack me after you left." As soon as Ye Chuan finished speaking, Liu Xuan twitched the corner of his mouth.

Who dares to sneak up on Ye Chuan without opening his eyes? This is sending his head into the mouth of Da Shihua - asking for death.

"We haven't gone far, we'll be right back."

After finishing speaking, Liu Xuan and Jiang Xue quickly returned to the scene. When they saw the man with glasses, Liu Xuan was the first to be stunned: "Senior Chen Chuan?"

"Do you know him?" After seeing Liu Xuan's surprised expression, Ye Chuan asked.

"Well, it's Chen Chuan, the director of the third-grade literature and art department, and he is also a very outstanding person in the eyes of students and teachers." After finishing speaking, Liu Xuan also looked at him with a strange look. He glanced:

"As for why you would do such a thing..."

"Tell me about it?" Ye Chuan stretched out his foot and touched Chen Chuan's shoulder and asked.

"Do it if you can, don't touch me with your stinky feet!" Chen Chuan immediately glared at Ye Chuan, his expression was quite ferocious, and it was almost incompatible with the good student Liu Xuan said.

"Okay, Fire Dinosaur." Ye Chuan called the Fire Dinosaur to his side, and then pointed at a big tree next to him. The next second, the Fire Dinosaur punched out, leaving a mark on the big tree. A deep pit.

"Well, with this strength, let's punch this guy on the head." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, the fire dinosaur nodded, and then the flames condensed on its claws and punched Chen Chuan's head directly. .

"Boom!" At this time, the flying mantis on the side pushed the fire dinosaur, and Jiang Xue also said:

"Ye Chuan, you are crazy. If you punch him, he will die!" Jiang Xue immediately looked at Ye Chuan loudly and "reprimanded".

"It's okay, I just feel unhappy with him." Ye Chuan said with a smile:

"I'll be responsible if something goes wrong."

At this time, Chen Chuan's face turned pale. What happened to this guy? Is he so blatant?

And with the look just now, if the elf on the side hadn't stopped him in time, his head would have been smashed by the fire dinosaur.

"It seems that I still don't want to say it. Why don't Flying Mantis give this young man a haircut." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, Flying Mantis slowly lit up his scythe.

The sword flashed, and strands of hair fell from Chen Chuan's cheeks. At this time, his pupils shrank sharply. He stretched out his hand and touched his head, and found that the flying mantis's sword had really cut across.

If it were a little lower...

"I said!" Finally, Chen Chuan couldn't bear the pressure and shouted directly:

"I said, I said, I said it all!"

When Ye Chuan saw this, he waved his hand:

"Okay, I also want Flying Mantis to give you a nice hairstyle."

After seeing the other party surrendering obediently, Liu Xuan couldn't help but secretly sighed at Ye Chuan's superb acting skills. If this guy were to participate in a movie, he would probably win the Best Actor Award.

Later, Ye Chuan and the others gradually understood what happened.

Chen Chuan was not like this from the beginning. He was not much different from Liu Xuan. He was quite popular among his peers and was a good boy in the eyes of the teachers.

But for such a person, he has always been in a state of extreme contradiction in his heart. Only the expectations of his parents and the trust of his classmates have not only become the driving force for him to move forward, but also the pressure that makes him breathless.

Finally, in this monthly exam, his grades plummeted. Chen Chuan, who had no idea what to do, couldn't stand the pressure and collapsed.

"If you can't bear the pressure, you retaliate against others to get pleasure. This kind of person should be considered the most disgusting kind." Ye Chuan looked at Chen Chuan and finished:

"Senior Liu Xuan, I will leave this person to you."

"Well, after a thorough investigation, I will give you a report at that time." Liu Xuan nodded.

"Okay, please."

Things went smoothly. After completing Sister Qianlan's commission, Ye Chuan tidied up a little and came to the school gate.

At this time, An Shiyu had been waiting for a long time. After seeing Ye Chuan, she quickly came over:


"So excited, do you miss me?" Seeing the girl's excited expression, Ye Chuan said with a smile.

"Absolutely." An Shiyu stuck out her tongue cutely, and then hugged his arm:

"Aye will go shopping with me."

"Shopping?" After hearing what An Shiyu said, Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment, then nodded:


Holding An Shiyu's hand and walking on the bustling street, Ye Chuan and An Shiyu were wearing school uniforms that made the two of them look like lovers despite their extremely well-matched looks.

"Sneeze!" An Shiyu suddenly sneezed for some reason.

Summer hasn't arrived yet, and it's still a bit cold at night in spring. At this moment, An Shiyu just wanted to touch her arm. The next moment, a coat covered her body, spreading warmth.

An Shiyu was stunned for a moment and found that Ye Chuan took off his school uniform jacket and put it on for her.

At this time, Ye Chuan's strong figure was revealed under his school uniform, making An Shiyu unable to take his eyes away.

"Is it any better?" Ye Chuan said with a smile.

At this time, the coat was filled with the smell and warmth of Ah Ye. After putting it on, An Shiyu secretly smelled the scent of the sleeves with a red face:

"It's so comfortable, Aye."

At this time, An Shiyu's little hands were retracted in her long sleeves, looking extra petite and cute. When Ye Chuan saw this, he couldn't help but slightly bent his head, kissed her gently on the forehead, and then smiled and said :


As the girl's pretty face turned red quickly, Ye Chuan held her soft little hand:

"Come on, let's continue shopping."

An Shiyu's body leaned against his side, her eyes curved into cute crescent moons and she nodded:


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